The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 68 Vingulmark

Askild saw that they wouldn\'t have it easy after all and it looked to be a miscalculation on the part of Birger as the last time he could remember, they were on hostile terms.

There was no way Asmund united them or did he somehow use this way to banner neighboring kingdoms to his cause.

"Earl Jan, why do you ally with Vestfold?" Birger asked, stepping forward but an arrow landed right in front of him as a warning should he continue advancing.

"That voice… You are Birger!?" Jan exclaimed, it was clear from his tone that he was surprised. The audacity of Birger to not only betray his birthplace but bring an invading force was one that Jan could not forgive.

"I challenge you to a duel, Jan, If I win, your forces let us through," Birger said in a stern voice, as he continued his walk towards Jan despite the initial warning arrow.

Ulf was worried because he knew that Askild had entrusted him with the protection of Birger and anything resulting in his death would spell doom for Ulf\'s reputation.

He wanted his king to know he was reliable and knew that he needed to do something about the impending danger Birger was walking to.

He tried to advance but Askild stopped him with a single gesture, Ulf wondered why but he saw something in Askild\'s eyes that sent shivers down his spine.

He stood down without protest, and Askild watched to see how this interaction would unfold.

Jan would be stupid to accept such an offer but Birger\'s relationship with the man was unknown.

They knew each other by the look of things and the fact that a warning arrow was even fired told Askild that they would rather not kill him otherwise they would have taken a clearer choice with an intent to kill.

"I refuse your offer," Jan rejected with a chuckle, he could not believe that Birger thought he would accept such an offer, especially when the war directly affected his kingdom\'s stability.

"You have always been a coward," Birger responded, and just then, Jan gestured for the archers to come forth.

Ulf looked worried but Askild\'s hand was still held out, meaning he wanted him to stay6 put as he was curious to see how this unfolded, could Birger be killed so easily?

​ "Archers! Loose!" Jan shouted and Askild smiled upon the realization that those arrows were not for Birger but for them, it rained on their position with fury, taking down their men.

"That bastard…!" Asger cussed out the moment he realized what was happening.

These men were not here because of their allegiance to Vestfold, but to Birger.

Birger had somehow informed them of their travel routes and the fact that he had a helmet on but they could recognize him because of his voice, the only thing that they could use as an identity marker was risky.

"I guess we can stop pretending now," Birger said, turning back to face Askild. Everyone thought he wanted to remove his helmet and finally reveal his face but this was the opposite.

"This is Earl Jan, he watches over this territory…" Birger said in a casual tone that did not solicit any threat despite just having arrows kill a few of King Askild\'s men.

He noticed the anger from Asger but it was satisfying knowing he would not do anything with that anger.

"Those men dead have contributed to this war more than any of you could do," Birger said to which Jan cleared his throat to take over the dialogue.

"My kingdom holds a rather fickle peace with Vestfold and I would like to play both sides to suffer no risks," Jan said, unmounting his horse.

"If I side with Vestfold and they lose, I am certain I will be perceived as an enemy and if I side with the invader and they lose, Vestfold will have my head as well," Jan said, and Askild already knew where this was going but wanted the words to come out of his mouth.

"This way, it looks like we at least put up resistance. You lost approximately 60 men but gain my warriors in their hundreds in return. I think that is a fair trade. What say you, King Askild?" Jan said, and Askild could not believe that Birger snuck something this important right under his nose but he was not surprised.

Despite the cost, he could not deny that this would bolster their military ranks, and with them by their side, they now had a haven to rest in.

This was a necessary move from a military standpoint despite the sacrifices it had to incur.

Jan unmounted his horse with the sole intention of giving it to King Askild, it was an honor to be standing before such a distinguished man.

A man with the balls to go to war with Vestfold, a man that forced the peaceful Asmund into violence. Askild was a man that was worthy of all the respect that came with it.

Jan gave Askild his horse, walking to him as he handed it to him, but he did not bend a knee because he was not his King.

Askild did not show gratitude or any form of appreciation when he got the horse but this was a relief that they were not coming under attack despite losing men.

Jan\'s plan was sound as he was the only one of his warriors to have a crest on it, the rest were dressed just like the soldiers of Kattegat.

Skarde heaved a sigh but his hand did not leave the hilt of his sword, not for a moment.

"That was quite the flashy show," Skarde muttered as he watched King Askild mount the horse that was given to him.

"Focus, our journey is still far," Askild said, but on horseback, he could preserve his strength.

The same could not be said for his warriors and he decided for them to rest in the Kingdom of Vingulmark.


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