
Chapter 380 - 100 million yen

Chapter 380 - 100 million yen

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


Jikuu Mahou chapter 380: 100 million yen

「Yes Yes, that\'s enough!」

I put the jacket of my suit over Megumi-chan who unbuttons the second button of her blouse.


「What are you doing! The manager\'s taste, Loli...... don\'t interfere with the contract」

「I understood that Megumi-chan is serious. But not taking care of oneself isn\'t good」

「Don\'t ignore me!」

He\'s mad, angry. Now, to the little opponent.

「I\'m not ignoring you, Kuroyama-san...」

I stared at him.

「Wh, What! Will you even try violence? Someone! There\'s a suspicious person here! Hurry, intercept him」

But his voice does not reach anyone. The reason is that I put a [barrier] to block the sound in the room.

「Why, why, why isn\'t anyone coming for help? Stop, don\'t get any closer! I can do karate」

Well, it\'s a lie. Using [Appraisal] and look at the results, there is no such information whatsoever.

「Violence! Do you think this is the only way to do this」

I don\'t use violence, do I?



Kuroyama is surprised at the sound and makes his feet shake.

That\'s pretty creepy. I just put things on his desk.

「Now, wh, what did you do」

「Magic tricks, it was a magic trick. Lately is not popular, but letting something float in the air, it\'s an array」

「Ma, magic trick. That\'s what it\'s all about」

「Kuroyama-san, didn\'t you say it yourself earlier? A penalty of 100 million yen」

「No, No way...」

He opened the Duralumin case which I put on the desk fearfully.

「N, No way!!! 1, 2, 3, 4...really 100 million yen...」

Did he really count everything?

「This is an invalid contract」

「......Th, That\'s right……. Now the contract is invalid」

He had his eyes turned into a ¥ mark. I quickly snatched the contract that he had.

He was so absorbed in the 100 million yen that he doesn\'t notice that the contract was taken by me. I tear it apart! With [Fire magic], I burn it in the air.


A flame suddenly rose in front of his eyes and president Kuroyama was scared.

Considerable a chatter. Well, that\'s why the crime so far has come to be careful not to stick to the foot.

「Now, Megumi-chan, let\'s go home」

Megumi-chan still wears the jacket of my suit, like a court and nodded small while she looked down. Kuroyama-san who was absorbed in the 100 million yen was left alone, and Megumi-chan\'s hand was pulled, and the two of us left.


『Uhehehe! You stupid idiot! I don\'t even like that little girl anymore!! 100 million yen has been profitable!!! Guhahahahahahahaha!!!!』

After leaving the company, picking up a taxi, and sending Megumi to her house, I was monitoring the Tracking beacon after we were gone. Well, I\'ll sneak in later, but first I\'ll go back to recovery.


When the taxi came close to Megumi\'s house, Megumi-chan finally opened her mouth.

「What\'s the matter?」

「What\'s that money?」

「Ah, that money, I had prepared it beforehand for such a case」

Well, it\'s a lie.

「Is that money from you, Maruyama?」

「Yes, but... Well, you don\'t have to worry about it because it\'s the money I\'ve stored for a long time」

It is money that the president and the director gave me for the elixir before. There was really no use, so I left it in the inventory for a long time. Well, I\'ll win it back later.

「I, I\'m sorry... Because of me......」


Megumi began to cry, hugging me. At first, I doubted that she would cry because of her personality, but...... my shirt was covered with a runny nose.

「100 million yen is requested by my grandfather, and I will return it immediately」

Megumi-chan is meekly.......

Megumi-chan said such a thing rather than that.

I\'m going to get that 100 million yen back from that president later, but when it is returned from Megumi side, I feel bad. I think it\'s different to make the president pay.

「You don\'t have to return it or let the president pay it」

「Bu, But……」

「Then, when Megumi becomes a famous idol and earns several billion yen, please return it at that time. A so-called "out-of-the-man”」

「Bu, but......」

「Megumi-chan is going to be a famous idol, right」


「Then, 100 million yen soon, right」

「Ye, Yes」

All right, the story is settled. I\'m relieved.

「Then, until I return the money. I...... I\'ll do anything! Anything you say」

Guha! She attacked my soul with a direct attack.

Apparently, Megumi-chan seems to be quite upset after such a thing.

Ah, the taxi driver is glancing at us by the rearview mirror. Don\'t count the primes and get the cool back.

「Me, Megumi-chan do, do, don\'t say that so lightly」

「But....... Because of me, Maruyama\'s 100 million yen......」

Megumi looks at me with an upwards look.

What an offensive power! The driver is looking at us with a stronger gaze.

Perhaps he is wondering whether to report it. I\'m sure to lose the life as a member of society if I don\'t endure the cute-looking attack of Megumi here.

「Me, Megumi-chan......, then there\'s one request from me」


「Be with your family......」


「Did you know that your father knows that the company was dangerous and stopped Megumi? But Megumi went alone without listening to her father\'s story」

「Uh……, bu, but, my father is against me being an idol」

「You were in such trouble? If you knew that this might be the case, it would be natural for you to disagree with your parents」

「U, Uh」

「If you want to do idol work, you must first persuade your father! If you can\'t do it, you\'d better give up being an idol」

「…… Understood……」

It was good, and she seems to have understood it somehow. Somehow, it became like a sermon from the middle onwards. I\'m also a complete uncle\'s rank.



Megumi\'s mother who was waiting in front of the house hugged Megumi when she got to Megumi\'s house.


Megumi\'s father had a serious expression on his face.

「Fa, Father... I\'m sorry......」

「Are you hurt or something」

「Yes, I\'m safe. Thanks to...... Maruyama」

Uwa, Megumi-chan calls me without -san.

「This time, my daughter...... she seems to have been very indebted to you. I don\'t know how to thank you」

「Thank you very much」

Megumi’s father and mother have been so grateful.

「I didn\'t do much. Really, it just happened」

「Maruyama-kun, you\'re a big help」

Somehow, the president is tearful. Why.......

Megumi family seems to have become a strange tension somehow.

「Emm....... I have some errands to do......」

Yes, I have done it.

「Is that so, sorry. Thank you for this, at this late hour」

The president squeezed my hand tightly.

Her parents and Megumi also bowed and saw me off.


「Now... Do I want to get back what I left behind」

I changed into my ninja outfit and started to finish the last task.

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