
Chapter 647 - The Ending

Chapter 647: The Ending

In the past few months, although Nian Nian didn’t eat as much as Xiang Xiang, her body had always been healthy.

Su Qingsang told herself not to be anxious. It might just be the normal crying of a child.

Nian Nian had always been obedient and never let anyone worry about her. Now, she was crying so hard that her face was red.

The Auntie and nanny were both there. They went forward to look.

“Does she feel unwell?”

“Or did she eat something bad?”

“That can’t be. They were both fed milk. What could have gone wrong?”

“Could it be that she’s frightened? There were so many people today.”

“It’s possible. In my hometown, we usually don’t carry our children out easily. We’re just afraid of them being frightened.”

After listening to the Auntie’s words, Su Qingsang became more and more anxious.

“Stop talking. I’ll do a check-up for her first.”

She gave Nian Nian a basic check-up. She was a doctor and had a medical kit at home.

She took Nian Nian’s temperature and found that she was fine. She also checked her respiratory tract and other things. She then changed her diaper and fed her milk, but the baby was still crying.

Su Qingsang was a mess when Huo Jinyao came over.

“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

When Nian Nian saw Huo Jinyao, she cried even harder. Upon seeing this, Huo Jinyao quickly reached out and carried the child over.

“What’s wrong, Nian Nian? Why are you crying?”

Nian Nian stopped crying the moment he held her in his arms. She stuck her little face close to her father and sniffed. Tilting her head, the exhausted little fellow fell asleep just like that.

“So she’s been making a fuss all day just to wait for you to come?”

Su Qingsang had always known that her daughter was clingy towards Huo Jinyao, but she didn’t expect it to be to this extent.

Every night before going to bed, Huo Jinyao would come to visit his son and daughter, especially to hug his daughter.

Nian Nian stopped crying when she was in Huo Jinyao’s arms. She looked at Huo Jinyao, as if she had been wronged.

Huo Jinyao held Nian Nian in his arms and gently patted her on the back as he softly coaxed her to sleep. Su Qingsang stood not that far away as she watched the scene.

Even though she had seen this scene many times over the past three months, it didn’t stop Su Qingsang from feeling warm in her heart.

Huo Jinyao really was a good father.

In fact, he didn’t need to coax her for too long. After the entire day, Nian Nian was already tired. After a while, she fell asleep in Huo Jinyao’s arms.

Huo Jinyao waited until his daughter fell asleep before he gently placed her onto the small bed to sleep.

After instructing the nanny and auntie to be careful, Huo Jinyao held Su Qingsang’s hand and returned to their room.

“Not bad, Mr. Huo.”

Upon entering the room, Su Qingsang wasn’t stingy with her praise. “You’re becoming more and more like a nanny.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Su Qingsang smiled and shook her head, then thought of another matter.

“Speaking of which, your daughter is really clingy towards you.”

She could actually cry like that simply because he didn’t go see his daughter before she went to bed like he did before.

“Are you envious?”

His face full of teasing, Huo Jinyao wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Yes, I’m envious.”

How could Su Qingsang not be envious?

“I’ve been trying to coax my daughter for a long time, but I still can’t get her to behave properly. I gave birth to this daughter, so of course I’m envious.”

Su Qingsang was exaggerating things. In reality, Nian Nian had gotten used to being hugged and coaxed by her father before she went to sleep.

Huo Jinyao picked Su Qingsang up and made her look at him. “Okay, then I’ll start coaxing you now, okay?”

“Okay.” Su Qingsang nodded and raised her head to look at Huo Jinyao. “How are you going to coax me?”

“How about this –”

As he spoke, he kissed Su Qingsang’s lips. Su Qingsang wrapped her arms around his neck and took the initiative to kiss him on the lips.

However, when Huo Jinyao’s hands were down, she grabbed his hand and retreating a little, she pulled away from his embrace.

“Enough, I’m going to take a shower.”

She was covered in sweat after the exhausting day.

“It’s alright, let’s take a shower together.” He reached out to hug her again.

Su Qingsang glared at him and like a worm, she quickly left his embrace.

Entering the bathroom, Su Qingsang looked at herself in the mirror with mixed feelings.

In the past three months, because of the baby, she had gained a lot of weight before giving birth.

Although her figure had recovered slightly after giving birth, she looked even plumper than when she wasn’t pregnant.

She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself in the shower. Su Qingsang pinched the small circle on her lower abdomen that hadn’t been completely gone down with time. She looked a little dejected.

“What’s wrong?”

Huo Jinyao, who had just entered, saw Su Qingsang looking at herself in the mirror. The expression on her face definitely wasn’t very pleasant.

“Huo Jinyao.” Su Qingsang wasn’t usually this insecure. Theoretically, she should be able to recover very well since she gave birth naturally.

However, she was pregnant with twins after all, so it would take a little longer than the average person.

“Look at me, I’ve gained so much weight, haven’t I?”

She didn’t know if she could recover. If she continued to be like this, she would really look terrible.

“Where did you gain weight?”

Huo Jinyao placed his hand on her abdomen. Indeed, there was a thin layer of flesh on her abdomen. “I think it’s just right. The texture is much better.”

“Huo Jinyao, I’m serious.”

“I’m serious too.”

Huo Jinyao’s hand moved upward rather pervertedly. He looked at Su Qingsang’s face in the mirror and kissed the back of her neck.

“Especially the texture here. It simply feels too good.”

“You –”

“Honey.” He had been understanding since she had just given birth and it was hard for her to take care of the baby every day, but he had been abstinent for a long time.

“Don’t even think about running away today.”

“I’m already like this.” Su Qingsang looked at the flesh on her stomach that hadn’t completely disappeared. She was really depressed.

She could have recovered better, but in order to make sure that the baby had enough milk, she hadn’t stopped eating.

She had been eating a lot, so it would be weird if she didn’t get fat. She even despised herself for being like this.

Huo Jinyao gazed at her, turned her around, and looked at her with a serious expression.

“Honey, in my heart, you’re the most beautiful woman. What’s more –”

Putting his hand on her belly, Huo Jinyao looked at her body, which was much more plump than before.

“You became like this because of me. Do you think I would despise you?”

Su Qingsang didn’t speak. No woman could truly not care about her looks. However, Huo Jinyao’s words were undoubtedly very pleasing to her ears.

“Huo Jinyao, are you serious?”

“Honey, I will definitely try my best to prove it to you today.”

He stood up and carried her to the bathtub with ease. “You’re more attractive to me than you were before you had children.”


It was Christmas again.

Today was a special day. It was Su Qingsang’s third birthday after her marriage to Huo Jinyao. It was also her second time actually celebrating her birthday.

After all, her birthday had been marked as the 26th. Last year, Huo Jinyao had planned to celebrate Su Qingsang’s birthday. However, Su Qingsang was pregnant and couldn’t move around. He wanted to take her out for fun, but he couldn’t.

There would be an opportunity this year. Huo Jinyao helped Su Qingsang apply for leave in advance. Then, he passed the two children to Liu Tongjia and Huo Mingguang to take care of.

It was getting colder during winter in Rong City, but Huo Jinyao was in high spirits. He brought Su Qingsang to the airport early in the morning.

“Where are we going?”

On the way to the airport, Su Qingsang was still hesitant. “How many days are you planning to take me? Think about it, with Nian Nian –”

Before she became a mother, she really didn’t think that she would have such a mentality.

However, ever since she became a mother, as long as she left for a little while, she would start to miss her two children.

Every day, she would hug her two babies for a long time before leaving for work. It was even more so when she came back at night.

Under such circumstances, Su Qingsang really couldn’t bear to leave them.

“Honey.” Huo Jinyao held her hand tightly. “I know you can’t bear to part with your two children, and neither can I. But, we need some private time.”

No matter how reluctant she was, he didn’t want to aggrieve Su Qingsang.

His son was very important to him, and his daughter was also very important to him, but Su Qingsang was more important.

“But –”

“No buts. If I can bear to let go of Nian Nian for a few days, you should also learn to let go of Nian Nian for a few days.”

Su Qingsang’s lips moved. In the end, she could only listen to Huo Jinyao.

When they arrived at the airport, they didn’t go to the waiting room. Instead, they took the VIP channel and went straight to the boarding gate.

Huo Jinyao wasn’t in a hurry to board the plane. Instead, he held Su Qingsang’s hand through the huge glass wall.

“Actually, the present I wanted to give you is right here. That’s why I wanted to bring you here to take a look.”


What present would be at the airport?

“Take a good look.”

Huo Jinyao pointed outside while Su Qingsang followed his hand and looked over. There, a plane was parked.

There were green cloud patterns on the white body of the plane. Following the long cloud patterns, she saw some very eye-catching words on it.

“Qingsang Plane?”

“This is for you.”

Huo Jinyao put his arm around her waist and pressed his chin against her neck. “Do you like it?”

“...”Su Qingsang blinked. Even though she had received a lot of gifts in the past few years, she never thought that she would receive a plane one day.

“You, Huo Jinyao, aren’t you being too dramatic?”

“It’s not too dramatic.”

Huo Jinyao didn’t think that he was being too dramatic. “Honey, with this plane, you can fly wherever you want. Next time, you can fly wherever you want. For example, if you want to go to Lin City to visit your mother, just call Wenchang and ask him to make arrangements. You can go back to visit your mother anytime.”

This was too dramatic. Su Qingsang turned to look at him. She was completely in a state of shock.

“Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“Didn’t I say we’re going to Lin City to visit your mother?” Huo Jinyao told her his plan. “We’re going to visit your mother first and stay in Lin City for a few days. After that, we can fly to the Maldives or the Aegean Sea. We’ll go wherever you want to go. Oh right, I bought two small islands in the Pacific Ocean. Why don’t I take you there to take a look?”

“Stop,” Su Qingsang interrupted him. “How many days are you planning to abduct me for?”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a few days. Believe me, mom and dad will take good care of the two babies, so you really don’t have to worry too much.”

Su Qingsang wasn’t worried, she just couldn’t bear to part with them. The two children hadn’t been separated from her for a single day since they were born.

“Besides, don’t you miss your mother?”


Li Qianxue often flew to Rong City to visit the two babies. She wasn’t the only one who would come. Su Chenghui would also come.

However, coincidentally, Li Qianxue and Su Chenghui seemed to have a tacit understanding. Other than when the children were just born and during that period during the first month, the time the two of them came barely ever coincided.

Every time Li Qianxue was about to leave, Su Chenghui would come.

Sometimes, when Su Chenghui was about to leave, Li Qianxue would come. The reason for this was, of course, because Li Qianxue didn’t want to encounter Su Chenghui, so she would ask clearly every time.

After spending more time together, their relationship naturally became closer.

Speaking of which, the last time Li Qianxue came to Rong City was more than a month ago. Su Qingsang really missed her.

“And Shi Mengwan, you said you were going to visit her last time. Did you forget?”

“No, I didn’t forget.”

“Then let’s go. Go visit your mother and your grandfather. See Shi Mengwan and your former colleagues. Then, we’ll find another place to fly to and have fun.”

Su Qingsang couldn’t dissuade him. She also knew that in the past year, from her pregnancy to giving birth to now, she really hadn’t had a good time to relax.

She could just treat it as a break for herself. Speaking of which, this was her first time taking a private plane.

It was indeed as she had seen on television. It was very comfortable. Not only was there a living room, but there was also a conference room, a study room, and two bedrooms on the plane.

Su Qingsang sat on the sofa and looked at the wings outside. There were also several words on the wings: Qingsang.

This was her plane. Huo Jinyao had given it to her. It was a wonderful feeling. She had never thought that she would own a plane one day.

“Huo Jinyao, thank you.”

“Honey, you never have to say thank you to me.”

Huo Jinyao held her hand and said in an extremely serious tone.

“I’m the one who has to thank you.”

He thanked her for appearing in his life and for bringing him a different life.

He thanked her for loving him and fulfilling his life.

“Huo Jinyao.”

The moment the plane soared into the sky, Su Qingsang hugged Huo Jinyao’s waist.

“I love you.”

“Honey, I love you too.”

The Qingsang plane took the two of them to another city. It was also a testament to their love.

Su Qingsang believed that they would be well and would strive towards a better future.


[ Extra Chapter: Reincarnation ]

Three years later.

Huo Yanzhen climbed up the cabinet and rummaged through it. She couldn’t find what she wanted. Pouting, she climbed down from the cabinet again.

In the end, her movements were too big. When she got down from the chair, she lost her balance. She was about to fall to the ground.

A pair of small hands quickly caught her back and stabilized her.

Huo Yanzhen turned around. When she saw Huo Yanjing, she revealed a big smile and jumped down from the small chair.


Huo Yanjing hugged his little sister, who was about the same height as him, and stabilized her.

“What are you looking for?”

When Huo Yanzhen heard this, she pouted again. “Nothing left, not a single one left.”

“You’re looking for this, right?”

Huo Yanjing stretched out his hand to reveal two milk candies in his small hands.

“Wow, brother, how did you find it?”

“Little fool.” Huo Yanjing unwrapped one of the milk candies and put it into his sister’s mouth. “I saw it when Mom hid the candies.”

“Brother, you’re so smart. Why didn’t I see it?”

“Foolish. Isn’t it because you ran off to take a nap?”

“You’re the foolish one,” Huo Yanzhen replied, but she wasn’t angry. The candy was so sweet.

She unwrapped the other candy in Huo Yanjing’s hand and stuffed it into his mouth when Huo Yanjing wasn’t on guard.

“Don’t you want it?” He knew that his sister loved candy the most.

“One for you, one for me.”

As Huo Yanzhen spoke, he looked left and right and finally made a shushing gesture toward Huo Yanjing.

“We promised mom that we wouldn’t eat candy. If we only eat one piece of candy a day now, mom probably won’t notice, right?”

Huo Yanzhen said this, but after the candy was finished, her eyes started to blink again.

“Brother, I still want to eat more. What should I do?”

“You just said that you would only eat one piece of candy.”

“Then, then one more piece of candy? Just one more piece of candy?”

Huo Yanjing looked at his little sister’s face and took out another piece of candy from his pocket helplessly.


“Thank you, brother. You’re the best.”


The sudden cough startled Huo Yanzhen, and she almost dropped the candy in her hand.

She and Huo Yanjing turned around at the same time and realized that Huo Jinyao had arrived at some point in time.



The two little ones threw themselves into Huo Jinyao’s arms.

He stretched out his hands, one on his left and the other on his right, and picked up the two children.

“Tell daddy, what bad things were you two up to just now?”

“We weren’t doing anything bad.”

Huo Yanzhen shook her head quickly. “I was playing with my brother. I wasn’t doing anything bad.”

“Nothing bad?”

Huo Jinyao blinked as he looked at his daughter. She gradually grew up. She looked similar to him, but also a different from him.


“Then what is this?”

Huo Jinyao looked at his daughter’s hand, which was still holding a piece of candy tightly. Her hand was too small. Even though she was holding it tightly, she couldn’t hide it completely.

“Candy.” Huo Yanzhen lowered her head, but she quickly looked up at Huo Jinyao. “Dad, I only ate one piece, really.”

Huo Yanzhen raised three fingers, as if to promise.

When she met Huo Jinyao’s serious face, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Dad, I promise that I won’t eat anymore, okay? Don’t tell mom, okay?”

Before Huo Jinyao could say anything, Huo Yanjing interrupted, “Dad, I found the candy and gave it to my sister. If you want to punish someone, just punish me. But, can you not tell Mom?”

The two little rascals blinked their eyes at Huo Jinyao.

He listened to their childish talk and hugged their little bodies tightly.

His eyes were a little warm. Happening again after more than twenty years, the scene was like déjà vu.

He buried his face into Huo Yanzhen’s neck and didn’t say a word.

Huo Yanzhen was a little nervous. She looked at her brother and then at Huo Jinyao.

In the end, she spoke as if she didn’t have any scruples anymore, “Then if you want to tell mom, can you ask mom not to punish me? I promise that I won’t eat candy next time, okay?”

Huo Jinyao shook his head and put the two little children down.

Huo Yanzhen’s face fell when he shook his head.

“Dad, I told you that I gave the candy to my sister. If you want to punish someone, then punish me.”

Huo Yanjing was quite chivalrous.

Huo Jinyao glanced at him and reached out to rub the top of his hair.

“How can that be? Don’t worry. Mom won’t punish you.”

In this family, Su Qingsang was definitely the one with authority. She indeed didn’t allow her children to eat too much candy, especially Huo Yanzhen.

That little baby from back then had now grown into a cute little girl that made people’s hearts melt.

She had tooth decay because she liked to eat candy. Ever since Su Qingsang found out, she didn’t allow her to eat candy anymore.

However, Huo Yanzhen had a sweet tooth. Liu Tongjia, who had always indulged children, would secretly put a few pieces of candy in the house from time to time.

It looked like she had hidden them well, but in reality, they would always be found by the two children, especially Huo Yanjing. He always seemed to be able to find where the adults hid the candy.


Huo Yanzhen wasn’t very sure. She blinked her dark grape-like eyes at Huo Jinyao.

Huo Jinyao was in a daze for a moment. At that moment, he seemed to see Huo Wushuang’s shadow.

But he knew that Huo Wushuang was Huo Wushuang, and Huo Yanzhen was Huo Yanzhen.

He wouldn’t confuse the two of them, but at that moment, he could really feel that the gap which had never disappeared from the depths of his heart was quietly being filled up.

His youngest daughter, the one he loved the most, had healed the wound in his heart in this way of reincarnation.

She was his angel.

He hugged his daughter tightly and stood up. Huo Jinyao looked her in the eye and said, “But Nian Nian, you have to promise me that you won’t eat candy again until your tooth decay gets better, okay?”


“If you promise me, I’ll ask your mother to allow you to eat one piece a day from now on. How about that?”

“Really?” Huo Yanzhen blinked her eyes in surprise. “Then, would Mom agree?”

“Yes, really. Don’t you trust Daddy?”

“I do. You’re the best, Daddy.”

Huo Yanzhen kissed Huo Jinyao’s face again. Huo Jinyao smiled. He held his daughter and his son’s hands.

“To thank Nian Nian for her trust in Daddy, Daddy will take you out to play today.”

“That’s great.” Huo Yanzhen clapped her hands. “Then, big brother will go too.”

“Of course.”

“Let’s go.” Huo Jinyao led the two children outside. “But we have to go pick up Mom first.”

“Let’s go, we’re going to pick up Mom.”

Huo Yanzhen and Huo Yanjing got into Huo Jinyao’s car together.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hospital where Su Qingsang worked. Su Qingsang worked the night shift yesterday and only got off work this morning.

When she came out of the hospital, she saw three figures, one big and two small, standing at the entrance of the hospital waiting for her.

Su Qingsang smiled and quickened her pace as she walked towards the three people she loved the most.

“Nian Nian, Xiang Xiang, did you two miss your Mother?”



“Did you rascals behave obediently when your mother was on duty last night?”





“Mom, I ate a piece of candy secretly, but I promise that I only ate one piece. I really only ate one piece.”

“Mom, I gave it to my sister. Don’t blame my sister.”

“You rascals were that disobedient? You guys actually ate candy secretly?”

Su Qingsang looked at the two little rascals with a straight face. “To punish you –”



“To punish you two, you two will sleep on your own today.”

“Huh –”

“Huh –”

Accompanied by Su Qingsang’s and Huo Jinyao’s laughter, two childish voices of protest rang out in the car, then drifted far, far away.

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