
Chapter 412: Epilogue 3

Chapter 412: Epilogue 3

Translator: miraclerifle

‘Ah I\'m fucked. I think I\'m really fucked this time.’

Jaeha turned pale after looking at something in front of him.

He was standing inside the large safe hidden inside his workroom.

There was golden light shining down from the ceiling of the safe while the desolate walls looked as if pictures had once hung on them.

This large safe resembled a small art gallery, but that was not important right now.

"Damn it......!”

The artifacts that had filled this safe were all gone.

All 200 or so artifacts were gone!

There had been some extremely dangerous artifacts in here as well, even if they were not as ferocious as the SSS-Grade apocalypse artifacts.

For example, there were many punks that would control humans and cause incidents, like the Gold axe Silver axe.

Jaeha couldn\'t help but have the veins in his neck sticking out.

“Fuck, get the hell out here right now! Seo Ah-In! Seo Seol-In!”

He saw some small little heads poking out by the door.

There was the eldest son, Seo Ah-In (5).

Then there was the second son, Seo Seol-In (3).

The culprits(?) who nonchalantly showed up after being called, made Jaeha’s eyebrows twitch.

“Hey, you little masters, hurry up and tell me. Where the hell are the artifacts that were in here?!”

Ju-Heon’s sons were extremely shameless after poking their heads out to respond to Jaeha.

“Mwaster Yoo, why are you looking at us like that when you didn\'t do your job properly and lost them? A pwerson can’t be like that.”

“Can\'t be. Can’t be.”

‘Why I oughta...’

“Is your mouth saying such shameless things because it takes after your father, young master? Hmm? Hmm?”

“Ow, ow, it hwurts!”

“It hwurts!”

Jaeha was pulling at the cheeks of the shameless boys who did not even run away.

“Please tell me. Did you break all of them again?! You broke them all and then hid the remains?!”

“I told you that we dwidn\'t dwo it!”

“We dwidn’t! We dwidn’t!”

“Ah, is that so, young masters? Then I wonder what that awkwardly standing vacuum over there is?”

Jaeha pointed at the wireless vacuum that had not been in his workroom before.

This was not an ordinary vacuum.

It was pretending to be a vacuum, but this bastard was a camouflaged artifact.

Julian\'s artifact had instantly been turned into a vacuum. This was the Golden Horned King and Silver Horned King’s Purple Gold Red Gourd.

“Young masters, did you really think that you could trick me?! You used that to clean up the destroyed artifacts, didn’t you?!”

The two siblings clicked their tongues.

Although this guy seemed like a pushover, he was their father’s personal restorer for a reason.

The camouflage was so good that it could probably even fool his father and mother, but it couldn\'t fool the Monarch of Fraud. He was experienced in creating fakes after all.

This was especially true for Ah-In, since his Fit was high and Jaeha, whose aptitude was similar to Ah-In, was personally teaching him everything he knew.

Of course, these siblings would not confess so easily.

“Mwaster Yoo, it was the artifacts that caused this accident. It wasn’t us.”

“It wadn’t us! It wadn’t!”

Jaeha scoffed as if he found them to be ridiculous.

“Ah, is that so, young masters? Then it should be fine for me to tell your father about this?”

The two of their faces instantly stiffened up.

The genius eldest son who could shamelessly keep up his poker face around adults and mess with them despite being five years old, couldn\'t help it. The always bright second son who went around causing all sorts of ruckus couldn’t help it either.

The second son, Seol-In, started shaking as soon as Ju-Heon\'s name was mentioned.

Telling their father about this?

Even these boys who had only been alive for five or three years felt the fear of death as they knew how terrible that would be.

The eldest son didn\'t have any changes to his expression, but his face was completely pale, while the usually smiling second son suddenly started tearing up.

For this three years old boy, Ju-Heon\'s existence was the scariest and most fearsome one in the entire world.

In fact, Seol-In always started shaking and tearing up whenever his father’s name was mentioned.

Jaeha, who knew this was the case, mischievously snickered.

“It is a veeeeeeery big deal if the artifacts acted out like this. Ah~ I do need to tell your father so that he can investigate properly.”

Using Ju-Heon against them was extremely effective.

“I, I\'m swowwwwwyy! Jaeung-a! [1] Please don\'t tell my fwather!”

He was crying and had snot running down his nose as he grabbed Jaeha’s leg with his small hands.

The eldest son, Ah-In, quickly grabbed onto Jaeha’s other leg.

“P, please don’t tell my father.”

Jaeha smiled at the children’s desperate plea.

“Then tell me the truth. It was you guys, wasn’t it? Hmm?”

The second son cried some more and nodded his head while seeing the restorer’s face turn serious while the eldest son slowly avoided Jaeha’s gaze.

"T, the truth is, we came in here and were just looking around before Seol-In ended up destroying all of the artifacts...”

That was why Ah-In had quickly created the artifact vacuum(?) to get rid of the evidence.

The siblings seemed to be scared of Ju-Heon as they knelt down on the ground.

“I\'m swowwwy! I\'m swowwwy! Pwease dwon\'t tell my fwather! Jaeung-a!”

“So who told you to pick the lock on the safe and come in here again?! Are you training me like a dog or something?!”

The two siblings quickly ran away after the Phoenix reacted to its master\'s wrath and released its flames.

"Fuck, who cares if that damn Captain made something like this?!”

He was looking at the wide open safe door.

Who cared if Ju-Heon worked hard to make something like this?

His damn children were so talented that even this SS-Grade door was useless!

"Damn it, this useless door! That damn useless Majesty!”

He subconsciously destroyed the safe door that Ju-Heon had made.

It was his way of releasing his anger.

Why the hell did he need a door that can’t even do its job?

He couldn\'t destroy artifacts like Ju-Heon could because his Affinity and Fit were high, but he could easily destroy a door like this if he made the SSS-Grade artifact he was restoring self-destruct!


“Hahaha! Do you enjoy destroying things that much?! Hahaha, it is fucking fun though! Damn it!”

This might be why the Captain and his damn children all enjoyed destroying artifacts so much.

“Haha! I don\'t care anymore! Destroy them, just destroy them all!”

Jaeha even turned the scraps of artifacts that the siblings had swept up and turned them into dust.

Jaeha laughed out loud after seeing the completely destroyed artifact.

“Haaaaaa! That felt so fucking good. Now then...”

But at that moment...

“Hey. What the hell are you doing?”

He heard the angry voice of the master of these artifacts.

‘Ah I\'m fucked. I think I\'m really fucked this time.’

Jaeha was currently sweating bullets.

It was because there was a contract for another workroom and a check for tens of billions of dollars.

Ju-Heon handed these to him and said the following.

‘Thanks for all of your work until now.’

Others would be happy with these things and have grabbed them right away, but...

“He’s saying I\'m fired, right? This is probably my severance package?”

He was completely out of it.

The other team members who were all here as well, patted his back after seeing Jaeha’s frozen state.

“You worked hard until now. Don\'t forget us even though you are leaving for another job.”

“Yeah. It looks like they\'re already clearing the stuff in your workroom on the East side.”

“We will pray that your new workplace is a good one.”

“Let’s be honest. It’s normal for a restorer to be fired when they were destroying instead of restoring things...”

“But it is a bit disappointing. I didn\'t think you would be fired so quickly.”


Yoo Jaeha started to cry.

‘Am I really fired?!’

Seol-A and Irene became anxious after seeing Jaeha like this.

“Jaeha! It’s a misunderstanding!”

“That’s right. It’s not like that. Our husband looked for a different place for you because you are suffering due to our children...”

“Ahhh, I really am fired then! There’s no way that son of a bitch of a Captain would be that nice!”


Well, Ju-Heon’s two sons were feeling the same way and currently pleading with their father.

‘Father! It was our fault! Please don’t fire my mwaster!’

‘Fwather! Please don’t fire Jaeung-a! Pwease!’

As for Ju-Heon, he was confused.

His second son, who always ran away crying whenever he saw him, was also here pleading?

He had just rushed over because he thought something had happened after he heard an explosion.

What he saw was his damn restorer destroying a perfectly fine safe door.

‘Did he get stressed out that much?’

This was a guy who liked artifacts and hated destroying artifacts.

Even the mighty Ju-Heon seemed to have been shocked(?) after seeing that.

He was angry about the safe door being destroyed, but what could he do?

It was probably because of his sons.

Ju-Heon felt extremely thankful and sorry to Jaeha, who had, unintentionally, become a babysitter.

That was why he gave this new workroom so that he could work without disturbance and the check was for him to go travel the world to cool off.

After that, he would need to restore the pile of destroyed artifacts that was as high as Mount Everest.

Of course, the restorer who had no idea about any of this, was drinking his sorrows away.

“Damn it, the Captain-nim just had to have kids who are just like him!”

Of course, all three of them did not have the same personality.

The first born, Seo Ah-In.

The boy who had the look of a mixed race baby because he was Irene’s son, was extremely reliable unlike most children and did not smile much.

His Dominance and artifact destroying abilities were amazing as expected of Ju-Heon\'s son, but Ah-In was actually most interested in Artifact Engineering.

He probably got the Majesty’s power to modify artifact abilities passed down to him.

Thanks to that, he would often modify artifacts, create new industrial products with artifacts, design a layout of a city, and show the potential to be a genius businessman.

He already had many patents in his name despite only being five years old.

Of course, Jaeha, who was in charge of Ah-In’s education, had received quite a lot of indignity because of Ah-In\'s genius skills.

For example, he saw Ah-In enjoying an economic thesis that even adults wouldn\'t want to read and asked him how he understood what was written on there.

His so called disciple just nonchalantly tilted his head in confusion.

‘Why can’t you understand it?’


He truly was the damn Captain\'s son.

As for the second child, he was a bit different from the first. He didn’t look like a mixed race child and was most similar to Ju-Heon in both looks and his actions.

He was probably the child who received the most of his dad’s Dominance to the point that he could probably be called the Monarch of Destruction already.

Unfortunately, he couldn\'t control his powers unlike his genius brother and frequently ended up in extremely great or extremely terrible situations.

‘But his potential is great so he will become a talented artifact hunter when he grows up.’

As for the youngest, Ju-Heon’s daughter...

Jaeha started snickering while thinking about Ah-Rin, who was in Irene\'s arms.

Ah-Rin, who would soon have her first birthday soon, was so beautiful and kind that just looking at her made him feel better.

She was such a thoughtful little girl that people wondered how such an angel could have been born from a dad with such a shitty attitude.

She didn’t whine or cry a lot and was an easy baby to take care of.

Ah-Rin smiled brightly while looking at Jaeha.

‘Her personally is definitely more like Irene’s. She looks like a beautiful Elf just like her mother.’

She definitely looked like a mixed race baby, but if anybody was asked whether she looked more like her mom or dad, she looked a bit like both of them but definitely looked more like her extremely beautiful mother.

‘Anyway, it’s a relief that his daughter isn’t like him at all.’

She didn’t show any odd signs like the sons who showed monstrous abilities as soon as they were born.

He could relax since she didn\'t seem to show any signs of causing issues like Ju-Heon\'s sons.

‘But the artifacts oddly seem to fear Ah-Rin...’

Why would they be so scared of such a calm baby?

Later on, some artifacts in Valhalla were shaking in fear because of something.

[Did I see that correctly just now?]

[I think so.]

[Fuck, isn\'t this different from what we were told?]

These artifacts were looking at Ju-Heon\'s youngest child, Ah-Rin, who was laughing in her crib.

The artifacts seemed completely scared while looking at Ah-Rin.

Of course, these artifacts were not Ju-Heon\'s artifacts.

They were suspicious artifacts that had snuck into Valhalla.

They were assassins aiming for Ju-Heon. They have been popping out of a suspicious gate since a while ago. Ju-Heon was getting a major headache getting rid of these bastards.

Those bastards seemed really scared while chatting with each other.

[Don\'t we need to inform our liege about this?]

[Yes. We must inform our King.]

[Our allies were destroyed by these things!]

They were not looking at Ah-Rin but the monstrous creatures that she was summoning.

Black figures giving off heinous aura were being summoned.

[I\'m sure of this. This will be the greatest danger for us...! Honestly speaking, this one is the most dangerous of all three children!]

[Hurry up and kill the girl!]

[Yes. This is our chance since her parents are not here...!]

But at that moment...

“Swhiny! Swhiny!”


The artifacts that were running screamed as they fell to the ground.

“Fwull of swhinies! Fwull!”

Crack! Crack!

The artifacts were destroyed as soon as Seol-In touched them.

[Ugh, this motherfucking Monarch of Destruction again...!]

[Ahh! No! Not there, ahhh!]

The artifacts all turned into scraps. But the artifacts that had come here aiming for Ju-Heon were not completely destroyed yet.

Because of that...

They urgently tried to escape.

[H, hurry up and run. Hurry!]

But at that moment...

“Ah, Seol-In. You can’t go around destroying anything you see.”

“Eung-a!” [2]

"Alright, let\'s get rid of the evidence before we get caught.”


The artifacts screamed after they heard Ah-In\'s statement.

It was because they were sucked into the artifact vacuum Ah-In created.


This was not the artifact vacuum made from a measly Golden Horned King and Silver Horned King’s Purple Gold Red Gourd.

This was the greatest artifact vacuum possible, created from the SSS-Grade Supreme Leader of the artifacts that was connected to Chaos, the space of destruction!

[Ah, young master... you turned me into a stupid vacuum again...]

Ah-In had turned Chaos, otherwise known as June, into this vacuum.

Seol-In blinked a few times after seeing the artifact his older brother pulled out.

“Huh? Won’t you get in trouble with fwather if you use that? He said it was dwangerous! Even Jaeung-a can\'t fwix it if they get sucked in there!”

"Hmm? Well, it’s fine. These guys are very dirty. Stay away from them, okay?”


The artifacts, who had a one ticket to the realm of destruction and could not assassinate Ju-Heon, couldn\'t help but scream.

[Aaaaaaaaaaah! These motherfucking children!]

These scary children were capable of getting rid of assassins on their own even without their parents.

1. Seems to be his way of calling Jaeha, most likely short for Jaeha hyung-a (big bro Jaeha)

2. Similar to Jaeha hyung-a, this is Seol-In calling Ah-In hyung-a (big bro)

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