The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 234 Two Steps Ahead

Tyr\'s ax had made contact with the armor Jökull had on, Jökull was not fazed but Tyr was because he was certain that it would not work a second time.

He had played his hand and he could not believe he did not take the armor into account as Tyr immediately let go of his ax that was stuck and gained some distance.

"You should have gone for the head…" Jökull mocked Tyr because if he did, Jökull would have been dead.

This was not the most worrying thing. Tyr noticed his skin had returned to normal, and Jökull was all warmed up.

Kolbeinn knew he had allowed Tyr to have his fun but this man was clearly stronger than him.

"Tyr, I am afraid but I do not think you can defeat him alone," Kolbeinn said but Tyr knew he stood a chance because he was not fighting at full power, to begin with, this was to lure Jökull into that one mistake which he failed to exploit.

"Kolbeinn, I said it once already. He is mine," Tyr reiterated his interest in a one-on-one battle with Jökull and Kolbeinn chose to grant him this even though his chance at victory was a lot lower.

Tyr equipped the sledgehammer strapped to his back, this was a weapon he was not as proficient in using as opposed to his axes but he did not just pass this last month on bed rest.

He also knew that it would be harder for Jökull to block his strike as he was confident in his physical strength despite his age, he was stronger than the average warrior but Jökull was no average warrior.

"Is that weapon not a bit too big for you?" Jökull questioned but Tyr did not care because he had the physical strength to wield it even better than Skol did.

They were both about to go at it with their full power, and this would ultimately result in one of their deaths.

Tyr charged at Jökull, he had the intention of taking off his head this time.

But an arrow grazed Tyr\'s shoulder, someone interfered with their battle and Gudrun quickly shot him down before he could bury an arrow in Tyr.

She was providing him back up by not letting anyone interfere in their battle and it took everything in her not to bury an arrow in Jökull.

Nora was holding her own, striking down warriors even though she had difficulties doing so because these average warriors were not-so-average.

She did not have the luxury to be distracted by Tyr\'s battle as she was barely hanging on with hers.

Fatigue soon set in and she was pushed back, Gudrun provided her support as she was the long-range support.

This was why Nora was still alive, Gudrun\'s accuracy was terrifying, and no one has had better accuracy other than Signy.


Gissur had slaughtered a little over fifty men all by himself, he was strong but this was not the battle he sought.

His men gathered around him and questioned what their next course of action should be but Gissur just stood in silence like he was lost in thought.

He recalled how they conquered Njal, they cut him off so what if they intended to do that?

What if they planned to cut Gissur off from the rest of his forces; if that was the plan then they would have made a move by now.

"My wife….!" Gissur knew she had prophetic powers and if they had somehow gotten knowledge of this then she might be a potential target.

Gissur just began running back, and once again left his people in the dust.

He did not see it coming but this would make sense considering that Gō was not even sure whether his brother was killed or not, they were targeting people he cared about or at least he had only entertained this notion right now.

He arrived at their base and the few men that were there were slaughtered. Kolbeinn and Tyr were nowhere to be seen nor were their forces but he could hear an ongoing battle in the distance.

Gissur ran to his home but his wife was missing, she was nowhere to be seen and on his bed was a man he hoped not to see at this very moment.

"Gissur, it is an honor to meet you but I am afraid I have to return with your head," Sturla blurted out.

Gissur gritted his teeth in anger, the veins around his head popped as the anger in his eyes showed his hatred.

"Gissur, you have always had a bad temper," Sturla was calm despite standing in front of the feared Chieftain, and Gissur proved him right.

Gissur swung his broadsword down in an attempt to split him clean down the middle but Sturla was equal to the task as he blocked the attack without bulging an inch with his sword despite Gissur\'s immense strength.

"I am here to talk, pipe down," Sturla showed his strength with this single exchange.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" Gissur barked but Sturla did not look bothered by this as he repelled Gissur\'s broadsword.

"If you keep shouting, you will never see her again…" Sturla said, getting to his feet.

He did not see Gissur as a threat but was this arrogance or a testament to his strength?

The latter seemed more likely and Gissur had to calm himself down.

"Where is my wife?" Gissur questioned calmly.

"I think the right question is, where are they… Your brother is still alive, Gissur." Sturla said, it took everything in Gissur not to strike him down but he had to control himself because he did not know what Sturla wanted.

"What do you want?" Gissur finally asked the elusive question, and Sturla smiled.

"Give me your head Gissur and I will guarantee the continuity of your clan\'s existence as well as the safety of your family but if you resist, we will kill them," Sturla gave him the condition for his family\'s safety and silence followed. Sturla could only imagine that this would require much thought so he understood the silence but what he heard from Gissur\'s lips was a burst of uncontrollable laughter.

"What is funny?" Sturla questioned as Gissur\'s laughter soon ceased.

"You think I value my family\'s lives above mine? Go ahead, kill them and I will just replace them but you, Sturla…. I am going to kill you right here and now!" Gissur laughed off his threats because he quite frankly did not care.

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