Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 87 Unsent Letters.

Chapter 58: Unsent letters.

Kein\'s POV

Our journey back home was short. We had our tents set up once the daylight was over.

There were some small monsters in the way but we got rid of them swiftly because of the other knights in training.

Vincent was really busy trying to organize people and what to do, Natasha needed her space and by that time I got to introduce Rose and Vanilla properly once we had to stop and rest for the night.

Rose managed to sneak out with me by leaving a clone in her carriage and we picked a very secluded spot in the forest where I set up a tent with how Natasha showed me. It looked sturdy with the pins hammered down onto the ground with the ground and the blanket.

I also have a natural fire going, the sparks flying into the air and I take in that smell of wood burning. The others seemed to have started their own fire camps as well.

"The tent is already you two." I turned to my princess and my Pegasus.

Vanilla was lonely after knowing Natasha won\'t be able to visit her for a while and give her treats but she seemed to have warmed up to Rose slowly. "I love your wings. They have been brushed well. Do Kein brush them for you?" she asks Vanilla with a polite voice and raises an eyebrow at the princess then to me.

"Ohhh she doesn\'t brush your wings." (Rose) mutters holding Vanilla and then inspecting the large feathers on her arm. "I can brush them for you if you\'d like. I never leave home without a brush." her [Storage Ring] glows momentarily before taking out a fancy soft brush that probably cost a ton of gold coins.

"I can\'t believe you can understand my Pegasus with that huge temper of hers-" I throw a weird look at her with a little laugh. I focused onto the tent again, rechecking if I missed anything important but I felt my back being hit by something rough.

"Ow! Hey!" I yelled holding the part of my back that was hit and glared at the two.

"It was um Vanilla who threw that brush." she points at Vanilla with an angry face but I roll my eyes.

"Fine she\'s not that bad of a Pegasus but your knight is wounded whatever shall she do? She can\'t defend her beautiful princess damsel in distress with this pain in her back." I cried out dramatically. Vanilla had to call on my acting and threw a rock this time with her feather.

She fitted it into her mouth and just swung her head to let go of the rock sending it into my direction. "Ow- damn Pegasus."

I could hear Rose giggle and I suppose that was a mission success to make her laugh again. I know the whole day has been making us tense with the plan and the wedding in just a few month\'s time.

Speaking of which... After this whole ordeal will I still be her knight?

Or will I go stand and be a commander with new missions to serve the kingdom with resolve? No, that\'s not an option. I need to ask for a leave or quit temporarily.

I was lost in thought on what possible plans we could do that I didn\'t realize Rose was giving Vanilla another treat of bribery.

This princess had sugar cubes on her [Storage Ring] who knew she was the type of gal that would carry sugar cubes in her ring. "I know that\'s a sweet treat but don\'t spoil her too much, Rose. That\'s a good way to earn her trust fast though." I point at Vanilla and hold her cheek with my hand.

"A little treat wouldn\'t hurt anyone. You have a wonderful steed. How did the two of you meet?" (Rose) holds out her hand to Vanilla who accepts it with a small hesitation before comfortably licks her palm searching for any traces of sugar.

"Father bought Vanilla for me when I turned seventeen just in time for the Pegasus class mandatory assignment." I held the memory and surprise of Baron Hills when he revealed the gift to me on my birthday.

Well, Kein\'s birthday but... I\'m trying to make it on my own.

To think after all these years of borrowing someone\'s identity I should\'ve gotten used to it- but no.

"Kein, is everything alright? You have that look on your face when you\'re troubled." (Rose) takes her hand in mine and holds it carefully. I could feel her warmth and worry, "Is it about the plan with the Winshern Princess? Or is this about something else?" she continued and I felt trapped.


The only person who knows about my secret is Avery.

Am I being unfair to Rose to tell her I love her but at the same time I\'m not fully revealing my true self?

Actually never mind, do I really have to ask? That was an obvious answer of a yes. I am being unfair to her. "No, it\'s not really about the plan and yes it\'s something else entirely. I did promise to tell you once we have everything sorted out, that includes my family issues." I replied, trying to clear my mind of it. I held Vanilla\'s leash for comfort and Rose took in my expression, nodding briefly before holding my hands.

"I can wait. I will wait and I will be here if you need a hand. Once you\'re ready to tell, let\'s have a nice little picnic or some trip outside the kingdom for closure. Anything that you would want that I can do, I will do." (Rose) massages my hands tired from the journey, her thumbs caressing my palms. My face felt the heat of intimacy and I couldn\'t help myself to think of certain things when she said anything that she can do, she\'ll do it.

I lean over to her ear, "Anything? Even if it\'s something more beyond kissing and holding?" I teased the two last words with bold pronunciation. Perhaps whatever could be running on her mind right now?

I felt her body flinch for a moment before I held her by the waist. "Are you sure that you can handle something like- ah..."

My voice turned into something I never expected, I could suddenly feel her mouth in my neck gently nipping. My hold on her waist weakened- I could feel my knees turning into mellow but she just continued and flipped the table by wrapping her arms around me.

"Rose stop-" I pleaded, my hands becoming weak but I managed to hold on tighter to her waist.

She looked up with a grin and followed my embarrassing plea for her to stop. "Don\'t feel too confident, Kein. Remember who did the first move, it was me. I remember pinning you down on the grass as well. Do you recall those times?" (Rose)

I held my neck feeling her touch and saw Vanilla looking away politely. I could feel my face turning red once more and I stomped my feet like a child. "That- That was just unfair! For the record I don\'t remember that you did the first move." I growled angrily at that shit I actually remember that she did the first move and she smiles widely taking out a mirror in her [Storage Ring] and I look at her in question.

"You might need to cover that." She hands me the mirror while pointing out at my neck and I accept it.

"Are you serious- you gave me a hickey?!" I moved my neck a bit to see that it was a small one. Thankfully, I can just make up an excuse that some random mosquito bit me on the way.

"No one ever gave you a hickey before? Ms. Commander first graduate of the knight academy? I thought you were popular enough that you\'d- you know..." (Rose) stops after telling me- I probably have dated other girls yes but I never did it with any of them.

I shake my head and hand her back the mirror. "I might have flirted with a lot of my peers but I never... crossed the line with them. I know it wouldn\'t feel right if... if it wasn\'t..."

"Wasn\'t?" (Rose)

"It wouldn\'t feel right if it wasn\'t you." I couldn\'t look at her front because I... I think I\'m a little flushed at the moment but it\'s alright. I finally got to say it though- "Look just because you told me to forget about you, it\'s not like I would magically just- forget about you. You were my first love and my first heartbreak."

I could see the princess bite her lip and nod. "I regret those words everyday when I\'m at the castle. No matter if I was studying, learning etiquette, learning how to become the best bride I could offer the neighboring prince- my thoughts have always been of you."

She moves beside the tent to sit down onto the grass. "It\'s been a while since I\'ve dirtied myself back at the palace. I could never sit on the ground, dirty my dress, or speak whatever came into my mind. I missed those times with you, the noble world taught me that being a commoner is the worst thing that can happen to someone of nobility." (Rose) takes out letters from her ring and presented it to me.

"I found out that they were wrong. Being a commoner... was not that bad at all. I made friends and had small but grand adventures with the others- I was happy, so happy with you I would never hesitate renouncing my line to the throne to be with you if I had only known." I took the letters from her shaking hands and sat down with her.

The sound of the fire crackles and I shift the letter\'s addresses seeing that they were named for me.

And for her other friends back at home.

"These letters are not only for me. This is for Veronica, Matthew, Grandma Chio, Sister Gisela, the other children at the orphanages- the sisters at the church. You..." I looked at her and saw that she was crying while I held the letters in my hand. The hot tears in her eyes ran and my panic grew.

I immediately hugged Rose and buckled my eyes up not to cry as well. I didn\'t know whether to continue or talk so I just waited for her to stop sniffling uncontrollably.

"I loved you and the others more than the temptation of the crown blinded me. My sisters- Cecilia had little time to live and Catherine didn\'t want the crown, she just wanted to publish her own books spreading her work and voice in terms of ink. I could never push such a duty on my little sister." (Rose) tells me with her voice breaking.

Her hands made their way to my back gripping it. "I was the only one left. Father made it clear, I had one path to follow now." she seemed to have calmed down, no longer gripping my back and I let go of her gently.

Rose takes one of the letters from the pile and opens it. I leaned beside her while she started to read them, "My dearest Kein, I miss you. How have you been? There is so much I want to tell you. Many stories to tell, apologies to be properly conveyed." she starts off and I listen carefully.

I looked through the piles of letters that must\'ve been written every single day with different people in mind.

"I want you to know that I am learning how to tie ribbons properly and knit in case I need them on being your future wife." she chuckles holding the letter and her head falls into the support of my shoulder as we both watch the fire consume the dry wood on the ground. "Just wondering, do you have any ribbon in need of tying? Perhaps you need a scarf to be knitted in spring when the nights are usually chilly. I would hate for you to get sick, I am unable to heal you since magic doesn\'t work for you after all."

I glanced at her solemn expression as she held the letter, "If you get sick. How can I tend to you when I\'m this far and imprisoned? I wish... I can tell you what I really felt that day. Sincerely, your Rose." she finished reading it and I leaned my head with hers.

"That was really... kind of sappy." I told her and she sighs tiredly.

"Everyday on that damned castle I wanted to turn on my sister but I remembered I would regret it if I did and only cause you much more problems for everyone thanks to my selfishness." (Rose) explains her eyes getting droopy, weakly nodding up and down on my shoulders. "I\'m just glad I could hold you like this again. This time... I won\'t push you away..." with that last sentence she fell asleep like an adorable puppy.

Her shiny silver hair was on my shoulders, smelling like the shampoo I made. It seemed that she never stopped using it and that made me really happy inside.

I nod, placing one of my hands behind her head and gently pushing her against my body. Vanilla noticed the mood and yanked the blanket that was inside the tent and handed it over to me.

"Thank you." I told her and she settled down behind us, offering to be a pillow.

I pressed my back into Vanilla\'s soft wings.

I look towards the letters. It seemed that she had been writing to us, and she never forgot.

I slowly turned to Rose, her long lashes were really beautiful. It\'s the first time in years since I ever got this close to inspect her place, when we were at that winshern castle I didn\'t really have the time to drink it in.

"I\'m glad that I can hold you like this again too." I whispered to her ear not wanting to wake her up.

My other free hand tucked her in with a blanket. I kissed the top of her forehead as she snuggled further into my neck. Moments like these are what got me to continue on living, "Goodnight, Rose. I... love you." I yawned slightly snuggling in comfort with my girlfriend.

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