Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 46 New Muse.

Chapter 28.5: New Muse.

Kein\'s POV

"W-What do you have to say for yourselves!"

Rose and I bent our backs more into bowing in front of the nun and Valentina who was just smiling holding her cheek that was bruising.

"We\'re sorry!"

"W-We\'re sorry!"

The both of us apologized in sync as the sister in front of us really looked embarrassed to the point we\'re seeing her ears red. I mean, if two kids suddenly saw an intimate moment with another person, I would feel embarrassed too.

A few minutes ago when Valentina saw us, the sister also turned her head in our direction and saw our heads most likely poking out of the wall. I heard her scream like crazy and punched Valentina in the face.

That\'s why she was holding her cheek right now, she just dealt one of the meanest right hooks I have ever seen.

I looked at Rose who was closing her eyes, really feeling the guilt right now. It was honestly adorable if only I wasn\'t involved in the whole scolding session too.

"You may raise your heads." The sister told us, which I sighed in relief, my back was aching from all that bowing an apology.

I stretched my shoulder for a bit, feeling the ache over at that spot.

Valentina walks over a little closer, her eyes observing me trying to remember who I was until it finally hits her. "Oh! It seems that we will meet again, Kein Rosenguard." she smiled as her cheek still bruised making a face that looked like it got stung by a bee when she tried talking again.

"Erm are you alright?" I asked Valentina worriedly, who nodded her head back and forth casually.

"Si. I\'m well as you can see. My childhood friend can just heal it for me." (Valentina) turns to her \'childhood\' friend who was the sister who massages the stressed temples on her face.

"They might misunderstand what was happening back there." The sister told her as she sighed looking over to us. "She was just taking a fallen leaf out of my hair. Please don\'t think of it as-"

"The two of you almost kissing?" (Rose) asked boldly as I shook in fear. The balls on this woman.

"Rose now is not the time-" I whispered to her, yanking her back as she immediately realized what she\'s done.

Valentina giggles as the sister covers her entire face with her hands. "N-No! I don\'t swing that way!" the sister yelled trying to clear things up with us.

Well, alright if that\'s hm... the excuse you guys are giving us I\'ll believe it because it\'s really none of my business.

Valentina places her hands over the sister\'s shoulders as she agrees, "I know my good friend here is not the same as me. I was really just blowing a leaf out of her hair, I hope you two won\'t think of anything scandalous with what happened."

I look at Rose, well she\'s giving the whole guilty look now.

I sigh as I push her head down again to bow in apology with me, "Yes, you were only blowing a leaf on her hair, right Rose?"

"Ah right! Nothing suspicious, just a couple of two friends blowing off leaves!" (Rose) exclaims and she\'s a terrible liar. I looked over at the both of them as they both smiled. "Thank you." the sister muttered to me as Valentina held Gisela\'s hand close.

On the other hand Gisela slowly let go of their intertwined fingers and this made Valentina frown for a moment before going back to herself again.

I guess this couple is still inside the closet it seems or Valentina isn\'t making any progress at all.

The atmosphere was thick and the sudden silence was a little suffocating. I scratched my head and decided to just introduce myself, "I\'m Kein Rosenguard. One of Baron\'s Hills temporary servants for the meantime and helper and I already think the both of you know Rose already."

The sister smiles at Rose, "We are thankful to have her volunteer regularly for the kids. Rose does this every other week or almost everyday."

I stare at Rose in surprise. Well, not anymore since I also overheard this before that she does volunteer work a lot. "That\'s honestly amazing. You help here almost everyday?" I told Rose because not a lot of people would offer help in an orphanage voluntarily at her age.

Rose laughs softly, hiding her face further into the shawl, "Aw, thank you. I will try my best to help. I really like helping. I feel more needed that way."

Her gray eyes were filled with loneliness as she stared into mine. "I\'m glad that I did do volunteer work, other than having the satisfaction of helping others I also got to meet you here didn\'t I?"

Rose holds my hand together as she clings into my arm. "Erm... Being with me is not something special, honestly."

I look over at the ground feeling horrible. I didn\'t really deserve those words, "To me, Kein, you are very unique and rare. You\'re the only one who makes my heart beat faster like this!"

Rose takes my hand and places mine into her chest where her heart lays. It was really... thumping like crazy. I stared at Rose in question, and I should\'ve told her I\'ve already known about her feelings towards me but I don\'t feel the same.

"Ugh, honestly I can\'t understand you." I told her taking back my hand felt warm and fuzzy. "You\'re weird."

I could see Rose smiling under her shawl giving me a reply with that sweet soft voice of hers, "I know." (Rose)

Wait, since when did I think of her voice that way?

"Ahem." A sudden cough caught our attention and it was Valentina who was grinning over us taking in the scene.

"Sorry to break this adorable moment but since you two have introduced yourself. My childhood friend would like to go next." (Valentina) The sister glares at Valentina who hits her shoulder playfully, "I was watching these two act all wholesome and then you had to ruin it."

"Jeez sorry." (Valentina) apologizes as she stretches her arms, yawning, earning an eye roll at the mature sister who gives us a respectful bow.

"My name is Gisela Lennox. I am a light priestess who watches over the children of the orphanage. You may call me by my title and then my name. It is a pleasure to meet you, Kein Rosenguard." (Gisela) elegantly picks herself back up taking a step back.

Ohhh she\'s not just any ordinary sister then. She\'s a priestess.

"Likewise! Light priestess Gisela." I replied enthusiastically and then suddenly remembered my assigned job. "So does anyone know where I could place the box of provisions I\'m delivering?"

Rose facepalms herself as she also remembers the whole reason why I came here. "Right, after the whole misunderstanding with the light priestess Gisela I forgot all about it. I\'m sorry! I\'ll lead you to it right now!"

I laugh while shaking my head with this silly girl. "It was short but I\'m glad to see Valentina has met her childhood friend once again."

"She can\'t seem to never get enough of me. If I\'m being honest here she\'s a pain in my back." (Gisela) crossed her arms while Valentina just winked.

"She\'s saying a completely different thing when we\'re alone. Mi pequeña flor can never be honest with her true feelings-" (Valentina) shrugs but her face was met with a sudden impact with a light spell that looked like it hurt.


It ended up throwing her into a tree. Rose and I looked at each other in fear. "A-Are we next-" (Rose) slowly turned her face to me looking like she\'s almost crying.

This person won\'t surely hurt kids! We\'ll be fine! I hope!

The light priestess overheard Rose and immediately changed her demeanor. "No, no! My spells are only reserved for idiots with high egos. Both of you are okay in my book of the holy light." (Gisela)

The whole holy light business has got me irritated. "I think me and uh Rose will just get these provisions where they belong." I told them as I dragged Rose over to immediately escape that scary situation.

"It was nice meeting you!" (Gisela) yelled waving her hand as Valentina just... groaned in pain at the tree.

Rose we have to run or else we might be next.

I held the box over with my two arms as I lifted it easily, Rose prances around beside me giving me a curious look.

It was kind of... cute? I had to mentally sigh on my mind. I can\'t believe I\'m having thoughts like these. "What\'s on your mind?" I ask her.

"Those two, do you think they\'re you know- dating?"

I shrug not knowing what to think of the whole situation, "To me it felt sort of one-sided or they\'re hiding. Valentina was the one with real feelings of love towards Gisela that\'s for sure though."

Rose\'s brows furrowed worriedly as she sighs, "I feel bad for her. It\'s rough having a one-sided love."

I\'m going to get a lot of backlash for this question but, "Don\'t tell me you\'ve also experienced that- one sided love I mean."

Rose tilts her head at me making my hands clench tighter at the box, "It depends on how you feel towards me. If you feel the same then no, but if you do not feel the same then it\'s an obvious yes."

She stops her steps and faces me. "Do you feel the same way towards me? Kein?" (Rose)

The sudden question made my stomach hurl. My mind is running through different scenarios and answers I could come up with. I almost let go of my box again but I\'ve regained my focus.

I\'m someone almost in their forties mentally and she\'s twelve. I can\'t take a confession like this seriously. "I\'m sorry I don\'t feel the same way."

Rose hides her hands behind her back, I could see her trying her best not to break down. "Do you not like girls Kein?"

I don\'t like girls. I love them- Ahem I\'m clearly you know. I bend my hand into motion to express my utter gayness however, "It\'s not the gender that\'s the problem-"

Rose steps closer as I take a step back, why is she getting so bold and reckless- "Am I not your type?"

Once again she takes another step, "Yes- No? Why are you suddenly interrogating me- this is unfair-"

I felt the cold stone wall over my back as Rose asked, her voice felt like it\'s going to crack anytime soon, she looked up to meet my gaze. "Do you perhaps... Do you currently like someone else?"

The way that she asked this was different from the other questions. It seemed so desperate and sincere. "No, I don\'t like anyone else currently." I told her with a straight face.

"Why is it that you don\'t feel the same way?" (Rose)

I sigh, that\'s the problem. I\'ve only met you a few times and you expect me to suddenly take a sudden confession? Not to even count our age but for a lot of reasons Rose, I don\'t feel the same way.

"I\'m ten, and you\'re twelve. Romance shouldn\'t be even a thing until we\'re adults. Tell me when it is even my birthday, what\'s my favorite color? Do you know what my favorite food is?" I asked her and slowly she understood my reason.

Rose\'s shoulder slumps as she backs away from me slowly giving me room to breathe. "I\'m sorry. Did it sound forced?"

Well... "Yes.... it did." I answered honestly.

Rose holds her shawl in frustration. "I\'m... just so stupid. I was so focused on my newfound feelings that I overlooked all the other possibilities why you didn\'t like me."

I placed down the box as we both sat together on the floor as I listened in carefully to her venting.

"I didn\'t even know your birthday! Your parents! Where you live. What\'s your favorite color- wait I remember it\'s red but even if we already did this back at the jousting festival where we tried to get to know each other. It was short and I never got to really know the real you. Like your dreams- or aspirations..."

That\'s... a lot for a kid.

Rose really likes me a lot...

I\'m well aware from day one what she feels towards me but I just... didn\'t take it seriously you know? Kids and their feelings I was sure it\'ll change within a few days and move on but I was wrong. "It\'s okay Rose. There, there." I pat her shoulder gently as she sniffs.

What an adorable crybaby I have in my arms. "Even if you don\'t like me back. Will you please still treat me the same?" (Rose) asks hugging her knees protectively.

"The thing is I already knew you liked me. It was very obvious and pretty sure everyone else noticed too." I told her as she gave me a gasp.

"Oh no... Have I been being a fool this whole time?!"

Yes, you were but it\'s okay you\'re going through the process of learning so I\'ll let it pass. "Listen, I won\'t treat you any differently even after you confess. You\'ll still be my friend, you know it\'s alright." I told her and she sighs in relief.

"Can I still keep continuing on liking you?" (Rose)

"It\'s your feelings. I don\'t have any right to tell you who to like and not to like just make sure to respect their space and stuff you know?"

Rose leans into my shoulder as she sniffs. "Can I lean into your shoulder for a bit?"

I laughed as I tried my best not to give her a sarcastic response. "Rose, you\'re already leaning on my shoulder, what\'s the point of asking?"

"Consent is still important and I felt like asking." I could imagine her making a little pout face under that shawl, I wonder what her face looks like now.

"You\'re... really weird." I told her as I covered my mouth with my hands groaning, but really I was just trying to not smile.

"In a good way I hope." she replies, tone a little worried but my laughter reassured her. I lean back to her head gently as I reply to her in a whisper, "You\'re definitely one of a kind."

We were like that for a bit, no one else bothered our time which was a surprise.

We almost fell asleep but I had to wake Rose up and let her lead me back into where I should put the box. I wasn\'t expecting it would take me this long to put one simple box in here.

"Let\'s go play with the kids next! Come on!" (Rose) dragged me even after I saw Alfred on the way.

He just gave me a serious nod, and I think that means I\'ll just double your work next time-

I sighed, smiling not refusing this stubborn girl, "Alright. Let\'s go play I guess."

Rose had the whole orphanage smiling with her silliness. Of course, I\'m no exception.

I can already see Gisela healing Valentina in the corner and I tried not to laugh when the both of them quarreled together like an old couple.

Someone had a magic vinyl playing some festive music as Rose ran into the middle of the crowd.

"Oh! It\'s Rose, she\'s dancing!"

"What no way!"

I look back at Rose who looked so happy being in the middle of that, her feet barefoot as she danced with the other children.

She stood out in that red shawl of hers that I always liked.

She looked so carefree, not caring about the world as she danced like a bird in the sky.

Without even noticing my hands already have a sketchbook in hand. It was charming me, alluring me into wanting to draw this silly free bird.

I could hear her sweet laugh as my hands went through sketching her faster. This was the third time I have ever tried drawing or painting Rose.

My eyes couldn\'t leave her movements, my vision was stuck to her like glue.

I could hear my pencil\'s scratching as I worked thoroughly with details on her clothes, the way her eyes made this special glint I feel like only I could see. "My hands... it seems like it\'s not stopping."

I have seen the first princess dance. My mind has compared the two so suddenly.

Princess Cecilia\'s was reserved, graceful, and perfect. It was like a dancing swan with the way she moved however, it was a beautiful swan telling its story of how she was caged into perfection and image of beauty.

But Rose\'s?

Hers was like a free bird.

It was like... a dove. Carrying her dance conveying a message, do not be afraid to show yourself.

Her moves were true and pure.

She\'s talking to me specifically it seems but I couldn\'t decipher the whole message she wanted to convey. "I will never run away."

I looked up from my sketchbook as I realized my pencil\'s lead had almost run out. "I... I will never run away and hide." (Rose) repeated.

My hands let go of the pencil as I was surprised by the sketch I made. "This is the most perfect sketch I have ever drawn." My hands brushes through the paper with these bold strokes of lines feeling unsure on who Rose really is.

The way she just danced was so different, "Rose who are you really? No one can just give me this kind of feeling towards something like this-"

Rose shushes me as she pats my head, "I\'ll tell you when the right time comes. Why not get to know the real me first before I reveal what my other side is?"

The thing is. I might now know which one is the real you at this point. I brush up my drawing as I finish it. I drew some rose flowers on the side as it gleamed beautifully, "It suits me." she appraised my drawing as I hid it from her.

"It\'s... not done yet." I told her, continuing my work back at the sketchbook. It\'s been a while since I\'ve been motivated to draw like this.

"Take your time."

In the end, I never finished. Alfred called out to me before I could ever complete it. Rose escorted me to the carriage walking by my side, before I left she asked me. "So I\'ll see you tomorrow?"

I took over my things smiling as I replied, "Definitely. I haven\'t completed this sketch and I intend to turn this into a painting."

I might have found my new muse.

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