
Chapter 144: Military Restructure [2]

Rajagopala thought for a while and responded. "It should be close to 120,000 at least. There are 4 corps, and each corps has a 3 division under them to manage them. We also have some captains per 3000 troops to relay information faster."

"That is pretty bad," Harsha admitted, rubbing his chin.

"Fine, let\'s get to the explanation for the new structure." Harsha began. "We will begin our structure from a platoon led by a platoon leader consisting of about 50 soldiers under his command."

"Hoo.. so they are divided into small numbers for flexibility?"

"Five platoons make up a company led by a company leader." Harsha added, scribbling the structure on paper. "Six companies make up a battalion commanded by a captain."

Rest were similar, as the four to six battalions form a brigade led by a senior captain. Four brigades are combined to form a division under a commander. Lastly, corps are made by combining three divisions led by a senior commander in the army.

"You will be leading the whole army structure. Get it?" Harsha concluded the explanation of the structure.

"I get the idea, Your Majesty. But what is the use of this division?"

"Ah, it\'s a simple use." Harsha continued. "We can issue commands easier since the platoons have numbers and companies, brigades, etc. will be named for convenience. It would be easier to issue direct commands to a certain number of troops."

"I see. Should we follow the numbers that Your Majesty has explained? Or create our own depending on the number of troops?"

"It is better to create your own. I just gave it as a reference for you to understand." Harsha smiled as he added. "Also, companies specialized in different fields: infantry, cavalry, and artillery."

"This seems pretty promising. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to an incompetent man. Your Majesty."

Rajagopala understood and grasped the necessity of this structure in the army and planned to follow through with the plan. He also gauged the New Emperor\'s competence in the meantime. There was no reluctance or hesitation in explaining slowly to him. He didn\'t insult or demean him for having no knowledge.

He could also see the signs of a seasoned warrior in his posture and rough hands that compliment his ability in sword arts.

"It\'s fine. We will add new specifications later. For now, focus on these three. The artillery units will be trained under the cannon crew from Bhairava\'s army. Artillery is the weapon of the future."

"So, moving on with the training procedures in the army. We have to change that too." He added.

"Training? The physical training is done properly though!" Rajagopala exclaimed.

"It isn\'t enough. We need the best army and the soldiers to always be in shape. It is true that the soldiers begin slacking as the time passes."

"How do we combat that?"

"We will allow the soldiers to gain the higher positions of the army with hard work and achievements. Just like you." Harsha pointed at Rajagopala.

He knew the past of Rajagopala, although he was born a kshatriya, a caste of warriors. He lived most of his life in poverty without anyone backing him; he had worked his way up by his ability. Krishna Deva Raya found out his incredible achievements and decided to make him the commander.

"That\'s going to have some backlash." Rajagopala replied sternly.

"Is that going to deter you from implementing it?" He asked with a smirk.

"No! I can handle it. Just lend me Rakhtasura\'s help for a couple of "missions.""

Harsha let out a hearty laugh. "You are a great one. I like your attitude."

"How should we train for this musket?" He asked with a curious expression.

"Implement bayonet training methods."

"Bayonet training methods?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"This is classified information. We will improve on this weapon. It can shoot and also will have a knife attached to its barrel to fight close quarters." Harsha explained.

He continued with a smile. "For training for it. We need you to train some soldiers with hollow sticks with a knife attached to the end to fight and take stance to shoot."

Viswa passed a book to the Rajagopala.

"This book should contain the detailed information about the training that His Majesty plans to implement in the army." Viswa said.

"The focus of the army should be on endurance. We have listed marching drills in the book. The endurance of ground troops should be impeccable."

"As you wish." Rajagopala replied with a serious look.

The book harsha had given contained detailed information about the army drills from the Prussian army in the 18th century. They were known for their training and strict discipline, which was required in the army right now.

It could make a big difference on the battlefield since the subcontinent armies wouldn\'t be as disciplined and battle hardened. The drills would make a huge difference as the soldiers would be able to move in a neat and disciplined way quickly.

"Wake-up in the morning, punishments, and regular fitness inspections." Rajagopala exclaimed as he skimmed through the book.

"This is great. I always wanted a solution to instill discipline in the troops, since sometimes it gets unruly. This will immensely help." He muttered aloud.

"Also conduct mock battles and duels between companies; create a sense of healthy rivalry to strive for a better position in the army." Harsha smiled as he saw Rajagopala\'s enthusiasm.

"I have listed some good mock battle drills in the book as well. Like the ambush drills, river crossing drills, etc." He added.

"We can also have drills between different divisions and corps also right? We can conduct that also for a healthy rivalry." Rajagopala said as a bright smile was plastered across his face.

"Yes, you can; also, the information in the book is classified. Don\'t share unnecessary information."

"Understood, Your Majesty. I will take care of the new Army restructuring."

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