
Chapter 241 - The Journey of the Legendary Adventurer

Chapter 241: The Journey of the Legendary Adventurer

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the darkness of the night, a giant shadow passed under the surface of the ocean, coming close to the south of the Tuten Dynasty. The shadow caused the calm ocean to become choppy.

As the waves struck the shore and the harbor, many ships that were docked in the harbor started tossing and bobbing. The crashing of the waves made the whole ocean sound very unsettling. As a giant shadow passed under the ship, the ocean water under the ships became very dirty.

Seagulls that were resting on the shore or nesting on the walls flew away in large groups, screaming as they went. It was as if they felt some sort of ominous danger.

The old keeper in the lighthouse also sensed some sort menacing movement. He was looking out at the sea, but he couldn’t see anything in the dark.

There is no wind? That is so weird!

Under the cover of the night, a shadow slowly rode the waves. A naked woman then stepped onto the beach of Tephis. Her giant fishtail had turned into a pair of pretty, long legs.

Her name was Salita, and she was among the group who was ordered to search for the next queen of the Mermaid Kingdom by the prophecy. They had traversed through the endless ocean and finally reached the Alen Continent. They had finally made it to the world of the orcs and the humans from the legends!

Salita had spent several years on the Alen Continent by that time. The first place she arrived was a kingdom called Hollyma.

It was there that she had learned the human language and began to understand how humans lived. Their advanced civilization had far exceeded her expectations. Of course, in the process, Salita also suffered a great deal due to her ignorance.

Some evil humans had bad intentions for Salita. As she obviously wouldn’t tolerate that, she doled out devastating punishments to them.

However, during that time, she had indeed gathered some powerful knowledge about the humans. She now knew that there were terrifying beings called priests and wizards.

These kinds of people were powerful and sinister. She didn’t actually meet one herself, but just by hearing their reputations, she already knew that they were not good people.

It had been a bumpy journey thus far, but Salita had never forgotten her mission. She had finally found the Tuten Dynasty!

However, finding her little girl in this huge country would be difficult, as all Salita knew was her age, her name, and that she had blue hair. Salita searched along the coastal cities in hopes of finding a princess. Finally, in the southern Tuten Dynasty, in a city called Tephis, she sensed one of her kind by following her bloodline.

She was also one that didn’t know how to cover up the scent of her power! This got Salita very excited.

“It that you Princess?” she murmured with a hopeful heart.


Gina was now a thirteen-year-old young girl. Her eye-catching blue hair had now been dyed red, just like Marina’s. This way, no one would question whether the two of them were sisters or not.

Compared to Marina’s being a careless problematic girl, Gina was more kind and easy going. However, she was just like Marina in most every other way.

She was brave and adventurous. But, as she looked very innocent, many people often mistook her as being a shy girl, and that was very wrong!

At this moment, Gina had run back to Marina’s quarters in a panic. She closed the door and jumped into the bath. She then shut the blinds and refused to come out.

“What happened?” Marina was confused.

Gina opened the blinds just a bit and poked her little head out of the slit. She said nervously, “I met someone strange outside today!”

Marina asked, “What strange person?”

Gina answered, “She had blue hair, just like mine. She was wearing a cloak, and she was very mysterious. She said that she was one of my kind, then she told me that she had been ordered to take me home... To a place called the Mermaid Kingdom! She also called me a princess!”

Hearing this, Marina dropped her jaw. Until now, Marina still couldn’t figure out what species Gina belonged to. She had even suspected that Gina could be a magical beast or a special lifeform that was modified by other wizards. Marina never expected this!

Marina only knew that, aside from orcs and humans, there was a race called elves on another continent that was far away from here. However, Marina had only heard this from her teacher, Akkad. She had never actually seen one herself.

But now, Gina had just said that there was another one of her kind! On top of that, they found her and told her that she was a princess of the Mermaid Kingdom!

This could be a legendary and unknown race. It could even be an intelligent race from the deep sea!

“That’s so cool, and a princess, too! It is like those legends and fairytale fictional tales!” Marina started to joke about it.

This caused Gina to pout. She then said angrily, “It was true. She said she would quickly take me home.”

“How did she get here? Where did she come from? The ocean is full of dangers, you know!” Marina demanded to know the details.

“She said that she was from a faraway continent, a place that is ruled by the Mermaid Kingdom. She said that we mermaids are the descendants of the Sea God. We apparently have the blood of the Sea God, so the monsters won’t attack us,” Gina explained.

As Marina finally started to believe what Gina said, her face tensed. “What do you think?” she asked.

Gina curled herself into a ball, then replied, “I don’t know. I was scared. I don’t really know these creatures at all...”

Even though Gina was a mermaid, she had grown up in human society and was used to living the lifestyle and speaking the languages of the humans. Hence, she would naturally be scared if she had to leave all of a sudden.

However, Gina was also curious about her race and her mother. She wanted to get close to her own kind and see what they were like. These complicated emotions confused Gina. She didn’t know what to do.

Then, Marina lifted up her head and said, “I’ve got it! I have decided to go see that person with you. If all that she said is true, then I will go to your homeland with you.”

Gina opened her eyes wide. “Really?”

Marina looked at Gina and said, “Even though you grew up in our human society, you are not human. When you grow up, you will not fit into this society. I was already beginning to worry about your future. However, we can now go and investigate your homeland. I wouldn’t make you go alone!”

Marina laughed proudly, seeing the relief in Gina’s eyes. “Besides, I was already planning to take on a journey to explore the world. After that, I will write a book. Let your kind take me to the sea, and I will go to the land of the elves that my teacher was talking about. Then, I will journey back to the Alen Continent to visit the wizard tower!”

As Marina was thinking about all of this, she added, “In this way, my name will spread throughout the whole world. I will be the first person to go around the world. Then, I will name my book, ‘The Journey of the Legendary Adventurer Marina!’”

Gina quickly said, “But, it’s dangerous out in the deep seas!”

Marina answered, “Ah, but isn’t a little danger par for course for any adventurer worth their salt? Didn’t you say that your race could go across the oceans? How else could she have come here? We just need to follow her.”

Marina was so excited, then she remembered something and added, “Oh yes, and I need to buy a ship and hire some good crewmen. Surely Ganster old man will introduce me to the cream of the crop.”

Gina felt like her sister had gone mad, but she was also relieved by her words. Perhaps, with Gina along, she would not be scared anymore.

Marina pinched Gina’s nose gently. “Alright, I have not gone mad. But first, we have to meet that mermaid of yours!”

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