
Chapter 254: Embarrassed Just Reading It

Chapter 254: Embarrassed Just Reading It

Qian Meng cleared her throat. "My family\'s Mo Qingchen looks a bit grumpy but he means well. Thank you for your care. I appreciate you looking after him while I was not here."

She felt embarrassed just reading it out loud. Maybe she shouldn\'t have written this… She groaned.

"Don\'t be embarrassed. They might not be able to read what is written," he assured her.

"That doesn\'t make me feel better!" she retorted.

Mo Qingchen couldn\'t hold back his laughter any longer. "Well, if they do read it, they will think you are a romantic at heart. That\'s a good look. Very much like those novels you like to read."

She rolled her eyes. "You enjoy the greetings; I need to get back and finish work." She patted his cheek affectionately before sprinting out.

Indeed, everyone was staring at her. They had these dreamy looks in their eyes that Qian Meng would almost not stand. Thank god she didn\'t write something like this for her employees. She would die of embarrassment looking at their face every day.

She sucked in a deep breath, composed herself, and then went back to work.

She hadn\'t even checked social media for the response to her wedding announcement. Mo Qingchen also had a pile of work because he had been gone for the honeymoon, so she took her work home with her.

She was finally looking through the responses and felt her body curl up in embarrassment. It seemed that everyone was talking about it. The marriage booklet picture had gotten so many shares and comments that Qian Meng couldn\'t comprehend.

[I have never been so happy to see a red booklet before. I won\'t even be this happy to see my own!]

[@lastcomment, this just shows you will be forever alone. We are on the same boat *cry*.]

[I need a novel or series or movie made on this. I\'ll throw all my money at it, I promise.]



In the comment section of their pictures together.

[Look at Mr. Mo! He is looking at his Meng Meng and not at the camera.]

[Swooning at the look in their eyes.]

[The ship has docked, folks! It\'s true love.]

[I will gladly accept this torture. Give more lovey-dovey pictures.]

These were the comments mostly.

There were also others like:

[Clutching my wallet and investing in their companies. Surely their share prices will fly to the moon!]

Qian Meng snorted at those. Maybe it would. She hadn\'t really checked that aspect of their wedding.

And then there were pictures of Mo Qingchen shirtless in the water.

[Bad eyes! Look away. This is someone else\'s man.]

[Meng Meng is so lucky. She gets to touch this every day. *nosebleed*]

[Look at you people being pervs. I am not one of you. Absolutely not! *licks the screen*]

Qian Meng looked at those and wondered for a solid ten minutes if she should delete the photograph. But she also knew that it had been saved multiple times and would be forever kept in the galleries of these thirty girls and aunties.

She put the phone away and got to work.

It was almost two in the morning when Mo Qingchen returned. Qian Meng looked up to see him dragging his shirt up to discard it. He looked tired beyond belief.

"Are you done with work?" she asked worriedly. He finally looked over at her and nodded.

"I finished everything at one go. Are you still working?" he asked.

Qian Meng nodded. "I took small breaks here and there but I still have a lot to finish," she said with a groan.

He looked at her with worry. "You shouldn\'t sit on the bed and work. It\'s bad for your back. Why didn\'t you go to the office and work there?"

She hadn\'t thought about that. "You don\'t have trade secrets to protect in there?"

"You can see my trade secrets if you want. But work in the office if you bring it back home. No sitting on the bed and hurting your neck and back," he scolded.

"Yes, dad," she replied.

Mo Qingchen threw her a look. "I\'ll just freshen up and rest beside you, okay?" He sounded like a tired little child and Qian Meng couldn\'t resist. She was busy at work, making changes to a document when she felt the bed dip. She saw Mo Qingchen crawling in beside her.

He rested his head on his palms, facing her. His eyes were trained on her face and he watched as she tried to work.

"Why aren\'t you catching any sleep?" she asked, feeling a little conscious.

"Not sleepy," he replied immediately. "Want to watch you. Missed you."

Qian Meng gave him a sideward glance. "Did you fry your brain at work? Why are you talking like a three-year-old?" She removed her hand from the keyboard and placed it in his hair, stroking his scalp slowly.

His brows were mildly furrowed and she could tell he had a killed headache.

He sighed contently and scooted closer to her until she could feel his hot breath against her clothed thigh. There was nothing sexual about it, but as she worked with one hand, she kept her hand on his head, pressing ever so often to help with the pain.

Working with one hand took more time, but she couldn\'t make herself pull away from him. What would have taken half an hour took two. She would glance at him and find him staring off.

Later on, his eyes were closed but she could tell he wasn\'t sleeping.

It worried her more and more. His sleeping pattern was erratic. Some days he could sleep beside her. On others, he barely got any sleep. He refused to take medicines or get help. And she just couldn\'t understand what was going on with him.

When she was finished with work, it was five in the morning already. There was no point in sleeping but her body ached to just sink into the bed and get some rest. She set the laptop aside and slid into the bed.

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