
Chapter 180 - : A Day Before The Departure

 The days went by pretty fast, and now it\'s our last day in the Saiven Kingdom. Throughout the two days that had passed, Prince Fraser and Csille\'s relationship becoming worst each day. Prince Fraser keeps ignoring Csille while I am also avoiding him. 

 After the meeting we had in the library, I gained full control of Csille\'s body the next day. It\'s quite understandable though, Csille was barely mentioned now because the novel focuses more on the male lead and female lead. The story is now starting. The two leads will become closer each day pass. Although their feelings are still on the platonic side.

 "All I need to do is to help them realize the feelings they have for each other. Since I have the full control of my body now and Csille is barely mentioned to the novel on this period of time, I can do things in the shadows and make the two leads like each other." I mumble to myself. 

 I am currently inside my room, thinking of the things I have written in the novel and the chances where I can matchmake the two.. 

 I suddenly feel pain inside my chest. It\'s as if someone pierces my heart. I smile bitterly at myself and slump my body on the bed. Although my heart is hurting about the idea of matchmaking the two leads, I have no other choice. 

 I want to return to the real world. This is not where I belong. I still have people who are worried about me now. 

 I closed my eyes, and Lena\'s face flashed in my memory. She is waiting for me in the real world. I cannot leave her behind. I also made a promise to Aaline and Soiartze. I cannot break that promise. I need to return to the real world no matter what.

 The clock chimes. I immediately sit up and dress myself up. I still need to meet the royal siblings from the Saiven Kingdom today. 

 Since it\'s our last day in the Saiven Kingdom, Princess Roese invited me for a meal, and I agreed. Throughout the time I talked to her, I realized how true and honest person she is. Someone is probably working on the shadows before. That\'s why I doubt her. 

 I look and the mirror and smile at my reflection. Csille is really a beautiful lady, and I bet five years from now, gentlemen from different Kingdoms will be floored because of her beauty.

 "Too bad she only had eyes on Prince Fraser," I mumble to myself. 

 After making sure that everything was okay, I immediately went out of the residence. I was about to call a guard to prepare for a carriage house when my steps halted. 

 I see Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee doing some fencing. I immediately frown. 

 His wounds are still fresh, but he is doing some rigorous activity again? Does he want his wounds to open up? 

 I bite my lips. I badly want to show myself and remind him of his wounds, but if I do that, I would be ruining the atmosphere. 

 It\'s an excellent chance to matchmake these two. But what can I do? I tried to look around to find something I could use. But the only thing I can find here is stones, grass, and flowers. How am I supposed to use that?

 My eyes widen when I think of something. I immediately take a hair tie from my pouch and pick a small rock. I am planning to make a slingshot and shot Prince Fraser on his ankle to make him lose balance. Prince Fraser will eventually end up being on top of Princess Paislee, and then they will stare at each other eyes for a couple of seconds. 

 I immediately cover my face to stop my shrieks. By just imagining the scene makes my fujoshi heart beats faster. Ahh, my heart can\'t take this. 

 I hide myself on a huge tree and try to calm myself. 

 Ysavel, you better calm down yourself or else you will lose this great opportunity and remember you still need to meet Princess Roese today. You need to do it now.

 I take a deep breath and stare at the two, who are now standing face to face. They just finished fencing. 

 I immediately ready the stone and the hair tie and aim at Prince Fraser\'s ankle. I take a deep breath before letting go of my hair tie. 

 The stone immediately flies towards Prince Fraser\'s ankle. Prince Fraser was busy gasping for air when he was startled. Something hit his ankle, and it caused him to lose balance. Since Princess Paislee is in front of him, he ends up being on top of her. Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee end up staring at each other for a couple of minutes.

 Watching this scene should make my heart flutter and should make me jump in elation, but I don\'t feel joy or elation right now. I smile bitterly at myself. 

 I look at Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee, who are still on the ground before getting out of the scene. It\'s better to leave now, or else I might ruin the atmosphere. 


 "Lady Csille, when will I ever see you again? Will you visit the Saiven Kingdom again?" Princess Roese asks.

 I sigh and shake my head. As much as I want to say yes to her but I know that the future will not going to be good for Csille. Where can she even have time to visit?

 "I don\'t know Princess Roese. We have been gone for a very long time, and I\'m sure my father will not allow me to go outside the Kingdom again. Not in two years time. But I\'ll see what I can do. Also, we can exchange letters."

 Princess Roese smiles sadly. She then clings to my arms. "If only I could study in the Vrawyth Kingdom too. However, Mother won\'t allow it."

 I just smile at her. Studying in the Vrawyth Kingdom? I doubt if the reason is me. I bet the real reason is Rufus. But I thought I had already made it clear to her that Rufus wouldn\'t ever like her. 

 "Princess Roese, let Lady Csille go. It\'s already late, and she will need to travel early in the morning. We don\'t want to tire her out, right?" Prince Reeve, who is silent most of the time, reminds his sister. 

 Princess Roese and reluctantly let go of my arms. "Lady Csille, you must promise to send me a letter once you return to the Vrawyth Kingdom, okay? I will be waiting for your letter."

 I smile at her. Princess Roese is a nice and sweet lady. Too bad she likes someone who will never like her back. "I will. Of course."

 A carriage stops in front of us, and the coachman gets off the carriage to open the door for me. "Lady Csille." He gestured his hand inside the carriage. 

 I look back at the two siblings and do a curtsy. "Princess Roese, Prince Reeve. This Count\'s daughter will take her leave now. Thank you for being a good friend to me throughout my stay in your Kingdom. I\'m glad I met the two of you." 

 What I said is true. I\'m really glad I met them. Although I first doubted them, but after talking and knowing them, I realized how nice these two siblings are. 

 Princess Roese\'s eyes start to water, and she rushes to hugs me. "Take care, Lady Csille. I will definitely find a way to meet you again."

 "Take care in your journey back home. Also, congratulations for being a Gold Grand Exemplar again." 

 I smile at Prince Reeve and Princess Roese before getting inside the carriage. I open the window and wave my hand at the two. "Until we meet again." That\'s the last thing I said before the carriage started to move.

 Little did I know that it would take years before we see each other again, and by that time, we were standing on the opposite side.


 It\'s the day of our departure in the Saiven Kingdom, and since I have written this scene, the real Csille has taken over my body again.

 Csille yawns and grumbles. "Why do we need to travel so early in the morning? The sun hasn\'t even set. Are we in a rush?" 

 Rufus and the rest, except for Prince Fraser, look at Csille. We are now inside the carriage. It\'s just five in the morning, and we\'re now on our way to the forest. It is the shortcut we used before.

 Rufus leans on Csille. "Purplany, are you still sleepy? Why don\'t you sleep first? You can use my shoulders as your pillow."

 After Rufus said those words, all the people in the carriage looked at him with disbelief, clearly written on their faces.

 This guy... Where did he get the nerve to ask someone who is engaged to sleep on his shoulder? If it\'s in the real world, it won\'t probably get too much reaction, but this is a medieval setting, okay? People here are more conservative. Sleeping on a guy\'s shoulder, even if he is your friend, is an inappropriate thing to do. 

 Is Rufus tired of living and wants to court death? He even ask that in front of Prince Fraser? Does he want to die? 

 The real Csille\'s lips twitch. "Rufus, please refrain from saying inappropriate things. People might misunderstand it." She grits her teeth. She wants to ignore Rufus\' words but then again, people might misunderstand her if she doesn\'t correct him.

 Csille glances at Prince Fraser, but he isn\'t even looking at her. It\'s as if he didn\'t care even if Csille really sleep on Rufus\' shoulder.

 Rufus laughs. "I\'m just teasing you. Why do you need to be serious?"

 Princess Paislee clears her throat. "There are limitations when it comes to teasing too, Prince Rufus. Please remember that you are not a child anymore, and interaction between a young man and a lady should be observed."

 Csille grits her teeth while staring at Prince Fraser, who is still looking outside the window. 

 Fine! You don\'t care, right? Okay then. Just don\'t blame me for what I will do.

 Rufus is about to refute, but his words were stuck in his throat when Csille rested her head on his shoulder. 

 Csille closes her eyes and curses Prince Fraser in her mind. She heard everyone gasp because of what she had done. She even felt Rufus got frozen. 

 "Lady Csille, what are you doing?" She heard Princess Paislee ask.

 Csille opens her eyes and stares at Princess Paislee. "I\'m resting. Do you have any problem with that?"

 Princess Paislee stares at Csille with disbelief. She probably didn\'t expect Csille will ask that. 

 "Are you that desperate to even flirt with my own cousin? Do you want other people to see that my own fiancée is flirting with another man in front of me?" Prince Fraser snaps at her.

 Csille scoff, sit up straight and cross her arms. "If my own fiancée doesn\'t neglect and ignores me. Do you think I would rest my head on another guy\'s shoulder?"

 Prince Fraser glares at Csille. He then grits his teeth. "Csille, don\'t test my patience. I already let you off for harming Sir Farren twice. Don\'t make me do something you won\'t like."

 Csille grits her teeth and looks outside the window. She knows she cannot go against Prince Fraser. It\'s already a miracle that he lets her off and doesn\'t sell her out to the Queen. 

 Harming other people is a sin in the Vrawyth Kingdom. Although Csille\'s plan failed, it can still be considered a punishable crime. Although the punishment is lighter compared to when she successfully harm Princess Paislee. And the punishment is based on how grave the harming is. Based on what she did, she can be fined by a thousand centimes and a month of confinement in the Lauretré residence.

 Csille takes a deep breath to control her anger. 

 Fraser, why do you really need to mention it in front of other people? I\'m your fiancée, but why do you keep embarrassing me? What did I do wrong for you to do this to me?

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