
Chapter 67 - Journey

Chapter 67: Journey

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Bohr stood by the window and stared out into the ocean at the strange creatures he had never seen before. Under the illumination of the sun, the bottom of the sea shone with stunning colors!

Standing next to him was Uruk, a hunter from the orcs’ boar clan. He had arrived after Bohr and was also staring at the ocean with wide eyes.

Even though Bohr did not like the orcs, because humans and orcs had always been enemies, Bohr’s father had often visited the kingdom of the orcs before. Because of his father, Bohr understood Sofawk. This made him the only human in the room that could communicate with Uruk.

The boar clan was a clan that preferred peace. Because of this, the boar clan was not a very powerful clan among the orcs. That caused the other orcs to isolate Uruk and as Uruk was a very talkative person, he had latched on to Bohr.

During their conversations, Bohr had discovered that Uruk was actually a very likable person. Since they were living in the same room, it was natural that they would strike up a friendship.

“What is the Tower like, I wonder? It’s so magical,” Uruk said excitedly, leaning against the window. “Also, this ship has no sails, but it can still go as fast as any other ship and it can even go underwater. There are so many monsters in the ocean! No one has ever gone so deep in the ocean before.”

“We did run into a monster ten days ago,” Bohr said. “It was even bigger than this ship. When it opened its mouth, it could swallow a house whole. It was as terrifying as a demon and it had some demonic power that boiled all the water around it. All the fish within dozens of square meters died but when it reached this ship, it was killed instantly!”

“How?” Uruk asked, curious and excited.

“I don’t know,” Bohr said shaking his head. “At the time, I just heard a loud roar. Then, the next thing I knew...The monster was dead! The entire ocean turned red with blood, it was like hell.”

Uruk’s mouth fell open. “You said that this ship gave a loud roar?”

Bohr nodded. “Did you not know? This ship is alive. I heard the wizard servants outside say that this ship is made of life alchemy. What’s more, no one operates this ship, it sails itself!”

At this moment, the door opened and a pale young man called Akkad, also Bohr roommate, walked into the room. “Come on, it’s meal time. I heard we’ve almost reached the last stop, next we’re heading to the Wizard Tower.”

The ship had been sailing for over a month now, and still no one knew exactly where they were heading. The only thing they knew was that they were heading towards somewhere mysterious, where few had ever been.

Most people aboard were people who were unsatisfied with the status quo and intrigued by the Tower’s promise. There were bastards and children of servants, daughters of musicians, and even a traveling bard. They were also all very young, the oldest of them being only twenty-five. Each of them hoped to reach the Wizard Tower as quickly as possible.

Bohr, Uruk, and Akkad headed towards the dining hall. En route, they were joined by several other apprentices.

A month on the ship had been long enough for the apprentices to separate into cliques. Some groups consisted of the children of nobles and rich men. Other groups contained merchants’ children. People from the lower classes, like Bohr and Akkad, formed their own groups as well.

Other than Bohr and Uruk, the orcs and the humans did not interact, particularly as they did not share a language. In fact, there was even some hostility between the two races and there had even been fights, stopped only because of the ship’s strict rules and the guards’ intervention.

As the three of them walked towards the deck, they saw many wind ravens. The wind ravens would also be returning with them. Bohr heard Piquat before he saw the bird. “Hey, Bohr!” the wind raven called.

“Hey,” Bohr said. “I heard we’re getting ready to stop at another destination. Are we stopping for the orcs?”

Piquat shook his head. “Of course not,” he said. “Short-sighted humans, your continent isn’t the only one in the world. We’re headed to a different continent to find the elves of legend now.”

Piquat’s words caused everyone to stop in their tracks. A young man turned and asked, “What other continent?”

Piquat glanced at the young man and said, “Look, if it isn’t Onion Head from Luhmann! I refuse to speak to you.”

“Damn bird,” the young man whispered. He was called Leves Bicto and was born of a noble household, so usually, he referred himself as a noble and did not mingle with the other students in the ship. However, he was actually just the son of a Luhmann viscount’s concubine and had no right to inherit.

“Hm...” Piquat glanced at Leves unkindly and Leves immediately retreated a few steps. He remembered that these ravens had supernatural powers that even Blood Knights could not stand against!

Bohr raised his voice and asked, “Tell us, Piquat. What are they like?”

Piquat sighed and said, “I guess I can tell you a little bit. We are going to Yala, the realm of the elves. It is the most beautiful place in the world. It is always spring there, and the entire continent is full of exotic foliage and beautiful animals.”

“Tell us more,” Bohr said. “Yala? There are actually other continents out there? I want to know more about the elves.”

Piquat immediately straightened his neck and began to show off what his tribe leader Blackjack had learned from Lu Zhiyu. His entire body became proud and even his tone changed. “They are a magical race of creatures,” Piquat said, “They all live very long lives and are extremely beautiful, their ears are pointy and have eyes as bright as jewels. They are lovers of peace and art, and they celebrate life and the forest they live in.”


Everyone became intrigued by the elves. “How could there be such a perfect race? How is this all possible?” one of the apprentices asked.

“How can they live for so long? Are they favored by gods?”

“I want to meet them so badly!”

After the meal, all of the apprentices gathered in the library, waiting for the ship to reach its destination. Everyone wanted to see the elves for themselves!

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