500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 646 Breaching Chaos: The Akasha Agreement

Chapter 646 Breaching Chaos: The Akasha Agreement

"STOP!" Kadeon screamed, and I sighed, turning my head back to Xieus/Akasha.

"Sorry, I will free you both from your prisons, but I cannot pass on this chance," I said, and her monstrous form nodded with a wicked smile.

"I approve," Akasha said with Xieus\'s mouth as her form returned to normal.

"You see, this is the crop that you have sown, and now you must reap it!" I laughed as I walked up to Kadeon, grabbing his face in my hand as I put mine close to his. "I would do this for an eternity if I knew it would bring the others back or even make me feel better!" I hissed, then pulled back, my smile returning. "But that isn\'t the way the cosmos would have it! The only way to gain the power to kill you permanently is to give you more power. Quite the quandary, but this is my reality, and you are my mess, just like Matthias."

Suddenly, Kadeon\'s expression shifted from fear to a mocking grin. "You\'ve changed, Godling. You\'ve learnt new tricks. I know you want Xieus back to her original form, but do you think I will make this easy for you? Look around you, this is my battlefield!"

The air around us began to shift violently. "No, this is my reality!" I shouted back, thrusting the palm of my hand against Kadeon\'s chest, releasing a pure, pulsating energy that pinned him to the ground.

"I\'m going to enjoy extinguishing your spark, Kadeon, for every life you\'ve ruined, for every tear shed in despair. For Xieus, for Matthias, for my people who suffered under your manipulations." My voice dropped to a whisper, a deadly promise. "The Eldritch will guide you, but there will be nothing of you left by the time I finally reach you, I think this end is too good for a scum like you, but I have given you a death for each world that you forced me to destroy in my last 499 lives."

I turned from him, but he screamed at me, and I turned back.

"You took everything from me, and you think that even this was enough to make you pay?! I will take everyone and the things that you love! Give me more power, or kill me another 500 times! It doesn\'t matter to me! All I want is to see your world burn, and I will stop at nothing until that happens! Even if I have to give my life for it to happen!"

Silence fell, his screamed words echoing around us in the vast emptiness. His eyes were filled with hatred and madness, a reflection of a twisted, dark soul stripped of any semblance of humanity. I realized then, truly, what I was dealing with - a being fueled by a thirst for destruction, blinded by revenge.

"My words are wasted on you, and I have things to do that have nothing to do with you," I said and turned back to Xieus who was staring at me like it was the first time we had ever met, but then a spark of recognition flickered in her eyes as tears started to form.

"Is it... Really you?" She asked as I walked over, swishing my cat tail with a grin.

"One and the same, Xieus of Kathorn. It has been a while, my Dark Empress," I grinned, releasing her bonds. She fell into my arms and then looked up into my eyes.

"Shouldn\'t Akasha have taken over my body like before?" She asked in confusion, but I shook my head.

"No, she and I have a Pact now," I said, and Xieus\'s grip on me tightened as panic filled her violet eyes.

"No! She will just consume you instead! You mustn\'t!" Xieus cried out, but I just patted her head and stroked her hair. I could understand how she felt, but there was no way that I was going to let history repeat itself. I had finally learned my lesson, and would no longer hesitate.

"I already have a pact with her estranged husband of sorts, so I can keep her in check," I said and then pulled her into a hug. "I won\'t let you die again."

I closed my eyes as Xieus gripped me tight, and the world around me disappeared. When I opened them again, I stood on a rock like I had with Truth, but the being before me was not him.

"So, you have finally come, Godling. Your ability to cross time and space is impressive, but are you truly ready to seal the Pact? I know that Truth told you what I am to him, and what it is that I want?"

"Yes," I said, staring into the cosmos beyond Akasha\'s face. Her form twirled and swarmed with galaxies, her voice resonating like the most beautiful, sublime harmony that threatened to tear my soul to shreds. "He told me you were once his light, his truth. Now, you are his nightmare, filled with unending chaos and despair."

Akasha, or the entity embodied by galaxies, chuckled lightly. Her laughter echoed through the cosmos, a symphony of supernovas and starbirths. "Indeed, I am. I once did love that cowardly creature more than anything. Nothing disgusts me more than being reminded of what true weakness feels like. You should know that I will never be like that, and I only wish to destroy!"

"Yet you agreed to the pact. Why?" I queried, not breaking the gaze from her cosmic spectacle.

"To interfere with Truth. He locked me here, and even if I get free in this child\'s body, he will force you to kill me again. This is the only way that I can experience freedom from this prison. I want to meddle with his plans one way or another."

"And the destruction of my world? The chaos you\'re yearning to unleash?" I asked, my voice steady.

"I want destruction, yes. But not pointless destruction," she said, her nebula eyes focused on me. "I want the Universe to bleed, to cry out in agony, for it was the Universe that first abandoned me."

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