
Chapter 273 - : Love Rectangle? (1)

 I look at the classroom and sigh to myself. I need to paint this whole classroom on my own. I look at the paint and the brush on my hands. 

 "This will definitely take some time. How I wish we have a paint roller here. It would be much more convenient."

 "What is a paint roller?" 

 I almost jump when someone speaks behind me. I look back and glare at Rufus, who is smiling widely at me.

 "I didn\'t know you become this skittish." He laughs at me. "Are you okay, and what is this paint roller you are talking about? Why haven\'t I heard about it?"

 I heave a sigh. I didn\'t expect someone to be behind. That\'s why I was confident to mention paint roller. And now, how will I explain it to Rufus? 

 "I just heard about this in the Alderrdeen City. Pax Dea mentioned to me that there is so called paint roller there. It is a rotating cylinder covered with an absorbent material, it can either be a wool or a sponge. It is then mounted on a handle so that the cylinder can be dipped into paint, and you can just roll the paint roller on the wall for it to paint. You can also put a stick on its end to reach high places."

 I was lying. There is no such thing in the Alderrdeen City, but because I didn\'t have any other choice, I just lied. I just hope Rufus won\'t be suspicious of it.

 Rufus nods his head. "There is a thing like that, and the Alderrdeen City keep quiet about it? It would be convenient for us if we only had that."

 I smile awkwardly at Rufus. "Yeah, it is. By the way, what brings you here, Rufus? Aren\'t you supposed to be in your assigned room? Is there something you need?"

 Each one of us was given an assigned room to paint. Rufus, Prince Fraser, Princess Paislee, my employees, some Doctors, and Nurses are here to help paint the classrooms.

 We just finished cleaning and disinfecting the whole place yesterday, and today we\'re planning to redecorate it. 

 Rufus sits on one of the chairs in the room. "I just feel annoyed that\'s why I took a break."

 I raised my eyebrow at him. "Annoyed? About what?"

 I start to paint the bottom part first because I don\'t have rollers. It will be too time consuming if I paint the walls from bottom to top. So, I\'ll start with the bottom and work my way to the top. The height of the walls is three times my height, so it will become difficult for me to paint from bottom until to top in one go.

 I heard Rufus sigh. "I feel annoyed seeing her with someone."

 My hand that is about to paint the wall stop midway because of Rufus\' words. Is he talking about Princess Paislee?

 As far as I remember, Princess Paislee is painting a classroom with Prince Fraser. Is Rufus annoyed because Prince Fraser can be with him while he is alone?

 I look at Rufus and find him clenching his jaw. It was the first time I saw him like this. I sigh. I tried to remember if I had written a scene for today. My eyes widen when I remember something.

 The real Csille should be also be annoyed by the fact that Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee are painting the room together. So, in her irritation, she ends up storming to Prince Fraser\'s assigned classroom and helping them paint.

 Isn\'t that a great opportunity to bring Rufus with me? I mean, I wouldn\'t be changing any scenes since Csille\'s purpose is not to let Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee alone in one room.

 I take the brush and the paint before I drag Rufus to Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee\'s assigned classroom. He didn\'t even get the chance to refuse because before he could react, we were already inside the classroom.

 Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee, who were busy painting the wall, immediately look at us. Prince Fraser frowns when he sees us.

 "What are you doing here, Rufus? Don\'t you have a room assigned to the two of you?"

 I was about to say Csille\'s line, but someone suddenly grabbed my other hand, making me loosen my grip on Rufus\' hand.

 I look at Princess Paislee, who is now holding my hand. "Since the two of you are already here. Why don\'t we paint this room first before we all work on your assigned rooms?"

 She is referring to Rufus and my assigned room. I look at Prince Fraser and Rufus, who are also shocked by what is happening. They just look at Princess Paislee and me, unable to do anything.

 What is happening? Why does Princess Paislee drag me all of a sudden? I don\'t really understand anything here. 

 Csille is the one who should get in between Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee, but why does it look like it was Princess Paislee who puts Csille in between them? What\'s this? A love rectangle? 

 The four of us start to paint the classroom in silence. I even forget the lines I am supposed to say because of what happened. I wasn\'t expecting this to happen. 

 A moment after, I finished painting the bottom of my part, and I took the ladder to paint the top. However, I mistook a step and fell on it. I immediately shriek and prepare myself for a fall. 

 "Puplany!" I heard Rufus call my name in panic.

 However, the fall that I was awaiting didn\'t come because someone caught me. I look at my savior, and lo and behold. It\'s no other than your female lead, Princess Paislee.

 "Are you okay, Dame Csille?" She asked worriedly. I can definitely hear anxiety in her voice.

 It took me time to digest what happened, and I didn\'t immediately answer her question. Because of this, she gently put me down and immediately inspected my body for any wounds.

 "Is there something wrong, Dame Csille? Are you hurting? Do you want me to call a Doctor?" Princess Paislee asked in panic.

 Rufus, who looked like he was planning to catch me, rushed towards me and checked my arms. "Are you okay, purplany? Did you break any bone? Why aren\'t you careful? What if you fall and break a bone? I\'m sure the Count and Countess will be worried about you again."

 If not because of Rufus, I would still probably be in a trance. 

 That\'s not part of the script. Actually, everything that is happening is not part of the script. 

 "Dame Csille?"

 I look at Princess Paislee and Rufus before I shake my head. "I\'m okay. I apologize. I was just in shock. That\'s why I wasn\'t able to respond immediately. As for your questions, I\'m all good. I was just in shock, but I didn\'t get any wounds or broken bones. So, don\'t worry. I\'m sorry for making you worry."

 Princess Paislee and Rufus both sigh. They look at each other for a couple of seconds before they avoid their gaze. 

 I am about to say something when I feel someone taps my shoulder. I look back and find Prince Fraser looking at the three of us. 

 "You should be more careful with your actions, Csille. Next time if you cannot do it, then don\'t even try. You\'re just interrupting everyone\'s work." He then looks at Princess Paislee. "Sir Farren, come with me. I need some help on my corner."

 Princess Paislee looks at me. It looks like she is hesitating if she should follow Prince Fraser\'s command or not.

 I scoff. I didn\'t expect Prince Fraser would say that to me. I almost got wounded, and the first thing he did was to scold me for taking everyone\'s time? I didn\'t say anything when he didn\'t even try to catch me, but he still chose to scold me?

 Fraser, do you hate Csille this much?

 It was never my attention to fall from the ladder. It was an accident, okay? I would never do something that could hurt me. Not for now.

 "Fraser, don\'t you think it\'s rude to say that to Csille? It\'s an accident. It is not Csille\'s choice why it happened. So, why are you scolding her? She\'s your fiancée. Shouldn\'t you worry about her safety? You didn\'t even try to save her. If not because of Sir Farren, Csille would probably break some bones now. Wh—"

 I hold Rufus\' arm and shake my head. Even if Prince Fraser\'s words hurt me, I would rather not make a big deal about it anymore. 

 I already accept it. That starting from here, Prince Fraser will hate Csille. That starting from here, Prince Fraser is the male lead, and I am just the villainess who will never succeed in winning the male lead\'s heart.

 "Why are you stopping me, purplany? What my cousin did was not the right thing. You almost got wounded, and the first thing he did was scold you? He didn\'t even ask how you are or if you are hurt. He is your fiancé! Its part of his obligation is to take care of you, but what did he do? He just stands there. He didn\'t even try to move an inch when he saw you falling. Why are you trying to stop me?"

 Prince Fraser stops walking, and he looks back at us. He looks enraged. Probably because of Rufus\' remarks.

 I feel my hand tremble, and I can feel my heart shatter piece by piece. I let go of Rufus\' arms and shook my head. I didn\'t wait for Prince Fraser\'s refute. 

 "We\'re still not officially engaged, Rufus. So the obligation you are mentioning does not apply to me. He doesn\'t have any obligation to me. It\'s not his obligation to care if I live or die. So, don\'t pressure his highness on things he shouldn\'t be doing. Isn\'t that a rude thing to do too?"

 I tried my best not to cry or to crack my voice despite the pain I was feeling. I don\'t want him to see that I\'m breaking because of him. 

 I smiled at Rufus and mouthed my thank you to him. I know he is only trying to help me, but I don\'t really need it right now.

 I look at Prince Fraser and smile at him. Even though I badly want to scream at him. "I apologize for the inconvenience. You are right. It\'s my fault why I almost wounded myself again. I shouldn\'t have done things I couldn\'t do. I apologize. I shouldn\'t have interfered with your work. I should be leaving now." I bow my head and pick up my paint and my brush.

 I looked at Rufus and mouthed my sorry to him. Sorry for not siding on him. I just want to end all of this and be alone. So I can allow myself to feel sad.

 Rufus seems to understand what I want to say. He just nods his head and follows me behind.

 Prince Fraser didn\'t even try to stop me or to say sorry to me. Not that I was expecting him to do that. I just was hoping he could say something to me, but he didn\'t. He just stands there and watches Rufus, and I leave the room.

 "Purplany..." I heard Rufus call my name behind me, but I didn\'t respond to it. I just continue walking.

 I didn\'t go to the classroom assigned to me. Instead, I walk towards the playground at the back of the building. 

 I immediately sit on the swing and swing myself with all my force. Rufus tries to stop me, but he knows it\'ll be too dangerous to stop me with my speed.

 With this, I can cry without anyone noticing. 

 "Purplany, can you slow it down? That is too dangerous? That swing is an old swing and was only made for children. It might break if you continue swinging like that. Stop it, Csille."

 I didn\'t listen to Rufus\' words. I just continue to swing myself. Trying to hide my tears. 

 I promise to myself. This will be the last time I would cry over Prince Fraser. This will be the last time I would allow myself to be in pain because of that guy.. Never again.

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