
Chapter 274 CH 247:SOL VS KAISER(1)

Sol wasn’t the only one who saw Kaiser flying high in the sky.

Nidhogg, after finishing with all the ones in her zone, also looked up.

‘Should I also go there?’

She hesitated for a while before shaking her head, in the end, even if she did go, it wasn’t as if she would fight two against one. She wanted to win, but not at the price of her pride.

Of course, she knew that not all dragons thought like her, this was why, rather than going in the same direction as Fafnir, she began to walk in the opposite.

She would clear out absolutely all the other remaining contestants. This contest was one between the three of them and she would absolutely never let some straggler win after fighting them while they were tired or something like that.

Growling, the sclera of her eyes began to darken and her form changed, her body began to grow until a fifteen-long metres gigantic western black Dragon replaced the sweet girl that previously stood there.


Letting out a huge roar her wings opened wide before she flew in the sky, bringing with her a cloud of poison. She was well and truly intent in wiping out everyone else.



When Kaiser landed in front of Sol, the earth rumbled under his weight.

For anyone else, this sight would have been incredibly overwhelming, but Sol knew that being bigger didn’t mean being stronger. Lilith had more power in her small frame than ten dragons at the Duke rank.

Moving his hand, he summoned a huge black halberd twice his size weighing nearly a tone, and hoisted it with one hand. It was made out of a special metal that absorbed mana very well. He had already decided that his weapon of choice would be a hammer or a halberd.

“I am surprised you came alone. I was sure that you would team up with Nidhogg and in truth, your chance of winning would have been far higher should you have done so.”

[Do not insult me!]

Obviously, in this form, Kaiser was unable to speak normally. As such his voice seemed to come from all sides as he projected it with mana.

The eyes of Kaiser blazed with furry and it was only now that Sol realized that in this form, the eye that was usually hidden by an eyepatch was now free of all constraint. The pupils rotating in these eyes gave the illusion that a sea of stars were hidden in that eye.

‘So this is the special power he inherited from Tiamat.’

Even though it seemed that Sol was belittling his opponent, the reality was far from it. Sol would never underestimate anyone. He was simply observing Kaiser while intentionally making him angry.

“Still, why take this form? Don’t you think you are just a sitting target for me like this?”

Sol asked, truly confused.

[Foolish, this is the ultimate form for people of our race. The form that allows us to express our power in its strongest state. Our most natural form.]

The boastful and prideful tone in his voice was easy to spot but Sol didn’t care. He knew that he had indeed asked a stupid question. But who could blame him? After all, he knew very well that this dragon form wasn’t the true ultimate form.

‘I forgot that not everyone is like me.’

Only King could use the War form. Sol was nothing more than an exception to this rule. Like he was for so many others.

“Well then, since it seems like there will be no interference in this fight, should we go on?”

It seemed that Kaiser had been waiting for those exact words as he answered by bringing down his right arm on him.

Sol, of course, wasn’t surprised, his brain began to work on high drive as the world slowed down around him and he thought of many possible ways he could easily stop this palm. Still, he had to admit that Kaiser wasn’t simply boasting. The pressure the palm was bringing on him was different from everything he had felt until now. It was like the sky was slowly falling down on him, trying to crush him.


Jumping out, Sol was able to leave the coverage of the attack, but the damage Kaiser caused to the surrounding with this simple attack was astounding.

Still, this wasn’t all. While Sol was in the air, he could feel his senses screaming danger at him. Turning around, he saw the tail of Kaiser coming at him like a whip.

Almost by reflex, Sol created three platforms of mana and used them to move in the air and avoid the second attack.

Then, using the momentum, he threw his halberd with a chain of mana tied to him.


The halberd wound up around Kaiser’s tail and Sol pulled himself up until he landed square on it.

Then he began to run from his tail to his back.

[Little rat!]

“Big clumsy bastard! Hahaha!”

Sol was having the time of his life.

Kaiser was moving while doing his best to throw Sol off, but Sol was running, jumping, and using a series of 3D spatial movement as if he was flying. He felt like he was like a certain angered god of war fighting against a titan.

He just lacked some fire and it would be perfect.


‘Damn. Here the fire!’

Sol laughed dumbfoundedly while jumping out of the back of Kaiser. After all, he wasn’t the one who had used the fire.


Letting out a thundering roar, Kaiser was suddenly surrounded by a blazing radiance as fire covered his entire body.

Following that, moving at a speed so high that the sound wall was shredded apart, he turned around and rammed into Sol, propelling him more than hundreds of meters away from Kaiser.


Sol coughed violently at the impact but he knew that this wouldn’t end her and braced himself for the next attack and he was right in doing so.

Raising his head toward the sky, Kaiser opened his maw wide opened and breathed in very deeply.

<<Fire Dragon breath: Super Nova>>

A red beam erased everything on its path before hitting a helpless Sol.


The explosion that followed covered a radius of more than a few tens of meters until nothing but a huge cloud of dust was left.

“That my boy!”

Fafnir exclaimed joyfully in his seat. He had been a little worried at first, but after this, he was sure that Kaiser had his chances. There was no way Sol was uninjured after such an attack.

Fafnir wasn’t the only one who thought so. Already, many spectators were sure that they would witness Sol\'s defeat. Those who had bet on him were not particularly surprised while those who did on Kaiser were jubilant.

Of course…This only lasted a few instants.


Everyone gasped at the sight that was shown on the screen.

In the place where the explosion happened, all the trees had been razed down to the ground and the ground was changed into a sort of magma.

But, from that place, a young boy stood up slowly before twirling his shoulders in total relaxation.

Of course, if it was just that, people wouldn’t be so surprised. No one thought that he would be one shot. What surprised them though—Was the absence of any wound on his body.

Fafnir\'s jubilation immediately died down when he finally remembered that Sol wasn’t just a Dimensional mage.

After all—He was also a Chaos Dragon.

“Damn, I really need to do something about my clothes.”

Sol muttered while trying to move a little his shoulders. He could still feel all the bones in his body rat Kaiser\'s previous hit. The weight and the speed behind that hit were no joke after all.

As for the fire beam? Sol had simply shrugged them off. The heat from the fire had made more damage than the beam. His clothes could attest to that.

‘How humiliating.’

Moving his mana to create small pants to at least protect his privacy, Sol couldn’t help but blush slightly.

The thought that he showed his penis to nearly all the inhabitants of the dragon realm was quite maddening. Thankfully, he had nothing to be ashamed of.

[You…You are very impressive. Worthy of your mother.]

Kaiser spoke with a small amount of awe in his voice. The attack hadn\'t been his best, but it was still quite the blow for Kaiser to see that Sol suffered basically no damage while the little he did suffer through was swiftly healed.

Sol’s shrugged, “Whether I am worthy or not of my mother shouldn’t be what worries you. If this is the most you can bring to the table, then you will lose. Not like you had any chance of winning in the first place.”

Sol swapped the halberd with an equally huge hammer. What followed promised to be quite bloody and he didn’t want to accidentally cut out Kaiser’s limbs.

“You said that this dragon form of yours was the ultimate expression of power for a dragon? Haha…Let’s me show you how wrong you are.”

Crouching down with the hammer in hand, Sol’s eyes flashed as power filled them.

<<Dragon force, Final Step: War.>>

In an instant, Sol jumped so high he was directly above Kaiser’s head.

Then, like a shooting star—he fell down with his hammer landing on the head of the giant dragon in front of him.


It was time for Sol to show who was the best in his generation.

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