The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 170 Tyr's Recurring Nightmare

"Where am I?" Tyr questioned, he was lost in his dream, he was in a familiar environment despite being certain he had never been here before, he could not recollect ever being here.

"Is this a dream?" Tyr questioned, he was confused because the last he could remember, he was saving his mother.

"What are you doing brother? Come! Mother is looking for you!" A little dark-skinned girl called out, dragging Tyr\'s hand in the process.

"Wait! Who are you!?" Tyr questioned but the girl looked back and for the first time since having these kinds of dreams, he made out her face.

She was a young chubby girl, dressed in tattered clothes and a big potbelly.

Tyr had no idea who she was but she called him brother.

"You left me to die, brother…" The young girl suddenly stopped in her tracks, turning to look back at Tyr but what he saw was a grotesque form. She had no eyes, with blood dripping down the empty eye sockets and her chest had been cut open.

"W-WHAT!?" Tyr was frightened by this sight, wrestling his wrist from her grasp, and stumbling onto the ground in terror.

"Why did you leave me, brother… You promised…." The girl said, walking closer to her eyes, as her head began to twist until it was a full 180 degrees.

"S-Stay back!" Tyr screamed, trying his best to get to his feet but he could not move, looking down he saw rotting hands holding him in place.

"Come, stay with me, brother! Forever and ever!" The girl said as the hands began to pull Tyr underground, dragging him beneath the earth. He tried to resist but he could not break free no matter how hard he struggled.

Tyr was horrified, he did not even know who she was but he had lost his memory so he could not discern if this was a memory or just a nightmare.

"This isn\'t real! This isn\'t real!" Tyr closed his eyes, muttering himself, and the moment he reopened his eyes. He found himself standing alone in an open field.

Crying could be heard in the distance, the crying sounded familiar, and it sounded like Bjorn.

Tyr ran in the direction of the cry, he took off like an athlete in a marathon but he never seemed to leave this spot regardless of how far he ran.

"BJORN!" Tyr called out and suddenly, he saw Bjorn in the distance, and almost like teleportation, he found himself right in front of Bjorn.

"Tyr, please save me!" Bjorn begged and Tyr rushed in without second thought, but he saw someone or something standing over Bjorn with a knife in hand.

"STOP!" Tyr screamed but his words fell on deaf ears as the blade of the person standing above Bjorn stabbed him repeatedly, ripping and roughing up his organs. Bjorn coughed up blood as the knife found his face, and Bjorn died soon after but not before saying.

"W-Why could you not save me, brother?" Tyr fell to his knees in defeat, clutching his head in confusion as a sorrowful scream echoed in the distance.

"This is the fate of everyone you love…" The man that had just killed Bjorn said, but Tyr was overcome with sorrow and just stared blankly.

He looked at the man but alas, he had no face, he looked like a blank canvas

"You cannot save anyone, for your love is a curse that kills anyone it touches. To protect those you love, you must run! Run and never look back!" The featureless man said as it had taken the appearance of Tyr.

Tyr found himself on the boat that had carried him into what was supposed to begin his life as a slave and for the first time, he had regained a lost memory as the three slavers that had captured him and tossed him into the water appeared.

He rewatched the scene, but as a spectator, watching a smaller version of him being subdued to this fate and Tyr\'s teary eyes turned cold.

"That is right! This is what you are! You will burn this world down…" The voice echoed but before this strange dream could go further. Tyr woke up.

The sun was out and he could feel the blistering heat pelting his cleaned-up body, Tyr was light-headed and could barely think straight thanks to his mind-numbing headache.

"You are awake," Ulrik was the first to notice him, Tyr noticed his wounds had been closed-up and treated. He was lucky it was not infected considering the amount of dirt on him at that time.

Ulrik had to clean him quickly and cover his wounds because he knew they could get infected if he did not.

Tyr tried to speak but Ulrik put a finger over his lips to shush him, he knew Tyr had a lot to say but he was in no condition to speak.

His sneak attack was smart, there was nothing wrong with wanting to save his mother but Birger had shown once again, that he has always been two steps ahead.

"You need to focus on your strength, I do not know what happened but whatever it was. I am sure it appeared in your dream. Look around you Tyr…" Ulrik said, and Tyr lifted his head slightly to see what was around him as per Ulrik\'s intention but what he saw was everyone\'s head mounted on a spike.

"You did this, Tyr… You killed us all." Tyr returned his head to face the talking man but behold, his head too was mounted on a spike. Screaming, he awoke… Again.

But he did not know now if this was reality or yet another dream, he looked around him immediately and saw that everyone was as expected. There were no spikes or a severed head.

"It is about time you woke up, we have a fucking lot to talk about!" Ulrik barked, he did not care that Tyr was injured, he cared about the information he possessed.

There was no mistaking it, this was Ulrik, Tyr heaved a huge sigh of relief as the morning was unnaturally chilly; his wrapped wounds were taken care of while he was unconscious.

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