Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats

Chapter 436 Surprise Attack

Chapter 436 Surprise Attack

Chapter 435: Surprise Attack

His gaze snapped towards the sky, and his eyes widened in disbelief. A massive hole had ripped through the previously unblemished sky, a jagged tear in the fabric of reality. The echoing crackling sound reverberated through the air as the protective shield that once safeguarded the Heavenly Wolf Family shattered into fragments.

It\'s collapse sent shockwaves through the area, causing the ground to tremble beneath Shin\'s feet.


"Your Highness, please take shelter."

With a sense of urgency in his eyes, the Vice-Head swiftly departed from Shin\'s side, seemingly vanishing into thin air as he appeared near the site of the explosion.

Meanwhile, the sound of his telepathic voice echoed through the minds of the elders and the Head, alerting them to the dire situation unfolding outside.

The elders and the Head, driven by a mix of curiosity and concern, hastily made their way out of the hall, their footsteps echoing loudly in the now tense atmosphere. As they emerged into the open, their eyes widened with shock and apprehension. Before them lay a scene of chaos and destruction.

Reacting swiftly to the Vice-Head\'s command, the elders and the Head sprang into action. A sense of urgency filled the air as they split into two groups, each with a specific mission in mind.

The first group, comprised of skilled elders, dispersed in all directions, their agile forms darting through the chaos towards the areas affected by the explosion. Their objective was clear - to assess the damage, provide aid to the injured, and contain the spreading flames.

Meanwhile, the second group, led by the Head himself, embarked on a search for the culprits responsible for this unforeseen upheaval. They moved with a purpose, their senses heightened, scanning the surroundings for any signs of intruders.

Amidst the commotion, an elder approached Shin, his expression filled with concern and urgency.

"Excuse me."

Startled, Shin spun around, his senses heightened as he couldn\'t perceive the presence of the approaching person.

Curiosity tinged his voice as Shin confronted the unfamiliar elder. "Yes..?" he inquired, his tone indicating his lack of recognition.

"I have been assigned to ensure your safety during your stay," the elder stated, his tone resolute and protective.

"Would you be willing to accompany me?" the elder requested, his voice carrying a hint of urgency and concern.

Without suspecting the elder\'s intentions, Shin decided to trust him and followed closely, believing it to be the best course of action in that moment.

Despite his initial intention to bring Orion and Mike along, Shin discovered that they had already been safely evacuated by other elders, leaving him with no choice but to proceed alone with the current elder.

After a brief journey of approximately five minutes, Shin and the elder arrived at a secluded rocky area situated a short distance away from the city.

"Truth be told," the elder paused, causing Shin to be taken aback by the sudden halt in their movement, "I was actually assigned to deliver this to you."

"This is?" Shin reached out and grasped the stone in front of him, its surface shimmering with a translucent green hue, captivating his attention.

"It\'s an Emerald crystal," the elder explained. "With this, you can acquire a human form."

Shin\'s heart raced with anticipation as he heard the news. The desire to experience life in human form surged through his veins, overwhelming him with an exhilarating mix of curiosity and longing.

He was willing to go to great lengths, even sacrificing some of his hard-earned levels, just to make this dream a reality.

With each passing moment, the excitement within Shin intensified.

The thought of shedding his supernatural guise and immersing himself in the bustling cities of humanity filled him with an indescribable thrill. He yearned to stroll through the crowded streets, feeling the pulse of life around him, and revel in the simple joys that he had long been denied.

The prospect of experiencing the world as his old self once did ignited a fire within Shin\'s soul. His imagination ran wild as he envisioned the vibrant tapestry of human existence unfurling before his eyes.

Now, in a moment of boldness and determination, Shin seized the opportunity with unwavering resolve.

The desire to embrace his humanity burned fiercely within him.

"Alright, what do I need to-" Shin\'s words trailed off as he was about to inquire about the crystal\'s requirements. Suddenly, as if sensing his eagerness, the crystal began to radiate a mesmerizing, vibrant green light. Its luminescence bathed the room, casting an ethereal glow on Shin\'s face.

Caught off guard, Shin\'s eyes widened with astonishment, his heart racing in anticipation of what was to come. He stood transfixed, captivated by the mystical radiance emanating from the crystal.


[The Transformer Crystal wants to fuse with the host.]


Without hesitation or doubt, Shin\'s resolute spirit compelled him to accept the crystal\'s request for fusion. In that pivotal moment, he made a choice that would forever alter the course of his existence.

With a determined gesture, he gave his consent, fully surrendering himself to the unknown possibilities that lay ahead.Then Shin\'s entire body became suffused with a radiant, luminous green glow.

The vibrant light intensified with each passing moment, swirling and pulsating around him in a mesmerizing dance. It radiated a profound energy, hinting at the incredible transformation taking place within Shin\'s very being.

In a breathtaking display of cosmic power, the intense glow surrounding Shin coalesced into a magnificent, shimmering orb of light. The orb pulsed with an otherworldly energy, crackling with hints of untamed magic.

As the luminescent sphere expanded, it enveloped Shin, encasing him in its ethereal embrace.

Inside the orb, Shin felt a surge of raw energy coursing through his veins, igniting every fiber of his being.

For what felt like an eternity, Shin remained suspended within the radiant orb of light, his essence bathed in its otherworldly brilliance.

Yet, in the grand tapestry of destiny, five minutes transpired like the fleeting whisper of a summer breeze. As the ethereal light gradually dimmed, the orb began to dissipate, revealing Shin standing tall in his newly acquired human form.

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