Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 73 Side : Rose's Mind.

Side Chapter: Rose\'s Mind.

-Before the Escort Mission-

Rose\'s POV

The day before I have to leave my kingdom to meet my fiancé.

I decided to take part in some light reading in my room. However the lack of ambiance made me uncomfortable.

Everything that reminded me of how to be prim and proper was here in my room. A fan, a closet full of gowns, tall heels I was forced to dance into, books that offer nothing and were just used to be placed upon my head only to be used to attain balance.

The rules rang around my head.

The future queen must be elegant, wise, a proper role model for the people.

A princess always has to sleep early in order to rise up properly in the presence of her subjects.

Is what my eldest sister has always told me. I scoffed, she may have changed now but every word that she of rule pertains to the royal family has pierced my mind and is refusing to let go.

I rolled my eyes, and stood up from my chair.

It was midnight. I wanted to go somewhere I wasn\'t allowed to be at this time.

Everyone in the castle is supposed to be asleep including the staff. No one would bother me if I went to the library.

The castle halls were dim of light. I held a lantern fueled by magic to be a guide. I mustn\'t let anyone know I\'m here.

I scrambled through the library door quickly opening it and then closing. Trying to ease my mind despite the sure situation upon my hand of marriage that has been arranged.

The feeling of my fingers gathering the dust of these books that wasn\'t enchanted with magic. They couldn\'t clean themselves for that reason.

It\'s such a fleeting feeling.

I have no other companion in this library except the seas of knowledge, stories, and travels of many people imprinted on such pages.

I sighed happily, feeling like I was in my own personal paradise. The library is where I find most of my peaceful days.

Then I remembered, "To think I would be wedded soon. Will I be Queen of my Kingdom and lose all of this?"

I simply don\'t want that.

Why couldn\'t I just live like a commoner?

Taking things slow and easy with ten kids, cats, and... my chosen beloved by my side.

I walked through the forbidden section of the library.

The hidden stashed books of girls loving girls plots have been in here untouched for days. "Where is that book..."

The book that we promised to read together. I know I had a copy...

I reached my hand into a hidden cabinet compartment and found the leather bound cover. "Aha there you are." I smiled holding the book with my hands.

Wiping the dust off the cover. "It\'s been so long since I\'ve read this."

The story of an innocent Butler that was supposed to be the heroine of the story fell in love with the Villainess who was rumored to be a tyrant but was actually kind.

It thrilled me to have these as a source of comfort.

I looked left and right before happily humming and closing the secret cabinet compartment.

"I see you\'re here to take some pleasure in light reading off duty as well?"

"Hyah! Oh! Cecilia-" I squealed my heart thumping in place but soon it stopped when I just realized it was my eldest sister giving me a huge grin that reached her ears.

"Did I surprise you?" she laughs holding the wheels on her wheelchair spinning them, driving in my direction.

I groaned. She seems to be always toying with me and thinks she can get away with it just because she\'s the eldest in the family.

"Please do not scare me like that, eldest sister." I told her to hold the book to my chest. "You\'re right, I was merely light reading. Kein and I used to read this book together when we were kids." I look at the book.

My sister takes a peak before resting her chin on her hand. "A book that the two of you read together before. How sweet." (Cecilia) motions over to go sit by her side. I nod, taking the book still wrapped around in my chest.

I moved the chair before taking a seat and moving forward. "So I stated my own reason why I came here so late at night, it doesn\'t explain why you\'re here, Eldest sister." I told her I was feeling suspicious of her behavior.

She shrugs, "Is it not normal to go and find my sister on this wonderful night where the full moon is currently out giving light to the night sky?" (Cecilia)

I laughed. Find me? You rarely seek me out first, dearest sister.

For tea and biscuits I would understand but this late at night she must\'ve wanted something.

"Pardon me, but it\'s not. You must have something to tell me this late at night. You never seek me out unless there is something you want." I replied opening the book reading it from the first page.

"Fine, you\'re perceptive as always." she clicks her tongue clearly disappointed. I roll my eyes, I just want to read my book in peace sister.

"I came here to ask if you still love her but I guess seeing you read this book that reminded you of Kein is enough evidence to reassure myself." (Cecilia)

I was about to turn to the next page when I stopped to look at her, the grin plastered to her face was still there. Reassure you? What is she talking about? "You\'re worrying me, why do you sound so... happy? It\'s unlike you." I asked.

She leans over to the table smiling. "I\'m happy about that fact. You haven\'t moved on." she says eyeing the book I was holding.

I smile sadly, turning the next page. "How could I move on that easily?" I start off remembering the faint smile of the woman I\'ve grown to have thought I would spend the rest of my life with. "I loved her dearly, sister. It just so happened that you matter dearly to me too."

I could hear my sister sigh giving me a disapproved look. "Listen two years ago. I haven\'t apologized properly. I was blinded by jealousy, I was jealous of you." (Cecilia)

I could see her clench her hand that rested on the table. "Maybe if I was well. Perhaps there should be another way to find a cure and not just sell you off to a man you haven\'t even met just for my sake."

Slowly she turns to me, her voice pleading. "As your sister, I\'m begging you to rethink your decision. It\'s not too late to have the marriage annulled." (Cecilia)

I shake my head and rest my hands on top of hers. What a stubborn soul.

I need this. For any chance of curing her I will do it.

"We might have our differences and fights but you\'re still my sister even if you\'re just born thirty seconds ahead of me. I would do anything for you." I told her that she covers her mouth for one moment before looking away.

Cecilia held my hand giving me a wide smile. She was holding back her tears while I was already crying. "I would do the same. I will do everything in my power to give you the life you deserve, sister."

Her eyes trained on me seriously, she breathed for a moment resting her back on the wheelchair. "The next week of travel will be harsh. Tomorrow when you leave remember. Once you grab onto her, never let go or else you might regret it for the rest of your life." (Cecilia) mutters and I tilt my head.

Grab who?

My eyes widened in realization.

"By her do you mean-"

Before I could even finish asking, Cecilia spun her wheelchair away yawning. "I have to find Kazari and ask her to read me something to sleep. Enjoy your alone time in the library. I\'ll... need to converge another plan in motion and I need sleep." (Cecilia)

I nod, looking at the bags under her eyes she really does need sleep. "Rest well, sister. I\'ll see you in the morning."

"Rest well to you as well. Goodnight." (Cecilia) leaves closing the door of the library leaving me to read in peace.

The Butler and the villainess finally got together but at a cost. The male lead turned out to be such a manipulative bastard.

My lips curved into a smile.

I remember when we read this together, oh how the both of us were so mad. "Kein..."

My mind have been full with thoughts of her.

Everything to her smile, the worry of have she eaten yet, has she been sleeping properly, and have she found someone else yet?

Is she happy with the life she has now?

I shake my head. "I must forget. I\'m engaged now and married in a few month\'s time."

I burned the night\'s time reading until I didn\'t realize myself I fell asleep inside the library. I rubbed my eyes awake yawning to see that I\'ve only finished half of the book.

"Hmm.." I stood up, walked into the secret cabinet and stored it there. "Perhaps another time."

I could hear a sudden heavy footstep run through the corridor.


There was dozens of maids suddenly bursting the door open, hair unkempt and they seemed to be panting for breath. "Your highness! Are you in here?! Please we need to dress you- oh there you are!"

"Apologies if I frightened you. I came to the library for some light reading. " I walked through them. "You\'re certainly right. I can\'t be late to meet the man I\'m about to marry."

"A-Ah yes, your highness!" They brought me to my room, dressed me into my proper traveling dress that had pretty white frills, putting gems of accessories to my neck and ears. I held a gem to my hand and felt guilty, these maids that has been helping me dress only receives about ten silver coins an hour.

The economy of the kingdom is not looking great. The maid who was braiding my long hair looked like she was about to faint trying to focus. When she was done I gave her a smile. "Thank you."

The maids around her sighed a breath of relief. They all curtsied when I looked at myself in the mirror. Silver hair, braided with pink plump lips and grey eyes that seemed to shine between the light.

I looked like a princess from a fairy tale. I just wish it wasn\'t true. I opened my cabinet drawers and kept the shawl safe after all these years, it\'s become worn out. I wrapped it around my neck and decided to use it as a scarf. "I will go now then."

My knights escorted me to the royal carriage soon after.

Both of my sisters came to see me off.

Yet my father kept himself holed up to his office. It was very typical of him.

Catherine, the youngest was the first one to hug me before she pleaded for me not to go in hand signs. \'If you will go who will read all of my other drafts I\'ve been working all night on?!\' (Catherine) buried her face on my neck right afterwards.

I chuckled a little patting her back. "Eldest sister will be here to help you with them." I point my gaze towards Cecilia.

Catherine looks at Cecilia who was quietly sitting in her wheelchair. Her face turned sour. \'I\'ll miss you promise me you\'ll be back soon...\'

I gave her a smile reassuring Catherine. "I\'ll be back before you know it." I replied signing it to her, Catherine let\'s go hesitantly but she managed.

Cecilia laughs having the time of her life watching us while Kazari pushes her wheelchair this time. It made me wonder where she has gone off to last night.

She never leaves my sister\'s side. "Godspeed on your journey, your highness." (Kazari)

"Thank you." I replied back. Kazari looks down at Cecilia who never stopped smiling. I stared at her then at my sister.

I feel something happened here and I\'ll tease a little. "Kazari please take care of Cecilia for me while I\'m gone. She\'ll be lonely without anyone to accompany her at her tea parties by herself looks like you\'ll have to fill for me before I return." I told her and she nods seriously.

"I will continue to take care of your sister, your highness. Do not fret I will um... do my duty like I have always been." (Kazari) looks away when I saw my sister held her hand that was placed on the handle of the wheelchair.

I stifled a laugh feeling happy that Cecilia is in good hands. I look at Catherine who was close to crying and she sniffs. My eldest sister shakes her head lightly before giving me this wide grin. "Good luck and don\'t waste the opportunity alright? I\'ll be rooting for you here." (Cecilia)

My Elder sister confused me. Her and words with hidden meanings.

She really enjoys making people hang onto a thread of a cliff with her words. "I won\'t waste the opportunity, sister. I\'ll be back as soon as I can."

I looked towards the coach and asked him to start our journey to the gates. "Let\'s make haste please."

The coachman nodded, smiling in my direction. "Yes, your highness." he whips the horses of the carriage. And we went on our way.

I looked through the window, passing by the streets I used to nestle and get in trouble before when I met Kein. We always wondered like a true pair of old couples that used to bicker a lot, fight, say sorry and then shyly apologize to each other.

The reflection of my face was enough to tell me, the smile that lingered.

She\'s not even by my side yet, she has this effect. I scoff and laugh softly to myself holding a strand of my hair playing with it. I sigh and pass by the orphanage the side next to it was under construction.

It seems that the new school being built for commoners is doing well.

A few more minutes of the ride many of the commoners that passed us widened their eyes with amazement as the royal carriage passed through, carrying the royal family symbol. Guards guarding each flank.

It was more like a show now but it\'s nice to be outside again after two years- blonde... hair and stop blue eyes. Am I dreaming?

My eyes widened, hands shaking as I yelled suddenly. "S-Stop the carriage!"

The coachman looked confused but he followed my orders. The carriage stopped, my feet couldn\'t help but want to run. That blonde hair- I couldn\'t be mistaken! But- why is she here?!

The crowd dispersed when I ran through them shouting princess and your highness. I seemed to have been cursed to be deaf when Kein was near. I ignored all of the calls for me. I want to see her again-!

"Natasha wishes for time to stop. Natasha is a really greedy person, she apologizes but can we stay like this for a few minutes?"

"A few more seconds but that\'s it alright-?"

I saw Kein hugging someone. Who... is she?

Thump! Thump!

My eyes widened fearing that it was too late. I tripped. I stopped running. Everyone gasped and came running to me holding out several hands for me to grab. "Are you alright?!"

"Your highness! Have my hand!"

"No have mine!"

"Your highness, are you hurt?!"

They all went into panic mode after seeing the princess trip- they have a duty to protect me after all but I didn\'t want to show any reaction to my expression. Kein looked surprised, still holding the other woman in her arms.


Who is she?!

"Rose..." she cried out my name.

My eyes wanted to cry at that moment, having only one question above my head. Who is she to you? You never even hugged me like that! I glared at her, standing up and patting down my dress.

"Everyone in your position. We will commence our escort mission for the princess! Move out!" I heard Vincent\'s voice- even he\'s also here?!

Why didn\'t I hear anything about this?!

I head out onto the carriage, closing the curtains and when I know I\'m all alone. I let it all out. "Kein you dummy! You absolute dummy! Who was Natasha?! You- you urgh!" I crossed my arms and complained.

"Maybe it was a friendly hug? But does that look friendly- no it certainly didn\'t! She must be her new lover- a new lover? But-" wait... oh no I\'m really horrible. I held down my head feeling the heavy feeling in my chest. "Who am I to say things like this? I forgot for one moment. I\'m the one who broke off, putting her to sleep with a drug and kissing her with no permission."

Then telling her... it will never work between us. "I really am horrible."

I laughed bitterly. "I don\'t have many rights to complain about anything." I rested into the seat, closing my eyes and covering them with my arm. "Natasha was it... I hope you can make her happy in my stead."

"Now we move!" (Vincent) yelled and the carriage started to move with almost a hundred people marching forward.


It was our first time settling into camp and I wanted a quiet spot where I could take some time off to think after what happened. That girl... were they together? If so for how long? I feel so... horrible.

"Wait someone\'s here. I think we need to separate-"

Again... they\'re hugging again. However, unlike last time. I won\'t let myself be like before who just glared at her and left. "Oh I apologize. Was I interrupting something?"

Kein seemed to have noticed me, her hands reaching out for me trying to explain. It\'s alright Kein, we can both move on with this. I\'m glad you already found someone. "Oh no, don\'t let me stop you. I was just strolling around the camp so both of you can continue whatever you were doing."

I smiled at her while deep inside it like two stones were crushing the inside of my heart, breaking me. "You two. Look cute. Together."

"Rose, wait! I-It\'s not-" (Kein) has her eyes trailed on me perhaps thinking of the right words to say. The other woman with her noticed me and kneeled. "Your highness." (Natasha)

Now that I looked at her more closely Natasha was beautiful. Light platinum blonde hair with adventurer clothing and she seemed to be strong. Kein looked down at Natasha and kneeled.

It left a sour taste in my mouth. I don\'t like it when people kneeled down before me. It felt... wrong. "Y-Your highness." (Kein) stuttered, having beads of sweat in her forehead. It was almost funny for her to be in this state but how ironic.

I couldn\'t help myself from giggling, "Please stand up. No need for you to kneel or bow. Well I apologize for interrupting something very important." I told them, deciding to leave to give them some space, turning my back around. "Just a little suggestion. If you\'re going to do it. Please, keep your voices hushed so others can\'t hear."

With that I placed a finger to my lips motioning a shush. I could see both of their faces flush and I suppose my hunch was right. They are together. "I-I... Your highness it\'s-" (Kein)

"Have fun." was the last sentence I managed to utter out before I left... to cry. "I should be happy, she\'s happy. She has someone else. I can just get married, move on, it\'s okay... there there."

I isolated myself into the carriage holding down my red shawl. "Red for the color of rose because you\'ll always remember me."

Slowly I feel like hating the color red.

The morning after that we continued our journey and I couldn\'t help sneak peaks of her riding her adorable pegasus she was patting. Her gaze wandered to my direction. "Oh no-" within a few seconds of eye contact my face was immediately flushed my hands moved on their own and closed the carriage curtains.

"Ugh... I\'m sorry but I have to ignore you Kein for the sake of both of us."


The carriage suddenly shook violently. My body couldn\'t help but move to the side, hitting my head into one of the soft cushions. "RAWWR RARRR!"

I covered my ear because of the loud roar. "W-What\'s happening?!" I looked out through the window to see a wyvern taller than the trees was getting ready to fire at us.


Everyone came running towards the carriage putting up the shields. A wind blew into my direction and I looked up to see Kein riding away with her steed into the direction of the monster.

Everyone did the same and looked up. "What is she doing?! That\'s a dangerous wyvern!" I heard one of the soldiers shout.

No Kein! Don\'t be stupid and fulfill your savior complex!

I look through the other side of the battlefield seeing Vincent cast his [Ice magic] spell. "That idiot will get it when we\'re done with this!" his magic could be felt all over us having the chill breeze flow.

Once the mages had the magic shield up the shield corp left to defend the front.

It was over an hour we waited before the wyvern got its stomach slit. "S-She did it!"

"Yeah! That\'s our new commander!"

"Holy hell she actually did it."


As everyone was celebrating. I could see the girl that hugged Kein before, Natasha was holding her pegasus and was about to run into the forest. My mind told me to follow her, because I knew in my heart she\'ll be looking for Kein.

"Wait!" I called out to her and she turned back to me so suddenly looking confused. "Take me with you! You\'re going to find her right?!"

Natasha blinks for a moment pointing to herself. "Your highness is talking to Natasha?"

I nod looking toward the stomach slit wyvern filled with worry. What if she hurt herself? I need to see if she\'s alright! I-I can heal her- I groaned forgetting that magic doesn\'t work on her. "I have to see her please!"

Natasha shakes her head before holding the pegasus tightly by the reins. "With all respect for your highness. A mission is a mission. Natasha and the others have been hired to keep you safe and here is the safest spot."

My expression turned into a sour one. I need to see her! "Well, so be it, protect me while we look for her, come on!" I got out of the carriage while everyone was distracted from celebrating. I ran through the forest trying to find Kein.

"Your highness!" (Natasha)

However it seemed like I was too slow and this woman managed to catch up to me and hold me by the arm. I tried getting free but she was just too strong, she looked at me worriedly before apologizing. "Natasha apologizes for touching the princess but... take the ride. It\'s more safe and if a strong monster comes Natasha can ask Vanilla to bring you back." (Natasha)

I gasped in happiness hugging her. Natasha is a kind partner for Kein! "Thank you! You don\'t know how much this means to me!"

She blinks in confusion patting my back. "Natasha is... welcome?" she mutters must\'ve been feeling uncomfortable with the hug. I step back and give her a smile. "You\'re a good person."

Natasha looks down, pursing her lips with an embarrassed expression nodding. "T-Thanks to her highness- If that is all. Natasha will protect you at all costs while we find Kein." (Natasha)

I moved towards Kein\'s Pegasus who raised an eyebrow at me somehow expectantly. "I-I need to find your master, can I temporarily ride you until we find her?" I asked politely. The Pegasus kneels before letting me hoist up her saddle. I let out a happy noise as Natasha gives me a thumbs up in my direction.

Natasha walked by our side, having her sword out shouting Kein\'s name. Vanilla looked distressed as well must be having worries for her master. "There there." I started patting her head gently. "Kein is strong, she\'s out there somewhere let\'s go find her. I\'m worried too but adorable idiots like her don\'t die easily so we\'re good."

Vanilla neigh at my remark. Natasha stares at me suspiciously, clearly having a lot of questions on her mind. "Your highness, if Natasha may be bold to ask. What is the relationship between the both of you?" (Natasha) asks, my heart thumping very loudly at her question.

I smiled politely at her before answering- "Friends. We\'re friends that\'s in a... complicated situation at the moment."

Natasha stops walking before putting down her sword by her side. "You\'re the person Kein talks about a lot when she\'s drunk, the person named Rose." (Natasha) tells me and I pulled Kein\'s pegasus for a bit for a stop.

"What of it?" I ask her, feeling that the tension between us has become heavy.

Natasha shakes her head looking at me seriously. "Natasha envies you." I could see the fire in her eyes and even... the pain. "You\'re the reason why her heart is shut tight, not letting anyone in." she continues and that made me wonder.

Not letting anyone in does that mean- "Are the both of you two just friends as well?" I ask and she nods continuing to walk forward. "You don\'t know how lucky you are, your highness. Even if you are a princess, I refuse to lose." she mutters pointing the sword in my direction.

I couldn\'t respond after the immediate information overload. "I- I am getting married though! You can keep her. I don\'t love her that way-" I was cut off with a glare from her as she leaned in to face me.

"Natasha thinks you\'re a horrible liar. You can never fool even a child with those lies, your highness." she never let go of her fiery gaze into my panicking eyes. "Your eyes tell me everything. You love her no matter how many lies you say. You love her and Natasha doesn\'t like liars.."

I swallowed the lump in my throat fearing the sword would be pointed in my neck next and couldn\'t help but feel like I was downing while being shot by a thousand spells.

This woman... is really in love with Kein.

"I... I only love her merely as a good friend." I continued to lie even if it was no use. I have to deny everything. I can\'t risk it, so I looked away, turning silent for a whole minute of our walk.

I could hear her sigh in disappointment. "I apologize to her highness for my harsh words."

I wave my hand around casually. "No no. It\'s quite alright." because all of it was the truth and I\'m ashamed of not admitting as well.


After our conversation.

We decided to continue with the search for the stupid blonde hair womanizer that just defeated a wyvern. "Kein! Kein! Where are you? Natasha have Vanilla with me if you die Natasha will not forgive you!" (Natasha) yells. Her words are really violent sometimes huh but it\'s nice to know Kein keeps such nice people by her side.

I also… want to call out her name loudly.

A few seconds later after Natasha\'s call we heard a reply. "Natasha, I\'m here!" It was Kein\'s voice that roared through the trees. I could never mistake that voice.

Thump, thump, thump.

My heart began leaping out of my chest. I quickly went down, almost tripping again when I ran. "Kein-" I hugged her despite the horrible smell. "You dummy I was worried sick-!"

"Rose." she called out to me and when I looked up she was flushed red in color. That made me... turn red inside too.

Her features were more mature, her hands were now full of calluses, and she\'s now taller than me that I have to look up. "Um it might be better for you to let go now I\'m still covered in dragon saliva."

I shake my head a little embarrassed to even do this but-

Even if you were covered in poison I will show no hesitance and embrace you into my arms for I feared that you\'ve been seriously hurt and went missing.

She gently pats my head while I feel really happy at this moment. "I\'m sorry for worrying you, Rose. I\'m alright." she tells me reassuringly with a smile complimenting her light blue eyes.

"Natasha has never seen you... smile like that." (Natasha) mutters and I forgot she was there for a moment. Kein looks at the both of us in confusion, noticing Natasha was there as well, "Actually why are the two of you together- Natasha and um..."

"The second princess." she called out not to my name but my royal ranking.

Did she just? I didn\'t know what this feeling was, for years she has always called me Rose, a name I fell in love with. An unknown feeling swelled up through my body and I felt irritated to even face the woman in front of me.

I liked it more when you called me by my nickname... "What did you just call me?"

"The second... princess." (Kein) answered, gazing at me nervously.

"Oh I see well this second princess will be going back to her carriage now." I certainly don\'t know what\'s gotten into me but I didn\'t want to be there any longer.

"Wait your highness!" she calls out to me and I walk faster. "It\'s not safe let me accompany you." (Kein)

"No, I\'ll be fine with the adventurer escorting me instead thank you. Commander Hills." I told her and she looked angry. "Princess don\'t be like that I\'m part of the royal military I should-" (Kein)

Natasha runs up behind us with Vanilla neighing as she catches her breath. "Ah- give Natasha a break- the two of you run like you\'re being chased by a wyvern."

I almost forgot about Natasha for a second! I gave her an apologetic look as the two of them conversed with one another. "Natasha you have Vanilla with you- are you alright how was the stampede?" (Kein)

Natasha takes a deep breath before holding Vanilla for support. "Everyone saw your display of stupidity, charging into a dragon\'s mouth like that without care?! Natasha felt like crying!" (Natasha) screamed and Kein was there trying to calm her down.

"I\'m sorry but the wyvern\'s breath- I can absorb it and save some time- if I was anywhere near you guys I would\'ve accidentally absorbed the shield the other mages casted that was used to protect the princess-"(Kein) explains to the other girl who still looked furious.

Natasha shakes her head.

"That\'s not the point! Let Natasha see your whole body!" (Natasha)

I almost choked on my own saliva. What?!

How unfair! I haven\'t even seen her naked myself and I\'m her childhood friend! "What? I\'m fine! I have my armor on so there\'s no way I would\'ve- oomph-" Natasha cups Kein\'s cheeks and I clenched my fists. I see... I\'m alright.

I wish them happiness together. I\'ll be fine! Yes! Friends!

"You have a cut on your cheek! May Natasha remind you that you don\'t wear a helmet!" (Natasha) scolds her like she was her mother.

I looked at Kein\'s cheek and there was indeed a cut that looked deep. I wanted to heal it but I know that won\'t work. "It\'s best if we get back to camp and get it treated then, we can\'t let a valuable asset like a commander die out of infection now do we?"

Kein didn\'t look fine and proceeded to reply, "Fine. Let\'s just hurry up to camp and get the princess to safety." (Kein)

I can\'t remember anything after that but... it was messy.

My feelings were messy.

It didn\'t help when it got to the point of a random announcement I didn\'t know Kein was to be my personal knight after explaining the rules to the other soldiers and adventurers.

"In a few hours we will be at the kingdom\'s border. Everyone should be aware of the rules, female knights and adventurers will always be accompanied by at least one man." (Vincent) exclaimed the utterly ridiculous rules that the kingdom had. Women not being allowed to roam freely on their own? It felt like women had leashes only destined to be in the house.

I could hear the females whisper and roll their eyes crossing their arms, displeased with the news. "It is by kingdom rules that no woman will roam around freely. I apologize but we must abide by their rules once we enter." (Vincent)

"Except for the Princess\'s new personal knight. We have asked for early consent to be exempted from this rule. Kein Hills."

My eyes almost balled out of my face. I popped my head out of the carriage wanting an explanation I never heard of! "Wait! I never heard of this?! Lord Wolford what is the meaning of this?! I never asked for such an escort!" (Rose)

My heart won\'t take another heart attack like this!

Vincent ignored me and continued to lay down more rules. "Make sure to keep your magic at low profile. Do not create trouble and we\'ll leave to return to the kingdom once two weeks have passed."

This man! I know I haven\'t talked to him for almost two years but this is just absurd!

He knows I am too wed and he does this?! He knows I have feelings for Kein! "Now what will I do?! I don\'t know what will I do to ignore her now-"

When we arrived at the castle Kein came with us. Rose act calm, collected, don\'t let your crush completely obliterate all of your sense of reasoning. She opened the door to the carriage and I was stunned. Even to this present day she was still a gentlewoman.

Calm down heart.

"T-Thank you." My hands were placed onto hers. I want to... hold it more. No! I mustn\'t! I took my hand back quickly and gave my mind a mental slap. "You may leave now. I will be fine with my other guards."

"No princess, didn\'t you hear what our almighty general said? I\'m your personal knight now." (Kein)

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Kein is really my personal knight now… I couldn\'t help but feel rather happy with how things turned out even if…

"Y-You\'re still stubborn even now. I didn\'t even want this." I told her I was trying my best to lie. I\'m actually enjoying every second I could spend with her right now. I\'m just afraid I\'ll come to miss it...

"My apologies to your highness. Try your luck again next time but you\'re really stuck with me until we get back home." (Kein) says sarcastically and even with that face of hers I can\'t really hate her now can I?

If that\'s how she\'s going to play then I\'ll just let her see the bad sides of me until she gives up her love for me. So we can both move on. "Fine, I have no choice. Lead me to my quarters!"

I\'m sorry Kein but starting tomorrow. I\'ll be the greatest thorn you\'ll ever meet.

Author\'s note: Rose is currently fixing herself right now so don\'t mind her! She\'s having one of those indecisive gay panic moment.

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