The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 123 From Bad To Worse

Jan had made his appearance something that no one had anticipated, not even Birger himself, as this shattered the illusion of Vingulmark taking a neutral role.

"Who are you!?" Tyr questioned. He knew with one look that Jan was a man he could not beat, and this suspicion was confirmed by how he was repelled.

The strength of Jan sent Tyr tumbling a couple of meters away, smashing into the dead body of Sven.

"Wow, this place has gone to shit…." Jan said, looking around and behind him. An army was there, and this sealed the fate of Askild and his men.

Even the men he had given to fight under Askild switched allegiance back to Jan when he made his presence known. They were surrounded and rounded up in a circle.

The fighting momentarily stopped, and they were on the brink of defeat. Even Ragnar could not deliver the finishing blow to Kåre, and he slipped away into the crowd as Ragnar\'s attention shifted to the more significant threat.

"Jan, you traitor!" Skarde barked, but Jan was confused by everyone\'s surprise.

"Traior? I have been nothing but honest. You hurt my feelings…." Jan was being dramatic; he did not care about the titles they labeled him under because he did say he was playing both sides.

Jan looked at the body of Asmund, and he could not help but smile, but this was a smile that Signy never saw.

"King Signy, you have the assistance of Vingulmark," Jan said. Signy was suspicious of Jan, but he had come through and even saved his life, but something told Signy that he had been watching them.

His arrival was too convenient, but it did not matter because now he owed him his life, a debt he knew he had to pay back one way or another.

Bjorn was beside Asger, who contributed vastly to the overall battle, but there was only so much he could do. Bjorn was beside him as even Tyr found himself in this encirclement.

"Jan, so you were the traitor," Askild said. He did not look frightened, but he was sure that this battle was lost; there was nothing more he could do.

They managed to breach the gate, but that only meant they could not escape.

"Yup!" Jan responded bluntly before turning his attention to Signy.

"What shall we do with them?" Jan asked Signy. He had hoped for one answer only with this question, the fire around illuminating the area.

"Slaughter them all!" Signy gave the instruction, and Jan had on the creepiest smile.

"We should leave my king," Jan suggested. He knew there was no point in staying because the battle was won, and Signy agreed.

But before Signy left, he dubbed Tyr a nickname that he deemed fitting because he was a remarkable warrior despite being his enemy.

"Tyr Ragnarsson, I dub you the King Slayer…." Signy said right before mounting a horse.

He left with Jan, but Jan\'s army made its way into Vestfold to make the odds even worse. They knew they had to slaughter everyone; no one could escape.

Ulf looked at his brother and closed his eyes in embarrassment, ashamed that he even considered killing him. For that to be possible, he knew he did not have the loyalty Ragnar had for him, and he just realized it.

Birger looked relatively calm by what was happening despite the death sentence being certain.

"Are we going to die cowering? I want to die as a warrior!" Bjorn barked, and this resonated with his comrades as they chuckled upon hearing him.

He still had the fire in him, which they all seemed to have lost.

"I expect nothing less from my rival," Tyr said, but he noticed that Bjorn did not even look him in his eyes, something that had never happened before, but he swept it under the rug as he overthought things.

But Tyr had an idea like a switch had just been flipped in his brain.

"The barrels!" Tyr thought; he cut off a piece of cloth from his body and wrapped it around his sword before he darted his head frantically to check for an enormous Viking.

Skarde was the person that caught his eyes as the enemies slowly closed on.

Ulf noticed his strange behavior, he never liked Tyr, and he was even more surprised that he had survived this long when the likes of Oskar and more prominent warriors had fallen.

"What is that little bastard planning?" Ulf asked himself, but he noticed that Bjorn was making a name for himself in this war, the only son of Ragnar he recognized as a son of Ragnar.

Tyr dashed in the direction of Skarde; Skarde noticed him coming and raised a brow because what the hell was he planning to do?

"H-Hey! Have you lost your mind!?" Skarde questioned, but Tyr shouted.

"Duck and lift!" And this was precisely what Skarde did, allowing Tyr to climb his back and lift him into the air. He gained great altitude, but no one knew what he was up to, but everyone\'s attention was on Tyr.

"KILL HIM!" A voice shouted; it was Vigar\'s voice because he knew precisely what Tyr was about to do, but Kattegat began their last stand. They pushed against the encirclement and began to struggle against the enemies.

This effectively divided the enemies\' attention, but Tyr began to step on their heads and shoulders, leaping from one person to the other, but this was not done with ease as they were attacking him.

Scratching and bruising him, but none could attack carelessly, or they risked injuring the person he was stepping on, and the archers could not either.

"He is running? THAT FUCKING COWARD!" A Viking from Kattegat shouted.

"Hey…" Bjorn called out, forcing the Viking that had just spoken to look at him.

"Talk ill about my brother again, and I will fucking kill you." Bjorn threatened, the look in his eyes; this boy was not joking. He might not possess the strength, but the look in his eyes felt like, at that moment, he could kill anyone in his path.

Everyone watched Tyr hop on individuals like they were his stepping stone. They were cramped together; this was part of their formation and why Tyr could do this.

"I am almost there!" Tyr motivated himself as he was within range of the fire.

"Hey, kid! Watch out!" Skarde shouted, but it was too late, an arrow found its way right into Tyr\'s chest, and he fell into the sea of enemies.

Skarde hated he could not do anything, but what the hell was he thinking in the first place?

Ragnar and Bjorn were so focused on the enemies before them that they missed this pivotal moment.

But as of this moment, it was a safe guess to say that Tyr was dead… Again.

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