Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 127 Special Book Reveal In 2023!

Prologue: Evanora and Rowena.

The lonely witch continued her journey of adventure, and by the name she ventured alone.


The broom she kept by her side was now broken, the storm was too much for her to handle and thus her stubbornness of wanting to push on has consequences.

The lonely witch felt a cold tingling sensation on her body as the rain didn\'t stop. She couldn\'t open her eyes because of the heavy rainwater, she couldn\'t see anything besides the empty sky when she awoke.

From a rooftop of a tower, slowly her body slipped down onto a balcony where it landed in a thump same with her broom.

"It hurts." She muttered as she tried reaching for her broom again but it was for naught. She was too weak to make a move.

She hasn\'t eaten proper food in days, only barely surviving with the edible plants such as mushrooms or fruits she found along the way but it was not enough. Her canteen was running low on water too and that worried her the most.

She can survive without food for days, but not without water.

Her magic is weak through all the endless flights, how long has it been?

She\'s since run away from home.

How much time does she have left?

"Hello? Is someone there?"

The doors of the balcony opened, raindrops were entering the house as the owner of the home looked around but she appraised everything with the use of sound. "Nngh..." the witch groaned while her body laid down weekly on the cold floor.

"H-Help me..." she said weakly and the sheltered girl heard a pleading voice coming outside of her balcony.

"I-Is someone there?" she asked again confused, her body was cold due to the harsh breeze. How could a person be here in the tower?

It was placed so high so that no one could enter.

Perhaps it was the birds who called out for help?

The witch saw the sheltered girl and for a moment hope filled her eyes and reached her hand out to her. "Please... help me..." there it was again- a parched voice calling for help.

The sheltered girl not knowing what to do walked forward into the cold rain where her clothes got drenched. The rainwater drizzled as the witch fainted because of fatigue.

Raising her hands forward, she started looking for the girl who might be in need of help only to find her feet stopping when she noticed something soft and cold blocked her way. Immediately she knew it was the body of whoever was asking for help earlier.

She bends down and her hands inspected everything, from the face- it was shaped like a diamond, petite and she could feel the long lashes when her fingers brushed the part of her eye.

"A girl... just like me." she muttered getting distracted when her body went down to the part of the chest.

Her face flushed for a moment before deciding that she needed to take her hand away from that area quickly, and get the girl inside her tower where it\'s dry and warm.

Her hands roamed once more to the girl\'s knees and neck, placing it behind and proceeds to carry the unconscious girl into a princess carry before feeling the door with her foot before going inside.

Once she was inside she found her living room and the sofa. She carefully places the girl in the soft pillow and sighed a breath of relief once they were inside, she runs back to close the door and found some towels and a few clothes that might fit her visitor.

The sheltered girl has never cared for another when they\'re unconscious but- surely the next thing to do is to dry the person that is wet so they don\'t get a cold.

She takes the towel from before and wiped the visitor\'s hair- admiring of how smooth it was she couldn\'t help but playing around with some of the strands- she brushes her hand onto the hair and lets it fall down.

It was smooth... there wasn\'t any tangled hair and that made her curious on what this person looked like. She must be someone who really takes good care of their hair.

"Nngh..." the girl winces in pain holding the side of her stomach.



The sheltered girl panicked when the unknown girl slides she feels the other\'s hand to her wrist- the one she was using to wipe her hair dry and pulled her closer. "Don\'t leave me, Lucinda..."

The hold on her wrist was first and for one moment she wanted to push her away but with the tone of her voice- it sounded like she was in pain when she called out to Lucinda.

Who is Lucinda?

"I-I\'m not..." before she could continue explaining that she was not the girl that she was looking for. The hold on her wrist loosened and she could feel the girl\'s hands drop down.

The witch seems to have fallen asleep and that made the sheltered girl breathe a sigh of relief.

The storm must\'ve did a number on the poor girl and her mind was in taters. "Its okay... you\'re safe here." she whispered to girl who breathes faintly in peace.

Her mother once told her, if someone is in pain, caressing the top of their head would help soothe it. The half dried hair was met with soft callused hands. "Ah..." she realized she needed to change the girl\'s clothes or else she will be met with a cold.

She stands up to find the nearest wall, and places her hand to be the guide to her tower.

Her clothes should fit the unknown visitor, she went back and carefully removed her old ones except the underwear- because if her unknown visitor wakes up she wouldn\'t want her to misunderstand.

The sheltered girl placed a blanket on top of the sleeping visitor and decided to sit down on the floor beside the sofa and wait for the witch to wake up.


The storm has stopped when the morning came, the sun says it\'s greetings through the window the sun shining it\'s light to the face of the witch. Who groans and weakly opens her eyes to see...

A beautiful girl was laying her head to where she laid.

Long thick lashes, long locks of brown hair, an adorable bulbous tipped nose and lips pink full of color- it looked so... tempting to kiss. "Mm..." the sheltered girl felt someone moving beside her and by instinct she woke up.

"You\'re awake." she wipes the mornings stars on the side of her eyes smiling that the unknown visitor seems to be awake. Having no response she had to double check if the girl was awake. "Hello? Um... you are awake right?"

She tries reaching out her hand to feel the body- not realizing she actually grazed the side of the cheek and then holding it. "Is this your face?" she asks the witch who looks curiously at her savior.

Still bewitched by her beauty, and ears turned to the color shade of red. One should thank their savior the moment they wake up- but to her she could only say. "You\'re beautiful..." the words slipped out of her lips.

The sheltered girl- who has never seen her reflection was conflicted.

Frankly, she didn\'t believe the unknown visitor in front of her but not wanting to sound rude... she smiled politely and told her, "Really? Thank you... I\'ve never actually seen what I look like myself." she tells the witch who tilts her head closer, curiously looking over the girls eyes.

"You\'re... blind?" the witched muttered seeing that her savior didn\'t move away when she leaned in closer, their lips merely inches apart. How could this little petite girl have the strength to carry her without being able to see?

"Mhm... I am." the sheltered girl nods to which their lips almost brushed.

"!!!" The witch\'s face stepped back and noticed that she was no longer wearing her clothes from before, her glasses was now missing and her broom- was broken outside.

The witch awkwardly takes her blanket off, assuming that the clothes she currently have now is from the blind girl. "Thank you for lending me your clothes while I crashed my broom into your tower because of the storm."

The sheltered girl\'s ears moved when she heard the word \'broom\'.

Isn\'t that something you use for cleaning?

What a funny guest!

"You used a broom to get here? Amazing! Who knew a cleaning equipment could be used as something to climb into the tower." she said to the other woman who giggles softly at the sheltered girl with her question and curiosity.

​ The tower seem to be isolated, it\'s miles away from the nearest human village further more she\'s blind. "It\'s not a simple broom. Its the ones witches use to fly." she explained to the other girl who happily wanted to get to know her visitor.

"You\'re a witch? I\'ve never seen one... my mother has always told me they were scoundrels who knew nothing but to curse people. Are you like that miss?" her voice was innocent, it seemed that she was right.

The girl who was locked in the tower knew nothing of how the world outside worked or what it looked like.

"I assure you, I am nothing like your mother has described. Witches who curse others- they are considered criminals who practices dark arts upon others. There are good witches in our kingdom so be not afraid." she tells the girl with a smile reassuring her heart, knowing her first ever visitor was a kind witch!

She wanted to talk to her more.

"My name is Evanora Evergreen. A wandering witch you could say, what\'s your name savior of mine?" she tells the human of her name. The witch awaits for the beautiful girl\'s answer.

"Rowena Albrecht." the blind girl answered happily feeling like she made a friend after all these years being in the tower.

Only her mother come visit her once a year, the birds were her only company and the insects that would roam around for food. "Rowena," the witch calls her name and for some reason the sheltered girl couldn\'t help but being extra happy.

"That\'s a lovely name." the witch compliments the girl who seemed so happy and red with hearing her words.

The witch groans standing up, holding the side of her stomach and walks towards the porch of the tower where she finds her broom broken in half.

The blind girl used her sense of hearing and followed Evanora while keeping in mind of her surroundings. "Will you be leaving so soon?" she asks the witch.

Evanora  bends down to hold the broken broom that she can easily repair with magic but... even if she repaired her broom to travel once more... where would she even go?

Not back home that\'s for sure.

"If you\'d like you could stay with me for a while if you can\'t fix your broom." the curious girl wanted someone to talk with anyways rather than the walls of her tower.

Evanora seemed surprised with the sudden offer.

The witch decided perhaps its time she could stay for a while and accompany her savior as thanks after all she felt like she needed to repay her in some way possible. "Really? You wouldn\'t mind another person- a stranger in your home?" (Evanora) asked teasingly.

Rowena tilts her head in confusion and asked the witch, "You said that you\'re not bad right? So it should be okay!" she says cheerfully.

Evanora feared this girl was too innocent and too believing. Imagine if someone with ill intent has found the tower what could become of this girl?!

And so... in the next few months the lonely witch has fallen in love with the sheltered girl.

This is their story.

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