Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1047 Tell her, Thank you.

Chapter 1.4+\'px\'}">1047 Tell her, Thank you.

In the heart of the meadow, bathed in the soft glow of daylight, Lyon and his companions found themselves near a tranquil pond. The emerald grass beneath their feet seemed to stretch endlessly, tickled by gentle breezes that carried the scent of unfamiliar flora.

The group had just begun to absorb the peaceful ambiance of the meadow when their reverie was abruptly shattered by a piercing scream that seemed to slice through the air like a blade. Startled, their heads turned in unison, eyes widening in shock as they took in the sight before them.


A young girl, her tear-streaked face a mask of sheer terror, hurtled toward them with all the desperation of a prey being pursued by a predator. The agony in her cries was palpable, sending shivers down their spines and jolting them from their momentary tranquility.

"Look, there!" Kesya pointed with wide-eyed astonishment as they saw the horrific creature chasing the girl. It was a Hellboar, a monstrous and twisted beast, its snarling maw drooling with grotesque anticipation.

The little girl, her tiny form stumbling over an unseen obstacle, let out a cry of desperation as she plummeted to the ground. Her tear-filled eyes widened in terror as the relentless hellboar, its hunger-driven grin stretching grotesquely across its monstrous face, closed in on her.

The world seemed to blur around her as she braced herself for the inevitable, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm of fear. Her breath caught in her throat, and in that split second, she squeezed her eyes shut, unable to bear witness to the impending horror.

The little girl, her tiny form stumbling over an unseen obstacle, let out a cry of desperation as she plummeted to the ground. Her tear-filled eyes widened in terror as the relentless hellboar, its hunger-driven grin stretching grotesquely across its monstrous face, closed in on her.

The world seemed to blur around her as she braced herself for the inevitable, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm of fear. Her breath caught in her throat, and in that split second, she squeezed her eyes shut, unable to bear witness to the impending horror.

A cloak fluttered freely in mid-air.

But then, a sound so unexpected, so alien to her predicament, shattered through the air. A high-pitched squeal, not of terror but of surprise, mingled with the tension-laden atmosphere. Confusion swept over the girl as the realization slowly seeped in – the hellboar had been halted in its tracks.

With trembling uncertainty, she dared to open her eyes, her vision blurry with tears. And there, before her, a sight that defied all logic greeted her gaze. The hellboar, its menacing charge interrupted, was pinned beneath Kesya, Lyon, and Karina\'s feet.

"I was wondering what to eat, and food just arrived," said Kesya with a grin.

"Roasted?" asked Lyon.

"Absolutely," Kesya nodded.

"Roasted it is," said Karina before she stomped once more, breaking the hellboar\'s neck.

The girl\'s wide eyes took in the astonishing sight before her – three individuals of different backgrounds and strengths, united in their effort to protect her. The combined weight of their resolve seemed to hold the very fabric of reality in place as they pinned the hellboar to the ground, thwarting its violent intentions.

In the presence of these formidable protectors, the girl\'s fear began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of security she had never known. The memory of their combined strength would linger in her heart, a testament to the extraordinary lengths that kind-hearted souls would go to ensure the safety of others.

His eyes, deep pools of concern, fixed on the quivering form of the little girl who had just narrowly escaped the clutches of the ravenous hellboar. With a grace that defied the gravity of the situation, he knelt before her, his every movement deliberate and fluid.

"Are you alright, little girl?" Lyon\'s voice, a soothing melody in the midst of chaos, reached the girl\'s ears like a lifeline. His words carried a warmth that gently wrapped around her, a stark contrast to the perilous world that had unfolded just moments before.

Her heart seemed to skip a beat as his gaze locked onto hers, the intensity of his presence sending ripples of emotion through her young veins. Her cheeks ignited with a blush that painted her features in a rosy hue, a visible testament to the effect his proximity had on her. In that fleeting moment, she felt as if time itself had slowed, each passing second a canvas upon which the tableau of this encounter was meticulously painted.

With an almost comical response, her cat-like ears sprung up, their twitching mirroring the rapid rhythm of her heartbeat. The shock of his unexpected attention rippled through her, further deepening the blush that adorned her cheeks. Her eyes, wide and filled with a mixture of awe and shyness, locked onto Lyon\'s form before her.

However, as Lyon\'s inquiry hung in the air, she found herself grappling with her own emotions. Her voice, a fragile instrument, seemed to elude her grasp in this pivotal moment. Her lips parted, a soft breath escaping as she struggled to find the words to convey the whirlwind of feelings that surged within her.

A mixture of embarrassment and enchantment danced within her eyes as she willed herself to answer. Yet, despite her best efforts, her voice remained elusive, a victim of her own endearing hesitance. The air seemed to hold a palpable tension, a delicate balance between the weight of Lyon\'s inquiry and the earnestness of her emotions.

"Oh, does he scare you?" asked Cecile as she knelt right beside her.

With an expression that held both curiosity and a hint of amusement, Cecile\'s gaze shifted from Lyon to the young girl. Her voice, like a melodious echo, punctuated the air with a question that hung like a gentle inquiry amidst the quiet surroundings.

"Owh, does he scare you, little girl?" Cecile\'s words were imbued with a playfulness that contrasted the intense events that had just transpired. Her tone, a soothing melody, danced on the breeze, eliciting a spectrum of emotions within the small figure before her.

Cecile\'s question hung in the air like a delicate invitation, a bridge between two worlds – the extraordinary and the ordinary. With a determination that seemed to quell her initial surprise, the little girl\'s head shook in a gesture that spoke volumes. Her voice, albeit a bit shaky, bravely articulated her response, "N-No?"

"Master Lyon, I\'m afraid, I will have to return," said Lily as she broke the warm atmosphere.

Lyon stood up, "Why not go on an adventure with me? I promise it\'ll be exciting."

Lily smiled, "I\'m afraid I cannot afford such luxury, we are bound by promises."

"Heh," Lyon smirked and gestured toward Kesya, "Wake the driver and release him."

Seer Lily bowed, "Thank you for your cooperation." She turned around and was walking toward the carriage before Lyon followed up to her.


"Hm?" Seer Lily turned around, maintaining her grace.

"Can you do me a favor?" asked Lyon.

"A favor?" Lily raised her brows. "I\'m afraid, I cannot promise such a thing."

"It\'s alright if you can\'t do it, but hear me out at least," said Lyon.

Lily was pondering for a bit before nodding, "Very well."

"If you meet Luce, tell her I said, \'Thank you, for keeping her promise\'\'

Lily\'s eyes, pools of intrigue and curiosity, held Lyon\'s gaze as his words hung in the air between them. At that moment, amidst the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant symphony of nature, the message passed between Lyon and Lily held a depth that was both profound and touching.

With a nod of understanding, Lily\'s lips curved into a small, knowing smile, and she replied softly, "I will convey your message, Lyon. The echoes of gratitude shall reach where they are meant to."

As Seer Lily\'s form disappeared into the waiting carriage, Lyon and his companions stood together, their gazes collectively fixed upon the majestic scene unfolding before them. The powerful beat of wings resounded, and the pegasus sprang into motion, its sleek form a testament to both grace and strength.

"What a beautiful horse..." the little girl murmured as her eyes were glued.

The carriage, guided by the ethereal creature, swiftly gained altitude, ascending towards the vast expanse of the heavens. Its progression was a dance of harmony with the atmosphere, a testament to the union of natural forces and the mastery of those who wielded them.

As the pegasus and its precious cargo soared into the distance, they pierced through the veil of clouds that painted the sky, shrouding their departure in an aura of mystique. The onlookers\' eyes remained fixed on the vanishing point, a momentary connection preserved in memory – a glimpse of a departure that held within it the weight of unspoken hopes, promises, and possibilities.

Cecile walked up toward Lyon who still had his eyes on the sky.


"Yeah?" Lyon glanced at her with a smile.

"I take it you have a way for us to return?"

Lyon crossed his arms, darting back at the sky. "No..."

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