
Chapter 1005 - Life And Death Together Â

Chapter 1005 - Life And Death Together ??

1005 Life And Death Together

There was no sunshine in the villa all year round and the surroundings were filled with the faint smell of roses. The burgundy carpet on the wooden floor made Baili Jia Jue’s skin look even paler. The paleness would have been a sign of illness usually, but it was definitely normal for a demon.

Helian Wei Wei was grilling the beef steaks as she saw the silhouettes outside the window and she squinted her eyes. With a gleeful expression, she turned around and said, “Alcohol tastes better with some mint. I’m going to get some from outside.”

“Alright.” Baili Jia Jue laughed. He rubbed his finger across his thin lips while the ghoulish aura in his eyes started to materialize into black fog.

The effect of demonization was bound to attract people from the Three Heavenly Realms.

The figures standing outside at the moment were exactly planning to kill Baili Jia Jue before he was completely demonized.

Even though 10 people from Tian Dao were no match for Baili Jia Jue originally, the current Baili Jia Jue had weaknesses, so there was still an opportunity for them to finish him off.

During the demonization, Baili Jia Jue would lose his powers for about an hour and that would be their best timing to attack him.

The unification of Tian Dao and Buddhism would be almost unstoppable.

However, everybody’s expression changed when they saw the Phoenix Bone Scythe blocking in front of them.

Helian Wei Wei was still wearing modern clothing, but as she walked, lotuses bloomed under her footsteps one after another. It looked as if they were seeing the Great Lord Phoenix who had cleared the Sea of Blood again.

Even until now, she still had a chance to become a Buddha!

The allies from the Three Heavenly Realms realized at once that it was going to be an uphill battle for them.

The cassock-wearing monk raised his head and looked at Helian Wei Wei. “Phoenix, you should not be interfering. This time, we’re here for the justice of the Three Realms. The Emperor is already demonizing, do you want him to become a murderer who destroys the Three Realms? If you stand aside now, it would be great for everybody.”

“It would only be great for everybody if you guys leave now.” Helian Wei Wei spoke with an icy tone as a fiery aura surrounded her scythe.

The monks immediately stepped back. Looking at the woman in front of them, they realized that the Phoenix before them had not weakened even after descending to the secular realm. Instead, she seemed to be supported by an unknown power, enabling her to defend herself against the Great Lord of Buddhism that once wielded the scythe.

“Leave, or fight?” A simple command, yet spoken with a strong tone. Nobody dared to come close within a five hundred meter radius of the scythe.

The monks looked at Helian Wei Wei, and growled with a deep voice, “You’ll regret this, Phoenix. What you’re doing now is not only a violation of the Buddhist rule, but nobody from the Three Realms will ever accept you again. Is this your way of repaying the True Buddha for bringing you from Mount Buzhou to the Buddhist Realm? By pushing everyone into hell just to protect a single person? Where is your conscience? Everyone who cared for you will sacrifice because of your decision, is that what you really want, Phoenix?!”

The monk roared out the last two sentences!

As Helian Wei Wei listened, she clenched her fingers and spoke with an icy tone, “When that day comes, I will leave this world with him. But before that, I’ll kill whoever comes for him!”

The monks knew that they could not persuade Phoenix.

Rather, nobody would have been capable of convincing Phoenix, even the True Buddha.

The debt that Phoenix owed to the True Buddha had been repaid a few thousand years ago. Now she just wanted to protect the man.

They only saw Phoenix like this for once when she was clearing the Sea of Blood.

Back then, she fought at Mount Buzhou with her whole body drenched in blood.

Phoenix was unstoppable when she had nothing to lose.

To repay her debt to Sakyamuni, she became the blade of Buddhism for a few million years with the aim to free the world from sin and to protect righteousness in humanity.

Now, in order to protect Baili Jia Jue, everything would go to waste.

The monks kept telling her that she would regret her actions, but little did they know that Helian Wei Wei was willing to take that risk this time.

In the meanwhile, she was not lying either.

If the day ever came, she would leave this world with Baili Jia Jue.

But she would never forgive anybody who would try to lay a hand on him!

The people from Tian Dao knew if this continued, there would be no conclusion either.

The Phoenix Bone Scythe stirred up a gust of wind that was as sharp as blades on their faces.

They exchanged looks and decided to retreat for the moment. By solely relying on Buddhism to deal with Phoenix was too difficult, they must unite with the Underworld to counter her.

“Amitabha.” The monks shook their heads and retreated with the Tian Dao people while sighing, “Phoenix, why are you doing this? In the end, you are the one who would suffer.”

Helian Wei Wei was stunned for a moment. Without turning back, she walked back into the villa. As she closed the door, a barrier rose behind her. Pure spiritual aura would be able to carry out purification. Even though Helian Wei Wei knew that purification was useless then, at least it was able to delay Baili Jia Jue’s demonization process.

“I’m back.” Baili Jia Jue leaned against the wall, looking at her lazily. His hand was holding a cup of red liquid, his deep eyes dyed with the color red. “Why didn’t you let them capture me? Hah, what a useless strategy.”

With the obvious signs of demonization, nobody would get close to him at this point.

Baili Jia Jue laughed on the inside. The ghoulish aura resonated with the demons behind him.

That scene looked like the biggest villain was taunting before killing his enemy.

Shocking yet dazzling.

Helian Wei Wei looked at him and walked toward him. She then grabbed him by the waist suddenly and spoke with a deep voice, “That’s not stupid. Let’s continue eating.”

Baili Jia Jue felt a chill passing through his body. Her body was really warm. As compared to his icy body, it felt really nice when that person kissed him.

Helian Wei Wei kissed his lips just like that. “At least finish the steak first.”

Baili Jia Jue remained silent. He felt an intense heat coming out from his chest. The red in his eyes slowly faded away and his eyes were now as dark as the deep sea.

He looked as if he remembered something, but there was nothing he could recall.

In his memory, there was a small figure standing on the snow-covered Mountain Tenya. With a bloody red cassock and an icy-cold face, she gave him a piece of steamed bread.

Back then, he thought to himself that it would be great if that small figure belonged to him.

That was why even after they had grown up, he would still call her Little Phoenix in his heart.

The only weird thing was that he could not seem to remember her actual form...

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