
Chapter 288 CH 258:ON THE MOVE(2)

No one, not even the Goddesses were truly omniscient in this world. The future was composed of an innumerable number of possibilities and the more powerful one was, the more impact they had on the future.

They said that the flaps of the wings of a butterfly in one zone could create a tornado in another to illustrate how the smallest things could change greatly the final result.

Then what about the movements of a whale?

For the time stream, people at the level of demigods were super great whales. One decision of a demigod could decide the life or death of an entire realm. This was how much impact and influence they had.

This was why, for Seer, it was extremely hard to observe the future when a powerhouse was involved. The water would become too murky for them. If they forced themselves they would see a future where the said powerhouse wasn’t involved. Which of course would give them erroneous information.

This was the limitation of seers. Even someone as powerful as Skuld could not escape those limitations.

But what about Verdandi?

“There may be a limitless amount of future. But at any one moment, there is only one present. The here and now. There are no unknown variables.”

Skuld smirked while Verdandi throw a glance at Tiamat, “Do I have the permission?”

“Do as you wish.”

Verdandi nodded and closed her eyes for a few seconds. When she finally opened them again, the black sclera had devoured all the light of her eyes.

Even though there was no wind, her hair began to move widely on her head.

“Oh! What is she doing!?”

Skuld gave a smile at this question, “Did you know that all powers, all skills can be divided into three great roads or rather three paths? The Path of Omnipotence, the Path Omniscience and the Path of Omnipresence.”

Tiamat stayed silent when Skuld mentioned this. After all, this was indeed the case. The legends said that the Origin goddesses, Chaos and Order, possessed those three qualities. As such, all powerhouses, knowingly or unknowingly, walked on one or more of those three roads.

People like Anubis and Ambrosia walked the path of Omnipotence. As for Tiamat, she walked the path of Omnipotence and Omniscience. Though she had way less success on the second path.

“This should be no brainer. But we three sisters walk the path of Omniscience. Logically you would think since I can see the future I am the farthest on this path but you will be wrong. My big sis, Ud is the closest to this and Verdandi comes second.”[1]

Her smile stretched further, showing how proud she was, “I can see the future, but I am limited by the amount of futures I can see. Verdandi can see everything that is happening in the present. Anywhere…Everywhere.”

“Wooo…” Sheherazade opened her mouth wide, unable to contain her shock.

Tiamat snorted but she had to accept it. This was one of the reasons why those three sisters were treated as VIPs despite some restrictions even after they became traitors.

Those three were any strategist’s wet dream and were the nightmare of the opposite camps. She couldn’t count how many times they made a plan only to be screwed up because of those three.

It wasn’t for nothing that the 14 goddesses had to create an entire second generation of divine beasts.


“Humph. Don’t act as if it’s such an almighty power.”

Skuld shrugged, “You are right. At the end of the day, we aren’t the true incarnation of time. For one, there is a limit on the amount of information she can observe at one moment. Secondly, she has difficulty observing territory or Owned dimension.”

This was indeed so. No one was truly omniscient and the Norns sisters weren’t the exception. The larger the zone Verdandi tried to cover was, the more strenuous it was for her. The same happened when she wished to observe zone that were extremely far away from her. This still made for a pretty impressive power. Even more so when Ud was present to support Verdandi.

“Big sis isn’t present. But at the very least she should be able to inspect everything in the territory and the surroundings outside of it.”

Verdandi stayed silent for a few moments before she closed her eyes. The switch from being all-seeing to simply seeing was always strenuous.

"How was it?"

"I inspected the surroundings. Nothing is happening yet in the Nine heavens or the Seven Hells. But outside of the territory, I could feel some changes in the void.

"Following the thread, I found a bunch of criminals in crossroads. Way more than usual. It\'s as if there is some kind of grand criminal meeting. Though none of them seems able to guess why they were assembled."

Skuld frowned and bit her lips a little. "There wasn\'t any outside intervention in the previous timeline."

"Did they change plans?"

"Indeed. Most likely the Chaos side must have gotten some revelation. At least enough to make them Polish their plans."

Skuld was dissatisfied. She would have loved for everything to be like last time so that they could anticipate everything.

But life never worked like that.

"Should we change our plans?"

Skuld asked Tiamat but all she received was shrugs.

"The problem here is Ymir. The situation will change depending on what states I will be in after I take on her attack."

While saying so she sent a whisper to Kiyohime,

"Warn your siblings and prepare the Islands. We are about to start."



"So, will we rely on those thugs to do the job?"

"Of course not. Those people are just throwaways. We will use them as cannon fodder to reduce our loss. Furthermore, Nihil will face the heavy part with the other Titans."

In place hidden, a place where no light shone. Two people were discussing, their features obscured by special hoods they were wearing.

"Heh… Oh well. You are the mastermind here. Still, what about the other plan?"

"We got the Sword of Lustburg and we have the sword of Gluttony Foss thanks to you. Eins [2] is going after the dwarves\' kingdom so we should have an answer soon and it isn\'t impossible to fool the Wolf king. The boss will work on finding the sword of the angels. So truly we are quite far ahead."

"Hahaha. What glorious news. I guess soon, this world shall know the true meaning of freedom."

The two of them smiled under their hood, while hidden in the darkness.

"The operation will start once the signal is given. My target is the Phoenix girl to Heal my soul and possibly restrain Anubis later. Though I believe it\'s impossible. Your target is Sol. Simple, right?"

"Indeed. He is essential in unlocking Mother\'s seal. Though I am curious. What will be the Signal?"

"Trust me. You will know when you see it."

Drei smiled as he looked far ahead. Of course, he had a second goal alongside capturing Isis.

That was…\'I am sure she will be on my side.\'

If she did…No.

Once she did, he would never have to worry about his soul again. In fact, he might even be able to reconstruct his entire body.

"For a better world."

"For a world of true absolute Freedom."

[1]: Ud can see the past. But once 0.000001 S pass you already in the past. Basically, like Verdandi, Ud can know everything that is happening but with a short time of latency. I am sure it was pretty evident. But I just wanted to explain.

[2]: Eins means 1.

(AN: One of my ******* (Caleb Argo) recommended The BROTHERS METALS and damn I like them. Thanks, man. Those dudes are good and the songs are inspiring. Here is what I was listening to while writing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqbgS2CyPeY&list=RDEMoQSFKNg6b0z_ziWMR4i7ZA&index=6&ab_channel=BrothersofMetal-Topic

If anyone knows inspiring music like that don\'t hesitate to recc them to me. I like listening to music while writing.)

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