
Chapter 846 - Starting Point City

Chapter 846: Starting Point City

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

That night, Flower Underpants disbanded the Iron Alliance, paid the defection fees, and officially joined the ranks of the Ninth Continent.

Aside from Flower Underpants, a majority of the Iron Alliance’s Elites had also participated in the defection. In just a day, there were already 300 thousand or so of Iron Alliance’s Elites who had joined the Ninth Continent.

Brother Windcloud Nine gave his new citizens a warm welcome. For every player who had defected, he would celebrate it by shouting in the World Channel to show them respect.

Naturally, there were also voices of disagreement. After all, there was still a mountain of past grudges to be handled.

The Ninth Continent was livening up, and so too was the Defiant Continent. Seeing the vast sums of Elites defecting had made Defiantly Tyrannical panic, and he was starting to regret heavily oppressing the players.

Back when Li Yi was in control, his policies towards the Three Major Guild Alliance was only to suppress them occasionally. Although he had made life tough for the Three Major Guild Alliance, it was never to the level where it would force them to defect. However, that could not be said of Defiantly Tyrannical. He had gotten too carried away, and now that he had lost a bunch of human resources, he was in dire straits.

“To those who were originally in the Iron Alliance and still wish to stay in the Defiant Continent, I promise that you’ll experience the same luxuries that you had enjoyed from before! My beef is only with Dark Wing’s followers, and no one else. As long as you’re willing to stay, I’ll treat you a brother!”

Defiantly Tyrannical’s last-ditch attempt was a bit too late.

The strong players had already left, and the future of the Defiant Continent was looking bleak. Who would be willing to stay in these conditions!

It was not just the Ninth Continent that was absorbing defecting players, but the hundreds of tiny nations that had branched off from the Assembled Gods Continent as well.

Three countries, in particular, stood out.

Drifting Snow’s Drifting Snow Nation, Amber Sword Heart’s Assembled Gods Nation, and Bai Xiaoya’s Fluttering Snow Kingdom.

With the Iron Alliance disbanded, the tax regulations imposed on the hundreds of nations in the Assembled Gods Continent was also canceled, instantly giving them a huge relief. With that, the small nations advanced at breakneck speeds. Once the Prosperity Values of their major cities had risen, those with ambitious hearts set off in conquest.

They began recruiting members, offering to pay for their citizens’ defection fees without heed of the players’ levels. As long as players were willing to come online for at least three hours a day, the nations were willing to absorb all the costs that came with defecting.

Who could have done this without the necessary capital, however?

Drifting Snow was constantly advertising his nation initially, but in the end, he had to put a stop to it. It was not that he did not receive enough applications, but rather, there was an overwhelming number of player requests, and he was incapable of paying for all their defection fees.

Amber Sword Heart had managed to last a few days longer than Drifting Snow, but in the end, he was forced to end his recruitment as well. Now, Bai Xiaoya was the only one left that was constantly enlisting citizens, and it appeared as if she had no problems on the financial side of things.

Money made recruitment a breeze, and for the Fluttering Snow Alliance who had a stable foundation to begin with, would the progress of their nation-building not be rapid?

Due to Li Yi’s pull-out, changes were starting to take place within the Pantheon Continent...

One day, another three members had joined the Luo Lan Empire.

It was The Cat that Sings, Autumn Love, and Pale Blue Elegance.

Due to the difficulty of carrying delivery quests, we need to recruit some free helpers to speed things up — Jiaojiao’s words.

On the seventeenth day of Li Yi’s immigration to the Luo Lan Empire, all the construction quests had finally been completed, and a magnificently imposing, quaint-looking city was erected in the North Pole Continent.

The fat penguin Quartermaster, Alenod automatically went looking for Li Yi and declared him Castellan of the Ancient City of Luo Lan.

The Luo Lan Empire was actually no different from the other three major continents. The only reason for its establishment was to give players an additional option.

Upon becoming the Castellan of Luo Lan, Li Yi immediately named it Starting Point City. Later on, he gave Jiaojiao and the others the roles of Officials, allowing them to teleport to anywhere they wished in the North Pole Continent.

Following that, Li Yi carried out an extremely selfish act. With the Emperor Sword in hand, Li Yi pointed at Alenod and ordered him not to accept any other immigration requests.

Although Li Yi was not the Emperor of the Continent, he did possess the Emperor Sword. In essence, the sword had made him THE uncrowned Emperor, and unless an actual Emperor of the Continent had appeared, Li Yi’s authority was second to none.

After that, Li Yi and his flock of women departed the continent, heading to various locations in the world to recruit NPCs into their city.

At present, Starting Point City had only had a single NPC, which was the fat penguin Quartermaster, Alenod. There was not a single NPC shop, which made things highly inconvenient for them.

They set off to different parts of the Pantheon World, looking for the NPCs who they had the highest Affinity with. The NPCs without any particular talent were easily recruited with a few simple words, but for NPCs like Kelly who were the best among the best, Li Yi and his crew would need to foot out a large bill and coat their words with honey.

When Li Yi first talked to Kelly, she immediately demanded an annual salary of 94 million, and this figure was so greedy that Li Yi was tempted to blow a hole in her skull.

“Lil Li’, c’mon, aren’t we all friends here? Why don’t you discuss it properly, I’m sure you can lower your salary...” The NPC lover Windless Heavenly Robe had come over to help smooth things out, but he had been kicked several meters away by Kelly instead.

Windless Heavenly Robe had been pursuing Kelly for close to a year now, and his efforts still had not borne fruit.

In the end, Li Yi was not able to meet Kelly’s demands and was forced to let her go. After all, did she think that she was Cristiano Ronaldo, for her to demand such a high salary and all?

‘You’ll not get a single penny from me! Suit yourself!’

In just a day, Li Yi had managed to bring in hundreds of NPCs, ten of which were Special NPCs. Although Li Yi had failed to retrieve the Reinforcement Master, Kelly, he had gotten an Equipment Reinforcement Disciple, Messi, with that, he had more or less gotten what he needed.

Ten days later, Starting Point City was filled to the brim with NPCs. Plenty of shops had been opened, catering to all types of demands. Furthermore, these salesmen NPCs were also composed of different races.

From Frogmen Master Tailors to Mermaid shopkeepers, all kinds of races had been recruited by Li Yi. Heck, even the Infuser, Naixiu had joined Li Yi’s ranks...

Although the Ancient City of Luo Lan had been renamed to Starting Point City, laws established thousands of years ago were still in effect, allowing all the races to live in harmony.

When Starting Point City’s Prosperity Value had reached 30,000, five hundred Imperial Guards had appeared, and they were responsible for patrolling the city.

Li Yi issued another law, stating that Starting Point City was open for any player to visit. However, those who wished to enter would need to first pay an entrance fee of 1 Gold Coin.

Li Yi did not need to worry about the flow of customers at all. This was due to the strategic location of Starting Point City, which was situated right next to the Emperor Ruins. In order to save time, those who were running the Ancient King Series Dungeons would definitely make Starting Point City their go-to location for obtaining potions, repairing equipment, and purchasing scrolls.

As 1 Gold Coin was not too hefty a fee, Li Yi’s business was especially lucrative.

After completing all that needed to be done, Li Yi led his girls to the Ninth Continent.

Starting Point City was already set on track, and it was now self-sufficient. Furthermore, the Tower of Remorse had been released for a few days now, and it was time for Li Yi to give a go at it.

The Tower of Remorse was the second Ancient Dungeon of King of Pantheon, and its greatest benefit was not the Ancient Equipment that dropped from it, but the ability for players to change classes.

When players reached Level 180, they would receive a quest from their Class Mentors.

[Legends of Ancient Heroes...]


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