
Chapter 257 - : Csille’s Departure (1)

 "Dame Csille, good morning. It\'s a good thing you are here already. Several people have already passed by to give some donations. There are also a group of people looking for you, but we just told them you\'re still not here. They told us they will return later because they have something important to discuss with you."

 I look at Mairenn and nod my head. "Thank you. Just call me if you need anything. I will be in my office. I still have a lot of things to do, so please entertain our guests."

 I woke up late today because I was doing the accounting last night. It\'s been days since the Foundation opened, and every day we received a huge amount of money donated by people. 

 There are also people who visit the Foundation to ask for help every day. We already help a couple of people who needs help with their medical bill. But we still limit our helping because I haven\'t liquidated everything. 

 After I am done with the liquidations, I\'m planning to go to the western region again to check the situation there. 

 Ever since we visited it five years ago, I haven\'t had the time to return to the western region. I heard from Rufus that his majesty had been allotting funds for improving the situation in the western region. However, I still want to make sure that everything is fine there. Also, I want to avoid his highness return. 

 I sit on my chair and look at the pile of documents sitting on my table. I sigh in exhaustion. 

 I already know that I\'ll be busy once the Foundation opens up, but I wasn\'t expecting I would be this too busy. I haven\'t get a decent sleep after the opening. 

 I lean my head on my chair and close my eyes. I\'m really exhausted, but I don\'t have time to rest. I need to make sure that the Foundation is doing what it\'s promised to do, and that is to help people. 

 I need to make sure that before Csille decides to mess everything up, I can be assured that this Foundation can still live even without me. 

 I took a deep breath before writing down everything I was doing to manage the Foundation. I want the next owner of this Foundation to know how the Foundation works.

 After I finished writing everything the next owner needs, I look outside my window and sigh.

 Prince Fraser will return to the capital three days from now while I\'ve been busying myself preparing for my departure to the western region. I will be bringing a couple of my employees and some doctors to help me assess the health of people in the western region.

 "Prince Fraser return?" I smile bitterly. "I\'m sure his highness will change again. I just hope he already has feelings for Princess Paislee."


 "Purplany, you\'re here. I didn\'t expect I would see you having lunch outside. I thought your plan on rotting in your Foundation."

 I looked at Rufus and rolled my eyes. Although I can understand why he said those words. Rufus tried to invite me for lunch or dinner a couple of times already, but I declined because I was too busy back then.

 "You\'re exaggerating." I look around him. "You\'re alone?"

 I heard from Mairenn that Rufus had been seen interacting with some nobles every lunch. I was actually hoping to see it with my own eyes because I know Rufus hates the nobles among anyone else.

 Rufus groans before he sits on the chair in front of me. "Can you not look at me like that? I was only with them because Father told me to. If I had any other choice, I would rather eat alone than to be with them. They are too irritating."

 I laugh at his complaints. I knew it! Rufus isn\'t the type who will mingle with the nobles without reason. 

 "It was such shocking news for me. Imagine my shock when I heard that from Mairenn. I was actually hoping to see you with them today. It\'s such a shame that you decided to eat alone today."

 Rufus takes my glass of fresh juice and drinks it without even asking for my permission. He put down the empty glass with a thud and looked at me. I can clearly see the irritation in his eyes.

 "Says the one who always talks to those hypocrites nobles every day. Was it fun?"

 I glare at Rufus. This guy! Does he really need to mention it? Can\'t he see how exhausted I look like? 

 "Do you think I had fun? I\'m exhausted, okay. All I want to do is to go to the western region. I would rather rot there than to rot in my office talking to the nobles all day."

 Rufus pulls my plate of pasta and eats it. "You\'re going to the western region? For what?"

 I look at my pasta he is happily eating. I called the waiter first to order for the two of us before answering him. 

 "Yes, I\'m planning to do a charity work there. It\'s been a long time since I visited the place. I want to know how life improves there."

 Rufus shakes his head. "You shouldn\'t hope for much. Although his highness allotted funds for the western region, it is still not enough to improve their lives. You probably know how much money his majesty allotted for the northern region this year. I don\'t think he can send funds for the western region for the remaining months of this year."

 I sigh. I know that, and I know what is currently happening in the western region because I have written this. I have written how Csille will go to the western region to check the situation in it.

 "I know. It\'s the reason why I want to visit it."

 "When are you planning to live? Will you wait for your friend from Frailens City before you leave?"

 "Lilla will arrive tomorrow, but I won\'t bring her with me. The Foundation has just started. I don\'t think it\'s a good idea to close it. I\'m planning to let her manage the Foundation while I am away. I\'ll just have to teach her what she needs to know, and I leave a number of my employees to help her."

 The waiter comes back with our order. I let him put the dishes down and left before I answered Rufus\'s question.

 "I\'ll be leaving three days from now. I have already talked to my parents about it, and they all agree with it."

 Rufus frown. "But my cousin will arrive three days from now. Isn\'t that a bad timing? Does his highness knows about your plan?"

 I frown. Why do I need to let Prince Fraser knows about my departure? Even in my novel, Csille didn\'t ask for Prince Fraser\'s approval. 

 Although I can understand why she didn\'t do that, though. She was too engrossed with her work that it slipped off her mind to ask his highness. That mistakes lead Csille to totally lose Prince Fraser. 

 When she returned from her charity works in the western region, it was already too late. That is when she already realized Prince Fraser\'s closeness with his personal knight.

 "Do I need to? Prince Fraser is too busy with his duties. I don\'t think it\'s necessary for me to do so. Also, I\'m not doing anything that could harm anyone. In fact, I am doing this to help. Do I need his highness\' approval?"

 I take a sip on my fresh juice to hide my irritation. I don\'t know why I\'m irritated. Maybe because of the thought that Prince Fraser is starting to like Princess Paislee? 

 I heard Rufus sigh. "That\'s not what I mean, purplany. I was just wondering why won\'t you wait for Prince Fraser\'s return before you leave the capital? Does it hurt if you will move your departure for a day? His highness\' arrival has been anticipated by everyone. Don\'t you think it will be good to see his fiancé nowhere to be found?"

 "I\'m not nowhere to be found, Rufus. I will be in the western region, helping people. I don\'t think the people will make a big issue about it since my purpose is to help people. Do you need to make an issue about it? Also, I know his highness will be busy again once he returns to the capital."

 Rufus got silent because of what I said. He looks like he couldn\'t believe what I just said. He shakes his head and continues to eat his food.

 "Okay, if that\'s what you want. Just don\'t blame me after."

 I frown at Rufus\'s words. Blame him about what? Why would I blame him after?

 I tried to ask him why did he say that, but he was pretending not to hear anything. He just changed the topic, so I just let him. It\'s one of Rufus\' traits. When he doesn\'t want to talk about it, he will not talk about it. 

 But what is he talking about? Why would I blame him? Am I forgetting something?


 I am patiently waiting at the entrance of the Vrawyth Kingdom for Lilla\'s carriage when someone calls my name. I looked back and found Doctor Alena smiling at me.

 "Doctor Alena? What are you doing here? Aren\'t you supposed to be in the northern region?" 

 I look around, hoping to see Brother Pascal, although I know it\'s impossible. Brother Pascal sent us a letter the other day, saying he will be returning with his highness. So, there\'s no way Brother Pascal can be here.

 I heard Doctor Alena laughs. "The Director of the Holycross called me yesterday. The situation in the northern region is under control now, and the Holycross needs Doctors in the Hospital. Most of the Doctors who decided to stay in the capital took a break. So, now the Holycross needs Doctors."

 I nod my head. That made sense. After most of the Doctors left the Capital to help the northern region, the remaining Doctors worked day and night just to accommodate patients. Most of them haven\'t got any day off since then. So I quite understand why the Director calls some Doctors to return to the capital.

 "But shouldn\'t you be resting for now? What are you doing outside?"

 Doctor Alena raises her basket that is full of vegetables and fruits. "I just went out to buy some food. I was gone for a month, and most of my stocks already gone bad." She smiles at me. "Oh, by the way, I heard about your Foundation. Congratulations on that. You don\'t know how much your Brother Pascal talks about it to everyone."

 I smile at her in return. She\'s really a nice person. It wouldn\'t be bad if she ended up with Brother Pascal.

 "Thank you."

 She looks around. "What are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?"

 I nod my head. I almost forgot about Lilla. I look around. "Yes, I\'m waiting for a friend. She\'ll be helping me in managing the Foundation."

 Doctor Alena nods her head. She said a few more words before she excused herself. She said she\'d need to prepare for her lunch.

 I look at her back and nod my head. I wouldn\'t mind having her as my sister in law. But that would entirely depend on Brother Pascal. Does he even like her? Is she the one Brother Pascal mentioned before?

 "Lady Csille!"

 I was startled when I suddenly heard someone call my name. I look back and find Lilla waving her hand at me. 

 She\'s finally here! 

 The carriage stops in front of me, and Lilla immediately descends the carriage. She then rushes to hug me. 

 "Lady Csille!" I can hear the excitement in Lilla\'s voice. She breaks from the hug and looks at me. "No, no. It should be Dame Csille now. I\'m so happy for your title, Dame Csille. You don\'t know how happy I was when I received your letter. By the way, my parents want to say my regards to you. They were happy when they knew that you become a Dame."

 I smile at Lilla.. "Welcome to the Vrawyth Kingdom, Lilla."

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