The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 393 Which "God" Will Answer?

The Vikings overcame their first obstacle and their morale was at an all-time high.

They steamed at the top of their lungs, their hunger seemingly gone as they were cheerful.

This told them that they were headed in the right direction, they thought they were lost but now it has been confirmed that people did exist beyond the obstacle.

Tyr was quiet, he didn\'t know why but he felt uneasy because he could not only sleep but something told him that he might die on this battlefield.

Tyr knew he had to overcome this challenge and he had conquered death once already but this time felt different.

"Are you okay, Tyr?" Thorgard asked him, sitting beside him.

"Something feels strange about this invasion. I fear that we might have underestimated their strength. They managed to do so much damage with such little men…." Tyr blurted out, this was not what worried him but it would do to keep Thorard distracted from what really bothered him.

"We will be fine… My brothers are here, they both have the strength of a hundred men," Thorgard tried to reassure Tyr.

Tyr looked beyond the sea, he was anxious about what lay ahead but it has been ages since he felt his heart beat so hard. Tyr felt alive and wanted to fight these new enemies.

They were rowing, the adrenaline was not infinite and Tyr knew that they would soon give into exhaustion.

He understood that cannibalism was practiced by some people but it was still frowned upon as it involved desecrating the corpse of a warrior meant for Valhalla.

Vikings knew that despite being enemies, they loved fighting and shouldn\'t be denied an honourable send-off just because they were slaughtered but this depended on their relationship as seen with Tyr and Erik.

The blistering sun did not do them any favours and they were thirsty as fuck but could not drink the seawater.

Tyr knew they had to find land soon or they might die at sea, the situation was not looking good if he was being honest with himself.

Tyr stood up, he was not about to let everything go to nought. He was the only one on his feet as he walked towards the edge of the boat.

Everyone\'s attention shifted to the dark-skinned warrior as he raised his axe to the heavens.

"ODIN ALL-FATHER!" Tyr screamed at the top of his lungs and the other boats took notice of this, Tyr had everyone\'s attention on the water.


The skies were clear so this looked like a divine intervention and everyone was shook.

They froze in disbelief as they looked at Tyr as he stood majestically, like the reincarnation of a god and the cheers that echoed could disrupt the bed of the sea.

But they were not the only ones stunned by this phenomenon, Tyr was stunned by what had just happened and his heart was beating even harder.


"Bishop Calvin, it seems the Pagans have pushed past the blockade," A warrior in shining armor muttered but Calvin did not look surprised by this.I think you should take a look at

"Ha! God is testing us brethren! God is testing our faith by giving us foes to renew it!" The Bishop exclaimed and his men looked delighted by the prospect.

They were surprised that they dared to attempt another attack so soon but this gave them a chance to avenge their fallen brothers.

Calvin knew that they would encounter the enemies much later in the day, the sea was his home so he could estimate these things easily.

He knew that the blockade would be breached but he also knew that even a single man could make a difference.

But Calvin did not want to wait, he pioneered his boats right at the problem.

Calvin was itching for battle, he wanted blood and he was going to do everything in his power to satisfy this need for it.

"Onward!" Calvin commanded as they began roaring the boat.

The boat was equivalent to what one would call a small ship, this was his invention but it was once described as not suitable for sea as it moved a lot slower.

Calvin proceeded with this invention because it did not need speed, it had the power and durability.

Calvin\'s earlier invention could not float on the sea and went straight to the bottom of the sea but he bettered his invention over time even though the boat was still far from perfection.

This was the first time that Calvin was taking it into battle.

"God is good," Calvin exclaimed with a wild satisfied smile and coincidentally, the same lightning and thunder that Tyr had seen was seen simultaneously here.

Begging the question, of which \'God\' was answering their calls. 

Was it Odin, The All-Father or was it the God that the Christians worshiped?


  King Ælla was glad that things were going as planned, he was not worried about the threat that the Pagans posed because even if they should conquer Bishop Calvin and his men. 

He had an army waiting onshore to wipe out whatever was left of them.

But he was worried about Ecgberht, he was becoming more of a nuisance than he had anticipated. He could not kill him and he also could not get him under control without being forceful but Ecgberht was not defenseless, he had a small following of loyal warriors and this extended into his court.

Ælla knew that their loyalty was divided because not everyone saw him as the rightful King and that was how he ascended the throne.

This was what held the fragile balance and why he allowed Ecgberht to do as he pleased as long as he was not a threat to his rule but things were slowly changing,

The older he got, the wiser he became. Ecgberht might be a coward but he was no fool.

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