
Chapter 777 - Ultimatum

Chapter 777 Ultimatum

Is this a gain or a loss? Roland couldn’t answer that either. Logically, it was probably a gain; after all, he had another woman... goddess.

But emotionally speaking, he lost.

He had been whored out for free.

With a feeling of depression and helplessness, Roland piloted the floating city back to the main plane, then hovered it over the city of Delpon.

Fewer and fewer players came to Delpon lately. For one thing, the players who wanted to switch to Great Swordsman had all pretty much done so, and for another, Roland’s presence made a lot of people feel a little depressed.

Now that Roland was getting stronger and wilder in his ways, he was somewhat out of touch with the player base.

Not to mention that the average player level was now only level thirteen, even the two hundred or so Legends had no confidence in front of Roland.

A single floating city could suppress almost all the players.

The saying that fifty henchmen could take down anything didn’t apply. This game was not designed to favor balance.

Rather, it was completely skewed toward reality.

In reality, one percent of the population held ninety percent of the world’s wealth. So in this game, it was not surprising that one person could suppress hundreds of powerful elites.

The players now treated Roland as a marginal man, and although they understood that he was a player just like them, they saw him as a world-class boss. This resulted in a sense of detachment.

Especially the floating city that appeared over Delpon from time to time—most players felt that it was an eyesore.

A few of these people were jealous, and others simply didn’t want to move with or get along with people who were too much above them.

Because it was uncomfortable.

One’s comfort was hard to buy.

So now Roland was in a state of being almost cut off from the player community. Only a few people would occasionally seek him out.

For example, a few of his friends, or Douglas, a person he knew in reality as well.

Parking the floating city high in the sky, he then spent several days in Delpon creating the new virtual Divine Spark.

He would then have Andonara reconnect to him, giving her the ability to use his magic power, and the freedom to enter and exit the mansion space.

After all, when he went hunting the Evil Gods in the future, Andonara would be a powerful combatant, and making her stronger would make it safer for the two of them to move around.

Then he exited the game.

In the real world, Roland was still in the underground base of a space center.

He got up, brushed his teeth, went to the cafeteria for dinner, chatted with some of his more enthusiastic colleagues, and was invited to the warehouse by a specialist.

“Comrade Huang, this is the evaluation report we came up with after spending nearly half a month doing repeated tests in a simulated lunar environment.” The person in charge placed a tablet in Roland’s hand.

Roland pressed the screen, lighting it up, and quietly looked at the data on it, toggling it with his finger now and then.

He read the whole report and summed it up with the word “perfect.”

There were at least four different densities of mud bricks that were fully capable of being used as lunar building materials.

“As you know well, the capacity of our rocket is not very high, especially compared to the two countries, the bald eagle and the hairy bear,” the person in charge said helplessly. “The higher the density of this brick, and the heavier it is, the better it will perform. It is reasonable to say that we have to use the heaviest material to make the best base, but limited by the capacity, we have to use the lightest kind of material to save money. Although its data shows that it is also enough to build a small base that will stand on the moon for a long time, we researchers are particularly greedy; we hope that this material can last longersay, thirty or fifty years.”

Roland understood. “You guys want me to take this less dense material and make it tougher, right?”

“Yes.” The person in charge smiled and said, “Of course, this is not mandatory, it’s just a request. We also know very well that a breakthrough in material science like this can’t be done casually. But Comrade Huang, you are someone who cannot be measured by common sense, so we’re asking for you to try. It doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed.”

Roland thought for a moment and said, “I’ll try it—I’ll just have to trouble you guys to cooperate more with me and mix more of that muddy slurry of that density.”

“That’s as it should be.” The man in charge beamed. Roland was indeed easy to talk to, as his personality profile indicated.

In the following days, besides going into the game at night to “build” a virtual Divine Spark, Roland continued, in reality, to improve his Mud to Rock spell.

And with the requirements of the researchers, supplemented by data, gradually, the overall performance of the mud bricks improved considerably.

The researchers in the entire base were pleasantly surprised. “If there were a thousand people like Roland, or if we cracked such an ability, we wouldn’t be subjected to others in the area of material science in the future.” The person in charge stroked the newly-researched round earthen plate.

This time the surface of the clay block was smooth and round, like a DVD. Light and thin.

But it was clear to all researchers that this thing was ridiculously hard while still being extremely resilient. Its performance didn’t suffer that much even after being bent by heavy forces and re-flattened with a heavy press.

“It’s done. Production of the building material parts can officially start.” The person in charge looked at the little thing’s data and smiled quite happily. “All the components can have no mistakes at all, and the slurry blending will be handled by the third production line.” “But the third production line is now being used by unit zero-two-one.” The secretary immediately transferred the data to his small tablet and displayed it for the person in charge to see.

“Inform them to give up the production and assembly line first,” the person in charge said faintly. “We’ve cut off Comrade Huang for so long that the western base is already starting to have a problem with it.”

The secretary smiled. “Actually, many of us would like to keep Comrade Huang, but unfortunately, the higher-ups won’t allow it.”

“I owe a big favor to an old friend up there after relocating him.” The old man shook his head helplessly. “One has to be content-don’t think too much.”

For the next half-month, Roland used a modified Mud to Rock to make accessories for them.

He made nearly three hundred tons of the standardized building materials. Of course, a large portion of it was extra, as well as for future use in material analysis.

Looking at the warehouse piled with more than three hundred tons of material parts, the space base was finally willing to let him go.

The night before Roland was set to return to his western base, before it was game time, he took a walk through the inner green park of the base.

By now it was dark and there was hardly anyone around.

The small park was brightly lit by the road, attracting a large number of flying insects.

Most of the researchers continued to work, and the security personnel would not come to this place to hang out.

Roland looked at the sky. He could sense the spatial coordinates of the mansion, especially after being fused with the Life Goddess Elise’s divinity. His spiritual perception had become stronger thanks to that.

At the same time, he knew that with his current strength, he was unable to jump into the mansion space.

He had a vague feeling that if he could jump to the mansion space, he would be able to use it as a springboard to teleport to the game world.

...Entering the game with his body in reality.

Not the body provided by the virtual cabin.

He breathed out, thinking that it seemed a bit hard to reach this goal with the rate his strength was growing in reality.

Could it be done at fifty?

How about absorbing that green stick and driving the floating city to the mansion space?

That was one way to go, but he still had no confidence.

Even if he could build a small floating city by absorbing that green crystal rod, there was still no way to produce the “energy black hole” effect.

In other words, even if he could build a floating city, it wouldn’t be as useful as in the game because there was no magic in this world.

What if he had a lot of green crystal rods?

Roland couldn’t help but think this way. At this time, his expression changed drastically. He took a few steps back, and in a flash, he simultaneously gave himself a series of supporting spells such as Magic Shield, Body Fortification, Agility, Preemptive Attack, and so on.

Then he looked attentively to his right.

A powerful mental power suddenly appeared there, and even... an unknown, and rather peculiar, energy. He was familiar with this energy; it was the energy contained in the crystal rod.

Roland had Teleportation ready and would teleport away if something went wrong.

But the reason he didn’t teleport away was curiosity.

He was quite curious that there was someone stronger than him on Earth.

The owner of the crystal rod?

While his thoughts raced, a man slowly burrowed out from under the ground.

It was like the legendary Tu Xing Sun[1], and where the man was now, the ground wasn’t the least bit damaged.

The man was young, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and denim shorts, and a pair of large blue flip-flops on his feet.

He appeared quite down-to-earth.

He looked at Roland with a smile.

Roland couldn’t feel the other party’s malice, but he was still cautious and slowly took two steps back as he asked, “Who are you?”

It would be strange if Roland wasn’t wary at all of a man who suddenly appeared from the ground and didn’t use Teleportation, without raising any magic fluctuations at all.

“I have many identities. You can call me Planet Guardian, Planet Consciousness, Human Mind Aggregate, or Heavenly Dao-all of it is fine.” The man’s voice was quite alluring.

Roland found the voice rather familiar, and he froze for a moment, responding, “Director Ma?”

The young man clapped his hands and laughed. “Guessed right. I am this term’s Planet Guardian, commonly known as Ma Huajun, a native of Guilin.” “I am Huang...”

“I know your profile well, better than you know it yourself. After all, you and Yu Kunpeng were both personally selected by me as test subjects.” Ma Huajun shrugged and interrupted him. “Before we get to business, I have to apologize to you.”

“What do you mean?” When Roland heard this, he felt something apprehensive, thinking that it might be some kind of melodramatic plot unfolding “Don’t be nervous. It’s not that big of a deal, but for the sake of our future cooperation and getting along, we still have to talk about it.” Ma Huajun walked forward two steps, his slippers slapping on the concrete floor twice. The man looked like an ordinary youth seen everywhere on the street, one of those out-of-touch types who was ready to take a walk after dinner.

It was not at all obvious that this person not only had the power to burrow into the earth but was also some kind of planet guardian

This title sounded high and mighty. “Okay, go ahead.” Not only did Roland not disperse his spells, but he also secretly added two more.

“Do you still remember when you graduated from college, you were going to start a small company with Yu Kunpeng, doing public embeddable intelligence modules?” Ma Huajun asked.

Roland nodded.

He and Yu Kunpeng were both game lovers, but the NPCs in large AAA games were too stupid, like they were the backdrop of the world.

They were able to interact only with a fixed line or two, and sometimes not even that, seeming more like stickers pasted onto the game.

The intelligence module they had been working on for almost three years at school was something that could be embedded into AAA games and could be treated as a special mod that used special algorithms to improve the intelligence of these NPCs.

This allowed them to diversify their behavior.

It could be said that this AI module was a little bit useful, but it was still a hundred thousand miles away from completion.

Then they started a small company, and Schuck wanted to use his face to pull investment for further research.

They even adapted a couple of big AAA games themselves to improve the intelligence of the NPCs and increase playability.

It was safe to say that with money to get the ads out there or generate buzz in the mod community, this company could be successful. As a result... Schuck actually couldn’t acquire a single sum of investment.

The server they used to store the original code was even hacked afterward and all their information and code was deleted.

Someone was targeting them.

But they checked and asked continuously and didn’t figure out who it was. After that, the two were so disheartened that they ran back home to be idlers.

Roland stared at Ma Huajun. “You know? You said you wanted to apologize to me, so it was you?”

“Yes.” Ma Huajun shrugged.

Roland subconsciously threw a small fireball over.

But this small fireball quickly became smaller in the air and disappeared when it was still half a meter away from Ma Huajun.

“You could probably kill me with a Legendary level body in the game and a floating city and a desperate trade for each other’s lives, but in reality, you can’t.”

Roland withdrew his hand and asked in confusion, “Why did you target us at that time? There’s no grudge between us.”

“Because you shouldn’t go and become businessmen, or become capitalists,” Ma Huajun explained with a smile. “You should join us and become supers like us. You guys have the talent. This game, World of Falan, is your training ground.” “You’re casually making decisions for others...”

“Just say whether you want to become a superpowered person or not.” Ma Huajun sneered, “Aren’t you enjoying it?”

Oh... Roland had nothing to say.

“I destroyed your dreams and then gave you this chance, so it’s settled, okay?” Ma Huajun showed his goodwill.

Roland dropped his guard as he took the initiative to say, “Okay, this matter is in the past, put it aside. Is World of Falan real or not... Wait, you said ‘you guys? Schuck also has such abilities?”

“Yes, but it’s not time for his awakening.”

Roland pondered for a moment, and then asked, “Did you create the World of Falan, or does it exist? What is your purpose in sending so many people into the game world?”

“I’m just saying hello this time, not answering your questions. The answers, you can find yourself in the game. Or, when you’re strong enough, I’ll tell you.” Ma Huajun smiled, then his expression turned serious. “Also a word of caution: never, ever try to fuse the Divine Spark of an Evil God; this is not advice, this is an ultimatum. No Evil Gods can appear on Earth. As a planet guardian, if such a thing dares to appear, I’ll kill them on sight!”

[1] A character that could burrow through the earth from Investiture of the Gods

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