The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 135 Ragnar's Speech [ARC END]

Ga listened to both men speak, Askild did not like the idea of this one bit, but he had no interest in looking like a tyrant as he needed the support of his people now more than ever.

"I will lead Vestfold as an emissary of King Askild. I am no King, just a vessel to carry out my King\'s will." Ragnar said sternly, downplaying his role because he knew two Kings could not exist in a kingdom.

The tension was visible, and everyone waited for Askild\'s reply because if he did not accept Ragnar as the ruler of Vestfold, then the chance that the citizens would receive a foreign body as the ruler was low; this man named Ga looked to be a vital part in Vestfold\'s submission.

"I accept, I approve of Ragnar Lothbrok ruling Vestfold in my name, but Vestfold is now a part of Kattegat starting today," Askild said, and Birger was surprised because Askild had gone through the such length to make sure he was King and there was no way he would not feel threatened by Ragnar, even though Ragnar was loyal to the bone.

"A new King of Vestfold has been chosen, all bent to their knees to recognize his position…." Ga instructed, but naturally, this did not apply to Askild as he was the only one with authority to remain standing because, as of this moment, Ragnar had become an Earl.

Askild found something that surprised him, and he found that even Birger had bent the knee to recognize Ragnar\'s authority and Erik The Berserker.

They had all seen his strength against Kåre; he saved Askild\'s life and showed his superior swordsmanship to land a hit on the man that even Sven could not touch.

Erik had always known that Ragnar was more potent than him, and that fight confirmed it.

What made Ragnar scary was how calm he was, it won\'t be a long shot to say he could defeat Askild in his prime, but did Ragnar ever leave his prime? That was the question.

Askild chuckled internally, the irony of this as he was the one that made Ragnar pick up his sword again. It was almost like the gods had a path for Ragnar that even he could not stop.

And there was no opposing fate; he could only accept whatever the gods had in store.

Askild kept quiet as minutes passed, and the door to the throne room swung open with Ga leading the walk.

A crowd was already waiting outside, and behind him came Ragnar with a ceremonial robe worn by their Kings during the inauguration, and the whispers began as everyone knew just how significant Ga was in terms of power transition. He was not just an old man but a seer.

They had no choice but to accept Ragnar if Ga approved of him; he had seen Kings come and go.

"People of Vestfold, this is your new King. King Ragnar Lothbrok!" Ga said, and the mutters continued, but no one doubted Ga\'s judgment.

He was not a man that could be bought or intimidated as he was a messenger from the gods, and that was only when his prophecies worked. Only when it came to the ascension of Kings.

Askild was curious; he knew that if the people of Vestfold disapproved, then there was no way that Ga\'s prophecy would hold up.

No one bent the knee, and no one planned on accepting Ragnar Lothbrok as King.

"Let me…" Ragnar said, prompting Ga to step aside and allowing Ragnar to take the lead.

The place fell quiet as Ragnar removed his bandaged arm from the robe\'s sleeves.

"I understand…" Ragnar began as he looked at them right in the eyes; his head was raised like a proud warrior.

"A war will always have winners and losers; this cannot be changed. I wish it could, but this does not make me your enemy. I am here not to rule you but to ensure you never be conquered again, and I will die to fulfill this desire. I will not abandon you; I will not abandon you like Signy…." Ragnar said. It felt like he was talking to his children; everyone could feel the fatherly love oozing with every word he said.

"I know you have lost fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters in this war, but so have we. If we keep trying to avenge those we lose, then we will only lose more and, losing more, have even more to avenge. It will never stop." Ragnar said, and everyone could feel the hostile crowd become less aggressive as Ragnar\'s speech went on.

"I am Ragnar Lothbrok and hear me today, people of Vestfold. My life now belongs to you as it does mine," Ragnar concluded, and the silence followed was loud. Everyone was speechless.

"There is no way that little speech would work. It does not change that their beloved Asmund was killed in this war. People are ruled by hate when love is taken from them." Askild thought to himself; he understood the nature of man, and hate was the only thing that could conquer love. They needed to be forcefully subjugated and felt all this was a waste of time.

But it happened; a single person in the crowd bent the knee, which triggered an effect as everyone bent the knee one by one to recognize Ragnar Lothbrok as their new King.

This was a good thing, but something in Askild manifested, a feeling he had long forgotten.

Askild felt envy; the only person to ever manifest this exact feeling was King Xenophanes.

For a narcissist, this is equivalent to emotional torture as the moment they recognize envy is the moment the grand image they have built of themselves crumbles.

Askild knew he had to return to Kattegat but wanted to explore Vestfold some more.


Signy had settled in Vingulmark and was surprised to see the number of men under Earl Jan, but with Vestfold having fallen, Vingulmark\'s alliance with them stopped by extension.

Jan was no longer an Earl at this point but a King, for if he were still an Earl, he would have to answer to the new King of Vestfold, which was not something Signy would want.

Signy had lost all his power, despite Jan losing this war from a political standpoint.

He knew that Signy, if he were ever to go or regain Vestfold, everyone would recognize him as a King, and not only that, he would owe Jan yet another debt.

The forces of Vestfold returned that morning with Kjell and the wounded; Jan realized then that Signy still had a substantial number regarding his military prowess.

Jan realized at that moment that Signy had separated his forces as more than a thousand men returned to seek shelter in Vingulmark.

The curtain to this chapter came to a close.

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