Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 169 Hero Meeting (I).

Chapter 72: Hero meeting (I).

Kein\'s POV

We decided to have a small family bonding time inside my room before I would take Rose out to the capital city and she\'ll be making her way into the castle. Well I plan to give her back in the afternoon for now we\'ll make up for some lost time.

It\'s my turn to be selfish.

The bonding time we planned was I took out some of my other medium canvases and had them over on an easel. Taking some tubes of paint and brushes I gave one to each. I also made sure to take some used aprons and made some minor adjustments for little Vivienne.

The aprons would be helpful so that in case when it gets messy their clothes won\'t be too ruined. It wasn\'t much of an outdoor activity, and I think we deserve something calming for once. The festival really did a number on my feet.

I decided that I\'ll be painting these two together, a whole mommy and daughter frame. I took a graphite pencil and sharpened it. My hands swiftly sketched on what kind of pose I wanted the body for it to be. I wasn\'t planning on anything too hard because that would take me the whole afternoon to do.

I wanted my art piece to be natural and in a loving pose. I sketched Rose\'s body in the canvas sitting down while Vivienne was looking up front with her wide little smile.

"There we are." I muttered confidently looking over the cleanest sketch I\'ve made in a while.

I really took into consideration if Rose in the piece has her shawl taken off or if she should keep it in the painting.

"Hmm..." I held my chin in deep thought trying to imagine which one would be better.

On the other hand a Rose with her red shawl would really represent how mysterious she is and I would be able to brag about this piece to my father\'s co-workers and investors without blowing her cover as the first princess.

After all they also wanted a piece or two made by my hands but I refused. I don\'t take commissions anymore because I\'m financially independent from our businesses and such.

If I did do her piece without the shawl, yes! It would reveal her true beauty and I would be just admiring this all day, if I miss her face all I have to do is just look at this painting and even Vivienne can admire her other mother with me!

The only setback is I can\'t brag about this piece because it would blow her cover as the princess.


I couldn\'t really decide so I decided to see how these two were doing.

"How are you two holding up?"

Vivienne is trying her best to hold the brush while Rose watches over her looking a little happy, her body swaying as she watches the little girl dip the tip of the brush over some paint.

"We\'re doing great! Especially Vivienne over here." (Rose) encouraged while looking over with a smile.

Vivienne was really trying to take in the compliment but she looked so seriously while painting.

The lines Vivienne was making were a bit thick... she was using the side of the brush and seems to be furrowing her eyebrows a little not being happy on how her piece was turning out.

I patted my hands to the side of my pants and went over to her.  I kneeled down right beside her seeing that she was drawing of course, her favorite animal now.

It was a Pegasus and it looked really cute, though the wings could use some tweaks.

"What\'s wrong Vivienne?" I asked.

Vivienne crosses her arms and huffs looking a little angry at her work. "Pegasus is too fat." she told me and I could hear Rose trying not to laugh.


I moved over to her side and hit her arm gently, laughing over a matter of a painting the kid worked so hard on would break her heart! Vivienne saw that Rose was trying to contain her laughter, and her shoulders became dejected looking at us both.

"Mommy... is Pegasus fat...? It\'s not pretty?" (Vivienne) asks Rose with little tears about to form in her eyes.

Oh no.

Rose finally caught on to what would happen if she didn\'t calm down soon enough. We\'ll be dealing with a crying kid sooner or later if she doesn\'t lie!

"Ahem-! Mommy definitely thinks it\'s so cute and pretty! You\'re doing really well on your Pegasus, you\'re trying to draw Vanilla right?" (Rose) managed to save her skin because she was right, the Pegasus she was trying to paint was Vanilla and if she ever saw this I\'m not sure if the canvas will survive her angry stomping.

"Certainly Vivienne did a good job making this much progress for her first time painting." I patted Vivienne\'s head feeling a little proud that she\'s taking painting with a clear mind and effort. The little girl looked so happy with my words she started feeling a little shy.

The drawing she made, I could feel the message that she wanted to convey.

She wants her own Pegasus to ride into battle, that\'s why her painting had her riding the Pegasus with a sword and shield in hand.

It was just too out of shape that Rose didn\'t even notice it. Jeez my daughter might be a little bit of a brave one, if she ever takes the military path I\'ll be damned.

"Let me show you a few tricks while we\'re at it." I took my brush and started working on painting over the sketch that I did.

"Here you can hold your brush more like this. If you want to make thinner lines you can point and focus more on the time and aim a little bit higher." I showed her how I held my brush while she listened intently before imitating my hold.

She struggled for a bit before finally getting it and started painting more of her Pegasus\' wings.

"How about you Rose, how\'s your progress doing?" I asked Rose who was just sitting down now watching me and Vivienne paint.

"Oh I was already done the whole time I was watching Vivienne draw now." (Rose) smiles showing me her work and I was stunned. "It\'s not as good as yours yet but you know when you painted when we were kids I would try to copy your moves, learning from them and you could say here\'s the result of it."

The work presented in her canvas was me but I look extremely - attractive in that.

"What the-?! Isn\'t this me but in a more handsome version?" I stared over at the canvas and saw her perception of me. I was in my knight armor and holding a sword using both of my hands showing it in front.

I look rather intimidating there.

"Aren\'t you so dashing?" (Rose) giggles like a fool in love and I stared absentmindedly at her painting of me.

I was a very handsome girl in her eyes to the point that there were hidden details of care in her strokes- it\'s actually a little scary and she finished this in under an hour just waiting for the paint to dry?

What a beast-like skill. I\'m sure she doesn\'t even have much experience in painting, is she that much of a fast learner?

Still I\'m very impressed. "To paint me like this, you must be seeing me in a very passionate manner." I told her half jokingly but she took advantage of it.

"I could even give you some hands-on demonstration in a passionate manner." (Rose) raises her fingers with a wink showing the technique she used on me last night and I swallowed the lump forming in my throat being reminded of what happened.

"Stop being in heat." I sighed, bonking her head slightly before going back to my previous work. I worked my way blending the colors making sure to add bits of details after, some shadows and highlights as well onto the piece.

I wanted to finish mine before the afternoon sets and Vivienne seems to be done with her Pegasus\' proudly showing it to us.

I was the last one to finish but that was alright. I decided I\'ll be keeping Rose\'s face uncovered by the shawl because I wanna see her face when I ever miss her so dearly.

The three of us had a lot of fun doing this little indoor activity. I placed all of our canvases together in a small corner of the room where it would be able to dry.

"I think everyone\'s done now." I swiped the sweat forming on my forehead and saw that our hands were covered in paint and chuckled. "Guess we got a bit too messy."

I turned to look at everyone\'s apron to see only mine and Vivienne\'s were the only ones being really messy and dirty.

Rose\'s apron was so clean even after making that portrait of me. It looked like lunch time was approaching so I decided to tell everyone to eat. "Well looks like we\'ll be washing our hands before we eat-"

"What are you doing?!"


I turned around quickly to see my father\'s shocked and angry expression looking over the canvases we made. He looked so angry that it made me panic- I don\'t know what I did wrong I mean it was just some paintings-!

"F-Father we err... we sort of painted together as a family bonding activity." I explained and that didn\'t seem to make it any better.

"I welcome you into my home, treat you like my own daughter and you dare not include your father in this activity of yours?" He crossed his hands and I did a long, ohhh... over my head.

So that\'s what he was made about. I chuckled hesitantly feeling guilty that I didn\'t tell my father about the activity. Well it\'s my fault... so I went ahead and grabbed another canvas while Vivienne sat in his lap and they tried painting together so vigilantly.

"Oh Vivienne, what would you like to draw with grandpa?" (Baron Hills) asks ever so dotingly to Vivienne who tilts her head wondering on what she should draw next.


"Horsie it is."

Vivienne is really either into Horses or Pegasus. Well that might give me an idea for her sixteenth birthday gift when the time comes.

I could see his anger ceasing because Vivienne and Rose nudged my sides.

"Your father is really so doting on Vivienne." (Rose) tells me and I nod.

"Yeah he is and I already talked about it to him that he should be doting to her but with some limits."

Father hears us talking in the back and his expression turns serious.

"Your highness, a surprise visit to my estate. It\'s been a while since you\'ve visited. How are you liking it?" He asks formally and Rose stiffened for a moment being called her highness. Back when she was with me she would always call her just by the name.

"I take it you took care of my daughter well in the festival?"

Rose gulps knowing fully that father knows what happened and promised to take responsibility over me. "Y-Yes Baron Hills, we er... definitely had fun." she answers nervously looking a little red.

I covered half of my face and looked away... Oh we definitely had fun.

"That\'s good, well now I actually came here to fetch you Kein you weren\'t in your office so here I am. Someone is looking for you by the gates, carrying our symbol and she told me that she was your guest."

Some by the gates and carrying the symbol- is it  Avery Williams already?

"Did you happen to catch the name, father?"

"Avery Williams. Perhaps you should go check that I\'ll be spending my time with my lovely granddaughter over here." (Baron Hills) takes Vivienne\'s cheeks and pinches it slightly, earning a laughing glee from the little girl as they move their brushes together painting.

Time to meet the Hero at last.

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