Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 806: Ahkam, Dark Continent

“It’s fine,” said Cecile calmly.

“Y-You really think so?!” Luna panicked.

“Don’t move Kesya,” said Graham.

“Eh? Why not?!” Kesya sulked, “I can make its horn puncture the ground with a stomp!”

“Someone is coming,” said Assid. “It seems like they are going after the beast, keep your claws under your cloak, Kesya.”

“Oh, really? They’re really slow,” said Kesya before she clicked her tongue and put her hands behind her head. “Boring.”

“Don’t worry! I’ll save ya!” a man with leather garb came descending down from the clouds and immediately crashed against the beast.

Kesya sighed as she pulled down the curtain before the loud blast occurred and fluttered it wildly.

“Hah!” the man whose hair was black and silky stood proudly with his greatsword over his shoulder. “Now then, you guys are safe! Oh please don’t thank me, a few tokens would do for such service… eh?”

The caravan kept cantering toward the city walls without even making a slight pause.

“What the… oi!” the man shouted from the far back but, his shout only met the gust of wind from the meadow. “Tch! Are you kidding me!”

“Young master, look’s like the guy is an eccentric one,” said Assid.

“I can hear him,” Lyon sighed.

“Hey, fellow adventurers,” said the man by the side. “I see that you are cantering on your way toward Arkham, but what about the beast I just saved you from? Don’t you want to gather its component? Oh, the name is Nafail, I’m an adventurer.”

“No kidding,” said Assid. “The carcasses are yours, after all, you killed it.”

“Oh, but I just saved your goods and the people inside the caravan as well, I would like to receive my tokens please.”

“Token?” Lyon raised his brows. “You mean coins?”

“Huh? Oh!” the Nafail grinned. “You must be a newcomer here, then all the well! All the well! The Dark Continent used the Adventurer Token to trade things, much like how the Heaven used beads to settle their purchase.”

“Another currency,” Lyon sighed.

“Woah, woah, don’t look down on the AT there fellow, it might be worth much more than mere beads, if you already hit the ceiling of True God that is, hahaha!” Nafail laughed heartily.

“Oh, that’s such a bold claim,” said Lyon as he nodded. ( Wait a minute, so you’re telling me that all of these cultivators hit the ceiling of True God Realm? That’s bullshit! ). “So are all adventurers have reached the ceiling of that realm?”

“Most of them, yes, but the good ones, or ‘Lucky ones’ has managed to break through to the next realm,” said Nafail as he shrugged. “You don’t want to mess with them.”

“Good to see you again, Nafail,” said one of the adventurers standing by the gate, “I see that you are trying to make some money again.”

“Hey, don’t make it that obvious!” said Nafail. “But even so, yeah, this adventurer’s got to eat, hehe.”

The cantering of the horses stopped as Assid looked at the ones standing by the gate. There were a lot more adventurers roaming the outskirts of the city than he thought. ( Most likely they are going after that chance to save a caravan too, just like this one ).

“Can I ask you a question?” asked Lyon toward Nafail. “If you guys are already at the ceiling of the True God realm, why are you still here in the Dark Continent?”

“What do you mean, continent? This is the Dark World.”

“Fine, the Dark World,” said Lyon as he rolled his eyes under his hood.

“Well, that’s because there is no point staying there, dear fellow,” answered Nafail’s acquaintance.

“Yeah, I hit the ceiling already, staying in that part of the world would only waste my time, besides, there are still wonders to be sought in this part of the land,” said Nafail with a bright smile.

“So you guys never interfered with what others were doing?”

“I mean, they might be emperors there, but they are nothing in this world, just fellow adventurers,” said Nafail.

“Then, how about the ‘other-side’ trying to reach Heaven?”

“That’s because you can break through to the next realm if you’re in Heaven, otherwise you would be stuck here. However, you would have a better chance of breaking through it here in this Dark World.”

“We can break the limit here?” Lyon raised his brows.

“Yeah?” Nafail pushed one brow down and raised the other. “Why else would we be here, besides, the First Heaven is not what you think it is.”

( I see, he has seen somethings ) said Lyon inwardly. “About this Arkham City, is this the biggest city in this world?”

“No? This is like the entry city of such, ooh? Wait a minute, are you guys new to this adventuring stuff?” asked Nafail.

“Yes,” Cecile immediately answered. “If you can show us the ropes, it would be helpful.”

“Oh nice, a party eh? That’s nice… that’s nice…” said Nafail as he tightened his lips in a flash. However, it was noticed by the whole group.

“Well?” asked Graham. “Are you going to show us the ropes or not?”

“Sure, but, I will do it for a sum of AT,” said Nafail with a smile.

“Alright, we will have the AT that you want, but we need to deliver the goods first,” said Assid.

“Sure thing! Just meet me at the Mange Tavern, I’ll wait in the evening.”

“Alright, see you then,” said Cecile before the pair of horses started cantering forward.

“Older sister,” said Graham as he looked around the city.

“Yeah, he is too naive,” said Cecile. “We ended up didn’t spare him a single Adventurer Token.”

Lumina took a quick glance at Cecile before she darted back to the pavements ahead.

“I fear that the receiver might be surprised if it’s a regular,” said Luna.

“According to the sum of the boxes, it seems like it is indeed a regular, young miss,” said Assid. “And also, a single receipt for all of them.”

“Don’t worry, it will still go smoothly,” said Kesya as she laughed. “I hope.”

“Hope?” Luna raised her brows before she sighed. “There is a high chance that he would though, if he is regular then this might be the last batch that he has ever gotten. Hopefully, he is a consumer rather than a reseller.”

“That’s a pretty slim chance,” said Cecile as she spare a smile. “But we need the Adventuring Token, causing problems here would be unwise.”

“I could just try ann sneak my hand if you want,” said Lyon with a grin.

“That is what will bring us trouble,” sighed Cecile. “There are also thieves amongst those adventurers you know.”

“Then it’s a battle of thieves!” said Lyon.

“We have arrived, young master,” said Assid before the cantering of the horses stopped. “This is the place.”

“Let me see,” said Lyon before he peeked outside. It was an abandoned building with an open area inside. “This is really cliche,” his lips twitched.

“Let’s go in then,” said Graham.

“Hello there,” an adventurer with a mohawk immediately greeted them as he appeared out from the shadow. “I’ve been waiting for my order, I believe that all is well…? Hmm? You have pretty distinctive outfits there, is there a problem, or are you guys new to this?”

“We are new,” said Lyon nonchalantly.

“Ah I see,” said the adventurer, “however, you still got the goods right? After all, why bother showing up if you’re not? Hahaha!”

“We have the goods here, just as you ordered,” said Lyon before Assid got off from the coach seat.

The latter approached the mohawk adventurer without fear before giving him the receipt, “We delivered the goods, you can check it inside the caravan, and you can have the caravan as well.”

“Huh?” The mohawk adventurer furrowed his brows before seeing a couple of cloaked cultivators getting out of the caravan.

“We will wait outside, Assid,” said Lyon as he waved and got out of the abandoned building with the rest.

“Boys! Check the goods!” said the mohawk adventurer before a couple of others appeared out of the shadows.

“The goods are all there, boss!”

“Alright, here is your payment,” said the mohawk adventurer as he gave the pouch with a smirk.

Assid gave his opened hand but the pouch still dangling in a pinch of the adventurer’s fingers.

“What happened to the Hydra Guild? Did you guys kill them?”

Assid showed a killing glint.


“Ah! Now this breathes fantasy adventures,” said Lyon as he stretched his hands up.

“We have the money, young master, and a little extra as well,” said Assid as he suddenly appeared right by him.

“You smell blood,” Kesya grinned. “That’s bad a way to do business.”

“Hmph!” Assid pushed his glasses upward.

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