Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 733: Triumphant Return

“Hmm… I’m really not the hero-type though,” said Lyon as he opened his eyes. “By ancient monsters! Even from here, you’re beautiful.”

Cecile chuckled.

“Look at you, that’s the first thing you said when you woke up, honestly,” Lumina sighed.

“If you’re not a hero-type, then what are you? An anti-hero?” asked Cecile.

“Hmm, I don’t really care about being a hero or villain in this life,” said Lyon as he smiled. “I just want to do what I want to do.”

“Wah… must be feeling really good to have beautiful women staying with you while you sleep,” commented Mavis before he gave him a thumbs up.

“Get a wife,” said Lyon as he chuckled.

“I’ll pass for now,” said Mavis as he waved his hand and smiled wryly.

“He is the young master of the Sky Clan in Sixth Heaven, Lyon don’t you think that his whole life he is being flocked by women left and right?” Cecile chuckled.

“Oh right, damn, I already envy you,” said Lyon as he refused to get up from his position by crossing his arms and nodding.

“Nah, they always appeared unnecessarily,” Mavis sighed. “I can’t even take a peaceful stroll, inside nor outside the clan.”

“I guess,” said Lyon.

“Aren’t you going to get up?” asked Lumina as she squinted her eyes.

“My body is still sore,” said Lyon as he sighed. “as much as I wanted to move, I cant’, probably I could move tomorrow.”

(That’s really a pathetic attempt at lying) thought everyone.

Lumina sighed, “Well, whatever… you really scared everyone there.”

Lyon opened one of his eyes and took a glance at Lumina who was staring at the bonfire. The crackling bits of the burning woods could be seen through her glassy eyes.

“Huh?” Lumina’s eyes opened wide before a pair of arms embraced her from behind. The light rustle from the graze between their outfits was heard before she immediately felt someone’s head dangling on her left shoulder.

Lyon’s nose twitched as he was basked in the unique redolence of flower he had yet discovered. “Heh,” he smiled. “You smell really nice.”

Lumina looked away as her red cheeks were hardly distinguishable due to the yellow illumination from the bonfire. “T-Thank you.”

“Sorry, but I will stay like this for a while until I close my eyes again,” said Lyon as his eyelids half-closed.

“What? Everyone is watching,” she muttered.

“So what,” said Lyon. “Listen, Lumina. I’m glad that you start opening up once more, just like back when you have little fangs.”

Lumina’s pupils shrunk as she leered at him in disbelief.

“Heh,” Lyon closed his eyes as he smiled before napping on her shoulder.

Lumina’s gaped mouth closed before Lyon used the little bit of strength that he had to push her to the side and fell as the sands became their new bed. Her hands trembled before she let out a sigh. “Do what you wish.”

“Heh,” Cecile shook her head. “That was really short.”

Mavis furrowed his brows as he looked at Cecile. (How is she okay about this? It’s happening right in front of her face!). He shook his head (Unbelievable, how did he do it?!).

Ivy let out a sigh before she caught Anna’s glance. Her goosebumps immediately rose as her hands trembled. She could feel a cold breath against her nape as her mind shut down. She quickly looked away with her heart unrest.

Anna sighed as she was dejected by her daughter’s response. She looked down at her own palm as she smiled wryly (Why am I disappointed? I never wanted to meet her in the first place…).

Meanwhile, the crackling woods kept on until the moon was gone and the nebulous of the night was over. Time went on and the first shimmer of dawn graced the sea from the horizon before reaching the calves and the faces of the party.

Lyon’s eyelids fluttered before he could feel something thin hitting his face repeatedly. “Tch!” He grabbed it before he realized that it was his own hair. “Huh?” He opened his eyes before noticing the clouds were leaving him into the infinite distance. (Wait a minute, am I on top of the griffin?).

“You woke up,” Mavis grinned.

Lyon squinted his eyes before he yawned, “You’re not the first one I would expect to see right when I opened my eyes.”

“Young master, please drink,” said Assid before he appeared in front of him and knelt.

“Oh,” He sat up and straightened his back before he drank what was in it, “Did I ever tell you that water could be the best liquor I ever had.”

“You did,” Assid nodded before he left.

“Oh,” Lyon nodded as he pursed his lips and looked away. “Well, where are we going next?”

“Back,” answered Lumina.

“To Alchemy Union?”

“En,” Cecile nodded. “The quest is done, or should I use ‘finish’ as a more fitting word.”

“Hehe,” Lyon smiled wryly. The island had nothing left to offer despite the land and broken logs floating on the seashore. Those rare items that grew inside the cave were no more than a crater. Not a single beast, nor a single plant survived the ruin, especially not an old druid.

“This adventuring has been so bizarre,” said Lyon before he crossed his arms, “But the most bizarre one is how is it that you two woke up really early and by that, I mean earlier than me.”

“We are just a morning person,” said Cecile as she chuckled.

“That’s lame,” said Lyon as he sighed.

“Oh, looks like we have arrived,” said Cherie before she saw a familiar mountain.

The giant griffin landed outside the Alchemy Union with a screech before nearby cultivators and alchemists alike took notice. The huge beast was sticking out like a sore thumb and every alchemist in Alchemy Union knew what it signifies.

“Oi! Elder Anna has returned!”

“Have you heard?! Elder Anna has just returned!”


The disciples were rushing out of the halls.

“Hmm?! They’re back already?!” The headmaster greatly furrowed his brows. “Did they fail?” He rushed outside the library before his pinky toe crashed against his cauldron. “Ah!”

“They’re back?” Elize frowned before stepping outside her personal hut and saw Malaqa sighing at the foot of the hill.

“Oh?” Malaqa glanced over her shoulder before turning, “You’re going to see them too?”

“En,” Elize nodded. “I need to know why they’re back so quickly.”

“True,” Malaqa placed her palm on her cheek as she sighed, “It has only been three days. I’ll join you, I think we would encounter the headmaster there as well.”

Elize nodded before both of them went together.

“Big brother is back!”

“No need to shout!” said Porealus as he covered his ears. “What’s wrong with you?!”

“Hahaha!” Zet laughed at the sky.

“Hohoho!” Tael laughed before he smacked Carius’s back with a loud thock.

“You!” Carius glared at him. “Both of you are the same.”

“Well, he is my grandson, what are you talking about? Hahaha!” Tael laughed.

(Honestly, I better be back at home) thought Porealus as crocodile tears escaped his eyes.

The alchemists and the adventurer under the great beasts’ beak as they stood astounded.

“Hey, do you think that they failed?” said one of the alchemists.

“Haven’t you heard? The kunpeng hunter team was joining young master Mavis from the Sky Clan, it would be impossible to fail with him there,” responded another.

“You seem to be underestimating the leader of the kunpeng hunter team, I’ll let you know that he destroyed the First Hall on his second day here.”

“That’s not something you should be proud of! He destroyed our symbol!” said a golden cloaked alchemist

“But he did it for a woman’s name,” said a dreamy female alchemist with her hands clasped and her mind lost in reverie.

“Shh! Look there he is! Still smug as ever, tch! What a detestable smile!” said one cultivator.

Lyon landed first with both feet with a thud before Mavis and the others followed him.

“Big brother!” Zet immediately sent Lyon a sigh.

“Heh,” Cecile nudged his elbow, “Cheer up, they all wearing various expressions upon your arrival, you overnight star.”

“Heh,” Lyon nodded. “Overnight star, huh.”

“How did it go?” asked Elize as she appeared out from the crowd with Malaqa by her side.

“It went well,” said Lyon as he nodded before the onlookers made a way for him.

“Too well,” commented Mavis as he smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

“Too well?” she raised one of her brows before she saw Anna from the back with her pupils shrunken. “Are you serious…”

Everyone gasped as they saw what was in Elder Anna’s hand. A basket was full of bloomed Hundred-Petal Flowers. An ingredient that she desperately sought, she got more than she would have ever dreamed.

It was a triumphant return.

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