
Chapter 189: Shut up and hand it over (1)

Chapter 189: Shut up and hand it over (1)

Translator: miraclerifle

“I, it’s a train! A train has appeared!”

The passengers were shocked at what was happening in front of their eyes.

It was understandable as they were currently in a snowy field. Forget train tracks, this was the wilderness that didn\'t even have the common pavement.

But a train and train tracks had suddenly appeared.

The train looked like a train that would cut through Siberia.

“T, this is crazy. How can they do this in just 40 minutes......?!”

But Ju-Heon\'s group was not shocked at all.

It was normal for them.

‘This much is easy.’

Da Vinci was a multifaceted genius who could design planes and helicopters in addition to art. His artifact was basically about creation.

‘That’s why it shouldn\'t be difficult to create a train.’

This bastard was the person who had been called the Monarch of Fraud in the past. All of Ju-Heon\'s team members were specialists in their respective fields.

Of course, da Vinci\'s artifact wouldn’t create something just because the user imagined it. Basically, Yoo Jaeha would not be able to create something that he did not understand.


‘On the other hand, that means that he can create anything that he understands.’

Maybe that was the reason. Ju-Heon’s eyes flashed oddly. He then started to speak to Yoo Jaeha who was complaining that his arm was numb.

“It took you 40 minutes to finish. No bonus for you.”

Yoo Jaeha was shocked and looked ready to cry.

"Wow, shit, I really feel wronged. I had to recall the components of a train I studied when I was a kid to barely make this thing. Are you really going to be like this because I took 40 minutes? Are you joking?”

“I\'m not joking.”

A sad Yoo Jaeha started to tear up.

"Wow, you\'re really too much. It\'s illogical to only give someone three minutes to make something like this! Captain-nim, I didn\'t see you as that kind of person...!”

“Yes. That’s why I am raising your salary.”

“Wow, I should just run away from home because I\'m so sa......huh? What did you just say?”

“Nevermind if you didn’t hear me.”

Ju-Heon snorted and got on the train.

Yoo Jaeha questioned his ears before starting to scream.

“H, hold on. Captain-nim! Really? I thought my salary was frozen! My salary fell to 20 million won after running my mouth around you and you said it was frozen forever! But you\'re going to raise it?!”

“I guess I won’t if you don’t want me to do it.”

Yoo Jaeha started to jump up and down through the snow in joy as if he was a dog.

"Aigooo, huuuuraaaaaay! My salary that was cut down is finally higher! Hooray! Hooray!”

He looked ready to roll around the snow in joy.

“Captain-nim, I love you soooo much! Should I give you a kiss? Do you want me to work late? Maybe pull an all-nighter? Work the weekend? I\'ll do whatever you want me to do! I\'ll be loyal to you! You don’t even need to feed me. Ah! Should I create a personal tub for you inside the train?! Maybe you want a harem tub? Well?!”

‘Sigh, what am I going to do with this idiot.’

“Sure, you stay there all you want. I\'m leaving.”

Ju-Heon, who got tired of Jaeha, told the rope to go and the rope started to move the train with excitement.


Go! Go!

Yoo Jaeha, who had been jumping up and down, ran toward them while crying and asking them not to leave him behind.

"Wait, Seol-A, Seol-A! Don’t leave me behind! Captaaaaaaaaaaain-niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim! Hey rope! Stop the train!”


Seol-A seemed embarrassed as she quickly closed the door.

At the same time in a press conference in France.

"We will now end TKBM\'s briefing.”

“We will take no more questions. Thank you.”

“Ah, please wait! Director Kwon Seung Woo! What about Seo Ju-Heon?! Is he really dead? I heard you were on the same plane!”

“Ah come on, we said no questions!”

The guards tried to stop the person but the eldest son started to smile as if he was amused.

"Seo Ju-Heon is definitely dead. He died as a terrorist.”

“Then one more question! We heard that you signed a contract with Seo Ju-Heon. We heard that you signed a weird contract......!”


Director Kwon started to frown at this unexpected question.

"Who said that?”

“Your brother! Mr. Kwon Seung Jae told us......”

‘That useless bastard.’

He answered, acting as if he had no choice.

"Ah......I did receive a contract. He took my brother hostage and made me sign a terrible contract that was pretty much a highway robbery.”

"So you have no intentions of revealing the details of it?”

“It isn’t even worth bringing up.”

“Director, please wait! We still have more questions!”

The eldest son ignored the person and left the room.

‘Pfft, he wants me to show the contents of the contract? I\'d have to be crazy to do that.’

The eldest son was angry.

Hand over the artifacts of the excavation team and shares of TKBM... he would be a laughing stock if people found out he signed such an unbelievable contract.

It was a useless contract anyway.

Maybe that was the reason. Director Kwon gave an order to his secretary.

"The contract in my suit pocket. Burn it up.”

“Excuse me? Is that okay? You probably don’t need to do anything listed there anymo...”

Yang Chen, who was next to them, glared at the secretary.

“Do any of them? Stop the bullshit if you don\'t want to get fired.”

“Ah......m, my apologies, sir!”

“It’s just a piece of paper. Burn it since I don’t even want to see it. Seo Ju-Heon is dead anyway. It’s useless.”

The secretary nodded her head after hearing Director Kwon telling her the same thing.

‘I\'m sure it’s fine.’

However at the same time...

‘Director-nim! You must absolutely not destroy that contract!’

There was someone who was screaming that internally.

It was inside the train traveling through an unknown part of the North Pole. There was a TKBM employee spying on Ju-Heon.

‘Damn it. I didn’t think Seo Ju-Heon would still be alive.’

That was right. There was an unexpected guest inside the train. It was a TKBM employee who had not managed to escape.

‘Damn it. The company probably thinks that Seo Ju-Heon is dead!’

That wasn’t all.

“My goodness, those terrorists definitely said that TKBM hired them as Hunters, right?”

“Yeah, yeah. And then they just escape and leave us all behind?”

"We need to hurry up and inform the world about this.”

"We need to boycott TKBM!”

"Boycotting isn’t enough. We need to make it so that they can never use artifacts ever again!”

‘Ah. This is driving me nuts.’

The passengers on the plane who had survived were the problem.

‘TKBM will be revealed as the terrorist if this continues.’

It wouldn\'t just be a hit to their image. That was why he needed to quickly inform TKBM about this.

‘But why did my cellphone suddenly turn off?!’

The employee looked down at his phone that was out of battery. The battery probably went crazy after they arrived at this cold North Pole.

“I\'m going nuts here... I need to hurry up and inform Vice Captain Yang Chen about this......”

He needed to take care of things before this train stopped.

It was obvious what kind of scam Seo Ju-Heon would pull if he ran into some reporters.

‘I need to hurry up and inform them about this so that they can prepare for it.’

The employee then peeked at Ju-Heon who was in the engine compartment.

But the employee couldn\'t help but flinch after looking toward Seo Ju-Heon. It was because of Set, the lion-sized dog that Ju-Heon was using as a pillow.

Set looked like a sleeping white dog, but the employee had seen it. He had seen the monster-like sharp teeth when the dog yawned.

‘This is crazy. That’s obviously a Divine-Grade artifact...’

He had never seen someone using a difficult to handle Divine-Grade artifact as a pillow.

Animal-shaped artifacts were placed in cages and item-shaped artifacts were stored in safes because the prideful artifacts would usually try to attack.

That had been the case for the high-grade artifacts users he had seen until now.

‘Is it because he is a Monarch.........!’

No. He had actually not seen any Monarchs acting like this either.

As for Set, he seemed to like Ju-Heon, regardless of whether other people found this to be odd.

An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Similar to how the Code of Hammurabi was a good match with Ju-Heon, Set, the god of destruction, seemed to be a good fit for Ju-Heon who destroyed anything he pleased.

As for the black dog Anubis... He had instantly ended up a footrest for Ju-Heon.

Maybe that was the reason.

“......Something is wrong with this. Why do I need to do such......ugh!”

“Hey, stop moving. My feet are falling off.”


Anubis clenched his eyes shut after being kicked. His dignity as an Egyptian god seemed to have disappeared.

The TKBM employee, who was watching with his jaw dropped, shook his head.

‘No. It’s not important that this bastard treats Divine-Grade artifacts like this.’

That was right. He had heard something while spying on Ju-Heon.

‘Captain-nim. The contract that Director Kwon signed. What happens if he gets rid of it or burns it up?’

‘It would be considered as failure to carry it out. The retribution written on the contract will be activated. The text hidden on the contract will be revealed and activate those things.’

‘What kind of retribution?’

‘Who knows? Maybe everybody associated with TKBM will die.’

The employee had gasped after hearing that.

‘Director Kwon-nim. Vice Captain Yang Chen-nim! Please keep that contract safe!’

It was at that moment.

“Ah, good! I have reception! We can now contact TKBM!”

Someone motioned to him from the front car.

She was a paparazzi reporter and a reliable ally for monopolizers such as TKBM. They had ended up on the same plane as she had been chasing Seo Ju-Heon around for a scoop.

The employee looked around at everybody on board, then at Seol-A, before he dragged the reporter to a different car.

“Come over here! We need to hurry up and inform the company!”

The employee, who arrived in the front car, made the call with urgency.

Surprisingly, Yang Chen picked up quickly.

[Hello? Shin Chan Yeol. Where are you? Everybody else returned but you couldn\'t be conta...]

"Vice Captain-nim! That’s not the issue right now. Seo Ju-Heon and the passengers from the plane......!”

Someone took his cellphone away at that moment.

The shocked employee turned his head to find a woman there.

It was a sunglass-wearing beauty with black hair. It was Chloe.

They could hear Yang Chen\'s voice on the phone.

[Seo Ju-Heon? What about Seo Ju-Heon and the passengers? Hey, Mr. Shin?]

Chloe calmly responded in English.

“He just keeps reading the articles about Seo Ju-Heon and the passengers are all dead.”


“I don\'t know if you are this person’s superior or whatever, but can you stop bothering us? I can’t hold it in any longer.”

[What......? Hold what in? Hey, Shin Chan Yeol! What are you doing right now with that woman...!]


The call ended and the employee glared at Chloe in disbelief.

He had flinched for a moment because she was beautiful, but he would not submit.

“Are you crazy? What are you doing right now?!”

Chloe didn\'t care and just started to do something to the phone.

“I\'m borrowing your phone.”

“What did you say?!”

Chloe made an international call even without permission.

“Ah, hello?”

She then started to run with the phone before jumping out the window.

The reporter screamed while the TKBM employee foamed at the mouth.

“Hey! Hand it over! Hand over my phone! It\'s an emergency for us too!”

Chloe didn\'t care and used an artifact to get to the top of the train. She must not have wanted anybody to hear her conversation.

“Hey, it’s me. I infiltrated TKBM as a terrorist but the mission was a failure. But I did manage to get some samples of the zombie virus artifact that the Monarch of Healing created.”

The employee down below was about to go crazy.

“Ah, this is driving me nuts. I need to hurry up and inform Vice Captain Yang Chen and Director Kwon about this......!”

"Don\'t worry. I have a laptop so we can use that to......!”

But at that moment...

“Oho, you guys have some nice stuff.”

They turned their heads to see a brightly smiling Yoo Jaeha.

“You guys have been spying on us the whole time haven\'t you? Our beautiful radar is quite talented.”

“Uhh, t, that, you see.........”

“And you\'re a reporter, aren’t you?”


“Good, it looks like you saved us some trouble. We needed to find someone to write an article for us. Ah, of course, this esteemed sir behind me will take care of the payment.”

Ju-Heon was standing behind Yoo Jaeha and cracking his fingers.

At the same time, urgent information was delivered to TKBM\'s Director Kwon.

“T, this is bad! Director-nim! Vice Captain-nim!”!”

“What’s wrong? What is it?”

“A, an article. An article!”

[The survivors of the plane accident who were thought to be dead.]

[All of them are still alive.]

[Testimony from survivors: “The hijacking was not done by Seo Ju-Heon but by terrorists hired by TKBM.”]

[They are demanding TKBM take responsibility.]

[Worldwide shock, signs of boycott.]

[Will there be a trial?]

That wasn’t all.

“Vice Captain-nim! This is bad!”

“Now what?!”

“All of the Chairman-nim’s artifacts have disappeared from the TKBM excavation team’s safe!”


“Furthermore, buildings owned by TKBM were suddenly sold off and the shares held by the Chairman-nim were also......!”

“All of TKBM\'s excavation rights as well......!”

“But it doesn’t stop there......!”

Contracts were not meant to be ignored.

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