Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 23 Trial And Error.

Chapter 16: Trial and Error.

Kein\'s POV

"Alright time to experiment." I muttered as I set up the things that I needed in the back of the mansion where the abandoned shed was. No one comes here anymore due to reasons but that just means I\'ll take advantage of it.

I bought a pot from before, a strainer, and a few bottles where I could put them in.

I took two cups of distilled water and began bringing them to a boil with the ingredients I\'ve decided to use. Hmm... With all that I could manage to buy.

For dryness... I took rosemary, for oily hair since there was no lavender in this country. I decided to go with a plant from this world that was similar to mint, [Selent].

I added some [Yumini] dried fruits that said to make your hair more healthier and it was shining. It had a silver shell but the seeds inside really did smell good so I bought it. The fruits had some mana stored up in them, is what the store owner said so I have to be careful.

"And in you go." I threw them into the pot and sat down for now.

I couldn\'t find any soapberry nuts or sarita in hindi.

I need the dried shells (or husks) from it. These come from a unique species of trees found in the eastern and western hemispheres but native to the tropical conditions of India and Nepal.

There\'s no liquid castile soap in there either. It\'s a vegetable-based soap that\'s made free of animal fats and synthetic ingredients. Usually it\'s made with coconut, castor, or hemp oils. Fun fact: it gets its name from the Castile region of Spain.

It\'s the same as regular soap but more eco-friendly. Traditionally its made with olive oil and man castile soap is also considered as a vegan soap. No animal fats whatsoever so if you have any vegan friends. I recommend this.

This is problematic but thankfully I managed to also find an alternative for that as well, goat\'s milk soap substitute olive oil with healing, nutritive milk of goats.

If you\'re asking why I know so much about soaps? It was hard taking care of a daughter whose skin was really sensitive and I just managed to skim these into my memory while researching the perfect soap and shampoo to use for her. I\'m really worried about her health but the gods are surely watching over her for me.

I pursed my lips trying not to worry about my daughter back on earth as I covered the pot after adding all the herbs that I had, reducing the heat to low and steeping it for 15 to 20 minutes. I know the smoke should gather attention but I\'m sure I\'ll be fine.

"Sacrifices are ought to be made. Even if I\'m caught I\'ll make sure to bring my things with me in my [Storage Ring]."

Right, I have to test these first as well. I have to at least note the results, possible side effects, or magic effects that I haven\'t even covered. I should buy a blank book to put my notes into.

Speaking of books, perhaps Lenard has some books about herbs on his shelves? I should ask him later and give the blue rose designed basket as well. We haven\'t really talked at all much these days because he was busy upholding the family name or whatever.

His twin Lucas looked really serious in his swordsmanship training and whatnot but how could I even know? I was used as the person who has to replace all of the targets. Usually when the teacher is not even looking he actually USES ME as the target instead.

"How can those two be twins yet be so... I don\'t know- different?"

Family ego problems maybe. Lenard did tell me that his father- My uncle in law favored him more than Lucas and that made him jealous. Man he has daddy issues.

Now my Aunt Haren in the meanwhile favors Lucas instead of Lenard for some reason because Lucas can do [Fire Magic] like she does. What a biased person. I really feel sorry for Lenard but at least I know he has me by his side.

"I might not technically be the real Kein Rosenguard but I\'ll be his cousin. I don\'t want him to grow up... detached and lost having no love from family it must be hard." I told myself as I watched the pot boil.

I\'m losing my sanity talking to myself these days.

Not to mention remembering the card that told me I\'ll grow up to become a womanizer?! What a joke. For all I know I\'m a person who will only stick to one person and I don\'t take advantage of others, what a load of bull shit.

After fifteen minutes of arguing with myself I removed the heat, grabbed the strainer and a bowl, strained the spent herbs from the liquid and discarded them in the side for now. "Where is that goat milk soap? Ah there you are."

Well if I don\'t have that vegetable castile soap I have the goat milk soap from an auntie selling this. I grabbed it and poured it in the water slowly, mixing gently as I poured it down the bowl. "Right... Did I have aloe vera gel? Or bought something similar..."

"Damn it I forgot."

I looked through my [Storage Ring] and sighed in relief that apparently I bought some. I took it out of the ring and cut the stem. The sticky gooey stuff coming out was the gel.

I grabbed the spoon and took the gel out, some of it spilling in my hands. I had to wipe the others in my clothes. I also missed some essential oils I bought from [Magicare] before. "There we go."

Aloe vera is a really wonderful plant. I remember my neighbor having a lot back when I was still living in the Philippines. People use these when they have hair falling problems or rubbing it on their skin when they have burns or bruises.

Back in Japan, I moved to the city and met my daughter. My apartment was near Niichome so these kinds of plants were kind of rare.

Sadly I\'m forgetting my real roots as I\'m slowly forgetting where I came from. I can\'t remember much Tagalog now. My vocabulary is just full of Japanese, English, Spanish, Chinese and I guess sign languages. "I\'m a little white washed as well."

I couldn\'t lie to myself that I regret not preserving my culture more but I guess when you grew up without parents. You won\'t give a damn about where you came from. I guess I regret having that mindset when I was a rebellious teen. Ah the memories of being emo and thinking the world was always mean to me.

"I was a real piece of work, that\'s for sure."

I laughed to myself as I waited slowly for the shampoo to cool down a little before pouring it into a glass bottle. It smells... weird? The color being maroon similar to the color of blood- this is peculiar.

Did I do something wrong or maybe the other worldly ingredients is not compatible with the earth ones?

Right, I should stop calling this place another world and just call it [Devalion].

So I have to test it. I remember you have to shake it gently before use so we\'ll do that later in the afternoon on the river when I know I\'ll be alone.

This is my first time making my own shampoo so I hope it\'s at least alright.


In the afternoon. I quickly skimmed all of my chores and duties. I grabbed my towel and ran to the river. Usually people here just use their magic showering but some of the maids that don\'t spend their time here and I\'m lucky all of them don\'t go at this hour because I know that bath hour is not until thirty minutes.

I jumped through the river and soaked my hair wet. I grabbed the shampoo bottle, taking off the cork as I poured a little on my hand and spread it all over my head. "Ugh! The mint scent is too strong in my nose..."

The [Selent] plant has a lot of kick to it, apparently over powering the other ingredients. As I\'ve thought... This might be problematic.

"A failure..." I muttered as I also looked at the color of the shampoo.

I guess maroon is kind of... worrying. It might be misunderstood for blood- so is there something that\'s similar to dye here and safe to use?

On the good part, it\'s bubbly but not that much. I also need to find something that will strengthen that. "Time to finish up then."

I left the river after finishing washing up.

I used this for more than a week and the results were showing at least.

My hair seemed a little more well but this was the result I was not expecting. It smells too much like mint- while this might be a hit for men.

My target was for commoner ladies or noblewomen because they take more care of their appearances. Hmm... I need to find another alternative or some sort but I won\'t rush it.

I went to Lenard and knocked on his door soon after. It was turning sundown as he opened the door to his room to let me in. "Sorry for bothering you this late, Lenard. I needed help."

Lenard fixes his glasses as he smiles going to his table and sat down, "Its alright, Kein. What do you need help with and um... is it just me but do you smell like [Selent]?"

"It\'s that strong?! You\'re all over back there!" I yelled frustratingly as I punched the air out of anger. "I know this is my first failure but it sure is frustrating. As a teacher I should be ashamed of myself. I-I\'m acting like a child!"

Oh no did I say that out loud?

Lenard didn\'t seem to mind it much and just nodded. "I mean you\'re definitely a child?"

"Yeah I am but I guess I\'m just not used to failures that even the first one is taking a toll on me." I told Lenard as I sat down in his soft bed.

Back on earth, there were guidelines on what to do, research papers, and of course the internet where in just a push of a button we\'ll be given all the information we needed so maybe this is why it\'s frustrating me.

I need information. A quick source of answers in a matter of seconds. I\'m from the millennial era, and if I\'m being honest it\'s an era where it\'s full of pretty laid back people where my country was at peace.

No wars or anything yet.

But in this world, [Devalion]. I\'m not sure what all the other magical plants there are. I have to rely on books. There\'s no internet and monarchy is a pretty big deal here.

Meaning if you\'re born a commoner there\'s less opportunities of jobs, some of them work as an adventurer. They come home alive or not at all, just eaten by monsters forgotten.

"You \'re frowning, Kein." (Lenard) muttered as he came closer without me noticing and began poking my cheek gently.

"I\'m sorry. I was trying to make something but it ended up as a failure as you can smell." I told him and he gave me an o-shape in his lips.

"Is that why you smell like that-" (Lenard)

"Yes. Yes, it is." I sighed as I began tinkering with ways that I might fix this shampoo... Any other scientific method other than distilling and straining I have to remember. But then again I don\'t have much equipment to use.

"Hmm... I need to hear in full detail what you\'re trying to make. Maybe I can help?" (Lenard) offered and I nod.

I told him everything but not that I come from another world.

I just told him I thought of making a nice hair product that will make your head smell good, not oily, not dry, just shiny, beautiful and healthy hair. I also told him the process I used of simple distilling and straining just by enough of that he\'s impressed and he\'s actually taking notes-

"Interesting. Who knew you can have a bubbly hygiene product that makes your hair fluffy, soft, shiny and healthy. Many women and men would love this- well in the men\'s case you might need to lessen the [Selent] dosage and get a different kind of herb for the women to try on. Oh and here- wait for a moment!"

Lenard tucks his notes that he did away in his pockets before going back to one of his bookshelves before grabbing a book that was titled; [Herbs Around Us Volume I]. "This is a herbology book that I got from my father as a present for my birthday. I want you to have it so that maybe you can find something that can help you here!"

He gives me the book with an adorable leaf imprint in front of it. I momentarily hesitate of taking it before shaking my head, "This was given to you by your father right? I shouldn\'t."

Lenard smiles as he takes my hand and places the book over it gently, "I trust you. Please take it, take care of it for me. Besides, it\'s better off being used rather than gathering dust on that shelf."

"Oh right it is a little dusty. Poor book..." I wiped the book with my sleeves as I skimmed the pages- it was indeed super dusty. I smiled that at least remembering Lenard is with my side, "This will help. Thank you, Lenard. Oh! Right!"

I took out the blue rose designed basket from my [Storage Ring] and gave it to him. "I got this for you actually. I gave Rose and Vincent theirs already but... fun fact you and you know who are matching."

Lenard held out the basket looking at me and then back at the basket then a few seconds later he realized who I was talking about, "Y-You mean lord Vincent has the s-same?"

"Yeah and his design is pink. Cute isn\'t it?" I asked Lenard who has his eyes fixed on the matching basket, expression happy. It makes me wanna protect this cousin of mine even if I\'m younger than him. He\'s the type who would let you talk behind his back and still say I\'m sorry.

"U-Um... I wanna see it matching with me one of these days..." (Lenard) muttered quietly. I almost didn\'t catch it but thankfully my hearing is alright.

I gave him a grin and a thumbs up, "Let\'s invite him out next time we go out, yeah?"


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