500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 280 Getting Late

We made it back to the inn without any issues and then took everything to our carriage. Once everything was put away, the girls left, but I went to check on my little demon.

Grimora hadn\'t come out while we all changed shoes, so I wanted to make sure she was okay since I knew she hadn\'t left the carriage, or I would have sensed her. It was possible she was just tired and sleeping after I had pounded her brains out earlier, but as I got to the door, I shook that notion out of my head. She had still wanted me to fuck her before leaving, so I wasn\'t sure why she was still in the room.

I walked in and found Grimora still naked, lying on the bed where I had left her. The moment she saw me, she jumped up and got on her hands and knees like an excited puppy.

"You have returned, master! Have you come back to use my body again?! I am your sex slave, so I am always ready to please you!" Grimora exclaimed, and I couldn\'t help but chuckle as I walked over to her.

"That is good to know, but I actually came in here to check on you. You have been in here for a while now, so I just wanted to make sure that you were feeling okay," I explained as Grimora\'s face fell a bit.

"I am fine... Just waiting for you. I don\'t want to leave the room because I know that the girls don\'t like me, but I can\'t really blame them," Grimora said, and then she suddenly looked up at me with a mischievous grin on her face. "Although there is something that you could do for me."

"What is that?" I asked, already feeling a bit suspicious.

"I want to see your tail," Grimora said, and my eyes widened in surprise.

"What? Why?" I asked, but Grimora just shrugged her shoulders.

"I am curious about it. I have never seen a tail so white before, so I want to know what it looks like," Grimora explained, and then she started crawling towards me on all fours. "Please let me touch it!"

"No, I don\'t think that is a good idea," I said as I took a step back from her. "It is... sensitive."

"Please! Just for a little bit!" Grimora begged, and then she started licking her lips. "I promise I will make it worth your while."

I could feel my body responding to her words, and the way she was looking at me was making it hard to think straight. Still, I knew that if she touched my tail, then it would only be a matter of time before I was pinning her down to fill all her holes, and the girls we waiting for me.

"No, I don\'t think so," I said as I turned and started towards the door. "Maybe next time, okay?"

I could hear Grimora\'s disappointed sigh as I walked out of the room and then quickly made my way back outside to where the girls were waiting for me. It was a close call, but luckily I had managed to resist Grimora\'s advances. For now...

Once I rejoined the group, we all walked back out into the cold and started making our way towards the next store on Eliza\'s list she had created. Even though it was cold, it wasn\'t too bad since we were all bundled up in our enchanted clothes and new shoes.

"So, what did you think of my mom?" Skylar asked as she fell into step beside me, and I could see the curiosity in her eyes.

"She seems like a very... interesting woman," I said diplomatically, and Skylar snorted.

"Yeah, that is one way to put it," Skylar said as she shook her head. "She can be a bit much sometimes."

"I can imagine," I said sympathetically, and then we fell into silence as we continued walking. After a few minutes, I finally broke it, as something had been on my mind since our discussion earlier.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked hesitantly, and Skylar nodded her head.

"Of course," Skylar said, and then she waited for me to continue.

"Do you... ever regret not having children?" I asked quietly, and Skylar\'s eyes widened in surprise before they softened a bit.

"No, I don\'t think so," Skylar replied after a moment of thought. "I didn\'t want a mate before this, but now that I have found you and the other girls, I think I am starting to understand what you said about home being a feeling. You make me feel at home."

I nodded my head in understanding as we continued walking, and then we finally made it to the next store on the list. This one was called The Book of Shadows, and it looked like a bookstore from the outside.

"Why are we here?" I asked Eliza curiously as she led us inside, and she grinned at me.

"Well, I remember coming here with my mother when I was younger, and they always had really good prices on books," Eliza explained as she started looking around at all of the different titles that they had.

"Hmm, that is a good point," I said as I also started looking around. Books were always expensive since they took so long to make by hand if you didn\'t have access to magic like we do now. Even still enchanted paper was still quite expensive, even if it did last longer than normal paper without falling apart over time.

"I found something!" Eliza exclaimed as she pulled a book off of the shelf, and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What is it?" I asked as she turned and held it up for me to see. It was called The Wizard\'s Handbook, and it looked like a spellbook of some sort from the symbols on the front.

"It is a spellbook! And it looks like it has some really powerful spells in here, too," Eliza said with excitement, but then she frowned as she looked at the price tag. "Although... It is really expensive."

I took the book from her and started flipping through it to see if there was anything that we could actually use since we didn\'t want to waste our money on something that wouldn\'t help us in any way possible. After skimming through the pages, though, I couldn\'t find anything out of place or dangerous, so I handed it back over to Eliza, who put it back on the shelf before finding another one.

This one was a bit cheaper, but it still had powerful spells in it as well, so we ended up buying that one along with a few others before heading back out into the cold.

"It is getting late, so we should probably head towards the last store on our list and then call it quits for today," Velma said as she rubbed her hands together to try and generate some warmth.

"That sounds like a good idea," I agreed since I was starting to get tired myself from all of the walkings around that we had done today. It wasn\'t too bad though since I knew that once we got back to our room at the inn tonight, someone would be more than happy to help me work out any knots or tension that I may have.

The last store was a clothing store that carried winter gear called The Northern Star, and it was a bit more expensive than the other stores, but we still found some good deals. We all ended up getting some cloaks and scarves to keep us warm as well since our other clothes would only do so much in this kind of weather.

After we finished at the store, we all headed back toward the inn since it had started to snow again. It wasn\'t too bad, though, since it was just flurries at the moment, but I knew that it would start picking up soon enough, considering how cold it already was outside.

"It is getting pretty late," Claire said as she yawned widely, and I couldn\'t help but chuckle as I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to me for warmth.

"Yeah, we should probably head back," I agreed as Eliza came over and took my other hand in hers before leading us towards the inn with Daphne following behind us with Titania on her arm while Skylar walked next to Velma, who had an arm around her waist for support like I did with Claire.

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