Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 816: Liern, Mona, and Aeron

“This is none of your business,” said Liern, whose eyes were jet black, and one of them was covered with an eyepatch. Unlike the woman who seemed to detest his arrival, he wore a simple cloak to hide away his figure, all of them except for the weary leather boots.

“Do excuse me,” a man suddenly made his way through the both of them and entered the dusty old tavern. He had a book in his hand and round glasses on his face. He had brown hair up to a ponytail and was a little bit taller than Lyon. “May I speak to you sirs and madams?”

“Who are you?” asked Lyon before he let out a smile. The amusing garment that the guy wore was nothing that of an adventurer. With the book and the glasses, the neat ironed garment, he was the epitome of a librarian. “Did I forget to return a book?”

“I believe not? Are you though?” asked the librarian.

“No, I was uh, I was jesting,” said Lyon as he rolled his eyes. ( It’s sarcasm damn it! )

“Oh, haha, I was worried for a second there,” the librarian laughed. “Ah, that’s right, I forgot to introduce myself.”

“Hey, hold your horses, four-eyes,” said the woman with the dark green hair. She approached the librarian guy with the steam of hot air coming out of her nose. “You must be having a fever today, what are you doing in a place like this.”

“Mona is right,” said Liern. “You are definitely not the type to spend a dime in a tavern.”

“Oh ya?” the old man raised his weary gray brows. “A new customer? Must be my lucky day, hehe.”

“You two, do you not see that I’m talking with the gents and the ladies here?” said the librarian as he revealed an amusing sharp glance, at least it was amusing for Lyon’s group.

( It seems this guy didn’t spend his time reading books, or rather, that book might not just be an ordinary book ) thought Lyon.

The old man went out of his way over the bar before approaching the three new customers with his hands behind his hunched back. His dry lips smiled as he offered, “Are you three together as a group, or are you joining Nafail and his friends?”

“Nafail?” Liern raised his brow before noticing a familiar figure waving at him.

“We are no—”

“They are with us old man,” said Lyon with a big grin. “A friend of ours, and a friend of Nafail.”

The three of them immediately jumped their brows as they heard Lyon’s words. The smile, the intention, he might be talky of the group, but he wasn’t messing around. The three of them understood the slyness of the man that indirectly invited them here.

Nafail was caught off guard as he looked at Lyon in disbelief. The man sitting beside him just pinned perhaps three equally powerful guilds at their table in a dusty old tavern. The situation was witnessless. The cobwebs, and broken furniture, it was no place for esteemed figures such as themselves. However…

“I am extremely pleased for your courtesy, err,” the librarian lightly scratched his cheek.

“What? Why are you hesitating?” asked Lyon.

“Well, you go get yourself a seat, just shout what you want in the menu and I will bring them over,” said the old man before he returned to the bar.

“Ah, I’m terribly sorry, but I still don’t how to address you,” said the librarian. “Oh! But before that, my name is Aeron, it is a huge honor to have the opportunity to meet someone as amazing as you.”

“You can call me Your Majesty,” said Lyon as he proudly raised his chin a little bit, closed his eyes, and looped a nod.

The three of them revealed blacklines over their head as the word shameless was imprinted on Lyon’s forehead. The intense atmosphere vanished in a matter of a second in Lyon’s comical way, but they didn’t realize it.

“Don’t listen to him, his name is Sein,” said Luna as she revealed a smile under the hood.

“Ah, yes, I know your name already, Sir Sein,” said Aeron with a smile.

“Just Sein,” said Lyon. “Forget the sir thing, I don’t like it.”

“Sein then,” said Mona with a smile.

“My name is Liern, of the Dusk Guild, I’m here to—”

“Sit down,” said Lyon as he made two light taps against the wooden table.

The three of them caught their own words inside their own throats. The light gesture was a signal not only for power but an enormous presence. They were elites of their own rights, however, they couldn’t refute the astronomical pressure that suffocated their thoughts.

They let out a breath at the same time.

“What are you guys doing? Rythm exercise?” Lyon jested with a laugh.

The three of them couldn’t give a smile anymore as they shared the same thought ( He is powerful! ).

Aeron made a wry smile before the three of them sat down and joined the group.

“See, you guys can sit together, hahaha!” Lyon laughed heartily.

Nafail gulped as they see the three of them sitting right adjacent to one another. ( What the hell, I’ve never seen them sitting together without a curse word flying around before ).

“Welcome to the best tavern in town,” said Lyon as he spread his arms as if welcoming the three of them.

( The best? ) Mona glanced around and found nothing but dust and cobwebs, even the windows were not in one piece.

“Are you guys hungry?” asked Lyon. “Just shout the word from the menu and it will come to you.”

“Ah, such generosity,” Aeron shook his head. “I’m afraid, I can’t let you play the host, I’m here because I want to host you, Sein.”

“Not so fast there,” said Mona. “I was here first, so he must come with me— I will host you and the party to a luxurious part of the town.”

“Ho?” Lyon raised his brows. “Will you pour some wine into my cup?”

“W-W-Wha?!” Mona’s cheeks turned bright red.

“Meh,” Lyon shrugged his shoulder.

“The Dusk Guild offers their wondrous welcome, brother, we want you to join our guild,” said Liern. “Don’t let your power goes to waste, we all going to be your backing.”

“Woah, straight to the point eh, not even playing a host?” asked Lyon.

“They just want to ease you in, Sein. They would offer you something grand and make you slightly guilty from the grand welcome that you couldn’t help but to answer a yes to their pathetic pitch.”


“Liern, you?!”

“Hahaha,” Cecile laughed. “That’s something you don’t see every day.”

“I’m glad I can entertain you, however, I’m serious Sein, the Dusk Guild offer their welcome,” said Liern as he furrowed his brows. “The Dusk Guild can give you information that you need, something that not even the four-eyes Aeron here knows.”

“Hmph! That’s pretty high of you, you think that your small brain can compete with my knowledge?” said Aeron.

“You can try,” said Liern as he gave Aeron a cold glance.


“Knowledge is important, but you’re not the only one that holds a secret,” said Mona before she courted the attention. She darted at Lyon, “The Flame Guild is the answer for you, we have everything that you need, also, I’ve heard that you want information regarding Zelena, and the old tale rumor about her sister.”

“Oh?” Lyon crossed his arms and raised one of his brows. “Interesting, what do you know?”

“You have to join our guild first,” Mona smiled. “There are tons of benefits waiting for you. Such as information, guild store discounts, and more!”

“You’re not the only one with discounts,” Aeron countered. “Your party will be receiving a special quest from us, this quest will boost your rank in a few weeks! I’m sure with your party’s astronomical power, you can outdo this.”

“Hey that’s illegal!” shouted Mona.

“Speak for yourself!” said Aeron as he scowled at her. “I believe Sein’s party could overcome a four-star quest or even five! Their advancement is a matter of time, I just accelerated it.”

“You offered us your benefits loud and hardly clear, however, do you not want to know what we want?” asked Cecile as she courted their attention. “You guys came rushing in, but did you wonder why the Harp Guild couldn’t get us to join them?”

The three of them immediately perked their ears.

“We want a chalice of Mana Essence and an Adventurer Pass,” said Cecile.

“A chalice?!” exclaimed the three of them.

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