I Gave Up Being Stronger

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Jin-Hyeok felt a bit sorry for making an unreasonable request, but Gridel greeted them with an unprecedentedly bright smile.

“Welcome, Sir Chul-Soo,” Gridel said, as though he were greeting a decades-old friend.

“And this Earth Player is...” Gridel coughed once and awkwardly continued, “Anus Destroyer Lee Hyeon-Seong, right?”

“Yes, that’s me,” Hyeon-Seong replied.

Gridel was a bit surprised by Hyeon-Seong’s confident demeanor.

‘Why’s he proud of such a nickname?’ No matter how much Gridel thought about it, Earth was full of crazy people. It did not seem like a good place to settle down.

“Thank you for your consideration in allowing me to train at the Cliff of Singing Swords, Sir Gridel. It’s an honor to meet you,” Hyeon-Seong said.

“Oh!” Gridel was a bit surprised. The Anus Destroyer seemed like a sensible person. “There is no need to thank me. This was entirely Sir Chul-Soo’s idea.”

Jin-Hyeok had asked Gridel if he could capture videos at the Cliff of Singing Swords, but was rejected. Then he had asked if he could bring a colleague there, and Gridel had allowed it after much consideration.

“Come, please follow me.”

They entered the family compound, passed numerous buildings, climbed the back mountain, and reached a large cave.

“If you go along the cave, you will hear the sound of swords singing. Follow the sound, and you will reach the Cliff of Singing Swords.”

“The sound of swords singing. How fascinating!”

“It will be truly beautiful. I guarantee it.”

Miri was unsure about this claim.

-What’s so beautiful about them?!

She warned Jin-Hyeok.

-Don’t let those wenches steal your gaze, Master.

Miri tended to think of all weapons as female.

-I will shatter them all.

Earlier, she felt the greatest thrill in destroying the back of her enemies’ heads, but she now seemed to find greater joy in destroying weapons. It was probably because her nature was that of a Rule Breaker.

“Now then, enjoy the sound of swords singing,” Gridel said.


Standing in front of the dark cave entrance, Jin-Hyeok and Hyeon-Seong felt the cool and damp air coming from inside the cave. Jin-Hyeok turned on Broadcaster’s Light and walked forward.

Thud, thud!

Their footsteps echoed as they hit the rock walls.

“The ceiling is high, and the walls are decorated with shimmering stalactites and stalagmites. The cave floor is covered with a thick layer of moss,” Jin-Hyeok said.

“What are you doing?” Hyeon-Seong asked.

“Ah!” Jin-Hyeok realized he had made a mistake. He was not livestreaming or recording right now. However, he wasn’t bothered by this mistake as this showed how engaged he was in the Play.

“Well, I’m aware that you’re intense. But, Chul-Soo, can I ask you one thing?” Hyeon-Seong said.

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Why did you bring me here?”

“Because you’re too weak,” Jin-Hyeok replied with a grin.

Hyeon-Seong was at a loss for words. He had set Chul-Soo as his goal and worked hard to reach his goal. Therefore, Chul-Soo saying he was too weak hurt his pride, and Hyeon-Seong clenched his fist.

“Also, it would be nice to have at least one decent Swordsman in the Korean Region. Since your potential is outstanding, I bet you can gain enlightenment by training at the Cliff of Singing Swords,” Jin-Hyeok added.

Hyeon-Seong felt a bit moved. It seemed like Chul-Soo had recognized him.

“Of course, even then, you still will not be a match for me.”


At this moment, Hyeon-Seong realized a strange fact. “Chul-Soo, did you know this?”

“Know that?”

“You often mock others without even knowing that you’re mocking them. But when it comes to me, you always openly mock me. It’s like you’re always trying to say that I’m no match for you.” Hyeon-Seong got the sense that Chul-Soo felt a bit competitive toward him, and he found this strange. “You have already become a universe-level ranker. You even won the Sword Emperor Tournament as an Eltuber. So, why do you feel competitive toward me?”

“That’s because...” Jin-Hyeok couldn’t finish the sentence. ‘Before my regression, you’d always blabber about how you were stronger than me.’

Before his regression, people always argued about who was stronger between Hyeon-Seong and Jin-Hyeok. Even thinking about it now made Jin-Hyeok’s blood boil. No matter how much Jin-Hyeok contemplated about it, he knew he was much stronger.

“Heh.” Jin-Hyeok openly mocked Hyeon-Seong.

“What’s with that reaction?”

“You think I feel competitive toward you?”

“I think so.”

“I could beat you with just my left hand.”

Hyeon-Seong’s eyes were now filled with the desire to win. “I acknowledge that you’re strong, but...”

“But what? But it’s hard to agree that I can beat you even with just my left hand?”

“It would be difficult for me to win, but I’m confident I won’t lose either.” Hyeon-Seong had pride in the swordsmanship he had honed. He was confident he would not lose to Jin-Hyeok’s left hand.

Seeing him burning with the desire to win, Jin-Hyeok grinned. ‘Yes, that’s it. That’s the Lee Hyeon-Seong I know of!’

Hyeon-Seong had an unyielding spirit within him; no matter how many obstacles he faced, he would never give up on his pride in swordsmanship even when it was clear he was weaker!

Feeling good, Jin-Hyeok said, “Yeah, I think I made a mistake.”

“Yeah, you did.”

“I can beat you with only my feet.”

Hyeon-Seong was about to draw his sword but managed to stop.

‘It’s so strange... Why is Chul-Soo...’ Hyeon-Seong had trouble understanding Jin-Hyeok’s thoughts. ‘Why does he act like a jerk to only me?’

Unknowingly, Jin-Hyeok started humming a tune.

‘I didn’t know I still had quite a few unresolved feelings toward Hyeon-Seong,’ Jin-Hyeok thought. Also, humiliating and mocking Hyeon-Seong was quite fun.

“Come at me anytime you want. I will fight you using only my feet. You weak Anus Destroyer,” Jin-Hyeok said.

“I’m not a weak Anus Destroyer!” Hyeon-Seong had grown; he was not weak anymore. “I’m the Anus Destroyer!”


Hyeon-Seong controlled his boiling emotions.

‘I’m not weak!’ He had endured grueling training to overcome the nickname Weak Anus Destroyer.

“I’ll prove that I’m not weak,” Hyeon-Seong said.

“Yeah, you’re weak.”


“You’re damn weak.”

Jin-Hyeok’s provocations and teasing became a trigger for Hyeon-Seong. The desire to become strong boiled within him.


“I can hear singing.” Suddenly, Hyeon-Seong heard numerous voices, both male and female, singing.

“Your swordsmanship is lacking, but your hearing is pretty good.

Hyeon-Seong gritted his teeth.

“Why don’t you consider changing your Job to Musician at this point?” Jin-Hyeok teased him.

“I’m a Swordsman, Chul-Soo. I’m a Swordsman who looks only at the path of the sword.”

“But you’re weak.”

They saw a faint light far away, and a refreshing breeze blew at them. It seemed like they were close to the outside.

Jin-Hyeok stood on the path, blocking the way for Hyeon-Seong. “Shout three times that you’re weaker than me. Then I will let you out of here.”


Jin-Hyeok waited for Hyeon-Seong’s response with a pounding heart. Before Jin-Hyeok’s regression, Hyeon-Seong had never acknowledged that Jin-Hyeok was stronger than him. Jin-Hyeok thought it would be nice if he challenged Hyeon-Seong like before, but the current Hyeon-Seong was a bit different.

“I’m weaker than Kim Chul-Soo. I’m weaker than Kim Chul-Soo. I’m weaker than Kim Chul-Soo.”

Seeing him accepting defeat instead, Jin-Hyeok was somewhat happy but also a bit disappointed. So, he provoked Hyeon-Seong again. “Say you are weaker than Chul-Soo when he uses only his feet.”


“You don’t want to?”

“I can’t hold back any longer. Come at me, Chul-Soo.” Hyeon-Seong drew his sword. Even the humblest Swordsman would not be able to endure this kind of humiliation.

Jin-Hyeok put his hands behind his back, raised his right foot, and wiggled his toes. “Come at me.”

Having lost his reason, Hyeon-Seong charged at Jin-Hyeok.

Hyeon-Seong had no memory after that.

Jin-Hyeok giggled and stuck a paper with writing on Hyeon-Seong’s back.

[Super Weak Anus Destroyer]


Hyeon-Seong had lost consciousness. When he opened his eyes and came back to his senses, he hurriedly got up. He didn’t even know a paper was stuck to his back. “W-What happened?”

“I told you I could beat you using only my feet, didn’t I?”


“Yeah, you passed out. Because of my excellent footwork.”


It seemed like he had passed out after being hit by Jin-Hyeok’s feet.

‘I couldn’t even read Chul-Soo’s movements!’ Hyeon-Seong felt like he was standing in front of an insurmountable wall. However, he did not give up. “I will climb over that wall someday! I will never give up!”


The wind carried the singing voices of many people along with it. Hyeon-Seong raised his head and looked around. “Ah!”

Far below, he could see a huge cliff. Numerous swords were stuck inside the cliff.

“So, that’s the Cliff of Singing Swords,” Hyeon-Seong said.


“How do we get there?”

Not only was the cliff far from them, but they also had to fall to get there. Getting down from here was the first problem.

“Why? What’s the problem?” Jin-Hyeok asked.

“I...” Hyeon-Seong slightly lowered his head. His earlobes were a bit red.

“Don’t tell me you have a fear of heights?”


“I have never heard of a Swordsman with a fear of heights. If there is one, he should put down his sword. Such a pathetic Swordsman can’t exist in this world. If there is such a guy, he would be the most idiotic guy in the world. Don’t you think so?”

“Y-Yeah...” Hyeon-Seong’s back was soaked with his sweat. He was not afraid of huge monsters, but heights scared him.

“Now, jump down,” Jin-Hyeok said as he jumped down first, toward the back of the Thunder Dragon far below. “What are you doing? Why aren’t you jumping?”

“Wait a moment. I have not fully recovered from your attack yet.”

“From just that attack?”


“My attack was really weak, though.”

These words scratched his pride, and Hyeon-Seong clenched his fist and jumped down.

“Don’t tell me you’re that weak?” Jin-Hyeok provoked him again.

It was the moment Hyeon-Seong overcame his fear of heights.


As they came before the cliff with thousands of swords stuck in it, they constantly heard the singing voices. It sounded like dozens of choirs were each singing different songs. The closer they got to the cliff, the more their ears hurt.

Hyeon-Seong frowned and said, “This is chaotic.”

“Indeed.” Jin-Hyeok wondered what kind of training the Swordsmen received here that made their skills improve by leaps and bounds.

“For now, we have been granted permission to stay here for four weeks. The first thing you, the Weak Anus Destroyer, need to do is listen to the voice of the swords.”


“There is no need to make a Sword’s Oath, but listening to the voice of the sword can be considered the beginning of reaching the realm of the Mind Sword. If you can’t even do that, you can’t call yourself a Swordsman.”


“In the Cliff of Singing Swords, numerous swords are singing, and one sword will speak to you in particular. I heard it would be a good opportunity to awaken the Mind Sword. Swordsmen with excellent talent are said to reach that realm in two weeks.”

“How long did it take you?”

“It took me two weeks too,” Jin-Hyeok shamelessly lied.

“I see.”

Two weeks had passed. The environment was indeed important for a Player’s growth.

“I can hear it! I can hear the voice of the sword!” Hyeon-Seong looked up at the cliff. A particularly shining sword caught his eye. As an indescribable joy filled his heart, he asked Chul-Soo, “Why are you helping me become stronger?”

Although Chul-Soo was strangely scratching Hyeon-Seong’s pride, in the end, all his actions had significantly helped Hyeon-Seong.

Chul-Soo, who was quietly sitting and meditating, uttered his true feelings in a low voice. “Because I want to beat you up.”


Jin-Hyeok looked reverent as if he were entering some kind of enlightenment. He recited with sincerity, his eyes closed, “If you’re weak, there is no fun in beating you up.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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