Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 95 Side : Natasha's Advice.

Side Chapter: Natasha\'s Advice.

A light blue-haired noble walks back to where he came from. It seems that his mission to protect the mission was unneeded because Lady Kein was already doing his job for him.

He recalled how the two looked at each other.

With love in their eyes. How he envied them so...

The future Duke Vincent von Wolford, was feeling at loss in this moment of life. After graduating like his father had intended for him at the military academy, becoming one of the youngest generals in the kingdom.

He had everything?

But why is it that something- a part of his heart is missing?

Did he yearn for love?

He already has the love of his friends and family. What more could he need?

Vincent looked back at the inn, rowdy with the other knights that sang tails of missing their beloved back home.

His memory gave a flash of someone\'s face- it was Lady Kein\'s cousin.

Lenard Yulien, the one that got away.

How he wished he\'d sooner learned of his feelings back then perhaps things would\'ve been different. With the thought of everyone finding love he felt like he was lagging behind. He knew that it was something that\'s not needed to be rushed but-

Its just depressing to think one day he\'ll be all alone.

Not only that, he feared that his parents would have the \'talk\' when they get home about his crossdressing hobbies. One problem after another, it seems never ending.

"I need a drink." he mutters sadly, deciding to solve all his worries by walking into a bar with a few people who seemed to be either partying or drinking their worries away.

He sits in a corner a little dejected and orders a beer.

He\'s not one to order such drinks but today is an exception. He wants to get wasted tonight. "Here\'s your beer sir." The owner of the pub gave him a drink and he took it gratefully, paying with some silver coins.

He held the handle of the cup and pondered on what he\'s going to do next when he gets home.

"Hey miss. Are you lonely? Maybe you could accompany me and my friends- hic! Tonight?" a drunk old man was seen hitting on a familiar platinum blonde hair girl who seemed uninterested in his advances.

"Natasha is busy and has no time for scums like you." she waves the drunk old man who doesn\'t stop. His huge belly bouncing up and down when he laughed at Natasha\'s answer.

"What? This is the first time I got rejected by a pretty lady- hic... Come on, Miss, accompany me. Adventurers like you take jobs right? I have some money so-" his eyes wandered to Natasha\'s behind and he smiled.

His hands wanted to reach for them...

Vincent saw this and couldn\'t help but stand up from his seat and ran over to the drunk old man to stop him.

However, Natasha was faster.

She grabbed the drunk old man\'s wrist before giving it a horrible death grip. "AGHHHH! WHAT THE F-" he screamed glaring at Natasha with a reddened flustered face.

Her green emerald eyes seemed to be angry and full of fire, she twisted her body and carried the old man\'s drunk body by her back while still holding the wrist. "Natasha said. She\'s not interested." with that she throws him into the next empty table.


The whole bar was watching the moment unfold. Dust was flying off everywhere and Vincent was left standing there looking bewildered at the strength of this lady.

The old drunk man groaned and he seemed to be asleep now. His head resting onto the debris of the remains of wood.

The bar owner saw what happened and instead of thanking Natasha for removing a problematic drunk in his bar. He was angry at the broken tables and chairs since life has been hard. He got angry at the cost of the order that he\'ll need another set of them.

"You! Do you know how much that will cost- pay up or-" the owner scolded further at Natasha who scoffs at these Puronian weaklings. How come an old drunk like this would be down after just one throw?

If this was back on her homeland there would be further brawling and it\'s not only one set of tables and chairs that would be broken.

"Natasha is not in a good mood. I have no money." She says to the owner who was red in the face and demanded that she pay up or she\'ll call on the knights and ask for them to punish her.

Vincent sighs looking at Lady Kein\'s friends to be stubborn as her. He takes several gold coins from his [Storage Ring] and places them into the table with a loud clunk.

Natasha notices the light blue hair and knight uniform that reminded her of Kein.

"For whatever the lady broke I\'ll pay so why don\'t we continue having a good time just drinking, good sir?" (Vincent) gave a charming smile that usually no one would be able to resist.

Natasha frowns at what he did feeling indebted already and looks at the owner smiling happily looking at the coins at the table. "Oh my! Thank you, good sir! Hey lady, feel free to break some more things if this fine gentleman will pay for it!" the owner of the bar motioned for the other chairs and tables.

"Ugh... Puronians." She rolls her eyes and sits back in her chair. Vincent was about to go back to his seat as well but Natasha stopped him. "Hey blue-haired pretty boy. Come sit down with Natasha." she motions for the empty seat beside her.

Vincent was taken aback but he takes up the offer. He grabs his drink and sat right next to Natasha who seemed to be already at her tenth cup of beer but she was still sober. "Winshern people have strong livers I see." he chuckles trying to start a conversation with the girl.

Natasha motions for another drink and chucks it like it was nothing.

"And Natasha sees that Puronians have weak livers as well as weak spirits." She looks at the drunk old man who was sleeping peacefully on the floor. "Weak spirit when drunk they go and try assaulting easy looking women they could find."

Vincent laughs not even feeling offended because she was mostly right from this experience. "I do apologize for what my countrymen have put you through. Everyone is having a rough moment at this time."

Natasha scoffs at the word, rough moment. Who isn\'t having a rough moment these days?

"Your countrymen are not special. Everyone is having a rough moment- he did not have a right to try touching Natasha." she clenches her teeth and is angry. Natasha takes an empty cup and throws it at the sleeping man on the floor.


It landed on his head but he didn\'t flinch or anything but just slept.

She groans angrily looking back at another round of drink. "The only one who can touch me like that is Kein." her hands slammed onto the table angrily as she continued.

Vincent bites his lip and wants to say something but- does Natasha know about the relationship of Lady Kein and the princess?

"Now Kein and her old flame rekindled! Natasha is left to the side!" She takes another drink, ranting to Vincent.

Vincent raises his eyebrows looking at Natasha in shock. She knows?! Natasha knows about the both of them?! He leans in closer to Natasha and whispers, "Y-You know of the relationship of Kein and the second princess?" he asks in confirmation.

Natasha laughs while holding another beer. It was her twelfth drink and yet she downed it down to her stomach like water. "Natasha knew from watching Kein ever since the start. She was always looking at the carriage and from where Natasha stood, those two when they are together it was clear that they had some history."

She throws another empty cup at the drunk old man on the floor to calm her anger. Vincent just watched and didn\'t feel sorry for the man.

"Natasha is no fool." she groans, placing her head into the table of the bar not wanting to face one of Kein\'s friends with her tears. Natasha was pinching the side of her skin trying not to cry. "Natasha is stupid though. Kein has warned me so many times and rejected me more than once yet here... Natasha is still hoping that she has a chance with her."

Vincent felt unknowledgeable with how it is that he should comfort people that are sad. It\'s not the first time these two had a drink together- they had a drink in the barn before but Natasha didn\'t rant or anything.

It was just a peaceful drink together and they fell asleep right after.

The only thing he could do was pat Natasha\'s back, feeling bad for the girl who has unrequited love- like he does. "It\'s alright. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I understand how you\'re feeling right now. I also have an unrequited love." the moment that Vincent told of his experience.

Natasha\'s face rose up from the table and looked at Vincent sympathetically. Her emerald eyes twinkled under the light, with a faint red color on her skin. "You feel Natasha\'s pain?"

Vincent nods and tells her the story of what he had. "I liked this boy... its a little funny because he was Lady Kein\'s cousin."

Natasha nods in understanding. It seems that rejecting people was in the family blood. It literally ran in the family, how outrageous it is! "I couldn\'t confess my feelings for him because... someone already got to him first but I confess now- I know I\'ll be rejected and I\'m afraid-"

"What?" (Natasha) stops Vincent from telling the story further and looks at him in disappointment. "You couldn\'t confess? Just because- he has a lover already?"

"Well yes-" (Vincent) he tries speaking once more but Natasha stops him.

"How will you move on at that rate? You will have regrets that you will carry for the rest of your life. The closure you need will be gone. Natasha cannot believe you Puronians, can\'t even handle being a man." with the way Natasha said that Vincent felt offended yet she\'s right.

However it\'s not like he hasn\'t tried!

There were times that he tried approaching Lenard about the matter but- with how happy he seemed with his new lover it felt wrong to suddenly dump his feelings into the fray and ruin the friendship they have now.

"Natasha I tried before but I just- I just kept backing out not knowing how to even start. I\'m afraid- what if he avoids me in the future-"

Natasha shakes her head at Vincent dismissing the thought. "If they avoid you, they are not true friends. You are only showing your admiration and feelings towards the person. It\'s not like you are forcing them to be with you after confessing!"

Vincent looks down at his untouched drink. Natasha... seems to be right.

"Tch, you remind me of Kein\'s friend. I might not know who is, only after her story about her- she gave Kein trust issues and definitely made my confession seem like an end to our relationship." (Natasha) stands up from her seat and pays her part of the drink not wanting to drink in sorrows anymore she had to move on.

"Natasha\'s advice. Don\'t be a coward." were the last words he gave the young man.

And with that she left Vincent alone with his thoughts onto the next morning where they have to leave.


"Tsk, tsk come on boy." (Vincent) leads his Pegasus out of the stables and goes with the other knights seeing that the carriage was no longer empty. He assumed that the princess returned in one piece.

He knocks onto the window that was covered by the curtains. "Your highness, are you inside?" he asks and the curtains unfold with Rose inside giving him a little wave.

Vincent couldn\'t help but smile at his profound old friend. He looks around to find Kein with the little blonde child that looked exactly like them.

The little girl Vivienne was playing around with Kein\'s pegasus and seemed to be happy fiddling with the steed.

Finally he looked at the person from last night, he noticed Natasha looking at Kein wistfully before smiling. She shakes her head and goes back to her other adventurer friends.

Once everyone was ready to continue our walk back home. "Let us be off." I ordered and everyone walked forward towards our next destination.


Thank you to my patreun!


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