
Chapter 384 - Millions of Tragedy, Tragedy of Millions

Chapter 384: Millions of Tragedy, Tragedy of Millions

Going through this kind of unexpected yet horrible experience, Nippy’s eyelids were so wide apart from one another that his eyeballs were almost on the verge of popping out as he was shooting through the air and being blasted away.

Unfortunately, seemingly not wanting to even give his opponent the opportunity to snap out of his dazed state or even touch the ground once again, while Nippy was still shooting through the air, he once again took shape beside him before sending a simple yet powerful punch at the unresponsive Nippy.


"Ahhhh!" A strange noise of many bones shattering reverberated in the area as it was followed by the tragic cry of the now gory Nippy who was sent flying away in another direction before his sorry ass had even hit his previous fated destination.

"Hmm," Briefly gazing at the now motionless figure of Nippy whose death or life was unknown, he murmured, "So weak... I feel disgusted by even wasting my time and attacking him."

With that said, he no longer cared about the question of whether Nippy was dead or alive as he turned around and disappeared into the horizon.


Meanwhile, all around the globe, various monsters were wreaking havoc and chaos. If the rift was in a village, the village itself together with all of its inhabitants was slaughtered. If it was in a town, the town itself vanished from the face of the Earth. Even some cities were devastated to a pathetic point of absolute tragedy.

Today’s event was indeed a rare type of calamity which was going to have numerous chain effects on the constantly changing and evolving Earth once again.


At the same time, media all around the world was going crazy as they streamed or broadcasted the calamitous events of the day one after another.

The cases of towns, villages, and even many skyscrapers of various cities together with its inhabitants disappearing were being so frequently reported that the estimated cases of casualties had already exceeded millions!

Now although that might seem a small number compared to the entire seven billion population on Earth, it was in truth a gigantic figure!

And in the end, even though millions might just seem a number, if all of those ice-cold corpses were in fact gathered in a single location and put above one another, it would definitely form a mountain made of corpses and dead bodies!!!


In a certain News channel in France, an anchorman was reporting, "We’ve just been updated that three of the companions of Guardian K, the guild leader of [Dawn of Courage], have been announced dead."

"Delving more deeply into the matter, it appears that, regrettably, the entire primarily dispatched team of Guardians together with the whole nearby village and its population had been confirmed dead and annihilated before the arrival of Guardian K’s team..." At this point, there seemed to be a lump stuck in the anchorman’s throat as he was about to burst into tears at any seconds now. Notwithstanding, after several seconds of quietness, he appeared to have been temporarily successful in controlling himself as he added, "My deepest condolences to all people of my nation."

Ruefully, France was not the only country to be going through this cataclysmic incident, and all around the world, a similar catastrophe was occurring as many families, compatriots, and even the entire planet population itself was grieving over the instant loss of so many lives.

On this day, countless children had lost their parents and thus became orphans. "Mama, papa... wake up... why aren’t you waking up?! Mamaaa, papaa!!! Wuuuuuuh... I Pwomise to not be a bad kid anymore, pwease wake upp, wuuuuh..."


Many fathers or mothers took an even harsher blow to themselves as they experienced one of the worst types of pain, the loss of a child!

In one corner of the world, a gravely wounded father was running toward what he believed to be the direction of the hospital while on his arms was the cold gory corpse of a teen girl. "Sara, Sara... please, j-just a little bit, hang on just a little bit, w-we’re almost t-there. Don’t l-leave dad alone. You’re all I have, you know that!!!" Albeit, the girl was already gone, never to return again.

In another corner. "Whyyyyyyyy!!! What did we do to deserver this!!! Why did those monsters have to kill my son!!! What did we ever do to them!? Why, whyyy, whyyyyyyy!!! I swear... I swear on this already cold body of yours, Josh, I’ll slaughter all of them! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!" By this point, that man’s face was contorting to a horrifying extent as tears kept pouring down his face without end. Rage, hatred, and grief were no longer recognizable in his expression.

Sadly yet, all of this was a mere tip compared to the iceberg itself.

Today, Earth was once again reminded of how weak it was against the incoming enemies that apparently wanted nothing but their total destruction.


As blood and fire were drawn everywhere, on top of a certain private-jet, a man was comfortably sitting with a glass of wine on his hand as he enjoyed the mesmerizing scenery of calm clouds right outside his window.

Of course, Amara and the golden beauty weren’t that laid-back and casual as they were intently staring at the television within the jet.

At this point, tears even began streaming down Amara’s face as she saw many screaming and crying people above the corpses of their loved ones.

More importantly, she was acting this way because the death toll alone felt like a mountain pressuring against her heart and mind.

"How... how can this happen... sob... why is this happening?! God-" She muttered, full of remorse and sorrow.

However, at this time, a leisurely uttered response by Virus made her feel even worse as her face darkened instantly, "People die, Amara. They are meant to die," not pausing there, he went on, "well, at least on this timeline that is. They come to life in order to wither away and pass away. It’s a mere inevitable cycle, so there’s no use in wasting your energy and feeling bad about it, it’s just that their time came sooner than expected. That is all."

’In fact, all I see is a ghost town when I look at this planet of the past.’

"Y-you!!! How can you say that?! How can you be so cold and unmoved by all this... i-it’s no longer a single death or even several deaths, Aizen... it’s millions we’re talking about! Millions of tragic deaths! Is your heart really made by nothing BUT STONES?!" She cried in agony and rage. Honestly, she couldn’t believe Virus had just uttered those inexcusable words and tried justifying the entire situation by saying ’Well, people die. So... that’s normal.’

"Hmm, not a single death, but millions of deaths?" Briefly murmuring this sentence; however, he announced coldly, "Such hypocrisy."

Not stopping there, he continued, "So you’re saying one or several deaths are just fine, but millions are not? No, no... in fact, you’re not just saying it, seeing how you were totally fine watching me actually kill someone, you do truly believe in it."

"So you don’t care about several deaths, but you care about it when its in millions. What a hypocrite you are, Amara. Isn’t the value of life in that single life itself and not the accumulation of it?"

"And now you want to judge me for it? How dare you?" Accompanied by an annoyed frown, a chilly glint blazed within Virus’ pupils.

"So who is the worse one here, Amara?"

"A hypocrite believing in the greater good, willing to kill several people for the benefit of millions, or the person who sees ’one’ and ’a million’ as equals?"

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