On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 362 An Exceptionally Long Skirmish

"No, that is the rumoured rising star of Verniculos," replied the Commander beside him.

Someone as infamous as Ilschevar should be recognized by many, especially those in the military. It was different for these commanders because they weren\'t as involved as they should be on the battlefield despite being commanders. Such a thing was common amongst commanders of Noble descent. They became a commander only to strengthen their status.

"Well, how great is he?"

Not knowing Layland was normal. Even though stories about him had been propagated by a lot of people, he had just recently come into the spotlight. At this moment, however, not knowing Layland was not something that many people found comfortable. His intimidating pressure aside, his appearance was enough to make them wet themselves.

Layland was assuming his Demonic Dragon Form, which the world was unfamiliar with. His body was covered by black scales that acted as armour. A pair of black wings with a span of 45 feet were flapping elegantly behind him. He was as tall as 22 feet making him three times his usual size. This appearance was new to everyone but Aurelia and Millonia.

The stunned and terrified gazes Layland received made him wonder how it would feel if he was Ilschevar. He was aware of how powerful he had become but also knew that he was still nowhere near as strong as Ilschevar. He might be able to match some Demon King Generals, but he wasn\'t sure if he could withstand Ilschevar. The stronger he got, the weaker he felt.

Fifteen seconds passed in silence ever since Layland\'s arrival. Layland could no longer withstand it, so he swept the air with his hand. Before anyone could react, the ground parted as if a big earthquake had just occurred. Some fell into the crack and melted upon contact with the magma. Within the blink of an eye, the Antares soldiers and the Rectusomine soldiers were parted.

"Long-range attack, commence!"

Layland\'s command was nowhere near thunderous. It even sounded like a casual remark but managed to make everyone\'s eardrums shake. A thunderous roar from the Antares soldiers filled the battlefield soon after. The command overrode their souls with ecstasy. On the other hand, the Rectusomine soldiers who represented Cresundia trembled in fear.

"Fret not; this is nothing but an empty show-off!"

"Mages, prepare your Spells!"

Equally trembling, the commanders put up their tough front and did their best to rile up their soldiers. It worked but the fear remained. It was so palpable that one could even feel it in the air. \'Doom\' filled their mind, making them falter even more. With a trembling soul, they send out their long-range attack.


They no longer cared if their attacks managed to hit their enemies. Their attention was taken away by the gigantic black Dragon nosediving toward them. Its mouth was wide open and a ball of fire was quickly formed. They knew what was about to transpire, so their priority immediately changed. No longer caring about attacking the enemies, they focused on protecting themselves.


Nothing could prepare them against the fire that came out of Aurelia\'s mouth. Although it was not as strong as it was a millennium ago, the flame had once burned the Ancient Gods. Mere humans would never stand a chance against the flame. As it made contact with the soldiers, it immediately disintegrated them, leaving little to no ash behind.

The soldiers cried in terror meanwhile the commanders cursed loudly. The panicked army immediately lost its formation as everyone selfishly ran to save themselves. The commands from the commanders went unheard as their ears were filled with the scream of their instinct. The conclusion of the war was decided at that moment.

\'The only safe place is behind the gate!\'

Everyone had the same thought: the only Spell that was strong enough to protect them was the Spell that protected the Kingdom. Therefore, they ran with their might to get into the Kingdom. Much to their utter shock, they found the kidnapped Princess standing before the closed gate. Those who recognized her burst into joy but her father.

Solas dis Cresundia looked at the woman who he was sure was his daughter. She had matured and looked just like her mother. Anything about her reminded him of the daughter he used to dote on. However, her firm gaze and the unshakeable might her aura was exuding made him question himself: \'Is she truly my daughter?\'

He knew the answer but couldn\'t accept it. His daughter had grown up without his knowledge and it pained him dearly. Therefore, as Lunea swung her hand, he only smiled bitterly. Thousands of Spells were launched toward the approaching army as an earthen wall separated them from her. The army\'s momentum was broken and thousands fell victim.

"AAAAAHHHHH! I haven\'t seen my newborn son—let me live!"

"Mother! Your son loves you dearly!"

"I am sorry for not heeding your words, Dad!"

"Chandler, I love you!"

The soldier\'s last words echoed throughout the battlefield, clenching the hearts of many and shaking their determination. At this moment, even the toughest human commander couldn\'t help but shed a tear at their situation. They fought with the help of their alliance but still failed. It was too bitter to accept.

"Good shall prevail as evil perish!"

When they were about to drown in despair, a thunderous roar attracted their attention. The sole Senior Priest that managed to survive the battle stood before everyone with his subordinates. Their hands were extended to the side as if they were protecting everyone. Chanting their Iudicum, they produced a golden dome that enveloped everyone.

Even though Aurelia\'s breath was inches away from them, they felt calm in the presence of the golden dome that was produced by the Holy Power of the Priests. Even as her fire breath made contact with the dome, they strongly believed that it would withstand it.


Much to their excitement, it did. The light of hope was seen once again, so the spirit returned. With the assurance from the Priests, the human soldiers focused on Aurelia and counterattacking the traitors behind the earthen wall that Lunea erected while breaking down the wall. They still wanted to get inside Cresundia.

As the wall crumbled, their excitement that was about to burst was quelled prematurely. Standing before the gate replacing Lunea was the very Demon who silenced the entire battlefield with his presence alone. He was looking at them like he was bored out of his mind, yet still managed to terrify them. Different from the last time, however, they didn\'t freeze this time.

"Empty your Mana Pool!"

Countless attacks were hurled toward Layland. Whether they were purely Mana or Mana-powered weapons, he remained standing motionlessly. He entrusted his defence entirely to the ice encapsulating him. The scene both intensified the soldier\'s hope and nightmare. They dearly wished Layland\'s arrogance would cost him his life.

Three minutes passed in the blink of an eye and the order to cease fire was given. The state of the ground before the army was indescribable. It was better to call it a pit to hell. Of course, the state of the ground was not their concern. Their eyes were planted solely on the steaming figure standing on the unharmed part of the ground.

They could see some scorch marks and grazes on his scale armour but nothing serious. His exposed face didn\'t even indicate that he had just gone through a barrage of attacks. The result was extremely upsetting. Of course, their disappointment still beat their fear for their lives.

"I am dubbed as the most merciful Demon by my fellows. Rejoice; for I will spare those who kneel."


"What the…"

"These traitorous bastards—are you serious!?"

"Hold your ground!"

The lost ones knelt meanwhile those whose disdain toward Demons remained strong despite their desperate situation held their ground. They preferred dying on the Demon\'s bad side to living under the Demon\'s rule.

Layland looked at the scene coldly before commanding, "Millonia, secure him."

Like a flash, Millonia entered the golden dome and took Solas with her. Everyone was too stunned by the fact that she could invade the dome so easily, so no one could stop her from snatching Solas. When they regained their bearing, she was already by Layland\'s side. At this point, Layland was holding something which he didn\'t have before.

"That is…"

In his hand was a black greatsword with a fuller shining brightly in crimson. Those who had heard about it knew it was Rexorem which was three times its usual size. As some of the commanders had witnessed what would happen if Layland swung it, they told everyone to defend themselves. They could only hope they would be able to withstand it.

Their faces paled as Layland held Rexorem sideways. They had poured every last ounce of Mana they had in their Mana Pool to defend themselves, but they still couldn\'t shake the aura of death looming over them. Closing their eyes as Layland swung Rexorem, they prayed to their God: \'May your grace grant us survival in this time of peril.\'


A strong wind swept over them, shaking their footing but not enough to make them fall. They opened their eyes to see what happened and found Layland planting Rexorem into the ground before him. \'Did he decide to spare us in the end?\' crossed their mind until they fell involuntarily. Much to their horror, they found themselves cut cleanly in half.

Tens of thousands of people, regardless of their mastery, were cut in half with a single swing. These people forced their upper bodies to lie on their backs and gaze at the sky. As if living in a nightmare, they found human blood covering the sky. Without even managing to question what was happening, they lost their vision and their bodies withered.

Their God didn\'t hear them.

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