Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 252 Lilith

Chapter 252 Lilith

I dropped down with Eve, but my attention kept getting drawn to the storm that raged like nothing I had ever seen before. I knew this place was inside the massive storm known on Earth as the Red Eye but seeing the clouds whipping around was like watching them in fast-forward. It was strange, to say the least.

"What is that?" I asked, and Eve turned to look at me.

"That is the storm that our world revolves around. It is called the Great Red Eye, and it has been here for as long as anyone can remember. It is just a storm caused by the planet\'s weather system, but it is also the source of our power," Eve explained, and I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and Eve turned back to look at the storm.

"The Great Red Eye is the source of our power. It is what gives us our long life, our strength, and our abilities. It is also what gives us our connection to the divine," Eve explained, and I frowned.

"What do you mean by the divine?" I asked, and Eve turned back to look at me.

"The Great Red Eye is said to be the eye of the creator. It is said that whoever can control the Great Red Eye can control entire planets. But that is just a legend," Eve explained, and I frowned.

"So, this eye is like a god?" I asked, and Eve nodded her head.

"In a way, yes. But it is not a god that we worship. It is more like a force that we revere. It is the source of our power, and we owe our allegiance to it," Eve explained, and I frowned.

"So, you are saying that this eye is what gives you your long life, your strength, and your abilities?" I asked, and Eve nodded her head.

"Yes, but it is also a double-edged sword. The longer we live, the more power the Great Red Eye takes from us. It is said that one day, the Great Red Eye will consume us all," Eve explained, and I frowned.

"So, the Great Red Eye is like a god that you worship, but it is also a force that takes away your power and could eventually kill you?" I asked, and Eve nodded her head.

"Yes, but it is a price that we are willing to pay. The Great Red Eye is the source of our power, and without it, we would be nothing," Eve explained, and I frowned.

"So, you are saying that the Great Red Eye is the source of your power, but it is also a force that takes away your power and could eventually kill you. Is that correct?" I asked, and Eve nodded her head.

"Yes, that is correct. Now, come, we must go," Eve said, and I frowned as I followed her down to a massive dome that was white with lines of gold running down it.

There was something about what she had said that made me uneasy, but I couldn\'t quite place it. Maybe it was just the fact that they were worshipping something that could eventually kill them. Or maybe it was something else entirely. I didn\'t know, but I would have to think about it later. For now, I had to focus on the task at hand.

Eve led me into a large room that had a woman floating in the middle of it. The woman was beautiful with long white hair and silver eyes. She was wearing a skin-tight suit similar to Eve\'s and my own, but hers was blue and white.

"This is your trainer and teacher, Lilith. She will be the one who trains you for the next year," Eve said, and I frowned.

"Why aren\'t you training me?" I asked, and Eve shook her head.

"I am not strong enough to train you. Lilith is the only one who is strong enough to train you. Now, I must go. Lilith will take care of you from here," Eve said, and then she turned around and started to walk away. The doorway we entered through closed behind Eve, and I turned to face the draconic woman that floated in the center of the room staring at me.

"Hello, my name is Lilith. I will be your trainer and teacher for the next year. Please follow me," Lilith said, and then she turned around and started to float away.

I frowned as I followed behind her. That was abrupt, and I didn\'t know what to expect from this year, but I would have to make the most of it. I needed to get stronger, and this was the best way to do it.

I was taken to the center of the dome, and it looked much bigger from the outside, but there was something strange about it. There were gold orbs about a foot wide covering the entire inside of the place. The floor was also made of what looked like a clear crystal.

"What is this place?" I asked as I looked around, and Lilith floated over to one of the orbs.

"This is the central training room. It is where you will be spending most of your time for the next year," Lilith explained, and I frowned.

"What is this place for?" I asked, and Lilith turned to look at me.

"This is where you will be training your body and mind to control your powers. The orbs around the room are called Power Orbs. They will help you to focus and control your powers. The floor is made of a special crystal that will help to absorb your power and prevent you from harming yourself or others. Now, please stand in the center of the room," Lilith explained, and I did as I was bid.

I stood in the center of the room, and Lilith floated over to me before gesturing to the floor. The floor started to glow, and I felt my feet start to sink into the floor. I tried to move, but I couldn\'t. It was like my feet were glued to the floor.

"What is going on?" I asked, and Lilith turned to look at me.

"The floor is absorbing your power. It is to prevent you from harming yourself or others. Now, I want you to focus your power on your right hand and try to punch the Power Orb in front of you," Lilith explained, and I frowned.

I did as I was bid, and I focused my power into my right hand before throwing a punch at the Power Orb. The Orb glowed for a moment before shattering, and I was blasted back by a force that I couldn\'t see. I hit the group of the gold balls hard before sliding to the floor.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as I pushed myself up off the floor and rubbed my sore hand. It felt like I had just hit a brick wall.

"That was your power. The Power Orbs are designed to help you focus and control your power. Now, try it again," Lilith said, and I frowned as I got back into position.

This time, I focused my power on my right hand before throwing a punch at the Power Orb. The Orb glowed for a moment but didn\'t shatter. I was still blasted back again, but my hand didn\'t hurt nearly as much as it did before.

"Good, you are progressing. Now, try it again," Lilith said, and I frowned as I got back into position.

I took in a deep breath and tried to center myself before I focused my power into my right hand and threw a punch at the Power Orb. The Orb didn\'t glow and didn\'t shatter. I was still blasted back. This time, I didn\'t hit anything, and I floated in the air for a moment before dropping back down to the floor.

"What happened?" I asked as I got back into position.

Lilith smiled at me. "You finally controlled your power enough to not shatter the Orb," Lilith explained, and my eyes widened in shock.

So, that was what it took? Control? But how was I supposed to control something that I couldn\'t even see?

"This isn\'t how my power works, so I don\'t understand how I am supposed to control something that I can\'t actually control. How do I do that?" I asked in confusion. I had been trying, but each time I got blasted back, it was like my entire body and cell were hit with the blast.

"This is why you must learn control. It is the only way that you will be able to use your power without harming yourself or others. Now, try it again," Lilith said, and I took in a deep breath before trying again.

I tried for hours, but no matter what I did, I couldn\'t control my power. It was like trying to control the wind. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn\'t do it. Eventually, Lilith called a halt to the training for the day, and I was taken back to my room, where I was left alone. I felt abused, and I had a headache that I should have been able to cure, but it just wouldn\'t go away.

I flopped back down into the bed and instantly relaxed as the healing properties Eve had talked about. I guess this was the reason for it. The damage the Power Orbs had done to me had rocked my body during the training, but this suit prevented me from transforming. I had also tried something things, but each time, I just got the power focusing to random places in my body. I didn\'t think that these people were evil, but this suit did put me in a precarious position. What if they decided to use me as a weapon? I could destroy entire planets if I wanted to...

The thought made me sick to my stomach, and I forced myself to calm down. There was no point in worrying about things that may or may not happen. I needed to focus on the here and now, and that was training to control my power so that I didn\'t hurt anyone. With that thought in mind, I finally fell into a deep sleep.

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