
Chapter 44: Guy’s busy day

Chapter 44: Guy’s busy day

Translated by XianPiete

Guy de Montfort woke up at five in the morning to begin his day, first he went out for a long jog around the Academy grounds and then met Claude and Madeline at the training grounds for sword training. After a few hours of practice, Madeline and Guy would head to the dining room to have breakfast together. Most of the time, Claude and Alicia would join them, but on rare occasions like today, they got some time alone together.

Madeline smiled at him and asked, "Do you have time today to come visit with the builder? We have to have approve the design of the estate."

Guy nodded and said, "Alright, lets get that done. I want to be sure we have a nice home. I can\'t have my wife living in substandard mansion." He grinned at her and gave her a wink.

Madeline blushed and then said softly, "Speaking of that. We should set a date for our wedding. Alicia and Claude are already at the planning stage of their wedding you know. I helped Alicia pick out her location the other day."

Guy sighed and said, "I\'m sorry Madeline, I have been busy with the electricity and lighting project. I will make time for that with you. No, actually lets talk about that right now. We are going to be busy with the new Academy here in a month, my electrical grid will be live around then as well. We\'ll be able to light up the Academy grounds and the capital. What do you think about having the first ever night time wedding?"

Madeline clapped happily and said, "Yes I would like that. Your lights will be able to light up a large area then?"

Guy nodded and said, "That\'s right. We\'ll have lights all around the training ground making it bright as day there."

Madeline thought for a while and then said, "I would like to hold it in the fall, before the rainy season."

Guy nodded and then said, "How about we do it in October, before the masquerade ball, that way it\'s not too cold."

Madeline nodded and then said, "Alright, I\'d like that."

Guy and Madeline finished up their breakfast and then Guy headed to Montfort Industries, the company he founded to sell items from the modern world he remembered roughly how to make. He used local knowledge and common sense to fill the gaps in his memory of how certain things worked in order to bring his memories to life in this world. Montfort printing presses started at the Academy and quickly spread to allow the Kingdom\'s first newspaper to start printing. Books started to become more plentiful leading to a revolution in new ideas and the creation of original fiction.

After spending a few hours approving designs and checking over the works in progress at Montfort Industries, Guy left to meet with Madeline and the builder. He made a few changes to the design, as well as Madeline and then they both approved a final design allowing the buildings to get started. The builder argued with them a bit over the timeline, but agreed to complete the project by early October after Guy upped the amount of compensation appropriately.

After the meeting with the building Guy and Madeline headed to the Tower of Magic to study spells, Guy had everyone searching for a spell called Status, he felt that this should be in the books somewhere and it would allow for the Academy of Swords and Magic to better place a student. It would also give themselves an idea of their true potential. After searching through all the books, nothing could be found. Diggory asked the question, "Knowing what it is that you seek, would it not be possible to create your own spell to do that?"

Guy and the rest suddenly had an epiphany. Of course, it might just be possible to create a spell. They were starting to really understand the logic and the language behind the spells, Guy had already proven the spells could be manipulated as well. They all set themselves to the task of designing a way to check a status.

In the early evening, Guy and Madeline left the others and went off for a private meal together at Guy\'s restaurant. This had become a daily ritual for the two of them. As they ate, Madeline would make sure to press her leg against his the entire time. She had also become addicted to holding his hand as they walked now. Guy didn\'t mind at all. Madeline was the world to him, the memories he had inherited had no real feelings of love for the Montfort family so to Guy, Madeline was the first person he ever truly felt love for, with Olivier his best friend, Claude, Alicia, Diggory, the late Sir évreux and Doreen the first real friends he had ever met and been around here. The men of his father\'s troop were too distant and the students at the Academy had all been either afraid of him because of the rumors or envious of him because of his status a member of the Order of the Rose and his top student honors.

Madeline asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Guy smiled and said, "I was just thinking how much I love you."

Madeline smirked and then said, "What are you really thinking about? Are you worried about your electricity project? I love your light invention, but it might be too ambitious to light up the entire city. Perhaps you should just start with the Academy grounds?"

Guy smiled again and said, "Maybe you are right, if we can\'t have our wedding at night, I won\'t be happy."

Madeline smiled at him genuinely and then asked, "Oh, I have been meaning to ask, why is Olivier always playing the violin these days? He plays wonderfully, but I wish he would try a different song once in a while."

Guy laughed and then said, "He likes a girl at the shop he bought it from. That\'s the song he played for her and so he plays it to remind himself of her when he can\'t see her directly."

Madeline looked surprised, "He\'s in love with a commoner?"

Guy nodded and said, "She won\'t even agree to a date with him." Guy chuckled and said, "Olivier has always had girls around him, but this is the first woman he has ever truly fallen for and he is clueless how to proceed. He is charming enough, but he was used to girls just wanting to be around him and wasn\'t prepared to face a woman who keeps men at arm\'s length."

Madeline nodded and said, "He should do like you and have his parents arrange the marriage."

Guy replied, "Ouch."

After dinner Guy and Madeline separated as Madeline returned to her studies and Guy met with Olivier and Diggory to work on the plans for the Academy starting soon. Diggory started off the conversation, "I have spoken the faculty of the Academy, aside from the Chairman, everyone else is willing to stay on so we won\'t lack for teachers in the usual classes. Lets now speak about the criteria we\'ll be using to select students for the magic program. We can\'t just teach students magic and let them loose on the world, we would be causing a catastrophe if we didn\'t vet the students for their temperament, loyalty and personality. The double edge to that sword, is that we won\'t be able to attract good students if we aren\'t really teaching magic either."

Olivier set down his violin and said, "Guy had us looking for a special spell today for that purpose I believe?"

Guy nodded and said, "Status will show us someone\'s basic aptitude and intelligence at a glance, however it won\'t tell us about who they are up here." He tapped his head and then continued, "I think we need to rethink the structure of the school, akin to the Order of the Rose, I would like to separate the class in to separate orders so that we can put their loyalty to their Order to the test."

Olivier and Diggory nodded in approval and then Diggory suggested, "Lets not teach magic until the third year. The first and second year students will concentrate on sword and studies. Those qualified by their first two years of vetting can start basic magic in the third year, and of the third years we can select an elite few to continue for a fourth year to be licensed by the Council of Magic to become official mages."

Guy smiled and nodded, "A third year will be known as an apprentice mage. I am glad you suggested two years of training, that will give us time to come up with the basic magic we can teach at first. We don\'t want to accidentally teach a magic that can cause chaos at that level."

Diggory smiled and then said, "Good, good. Alright, now I have some good news to share with you both. My research has finally paid off, come behold the master piece. Look there..." He held up the telescope pointing out the window."

Olivier looked and said, "What is it, a building?"

Diggory nodded and said, "I rebuilt the women\'s bathhouse with a glass roof. From the upper floor of the tower we can see inside once Mage Molester installs his lighting system."

Guy frowned and said, "Montfort."

Olivier rubbed the back of his head and said, "I think the real mage molester is holding a telescope right now."

Diggory puffed out his cheeks in anger and said, "I am no molester! I am a connoisseur of great art. The art of the woman\'s body!"

Guy shook his head and left for home, his long day had ended.

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