
Chapter 405 CH 371: THE STEPS HE WALKED

As Sol walked into the monochrome world of his dimension, he smiled as he thought about what kind of expression Pandora would show once she entered the Tower of Babel.


Sol hummed slowly as he arranged his future schedule.

Dealing with the goddess, Healing Lilith, dealing with the witches, signing a contract with Setsuna, preparing the coronation ceremony, preparing supplies for war, and discussing with Pandora about an alliance. Discussing with Kiku and Shouten about an alliance with the Church of Wratharis. Visiting Southern pride to discuss with the King and Queen.

Then there would be the actual war. Sol did not like how the war was nothing more than a game for some people. But he knew that it was something he could not escape from.

Thankfully, he was not a King rank. So he could participate in the war from the start without breaking any convention. Even so, the war would have casualties. It was an inevitable reality.

People of his kingdom will take up arms, and shed blood and many would die in order to protect their countries from harm.

What did a soldier feel as he left his home and his family behind, knowing that this might be very well the last time they would see their loved one?

What did a husband or a wife feel when they received a message telling them that their significant other fell in the battle?

What about the children or the Parents?

​ Would they be happy to learn that the loved one died with honor?

Perhaps Some would indeed think like this. But for most people, for the widow, or the children, rather than money or honors, what they wished was to see once again the one who lost their lives.

War was the game of those at the top while those at the bottom were the ones getting dirty and mentally crippled

‘I need to take this more seriously than ever’

Sol could not end the war singly handly but he could try and minimize the loss of human life. If it was necessary, he would even fight against the King of Wratharis. Though he did not know yet if he could win.

‘So busy.’

So many things to think about. So much intrigue. He had to play political games with so many people and send so many others to their death.

All of this, because he was the prince.

All of this, because he was Blessed.

But…Even though he was tired. Even though he wanted to give up. Sol continued to hum as he walked toward the Tower.

He was born as the prince and with a Blessing. No matter how much he hated the goddesses, the truth of the matter was that he had obtained a great life thanks to them.

He was born rich, handsome, and talented. He had met many incredible women who shared their love with him. Those women were ready to walk even the harshest path in order to stay with him.

What could he ask more? All those benefits were thanks to his current identity.

Responsibility was equal to the power bestowed. A true King was not a tyrant who ruled without care for the citizens.

But this wasn’t all. When he was walking down the road with Isis earlier today. He realized something.

No matter how much he refused to recognize or be responsible for them, the population of Lustburg recognized him as their prince and ruler.

It was time for him to grow up and take seriously the responsibility that would soon fall on his shoulder.

If he was not ready to become king, it was better to simply leave now. This would be more useful than simply hesitating and ending up doing a poor job. After all, there were few things worse in this world than a half-hearted leader.

Was he ready to become a King? To truly make decisions that would affect hundreds of millions of people on a daily basis?

What about conquering the whole world? Let’s say he succeeded. Wouldn’t it means that the responsibility of taking care of billions of people would fall on his shoulder?

Sol shivered just at the thought. But there was nothing he could do by escaping from his thoughts.

‘Haha, I have really changed.’

Sol stopped when he realized where he was. It was the place where Lilith had taken him during their first date. One that had been quite disastrous. At least he considered any date that ended up in a cemetery to be disastrous.

Outside of normal or private cemeteries, Lustburg had three great Cemeteries. One for the Kings and Queens. One for the Holy and Supreme daughters and finally this one. The one housing all the war heroes.

Standing in front of the Monolith in the center, Sol looked at the list of names and stopped at the two highest ones.

<<Mars Luxuria>>

<<Blaze Dragona Luxuria>>

He remembered his discussion with Lilith that had taken place here.

[Sol Dragona Luxuria. Are you ready?]

He felt like he could literally hear her next to him.

[Are you ready to fight for your kingdom? Are you ready to brave the tumultuous time ahead of us? Are you ready to direct your soldiers to face the enemies who are threatening our safety?]

What had been his answer back then?

‘I acted like a smartass.’

Sol laughed. Back then he did not know how to answer her. So he deflected the question. Acting like some kind of grand philosopher. When he fact he was just a kid that was burdened by the high expectations that rested on his shoulder and was confused about the role he had to play in the future.

He talked about how he would only be a selfish king. How he only wished to protect his loved ones and nothing else. But her answer had been something he had not expected.

[You say that you want to protect us? That you only want happiness for your loved ones? Alright. But, be it me, Edea or Camelia, we all stand near the pinnacle of this world. Anything that can threaten us would be a mortal danger to you. So you need to be strong. Stronger than anyone else. Stronger than us, stronger than your father. Then, even if you are the most selfish king ever, people will still praise you as the best king ever.]

‘Hahaha. How simple and direct but so realistic.’

But this had indeed been the case. Protect them? Protect them from what?

His words must have sounded so childish and ridiculous to Lilith back then as he spoke without even truly understanding the gravity of his words.

Now though, he was different. He had faced even the strongest demigods and soon would bargain with the goddesses themselves.

[Sol, my dear child. Your life will be full of struggle and you will live through many things. Some will be good and others will be sad. But, no matter what, never give up, never look back, and always stand up, and one day, you will find the answer that fits you the most.]

Indeed. It was back then that he began to realize that Lilith was not feeling well mentally and that she was exhibiting suicidal tendencies.

Like she had anticipated, his journey had been full of peripeties. He was not the blissfully ignorant young prince he had once been. His journey was still far from finished. He still had so much to learn. So many sights to witness.

To the question. “Are you ready?”

Sol could say now with certainty.

“Yes, I am.”

Not because he was invested in the spirit of kingship. Not because he wished to protect his kingdom.

But simply because he truly understood now what it means to be a King.

Sol left his dimension and sat on the ground with his back against the monolith.

From here, he observed as the sun roses over the distant mountains, lighting up the entire world with its golden rays of light and chasing the darkness of the night away.

He was surprised at how bright this morning was. The air feels warm and inviting; as if every breath could lift him up into the heavens.

He couldn\'t help but smile at the sight before him. The birds were chirping their songs in the trees around him. A few squirrels were already gathering the last nuts for winter.

Everything looked so fresh and new today. It was the start of a new day. A new beginning for all.

‘Let’s take things slowly.’

He did not have all the answers. He did not know if he was walking on the right road either.

But it was alright. Even if he stumbled a bit. Even if he fell on his knees and bleed. He knew that all he had to do was never give up and stand up and continue to walk his way.

It was time for him to face the goddesses. In fact, it was almost ironical.

The first time he faced all the goddesses, it was to beg for Camelia\'s life. This time it was for Lilith.

He had a feeling that things would not go easily for him. He could still feel the faint hostility coiling around him.

But it was alright.

He was not the young inexperienced boy who could do nothing else but kneel and beg the goddesses to save his loved one.

Things would be different this time.

(AN: Haha, Vol 11 has many parallels with the earlier volume of this story. Those parallels allow us to observe the growth of our main characters. Be it good or bad. Sol had grown quite a bit.)

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