
Chapter 335 - Call of the God of Death

Chapter 335: Call of the God of Death

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The gigantic palm of the Divine Shadow smashed down onto the bone city. The figures floating above the city reached out their hands at the same time. The light from the supernatural power spread out for miles across the sky.

*Bang! Thump!*

The giant bone city began to crack. The walls and towers crashed to the ground, smashing buildings on the way down and raising up a cloud of dust. The bone city cried like a living creature.

The entrance to the underworld, that dark abyss in the ground, had already been closed, but creatures of death had taken the City of Colossus. More than half of the population had been hurt or killed. The city was now in the hands of the monsters. Moreover, a large number of monsters had also left the city and flooded into other villages, towns and cities within the Kingdom of Colossus.

After losing so many believers, Felix’s power was draining. The bone city continued to summon more ghosts. Skeletons, Death Knights and masters became part of the bone city, healing its damage, and renewing its power.

Felix was at a disadvantage. He was fighting against the gigantic bone city, the army of ghosts, and dozens of demon warlocks and succubi.

The bone city attacked the sky. Felix had ignited the divine fire, but had not merged the divine personality. This made him only a half god, and the floating figures, together with the ghost army, were able to hold him down.

The city had become a sea of flames. The Divine Shadow stood in the sky facing the bone city, which was made of piles of corpses and skeletons. The clouds and air crackled with power, and sparks shone in the sky like lightning.

All around, a cacophony of voices shouted to the sky.

“Devour him! Devour him!”

“Even a half god cannot stop us!”

“Is that what you call a half god? It is nothing compared to the power of the God of Death and the underworld demi-emperor!”

“We shall show the world the power of ghosts today!”

The floating figures above the bone city looked to Felix with greed, and screamed with the sharp, eerie sound of darkness and fear. Their shouts only made him more furious, but one could vaguely sense a deep fear within. Felix knew death was near.

“Is this where I perish?” Felix asked himself. “Just like Heckfoss, the face burner?”

He now felt the same despair and regret of Heckfoss. What a pity to fail when he’d come so close to tasting the success of becoming a god. Felix had participated in the attack on Heckfoss, and he was also in the group that shot Heckfoss down from the clouds.

“Am I going to taste the same failure? No! I will never be defeated! I will never admit defeat!” Felix resolved.

The huge Divine Shadow burst into flames. Felix the fox wizard’s body trembled. Meteorites rained down from the sky, dark red lights beaming through black clouds that spun like smoke. Felix decided he would not allow these filthy, putrefied ghosts to leave even if he had to destroy the entire City of Colossus and sacrifice everyone.


Astral world, Floating-space City, The Capital of God.

While Lu Zhiyu was browsing, he happened to see that the entrance of the underworld had been opened by Lynn Ahenaten. Countless monsters had rushed out, flooding into the world. Lu Zhiyu frowned.

“Reckless! He’s just the same as his ancestor, the Golden King!” Lu Zhiyu said, remembering how crazy and desperate Ahenaten the Golden King was before he died, as well as how ugly he became when faced with death and the temptation of immortality.

Lynn Ahenaten had believed that as long as he defeated Felix and became a god, whatever he had done before would be forgiven and forgotten. Moreover, all he had done was open the entrance to Swirl Continent, which only made a difference to the God of Death and the God of the Sea.

It was all worthwhile for the sake of becoming a god. Felix was his only competition for the name of this god, and without him in the picture, Lynn Ahenaten could then become the God of the Earth with no hindrance.

When he opened the entrance to the underworld, Lynn Ahenaten had violated the responsibilities of a god, as well as the principles of the guardian of the world order. A god candidate had chosen to trample and destroy the world order.

The Sword of the King had granted him the power to exploit such loopholes. Without the power of controlling the Major God Kingdoms, the Sword of the King was still a divine artifact given by Lu Zhiyu the creator, but its power within Maria’s World was so strong that it was almost a world key.

Lu Zhiyu had now given up on Lynn Ahenaten and turned to Felix. As a saint, the cunning Felix might be somewhat incompetent in comparison, as he did not have the vision or power of Lynn Ahenaten. However, as a candidate for a god, he was far more responsible.

The moment Lu Zhiyu finished his sentence, he saw that the closed entrance to the underworld had opened again. This time, the entrance grew much larger and faster, covering the entire Kingdom of Colossus instantly.

The dark entrance to the underworld expanded on the ground. An enormous round, black entrance emerged. From the sky, it seemed like a deep abyss had appeared out of nowhere.

The army of the dead and the bone city, which were fighting against Felix and the rest of the orc wizards, stopped immediately. The figures floating above the bone city started to panic.

“What’s happening?”

“Why is the entrance opening again?”

“He’s coming. The God of Death is coming! How can he react so fast and find us in such a short time! The God of Death was not even in the underworld, and the underworld demi-emperor Cetisius is incapable of tracking us so fast!”

The ghosts who controlled the bone city from up in the sky became alarmed and bewildered. Living in the land of the underworld, they knew the power of the God of Death and the demi-emperor compared to Felix. A half-god like Felix was nothing compared to a true god.

The bone city, which sat on a mountain of skeletons and ghosts, collapsed instantly. They all began to panic and tried to escape. The ghost controllers tried to escape the City of Colossus by moving the bone city. From the sky, they could tell that the enormous entrance to the underworld was now fully open, covering every inch of the ground.

As if all light had been absorbed by the entrance to the underworld, everything was engulfed in darkness.

“Impossible!” cried the denizens of the underworld.

“The size of the entrance...who is coming?”


“No way! We are doomed, we can’t escape...we can’t escape!”

The skeletons and corpses stood straight, shivering with fear, no longer arrogant or aggressive.

Just as they’d expected, the enormous entrance to the underworld rippled. Rays of black light rose up through the darkness into the sky. A giant shadow emerged from the abyss.

The giant shadow was so large that it seemed to go on without end. Its giant black cape covered the entire City of Colossus the moment it appeared. Only half of its body already occupied the entire sky and everyone’s vision. The Death Sickle moved, demonstrating its power by instantly turning day into night.

“The...the God of Death!”

“The God of Death! Your Majesty!”

“He came!”

The creatures of death greeted their god nervously, then grew quiet. The world was in complete silence. Usually, they would run away from just the presence of the demi-emperor. Now, for the first time, they were about to learn the power of the God of Death.

The giant Death Sickle moved, hundreds of creatures of death fell. The skeleton army of the bone city and the Death Knights all collapsed under the Death Sickle.

Thousands of souls were harvested by the Death Sickle and vanished. The gigantic bone city also collapsed under its power. Several of the ghost controllers vanished. This time, they were truly dead.


“I don’t want to die here!”

“Why is the God of Death doing the killing? His Majesty is never involved in the killing, is he?”

The remaining monsters scattered like monkeys when a tree falls, but a great, suctioning force pulled them towards the entrance. All the escaped creatures of death sensed an overwhelming power from the underworld. Their world, the place of death, was calling them.

Smoke-like tentacles of black light rose out of the portal and entangled all the creatures of death who tried to escape or resist. Hundreds of monsters fell into the dark abyss. Into the horrifying, unknown world of death. The entrance to the underworld almost resembled a whirlpool, devouring all.

Countless skeletons were spinning and falling, Death Knights struggled to escape but fell down helplessly. The giant bone dragon screamed and raced to the sky, but it too was trapped and claimed by the dark power, falling into the underworld like a black sphere.

“No! I will not go back there!”

“I hate that dark, lifeless world! I will not go back!”

No matter how they tried to resist, they could not fight against the calling of the underworld and the God of Death. All creatures of death had to go back to where they belonged. The shadow of the God of Death went back into the ground as the world grew quiet. The giant entrance shrunk into a black dot, and then sank into the ground and disappeared.

Felix finally realized what had happened. He was shocked at the power of the God of Death and murmured, “Is that what a true god is like?”

He then looked to the destroyed City of Colossus. Felix’s shock turned into sorrow. Because of the damage caused by this attack, his journey towards acquiring a god’s name was now postponed by at least two or three decades. As for the chance of successfully becoming a god, it had instantly become very minimal.

As Felix was mourning his setbacks, Lu Zhiyu was standing on the Capital of God, surveying the lands below. He searched, and found the initiator of this disaster: Lynn Ahenaten.

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