Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 399: Asmodeus - A New God!

Chapter 399: Asmodeus - A New God!

"Is this some joke, Lord Ramiel?"

Holding a black apple Ramiel, one of the few fallen angels from the fifth dimension or higher, stood relaxed despite the news he had just given me.

"You think I would be if it were not so dire? Those fools within this false heaven are going to anger Father, and no one wishes to see his wrath once more like before." Ramiel joyfully explained, despite the rather grim situation.

"Who is it? Who would be so foolish enough to claim the Seat of The One? Even if the Seven Heavens is not the actual heavens, none of us are stupid enough to sit upon the Heavenly Throne." I demanded, rather carelessly before the Fallen before me.

"His name is Raziel, and apparently, he used the death of Yeshamiel to take the Heavenly Throne. You could say Arsene\'s actions were just what he needed to put fear into the hearts of his brethren." Remiel explained, taking a bite, lifting his golden eyes that seemed to see through all of creation. He continued, "I believe you know what this means, right?"

"You wish for me to go to war with the Heavens?" I asked, somewhat confused by his intentions.

"If only it was that simple. Should you head into the Seven Heavens, you are going to die. You are only a devil, not a fallen like myself or Lucifer. Even if the Heavens here are fake, it still holds power you cannot even begin to comprehend. "There is an angel that Tuck-Kun made a deal with not too long ago, receive him, and train him."

"Your Grace, would it not be quicker simply lure Raziel out in the open and end him there?"

"I wish! Raziel is a mighty warrior, and even for you, killing him would be difficult. Now with him on the Heavenly Throne of Fathers, his powers will grow. You will surely perish if you go into battle, primarily due to your nature of being that of a devil."

"And you expect this Angel, that is with Baphomet, to simply be able to battle Raziel? Forgive my insolence, but that is impossible. The amount of time it will take will be endless." I explained, lowering my head as the gaze of the Fallen shimmered.

Struggling even to stand, my legs gave up from under me, sending me to my knees. Struggling to breathe Ramiel, continued, "He is to be the next leader in heaven. Let him understand both heaven and hell. The one who will kill Raziel will be none other than Lilith, the one who holds Morningstar."

Crushing my very life with this gaze, the crunching of an apple resounded through my mind, "You knew of her true nature, so it makes giving you this mission simple. Failure is not an option, Asmodeus. I am but a messenger. The next time it will be Gabriel or Lucifer. And they are not nice like me."

Quaking at the thought, Ramiel withdrew, leaving me covered in a heavy sweat. Rolling onto my back, my breathing could not return to normal as my body shivered at the pressure of that Fallen.

"At least it wasn\'t Dagon. She would have torn me into pieces." I muttered faintly, trying to catch my breath, "Think the last time I was like this was when Lilith first awakened. Damn! This is pathetic."

Taking a few minutes to myself, I hoisted myself up. Waving my hand, a magical screen appeared with the image of the Ruler of the Bed of Chaos. Eying me with his rainbow-colored eyes, I scoffed.

"Aldrich, tell me you know about this so call new god?"

Pausing for a second, a faint stagger seemed to breeze through Aldrich to my dismay, "Shit, not even you, huh. It seems Arsene screwed the both of us over on this one."

"Asmodeus, this might be the worst-case scenario. Have you forgotten what happened when the Silver Devil angered GOD? He sent an entire legion to of his most powerful Angels. Even your master, Lucifer, was dragged out from hell!"

"I still remember," I scornfully replied, "but according to Ramiel, we have no choice else Lucifer or Gabriel will descend. How close are you to finding Iluthath?"

"Close, but we may need the Horseman Gates. Are you finally willing to side with me?" He inquired with a half-smile. " has the Ruler of hell finally awaken to reality?"

"Very funny, " I mocked, placing my hands behind my back, "I will descend to the Bed of Chaos to procure the rest of the Gates, but the Pale Gate is still missing,"

"Is it? And I was under the impression you knew where it was." Aldrich faintly said, with an expression that showed amusement.

"Believe what you will. I have no reason to lie, not yet anyway. " I indifferently explained, "I will handle the Gates. Just make sure you find that damn realm. It has been missing for far too long."

Severing the connection with Aldrich, I passed my hands through my soaked hair, "Arsene, you fucker! This is definitely your fault! Why the hell did you kill an archangel? Now it seems we are all in danger! And I was so close to ascending! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!~"

Turning my entire throne room to ash with a furious roar, a figure appeared on his knee. Shaking in my presence, he fearfully spoke, "Dark One, is everything alright?"

"Seth, call for everyone. And I mean everyone!" I commanded to my right-hand man, who appeared as a simple old man on one knee. "Also, send word to the other Planes; the Angels just crossed a line!"

"The other realm?"

"Many of those old fools owe the Hells a great dept, and we are cashing it in." I listlessly told, "and find out where Baphomet is. Time is not on our side."

Blinking away from my sight, I released a heavy sigh when she appeared at my side, with a grim expression, "I have not seen you like this since the Great Change."

"We need to get the Pale Gate from Lilith," I darkly said to Levi, whose expression darkened.

"She will not be too happy about this, or did you forget she is battling Nox right now? That gate is the only relic of who she is."

"By Lucifer\'s grace, you think I wish to take it from her and give it to her husband\'s enemy? We do not have a choice in this matter. Raziel is now on the Heavenly throne. We have the advantage now since he hasn\'t acclimated fully, but that will not last long. "

Creasing her tender brow, a glint of that seemed to twirl like The Abyss flowed through Levi-Chan azure eyes, "Raziel? That seraphim has indeed come a long way from being a lowly human. But this is what happens when they let a snake into the Garden. Even we know humans are in many ways the same as devils. It matters not if they become angels."

"Nevertheless, we need to prepare for the worse. Go and find Lilith. They will need protection, should the angels figure out their location."

Nodding her head, Levi-Chan vanished, leaving me surrounded by a sea of ash within the depts of the ninth hell. Lifting my head towards a faint star within the sea of flames and hail, a cruel glint shimmered. "The last time that weapon was used was to torment \'him\' I hope it has recovered since then."

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