Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 10 Lenard's Date.

Chapter 9: Lenard\'s Date.

Lenard\'s POV

My name is Lenard Yulien and the boy who\'s walking with me is Lord Vincent von Wolford.

He\'s the son of a really prestigious Duke and is expected to be the fiancé of the first princess.

There\'s one problem.

I like Lord Vincent!

My heart is really beating so fast that I can\'t control it! Is this feeling normal between two... boys?

When did it all start?


"Hey, nerd, are you still reading those books?" (Lucas) asked me while looking bored holding his sword.

"No thanks... I think I\'m good here." I told him and quickly went back into reading on how to make an elemental magic circle.

"Come on brother! Let\'s fight with swords instead! It is what makes a real man! Not books ew. We already awakened our magic so we just need to chant some stuff then we can BURN all the things that\'s in our way!" (Lucas) grabs me in a chokehold.

"Hey, cut that out!" I yelled and pushed his arm off of me. That really hurt my neck.

"Tsk, you\'re no fun." (Lucas) told me as he swung his sword before pointing it at me. "I wonder why are we even twins? You\'re so weak and so boring."

I looked down at my book, the pages were a bit worn out but still... His words hurt me. "Father said in order to be a great man you must be strong! And you must be brave! And be merciless on the battlefield! I\'ll be joining the Royal Knights so I can make my father proud! Now, what will you do in order to make your father proud, Lenard?"

"I-I... I could be a scholar or a professor... F-Father will be proud of me." I told him and he laughed.

"Yeah right, a nerd. Good luck with that. Books are stupid anyways." (Lucas) took away my book and threw it aside. I glared at him and was about to shout but... what would I even say?

"Listen here. You\'ll be an insignificant half of me and you\'ll be worthless soon. Father will see how much of a better son I am than you, big brother." (Lucas) laughs as he turns around but he accidentally bumps into someone and curses.

"Tch, watch where you\'re going you– Lord Vincent." (Lucas) was surprised as well but immediately shrugged it off and began acting friendly with him. "What are you here for? Lord Vincent?"

Lucas is acting like that because we\'re just sons of a Viscount... and Lord Vincent\'s father is a really important person with high power in all Puronia. He\'s the son of Duke Wolford and a genius Mage who has defeated so many monsters in his prime!

Lord Vincent glared at Lucas before answering, "I am merely here because my father ordered me to."

Ah right... To make connections and things. Lucas is more good at that than me. I just usually hide in the corner when we\'re invited to parties. I hate large crowds of nobles asking me how my day was. And how am I? Complimenting me here and there but I know they all want something behind those.

I looked at Lord Vincent and thought he was the same but... I was wrong.

"Why don\'t we spar a little? A little sword-fighting to know who\'s stronger and we won\'t deal with the likes of my brother who just reads all day." (Lucas) smirks as he gave me that stupid look every time he says something bad about me. I hated that.

"I\'m actually a nerd, myself." (Lord Vincent) said while looking at me having a faint smile on his handsome face it scared me for some reason. "Do you hate books, Lucas?"

Wait, did he hear all of that?!

All of what Lucas said to me?

"I-I\'m just kidding. Books are amazing. I also read some... books." (Lucas)

Lord Vincent scoffs and glares at Lucas some more, "Funny, I thought the reason why you don\'t like books is that you couldn\'t read."

I saw Lucas grit his teeth and glared at Lord Vincent when he heard this– but I know he won\'t do anything rash to disobey or disappoint father...

So Lucas just took his sword and excused himself with pride a little hurt, "I\'ll go train now. Enjoy yourselves brother and Lord Vincent."

When Lucas finally got away I sighed a huge breath of relief as my tense muscles relaxed realizing my glasses were a little loose so I fixed them. "So you heard everything." I muttered.

"Not all. However, I like books too much to not ignore what he said about them." He walks into the book that I was holding and he kneels to pick it up before offering it to me. "I believe you dropped this."

I nod, "T-Thank you." I replied and took the book out of his hands. Our fingers slightly brushed against each other and by instinct I quickly retracted my hand and looked away.

Ah no! Why did I do that?! He was being nice!

"Does he always talk to you that way?" (Lord Vincent) asks as he found a spot to sit beside me, our bodies a little close.

I nod a little not daring to lie in front of him, "Usually but I can\'t say anything because he\'s right. I really am just... the useless twin." I grip the book that I was holding realizing I had worn out the covers. "I-I\'m sorry Lord Vincent. I ended up rambling more than I should."

"It\'s alright. I may not understand but I can lend an ear if you need it."

I looked down and felt my face being a little hot now. Even if he doesn\'t understand he\'s still willing to hear me out, I... just can\'t anymore.

I told him almost everything. I don\'t know if it was the right move– I did think about the things I said and how revealing them would destroy me but... for some reason I know I can trust him.

"Thank you. I feel... light after having someone to talk about it milord." I placed my hand on my chest and I really did feel like there was this space I never knew I could breathe in. "This is the first time I\'m feeling like this."

I told him and he just nodded, "My father told me it\'s not good to bottle up emotions because it destroys one\'s mind and thinking. It will make you weak and vulnerable if you don\'t let it out."

I laughed softly a little as my body language became a bit shy with him, "The Duke must be a great man. Even if I haven\'t met the Duke, he sounds like a great father." I smiled but inside maybe a little envious that he has a father like that who gives him attention, care, and advice.

Lord Vincent smiles more widely than I have ever seen before, he was charming, and handsome when he smiled usually when the topic came to his father, Lord Vicente was proud and respects him a lot.

I smile at him back, thankful for that day.

Uwah... Going through that flashback is a little embarrassing! I walked stiffly as I followed Lord Vincent wondering where he was going to take me?

"Milord, do you know where we are going?" I ask him and he stops walking tilting his head.

"I was following you though." (Lord Vincent) replies to which I smacked my face for assuming he knew the way around a commoner city!

"O-Oh um... This is actually my first time in the city. Kein usually knows the way..." I told him and he nodded.

"Hmm... Let\'s just walk until we find something interesting then." (Lord Vincent) suggested and I nod.

We followed through and sightseed throughout the city. Thankfully I brought my own money and bought some roasted meat skewers that caught my nose. I paid the owner and came back to Lord Vincent.

"Have some, Lord Vincent! Kein told me these are really good." I remember Kein telling me how street foods are always the best kind of food there is.

I trust Kein and now I\'ll take a bite out of this thing! "Nom."

The juice of the meat is so good and it\'s so filling. It\'s my first time eating something like this and I can smell the strong fragrance of smoke, the meat tender as I chewed slowly taking in every bite. "Swho good..."

I gave Lord Vincent a look as he looked at the meat skewer. Oh no... Does he not like it? I mean is it rude to offer a Duke\'s son with a mere meat skewer where he can just order something fancier?! "Lord Vincent if you the food is not to your liking–"

He smiles and shakes his head, "My father... makes this all the time for us when we go camping. I never thought another noble would enjoy this as much as we do."

I couldn\'t help but wonder, what kind of Father Lord Vincent had to make him so... kind and adaptive of new surroundings.

Commoner places are avoided by nobles, saying it\'ll ruin their reputation if people saw them conversing with the other commoners and especially if they\'re eating commoner food like these meat skewers.

With the influence of Kein, if it wasn\'t for her I wouldn\'t have gone to this place. Who knew the common city would be this fun and comforting to just stroll around, have fun.

"Come on Lord Vincent! Let\'s go see what else we can try but um– is it okay if I grab onto your sleeve so we don\'t get separated?" I ask my voice barely a whisper but maybe he heard it?

Lord Vincent nods as he offers me his hand, "Let\'s just hold hands so we don\'t get lost. The sleeve might be less convenient."

Oh no, hand holding! Wait, is it normal for two guys to hold hands?! Wait, my heart is not ready. I can handle the sleeve but not the hands!

"Here. My hand might be a bit too cold but it\'s okay." (Lord Vincent)

I nod... I can\'t refuse him even if I wanted to. "Mm..."

I grabbed ahold of his hand and we walked together. I scanned my surroundings to see if anyone was looking at us or even paying attention to us. I let out a small whimper.

"Don\'t bother. They\'re all too busy to care and even if they stare. It\'s okay. Do you not want to hold hands?" (Lord Vincent)

I shook my head slowly while looking at the ground because if I saw his handsome smile I might be able to make it. "Good. Now let\'s go somewhere we can have fun."


We both held hands while looking at things I would never have thought I could see.

People were friendly as we laughed and ran together in the streets but suddenly Lord Vincent stopped running and looked up at a pink building with a really huge sign.

Huh, I looked up at the building and read the sign. "[Magicare]...?The store where we can provide care to your beauty needs?"

Is it a beauty store?

I glanced at Lord Vincent whose eyes seemed to be fixed on the pink [Magicare] sign. I have to admit their catchphrase is pretty catchy.

"Lord Vincent," I called out. "Is the sign bothering you?"

Finally, he looks up at me then at the sign, "No, most of my mother\'s products came from here so. I was just curious."

I looked at the shop and at the sign that says [Open]. His eyes really seemed so wistful as if he wanted to go in.

"Lord Vincent, do you want to go in?" I finally asked him.

His eyes widened and shook his head aggressively. "I am a male and wearing things like... makeup or lipstick is inappropriate. If my father hears about this..."

I walked up to him and held his hand, "We\'re commoners. No one would. I won\'t gain anything from this either so why don\'t we go in and just look around? We\'re not trying or buying anything." I told him and his eyes softened for a moment before suddenly–

*Kling~ Kling~*

The sound of the bell from the door got our attention and a man? no, a woman? I can\'t tell which one they are– but maybe they\'re neither?

"Hello there~ I\'ve been expecting you! Oh oop– kid again but hey I really have been expecting you little cuties~" They said while they flapped a fan around and dramatically swung the door more open. "Come in! We have great offers only for today at a discount! Don\'t be shy!"

"Um, who are you?" I ask. You don\'t come to a shop that you don\'t know after all.

"My name is Madam Prisha. Honey, I see you two little cutie pies looking at my sign and I just had to invite you over." They said while giggling.

Lord Vincent\'s eyes lowered and opened his mouth, "We were just leaving–"

"N-No! We\'re going in! To look at stuff! To um! Find something our moms would like!" I yelled, cutting Lord Vincent off. I glanced at him apologetically for the excuse but he seemed to really wanted to go inside.

"Why aren\'t you two sweet, ugh wish my nephew was like you two but come along now. Go find something for your moms." (Madam Prisha) lets us inside as I bow to them in thanks.

I held Lord Vincent\'s hand and dragged him inside, he was shocked sure and his body was a little more cautious than usual but after going inside he finally relaxed when he saw all of the makeups, lotions, lipsticks, and face masks in here.

Oh! Some of this stuff is the products my mom uses! And I think she got into a fight with one of the managers in this... I think...

"Lord Vincent, where do you want to go and see um gifts for our moms?" I asked him while scratching my head. Maybe he\'s not comfortable being here? I mean, maybe he wanted to but can\'t... I know that he can\'t but... Was it wrong for me to drag him here without his consent?

Oh no... I messed up again, didn\'t I?

I was about to apologize but...

"Thank you. It means the world to me. To finally have the courage to go inside. I\'ve been wanting to but... I can\'t." (Lord Vincent) smiles do sadly but still there was a mix of gratitude in there too.

I breathed a sigh of relief once I knew he wasn\'t mad at me for dragging him inside by force... I glanced at Lord Vincent who was looking over the shelves of products with excitement in his eyes, not even bothering that huge smile on his face once he looked at a label of a bottle.

Ahhh... He\'s still handsome when he smiles. "Y-You\'re welcome?" I said looking away feeling the heat crawling up to my neck.

"O-Oh look what is this? Isn\'t this cool?!" I said while pointing at a bottle that I didn\'t even know what it was.

"That\'s a [Blood chiurl plant] lotion. It comes from the dried stems of blood from the plant being squeezed mercilessly just for your skin to be smooth and light." (Lord Vincent)

Oh my– no! This is not cool! I quickly retracted my finger away from the bottle, my face making a disgusted expression. Ew! I\'m not really good with blood!

We both looked around some more as eventually we got separated from each other since I was looking at the potions sections and I even found a [Love Potion] at the very back– wait aren\'t those illegal?

Nope. Nope. Not touching that.

I finally saw Lord Vincent who was in the lipstick section. I watched him curiously as plopped off one of the colored lipstick covers.

I didn\'t know what color it was but I know if he tried that... I know it would definitely suit him.

He raised the lipstick, almost pressing his lips before he glanced at both sides and put the cover back on his face... afraid?

I frown. I know... what\'s wrong now.

Lord Vincent sighs as he moves into the potion section where I was at and browses the dozen potions that were on display.

"Alright, time to find that lipstick and buy it." I muttered as I made my way into the lipstick section and tried finding the color he held before.

Agh! I don\'t know a thing about beauty products! Which one was it?! And why is this so hard?!

That\'s the wrong color. No and no...

"Aha! I got it!"

I finally found the right color while feeling frantic since I don\'t know how long we\'re going to be in here. I should buy this as soon as I can. I quickly went over to the cashier and gave her the lipstick, "Um... how much?" I ask.

"15 silver for this one. Aren\'t you a little too young for lipsticks?" She asked as she looked at me skeptically.

"Y-Yes I am but... I need it." I told her hoping she\'ll stop interrogating me... I don\'t like it when other people ask me questions. I panic.

"Aw, is it for a girlfriend?"

I groaned inside she couldn\'t have been more wrong. "N-No it\'s for um..." I accidentally looked at Lord Vincent for a moment before feeling the heat up to my neck again.

"It\'s for a friend."

The cashier lady winks at me and apologizes for taking up my time. She gave me the lipstick that was in a paper bag. I held it tightly, onto my chest as we finally both went outside the shop. Madam Prisha waved us goodbye as they closed the door on us, the bell loudly ringing for a moment.

"In the end, we never really did buy anything but it was a wonderful experience." (Lord Vincent)

He looked at me being in a good mood. I shoved the paper bag to her chest on impulse and almost knocked him out! "Oh sorry! I just um! Wanted to– Give this to you!"

A few moments after my embarrassing move he steadies himself and takes the brown paper bag. "This is?"

"I-I bought something for you." I told him, my heart is beating fast. I hope he doesn\'t hear it from where he stood. He reluctantly opens the paper bag and he looked so surprised when he took out the lipstick that he was eyeing out earlier.

"You... bought this... for me?" (Lord Vincent)

I nod, not knowing which words to use right now because I\'m really not good at communication.

I felt my hand being held gently, Lord Vincent looked at me almost crying– "Thank you. You don\'t know how much this means to me. It\'s–" He started sobbing a little before I knew it. Oh no!

"It\'s okay! We can go back here next time if you want more!" I told him as I panicked when his eyes looked at me that way.

"N-No it\'s not that." (Lord Vincent)

Um, what do I do? Hug? Or is that too much invading personal space? Or um should I pat his head?

How do you make a person not sad?!

"You don\'t think it\'s weird? For someone like me to wear makeup. A Duke\'s son?" (Lord Vincent)

I shook my head, awkwardly holding his shoulder for support so that he won\'t kneel or anything, "It\'s just the norm of society. While we are expected to behave a certain way it doesn\'t mean we have to follow it, milord."

I patted his back as we both looked into each other\'s eyes as the moment felt so intense, "We all have something we like, everyone is different and if you like makeup who am I to judge?"

I don\'t know where these words came but Kein... would\'ve said this. If she were in my shoes.

A lot of my beliefs have been changed thanks to her. I don\'t know where she got that thinking but I think it really influenced me when the time comes.

I know what to say.

Lord Vincent composed himself while I looked up at the sun before realizing we were already running out of time. "Oh no! We have to meet Kein at the gates!" I exclaimed in worry that Kein must\'ve been waiting for us!

How could I forget?!

Lord Vincent didn\'t say a word but ran with me to the gates. I know somehow he\'s thinking all this through and what my words meant.

I\'ll give him time. It\'s okay.

Finally I see Kein with someone beside her, clinging to her arm like... um. I don\'t know how to describe this without sounding weird.

"Kein! I\'m sorry we\'re late!" I called out to her as she noticed my arrival.

"Agh! Lenard! Help me with this!" (Kein) pointed out the girl who was clinging to her arm.

Her face was covered with a red shawl while on the other hand she was holding a canvas carefully protecting it.

I don\'t know how she can cling and hold onto a canvas at the same time.

"So who\'s the... um... girl?" I asked my cousin who seemed to get along really well with her.

"Hmph! My name is Rose! And I\'m not letting go for five more minutes!" (Rose) yelled and clung more into Kein who just groaned and tried shoving her away.

"Rose, you said that like thirty minutes ago!" (Kein) yelled as she glared at Rose who just gave her puppy eyes.

That\'s... are they quarreling?

Ah they are. I looked at Vincent who looked at Rose weirdly. "Lord Vincent, will someone pick you up?" I asked him and that got his attention.

"Yes, my carriage should be here shortly." (Lord Vicent)

I smiled in relief as he still held the paper bag containing the lipstick. "Kein and I will have to go then before my mother catches us that we escaped from the mansion."

Kein nods, "Let\'s do this again sometime but maybe without this annoying girl in tow."

"Hey!" (Rose) pouts as she crosses her arms.

I laughed softly while watching Kein and Rose, these two are cute together. Maybe I should get to know Rose more just in case something happens between these two.

"Well, we\'ll see you two next time. Maybe next weekend let\'s meet up here again!" (Kein) yelled as we both turned around and headed home.

I looked at Kein and eyed her suspiciously, "So... Rose huh? You even painted her something and here I thought you would never paint someone for free." I asked her.

She glared at me before smirking, "At least you had a date and all I got was trouble."

I blush at the fact that yes. Lord Vincent and I had a date! But...

"It didn\'t really go well as planned." I told Kein.

She frowns as she pat my back trying to comfort me, "Wanna talk about it on the way home?"

"Only if you keep it a secret."

Kein laughs, "Obviously, of course!"

That made me laugh as we went through home together. I\'m glad that I have someone like her in my life.



A fancy carriage stopped by the gates and bowed to Vincent.

Vincent stared at the figure who she heard Kein called \'Rose\'.

He had his suspicions and he knows that it\'s right, "Your highness, it\'s a pleasure to meet you here of all places."

Rose slumps her shoulders as she crosses her arms and rolls her eyes in sassiness, "Yeah, you caught me. So will you tell my sister about my whole sneaking thing again?"

Vincent shakes his head, "The common place has a lot more to offer. I don\'t blame you for sneaking out."

Rose was surprised at her childhood friend for suddenly compromising, "You\'re not telling anyone I snuck out?"

Vincent nods, "If you like sneaking out of the palace that feels like prison it\'s your choice. Who am I to judge?"

Rose smiles. "Hey mind if I hitch a ride?"

"Your highness, while in the presence of others perhaps use a more formal manner of speaking? We are not alone after all." (Lord Vincent) said, eyeing his guards and maids that came to pick him up.

"Ah yes, May I ask for a ride Lord Vincent if it may now trouble you?" (Rose) dramatically says those words and Vincent sighs.

They got into the carriage together both carrying something inside. Rose couldn\'t help but get curious at what the Duke Wolford\'s son was holding in his hand. It was a paper bag which he held onto protectively which made Rose curious.

"Ooo, what\'s that?" (Rose) asked.

Vincent scoffs, "I assure you, it\'s something you dislike very much."

"Come on! I still wanna see! It\'s the princess\'s orders!" (Rose) commanded.

Vincent takes out the lipstick Lenard gave him, feeling happy and bubbly on the inside as he looks at the pink colored tube of it. "Someone really kind gave it to me."

He felt comfortable sharing this to the princess for some reason. Maybe is it because he\'s in a good mood?

"Oh! That color would really suit you if you wear it." (Rose) complimented which made Vincent surprised but relieved. He was right to tell her about this.

Rose smiles cheerfully as she also holds something in her hand. Vincent raised his eyebrow and said, "Your turn, your highness. Someone must\'ve given that to you if I\'m right."

Rose nods, her face a little wistful as she wanted to hug the canvas at the memory of Kein but no the paint isn\'t completely dry yet so she controlled herself. "Kein gave it to me! Isn\'t she handsome and talented?" (Rose) exclaimed while showing the canvas to Vincent and certainly he was impressed about the work.

Who knew the mere servant girl had a talent for arts?

Vincent stared at the princess who looked so lovestruck before realizing something. He chuckled, "I see. We are the same."

"Huh what\'s the same?" (Rose)

"Nothing. Why does the Princess of Puronia and one of the few [Light Magic] casters of the royal family fall in love with a mere servant if you don\'t mind me asking, your highness." (Vincent) asked. Wanting to know more, how to know if you like someone he needed to know.

Rose understood the question and answered honestly, "Everyone saw me as the [Light Princess]. They saw me as a savior, someone they depend on, and a being of divinity sometimes."

Vincent glanced at the princess who looked down at the canvas she was holding, "Don\'t get me wrong. Saving people, healing them has been amazing but it also gets tiring. Everyone looked for me when they needed healing but when I needed it– everyone expected me to heal my pain all on my own. I felt like asking for help to heal something that even I can\'t do scared me."

Vincent frowns as he wasn\'t expecting the answer, "I see. I\'m sorry to hear that, your highness. I may not know the feeling but I can see how it affects you."

Rose shakes her head now smiling, "Don\'t be if I wasn\'t tired and fed up by that time I would have never met Kein. I know she didn\'t know me as the [Light Princess] but when she looked at my wound and saw me crying when I got hurt when I was climbing the tree–"

Rose looks at her hand, the cut has healed over time but she remembers. "You know when I hurt myself. I never thought it was a problem. I can just heal it after all but when Kein– cared for me. When she bandaged me– I felt something I never should\'ve."

"And what\'s that?" (Vincent) asked.

"I know we\'re too young to even know what love is but. I think I just have a huge crush on her right now." (Rose) said blushing realizing all the things she said. "Hey don\'t tell anyone! Okay?"

Vincent smiles. "If it is what the princess commands."

And the both of them talked about noble stuff and they got to their respective homes.

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