
Chapter 218: The Northern Front 7

Chapter 218: The Northern Front 7

‘I have to suck up all the mana first.’

The power that was used to operate Ishvar Unit 1 was none other than mana.

It would be a waste to use Black Demolition for this single unit, so he decided to absorb the mana through Verserios.

As Verserios began to absorb the mana, the Ishvar Unit 1 attempted to separate itself from Woohyuk by wielding its Neutral Blade.


The Neutral Blade struck against the dark barrier that Woohyuk had spread around it. Sparks started sparking like a fountain.

To make it stop operating, Woohyuk had to endure the attacks and maintain the barrier and absorption process for quite a while.

‘It’s a perfect toy to drag time during a battle.’

He wasn’t clear what Aleister had in mind in partnering with Alice the Queen of Thorns.

From the direction of their movement and actions, his goal seemed to do with the Principality of Croix, which was situated next door.

Regardless, he needed to quickly defeat this unit, there was a high possibility that events would progress as Aleister planned.

While Woohyuk was fighting with Ishvar Unit 1…

“Sieg! Let’s take on Berial together! There are fewer Demon Kings on our side, so let’s quickly wrap up our end!”

“Okay, Brynhildr!”

Woohyuk’s other party members were confronting the individual Demon Kings from the Demon King Alliance.

Even if the hostile Demon Kings faced those summoned from Lemegeton one-on-one, three enemy Demon Kings still remained on the Alliance’s side.

So, Woohyuk’s party members had to cooperate together to confront the remaining three Demon Kings.

This was why Sieg and Brynhildr took on the 68th ranked Demon King, Berial.

“Please take care of me as well, Sieg. This lady is very precious,” remarked Maria.

“If you have time to speak such nonsense, please cast another Divine Magic spell on us,” Sieg snapped back.

“… You still have time to argue even in this urgent situation. Anyways, I’ll protect Helena with a defensive barrier,” Maria answered.

Afterward, Maria took a deep breath and started chanting a spell.

She, along with the two members of Etheria Rodinus, was tasked with subduing the 54th ranked Demon King, Murmur.

However, since the party was composed of two saints and one sage, they were vulnerable to a surprise attack.

Meanwhile, Hong Yuri was attacking Gremory, the 56th ranked Demon King, with Bailey and Roan.

In terms of party composition, their party was much more stable than Maria’s.

“Should I try using the gift Woohyuk gave me?”

Hong Yuri’s red eyes flashed as she summoned a vampire group.

Roan saw her changing appearance and changed the Ragnor Weapon from a dagger to a dragon.

“Hey, my transcendental weapon is much better than your item, bitch!”

“… What? Look at how this disrespectful toddler is talking to his elder sister.”

“Now’s the time to focus on combat. Continue your banter after the battle.”

Bailey, the noble black knight, rushed to Gremory using his alter image.

However, the black sword he swung didn’t touch Gremory at all.

“It’s elegant swordsmanship, but that doesn’t hurt me,” Gremory stated calmly.

“Maybe. But I’m not your only opponent,” Bailey replied.

Next, the summoned vampires flapped their wings and rushed in to attack.

As Gremory slid sideways to avoid the incoming attack, Roan aimed for her heart from behind.

“You stupid girl with a horn on your head! How dare you try and act so cool!”


Gremory’s trident intercepted the Ragnor weapon.

“So, you’re a Homunculus. First off, I’ll need to fix that dirty mouth of yours.”

She summoned dark spheres in the air and threw them out towards her enemies.

As everyone stepped back and cast defensive barriers against the attack, Gremory laughed out loud as if she had expected such an outcome.

“Shall we see how long you can withstand my attacks? Especially in the demonic swamp dimension.”

Suddenly, a black oval swamp formed around her.

Their bodies gradually fell into the swamp.

They couldn’t release their defensive barriers and escape the swamp because of the bombardment of dark spheres.

“Wow, you know how to use your head. I guess you’re not a Demon King just by name,” Hong Yuri said with a raised eyebrow.

Afterward, she created a blood vortex, blocked the dark spheres, and completely escaped from the demonic swamp.

“… Oh. This makes it a bit more difficult. You can use the power of blood freely,” Gremory said with a crestfallen expression.

“My friend who’s a guy gave me a hidden class as a gift. However, I think I have to live my life as a maid,” Hong Yuri said, saving her party members with the whirl of blood.

Afterward, there was a lull in the action.

Her gaze naturally turned toward Woohyuk.

He was running towards Paimon after completely shutting down Ishvar Unit 1.

“You sure made it difficult, Paimon,” Woohyuk stated nonchalantly.

“… I shouldn’t have relied so much on that contraption. I’m overwhelmed just dealing with Amon,” Paimon answered with a grim expression.

Woohyuk defeated the Ishvar Unit 1 much faster rate than he expected.

His combat power was much higher than what the Demon King Alliance expected.

Moreover, he had completely recovered from the damage he had suffered in preventing the first catastrophe/disaster through the Power of Resuscitation.

“Don’t be mistaken. I’m not trying to deal with just one of you guys.”

“… What?!”

Paimon knew nothing about the existence of the Absorber Trigger.

This was because Aleister didn’t share the full story with them.

Of course, Woohyuk had actually used the Trigger several times, but all those who witnessed it were either captured or killed.

Watching Paimon’s embarrassed reaction, Woohyuk swore at Aleister in his heart.

‘Aleister tricked the Demon King Alliance and them victims to fulfill some other plan.’

In the first place, the Absorber Trigger itself was something he was able to obtain through Aleister.

This probably meant that Woohyuk should quickly use the Trigger and Black Demolition to overpower his enemies and grow in strength.

It seemed that Aleister wanted to quickly turn Woohyuk into a preeminent, powerful demon for his grand plan.

‘Well, I have no intention of rejecting free food.’

Regardless of what Aleister had planned, this was a great opportunity to defeat and absorb the Demon King Alliance.

Woohyuk took out the Absorber Trigger from his pocket and gave Amon instructions,

“Cast God Death at the appropriate time. All of the hostile Demon Kings will be dragged in where you cast it.”

“… Okay.”

Amon had experienced Black Demolition once before, so he immediately noticed what Woohyuk was trying to do.

When Amon created a huge spiral black hole in the middle of the battlefield, all the hostile Demon Kings except Paimon were dragged into it.


“Wh-What is this?!”

“God Death! It\'s Amon’s skill!”

“Why?! At times like this!”

Since Woohyuk was dealing with Paimon, Amon’s casting of God Death happened undisturbed.

Thus, as the hostile Demon Kings were concentrated in one area…


Woohyuk threw a fierce fist into Paimon’s face as their weapons were against each other.


Paimon moaned as he took a step back.

However, Woohyuk didn’t stop with just one punch. He started kicking Paimon’s abdomen with his feet.


This time, Paimon wasn’t even able to squeeze out a sound.

He felt ashamed of being beaten up by an opponent’s physical body, not even a specialized weapon.

‘How did this happen…’

Paimon felt as though all of his actions were pre-read and countered.

But, in fact, it wasn’t just his feeling.

Woohyuk did know all of Paimon’s attack patterns from his past experience.

‘Paimon is the weakest among the high-ranking Demon Kings.’

His gravity-bending magic was quite powerful, but he didn’t have any counter skills.

In short, this meant that it was impossible for Paimon to pretend to be weak and take advantage of an overextended enemy.

So, whenever Paimon showed weakness, he took damage.

Of course, in any other situation, he could escape using teleportation, but Amon was following his every movement from behind, so he didn’t have the opportunity to use teleportation.

“Looking at the condition you’re in, it seems like you won’t even be able to use your gravity-bending magic before being sealed. Weren’t you acting pompously just a moment ago?”


Paimon looked resentful as he wiped the blood flowing from his mouth.

His gravity-bending magic had a fatal weakness. It could not be used within the area of Amon’s God Death.

Naturally, Amon was Paimon’s arch-nemesis.

‘Since it’s come to this, I should use the other wide-area magic spell.’

[Earth Craft].

His last hidden card spell was a wide area of effect spell that caused sharp rocks to pop out of the surface.

However, Woohyuk launched a preemptive strike, as if he had expected Paimon’s action.

“Do you think you can afford to use Earth Craft?”


Paimon’s face was once again crumpled by Woohyuk’s fierce fist punch.

A subsequent swift kick sent him near Amon’s black hole…


Woohyuk immediately used the Absorber Trigger to activate Black Demolition.

“What is this?!”

“Are you trying to confine us?”

“My demonic energy is getting sucked up!”


The hostile Demon Kings lacked the strength to fight against the sucking power of Black Demolition. They had already expended a tremendous amount of energy fending off Woohyuk’s party members’ attacks.

It was impossible for them to escape. He had trapped them in a spherical barrier.

“It’s been done really neatly, Lord.”

“Thanks to Black Demolition, I could capture them relatively easily.”

Sieg and Woohyuk watched the ten Demon Kings suffering within the barrier.

Soon, when the trapped Demon Kings became exhausted, Woohyuk summoned Lemegeton.

“Is the total seventeen now?”

“Since the goal is 72 Demon Kings, I’m still far away. But, I guess I’m making progress.”

Now, the low-ranking Demon Kings didn’t have to be used.

In fact, it was now possible to easily seal the Demon Kings above the 30th rank.

Of course, for whatever reason, Aleister had given him this chance, so Woohyuk was able to enjoy sealing ten Demon Kings all at once without breaking much of a sweat.

When the battle was over, Woohyuk checked the condition of his allies.

“Is anyone injured?”

“I haven’t suffered any major injuries.”

“Me either…”

Most of the enemies were low-ranked Demon Kings, so the majority of his party members suffered only minor injuries.

However, Hong Yuri was very tired even though she didn’t sport any visible wounds.

“You must have used a lot of blood power.”

“Yeah… I played with the ability a little bit because it seemed fun, so…”

Hong Yuri had to use the Blood Swirl several times to save her allies when Gremory cast the Demonic Swamp spell.

Over the course of the battle, her fatigue had accumulated.

Although vampires were strong, they have a fatal drawback: the more they used their ability, the more they depleted the blood in their bodies.

“Alright. I’ll give you a chance to suck the blood from the Witch of Annihilation,” Woohyuk stated confidently.

“… Wait… Why are you talking about me? Do you feel sexual pleasure when harassing me?!” Helena cried out.

“The Witch of Annihilation says that she doesn’t want to offer her blood. Then, I’ll give you my blood,” Woohyuk responded.

Woohyuk extended his wrist to Hong Yuri.

Hong Yuri made a confused expression then quietly bit his offered wrist with her fangs.


Red blood passed through her fang’s blood vessels into Hong Yuri’s throat.

Roan looked at what was going on and thought of a similar scene,

“Master, you have bestowed grace on that vampire girl, so, in return, she should repay you with her body…”

“You really can’t figure out the mood at all, can you? Just keep quiet!” Sieg yelled out.


Sieg slammed his closed fist knuckles on top of Roan’s head.

Roan shed tears with an expression of sadness…

“What’s the point of having balls if you don’t use them… ”

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