
Chapter 313 (Self Edited) – Being Led to the Royal Capital by the Empress

Chapter 313 (Self Edited) – Being Led to the Royal Capital by the Empress

It certainly seemed to be outside the royal castle after passing through the secret passageway. It wasn’t realistic to doubt it anymore when seeing people passing by. Of course, it would be a different matter from not being wary about it, but Soma came to that conclusion when looking at the appearance of people and the lively scene beyond expectation.

It should also be mentioned that Soma and others appeared from a corner of the wall, and if he thought it normally, it would be that there would be a commotion. However, such a thing didn’t happen, and the reason was the function of the magic tool seemed to cover this part as well. Apparently, it affected the consciousness of the surrounding people, so they wouldn’t recognize the people who appeared from the secret passageway.

He went out from the effective range and verified it, and the concealing function was considerable. If Soma didn’t know it was there, he also couldn’t notice it.

It was a fairly rare and high-performance magic tool, and it was probably the kind that required something other than money if people wanted to get it. It wasn’t strange to use it for a secret passageway, but… at least, it wasn’t good to reveal its existence.

Soma certainly couldn’t recognize its existence, but Soma already knew it this way. At this point, no matter how rare and high-performance the magic tool, it had become meaningless.

He didn’t think the empress didn’t aware of that. It was different from what he had imagined when he heard about her, but that wasn’t all. Given that Eleonora was very cautious, she might be the kind of two-faced person.

Whether she was an individual or politician. It wasn’t uncommon for there to be such a dissociation that made people wander if it was a dual personality.

If that was the case, this situation should be seen as an intentional situation. Did it mean that the empire put it that way or there was no problem if it leaked to outsiders? Anyhow, if Soma thought she was a carefree person, there was no need to look at her unfairly.

When he thought about that, Aina finally appeared. He didn’t know whether she couldn’t make up her mind or she was taking time in case something happened here, but since her body slightly relaxed after seeing Soma’s face, there was no doubt that she was nervous.

Aina overlooked the surroundings. While she was cautious, she unintentionally let out a breath, as if she was admiring. Soma understood that because he was also the same.

“Again… just by looking at the scene, I feel that it seemed to be the liveliest and most prosperous I have ever seen.” (Aina)

“Hehe, of course. We’re not merely showing off that we are the most prosperous country, you know?” (Victoria)

While the empress said that due to pride or delight with a loosened mouth, Soma looked at the surroundings again.

In Radeus, there were so many people and the liveliness was at the scale of the establishment of the country festival. Everyone had a smile on their face, and it was clear that it was a good country by itself.

The movement of people didn’t seem to stop, and it seemed that it continued to the outside of the capital.

“…Is this the empire’s… royal capital?” (Soma)

“Hmm. It’s a proud country created by me and my people.” (Victoria)

Needless to say, Soma knew that the smile on her face was definitely due to her pride. Her eyes, which reflected him, weren’t still hostile, and her mouth opened and words continued with her smile.

“Now, as I said before, I will guide you through this royal capital. You should enjoy it to the heart’s content and be honored at the same time, alright?” (Victoria)

While listening to those words, Soma looked at the people and let out a breath.

Honestly, Soma wondered what would happen if the empress guided them through the royal capital, but the outcome wasn’t surprisingly bad. Or rather…

“Well, you seem to know a lot of things.” (Soma)

When he said the words mixed with admiration and surprise, she immediately made a proud looking face. He shrugged at the expression he had seen many times, and soon after that, a voice reached his ears. It wasn’t from the empress, who guided them, or from Aina, who was walking next to him.

In a place where Vitoria guided them, the voice came from a nice looking woman who seemed to be doing business there.

“Oh my, it’s Her Majesty! Going out again!?” (??)

There was a smile on the woman’s face, and she was full of friendliness. Although she called the empress, Her Majesty, her attitude was similar to that of her friends.

And Victoria responded to her with a smile.

“Ouh, is that you? You look fine today as well. But I’m not really going out, you know? Isn’t it the empress’ duty to watch over the capital? So, I am doing my best to fulfill my duty.” (Victoria)

“As usual, Her Majesty is good with words! So, I can’t deny that you’re not going out, isn’t it!?” (??)

The appearance of laughing while saying so was disrespectful no matter how he looked at it. It didn’t matter whether the woman was friendly or something similar. The other side was the empress, and that woman was certainly an ordinary citizen. No one would be surprised if Victoria beheaded that woman who had a smile on her face.

Soma had such a thought, and Aina was also the same. Her face was pale.

However, before such an imagination occurred in reality, Victoria continued to guide them again.

“Hehe, in the first place, I’m the empress. If it’s me, it doesn’t matter if I go out.” (Victoria)

“Haha, even if that’s true, you’ll be brought back later, right? By the way, who are these people?” (??)

“Hmm? Aah, these are… hmm, how should I say it… Well, we are getting to know each other. So, I’m guiding them through the royal capital.” (Victoria)

“I see. I think it’s hard, but do your best, alright? Here, have this.” (??)

What the woman gave when she said that was something like a bun. The empress received the steaming bun with gratitude.

“Hmm… it looks delicious.” (Victoria)

“Haha, of course. I’m proud of it…! If you like it, buy it next time you come!” (??)

“Is it just for two people!? I…!?” (Victoria)

“I got it. This is for Her Majesty too. Somehow, you seem to have it hard these days. So, good luck!” (??)

“Hehe, I’m the empress, you know? Of course. Thanks for this. The bun is really delicious.” (Victoria)

While saying that, she lightly waved to the woman and resumed walking. As Soma and Aina immediately looked at the empress who held the bun, they looked at each other. After putting up a wry smile, they did the same.

“It’s certainly delicious.” (Soma)

“Yes… maybe we can really buy it next time.” (Aina)

“You should do that. That woman is raising three children. So, it helps if you buy it. After all, it’s really delicious.” (Victoria)

As they were eating and talking, Victoria was talking to someone else again. This time, it was an old man. There were smiles on each other’s faces.

“Hmm… I’m getting used to this, but I’m still surprised.” (Soma)

“Well, it can’t be helped, right? But to be honest, I’m not used to it yet.” (Aina)

“This scene is unexpected anyway.” (Soma)

If they came out with a simple conclusion that would be Victoria was very popular in the capital. As soon as they were walking, someone talked to her and everyone was smiling. It wasn’t uncommon to receive something like the bun before, and the reason why Soma and Aina weren’t hesitant to think that was because the same scene kept repeating over and over again. Therefore, it would be foolish to be wary.

“Hmm… Can that aged body of yours endure the heat? Still, I can’t do anything about the weather.” (Victoria)

There was definitely an expression of concern in the empress’ eyes when looking at an old man. Over here… No, there seemed to be no faking anywhere in this city.

Victoria was loved by the people of the capital, and she also loved the people of the capital.

“Hmm… isn’t she really popular?” (Soma)

He muttered not because he was suspicious. Rather, it was a confirmation.

“Hmm? That is a matter of course. I love this country and everything in this country. Of course, I don’t mean to say that if I love, the other side will return the love. But I strived to be loved by them. That is by fulfilling everyone’s wishes and creating a country where everyone can feel at ease. Well, it’s not that people will return the love all the time, but that’s a trivial matter. That’s because my love is unwavering!” (Victoria)

Soma couldn’t feel a lie in the words she said with a smile.

And before she could continue her words, a passerby spoke to her, and Victoria turned to that person with a smile. Soma took a step back, and he somehow went to Aina.

“What do you think?” (Soma)

“…Maybe the same as you. Or rather, if you don’t understand, I also don’t understand.” (Aina)

“You’re expecting too much of me.” (Soma)

He shrugged. Then, he turned to Victoria and squinted his eyes. So far, there was nothing peculiar about her. No matter how he looked at her, she was an empress who was loved by the people and she was very popular.

And because of that, he thought it was strange.

It was true that there could be a person whose evaluation changed drastically when viewed the matter externally and internally. Soma knew that there was a person who was respected as a hero in his own country even though he was feared like a monster in other countries.

However, the empress that Soma and Aina were listening to shouldn’t have been such a person. At least, the empress who Satya and Eleonora mentioned was…

“Hmm… inflexible and stubborn, and… someone who won’t hesitate to sacrifice to achieve her purpose.” (Soma)

“Who is that? I’m more convinced if I were told that she’s an imposter.” (Aina)

Although the two thought that wasn’t the case, it was convincing to say so at the moment.

Moreover, based on the surroundings, it seemed that it wasn’t uncommon for Victoria to go out around the capital. There was no doubt that she was strangely used to going out through the secret passage.


“…Well, should we hold on to the thought for the time being?” (Soma)

“Yes, you’re right. I’m wondering if I can make a conclusion in the first place, but at least, I’m sure I can’t do that now.” (Aina)

That was because Victoria approached people with a smile, and people responded to her with a smile too. For that reason, Soma and Aina could assert that it was strange.

What was right and what was wrong? It would be inevitable for that aspect to be ambiguous because they were in an enemy country.

Then, while looking at the scene in front of him, Soma let out a breath and narrowed his eyes.

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