Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 259 Blow It Apart

Chapter 259 Blow It Apart

"What the hell was that?" Abraxas shouted as he got to his feet and stared at me in disbelief.

I didn\'t know what had happened; one moment, I was fine, and the next, I felt like I was going to explode. Luckily, my suit had withstood the blast, or everyone here would have been killed.

"I don\'t know," I said as I looked down at my hands in shock. "It felt like something inside of me just snapped."

"Well, whatever it was, it returned us to our human form," Lilith said as she walked over and hugged me tightly. "You did it!"

"I would like to say yeah, but that is not what happened," I explained as Lilith let go of me, and I walked over the edge of what I was sure was the same kind of temporal area as the outside of this space was. "I created another dimension inside the other by blasting a hole in it. This area can be left, but when you do, you will return to normal, but I don\'t know how your bodies will all react to this. Are there any others outside that can help me train?"

"No, we are the only ones that can help you," Abraxas said as he walked over to me. "You will have to find a way to get stronger on your own since you are the only one with access to all of the power in this place."

"But what about when I leave?" I asked, and Abraxas just shrugged.

"I am not sure; it is hard to say," Abraxas explained, and I just sighed. This wasn\'t what I wanted to hear, but it was better than nothing.

"So, what do we do now?" Azrael asked as she looked around at us, but no one had an answer for her.

Lilith and I stared at each other as I ran over what I knew and my options.

The first thing was that time would move slower in here, but everyone was not human, and I wasn\'t sure how long the suits could keep the human body going. That meant I couldn\'t leave them here if I wanted, and I had made things much worse and riskier for everyone. I would have to try and take them out of this rift I had created, but all on a test, and no way to even know if what I try will even work.

"You seemed troubled," Lilith said as she came over, putting a hand on my chest, and I nodded as she ran it up my neck and to my cheek, smiling at me.

She had purple hair, bright blue eyes, and tan skin but more of a Japanese facial structure. The others were all of different races but different than what I have seen in the same races. It was like these were alternate versions of some of the primary races of Earth, but that would make sense if they seeded it.

"I am," I admitted as I stared into her eyes and ran my hand along her side. "I don\'t want to risk your lives any more than I have to. But at the same time, I need all the help you can give me."

Lilith nodded as she looked away for a bit before turning back and putting both her hands on my cheeks, staring into my eyes with a smile. "We will find a way; together, we are strong."

I nodded as I stared into her eyes before kissing her. It was a risk, but one I think is worth it in the long run. After we pulled apart, we heard coughing and turned to see everyone watching us with smirks on their faces.

"Are you two done?" Abraxas asked with a grin, and Lilith and I just blushed as we nodded. "Good, now that that is out of the way; any ideas on what to do now?"

"I will make a shield for you all and take you out all at once. I won\'t be able to stop the Great Red Eye from feeding you power, but what I can do is force it to do it slowly. I honestly think that if you just try leaving, you will blow your suits and then end up ramping," I explained, and everyone seemed to agree with me.

"Alright, let\'s do this," Abraxas said as he floated over to the center of the room. "Everyone, get in formation."

Everyone got into place as I floated over to Lilith and took her hand. "You ready for this?"

She nodded with a smile on her face before we turned and flew over to our spot. As soon as everyone was in place and linked up, I put up my strongest shield around us before flying us all out of the temporal rift and into what now seemed like the eye of Jupiter itself, but my shield buffeted the storm as only small amounts of it leaked in.

Almost instantly, everyone started to moan and groan as the power of the eye started to leak back into them, myself included. Only thanks to all the training that I had done so far with Lilith was I able to hold the shield as everyone, but myself started to change back into their more monstrous forms. Everyone was still contained in their suits when it was over, but I held the shield and gritted my teeth.

I was still taking in more and more of the power, and my tank seemed to be endless. So much power entered me that I started to glow red along with my skin that showed outside of my suit also became red. There was no way that this was going to be easy, and I wasn\'t sure if I could hold on for much longer, but everyone else needed me.

The power kept coming, and I could feel myself being pushed to my limits. The suit started to stress under strain as well, but it held, and the storm around us ceased and retreated out of the dimension to reveal the golden building once again.

With the storm gone and everyone safe for now, I let the shield drop as I fell to my knees and panted. That was way too close, but we had made it. Now, the real challenge would be getting out of this dimension and back to Earth.

"That was way too close," Abraxas said as he floated over to me with a concerned look on his face. "I don\'t know how much longer your suit is going to be able to hold up under that kind of strain."

"I don\'t either," I admitted as I got to my feet and looked at everyone. "But we can\'t stay here; we need to find a way back to Earth."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Azrael asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I am going to going to blast holes in this dimension until I can force all the Great Red Eye into me. Just from this one time, I almost doubled my capacity; I just need for you all to stay in something that can keep you safe when this dimension is destroyed," I explained, and everyone nodded.

"Then let\'s do this," Abraxas said with a determined look on his face, and I nodded as everyone but Lilith floated away.

"Are you sure this will work? This is pushing things fast, but we could lose everything," Lilith said as she floated up to me, and I nodded.

"Even if we waited the full five years, that wouldn\'t change the fact that we have hit a wall in my training. This is the only way that I am going to be able to gain enough capacity to take whatever this Great Red Eye is into me. I believe this will work, so I need all of you to believe that I can do this. You all have trusted me this far, and I have done the same," I explained, and Lilith kissed me before nodding.

"Alright, good luck, and I will tell the others what you said," Lilith said as she floated away, and I waited until she had reached the far-off golden palace. My sight could go for miles now, so almost nothing in this place was out of my line of sight most of the time.

I put up a shield around me as I unleashed everything that I had learned so far in an all-out attack on the dimension. Holes started to appear everywhere as the dimension started to shake and tear apart. It was working, but it was taking too long, and I wasn\'t sure how much longer my suit or myself could take it.

Then, in one final blast, everything stopped moving as time itself seemed to stand still. In front of me appeared what looked like a black hole except red around the edges with tendrils reaching out from it in all directions before disappearing again into nothingness.

The tendrils reached out and wrapped around me before pulling me into the darkness. I could feel myself being pulled apart on a molecular level as I was ripped through time and space, but I stopped as I started to pull them into me.

Then the Great Red Eye spoke to me for the first time since I had gotten to this place.

"You should not have come here, but now that you have, I will make sure that you never leave," the voice said, and I could feel myself being pulled harder as I started to absorb more and more of the tendrils.

The power was incredible as it started to fill me up, and I could feel myself growing stronger by the second. The tendrils stopped pulling at me as they were almost all absorbed into my body which was now starting to glow red from all of the energy.

Then everything went black as time itself seemed to stop before restarting again. When my vision returned, I was standing in a red room with a being that burned solid red and smelled like rage.

"You will never control what I am."

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