In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 497

In Eastern countries, the Golem is made known to the people, and in Western countries, the magic is made known as familiar. First of all, we have to figure out the top of the country.

As an example, I looked into whether King Gandilis and Princess Cordelia had a magical aptitude, and both had a soil attribute aptitude. It\'s a mining country, isn\'t it?

When Leanne coached a little, we both quickly became able to use [Stonebarrette], the initial magic. Soil magic is plain, but I think it\'s pretty useful magic in building walls, drilling holes, mines, etc.

I also gave him the magic elementary textbook, and his first visit to Gandilis went pretty well. It always helps.

I get caught up in weird cases every time... No, did you get involved this time too?

"Apostle of the Evil God"...... I don\'t know what you\'re up to, but if you\'re going to do something about a world that\'s finally at peace, I won\'t forgive you.

Dropped off by Gandylis\' people, we move back to Brunhild to the giant airship Balmunk.

[Gate] So you can go home, because I hear Arcia\'s cooking.

"Come on, come on, come on! Father, eat it!

"Wow, okay, \'cause I\'m gonna eat!

There were dishes lined up in the living space of "Balmunk" wondering if this was still the case. No, you have too many...... It\'s not all the seats in Manchukuo.

"Oh, delicious. What\'s this, Arcia?

"It\'s a raw ham roll of apples and cheese, Mother Leanne. Ham uses Bulldovore\'s."

Is that a bulldozer? A white giant boar living in a snow country. Did he taste so good?

Lou also takes a bite of his daughter\'s cooking.

"I see...... The sweetness and sourness of apples and the salt gas of raw ham. … delicious."

"Oh, I didn\'t know you could get compliments from your mother. What a surprise."

Mr. Arcia, the \'I won!\' Stop saying \'doya face. Father, I\'ll pull it off for a second...

"But I would accent it with black pepper and lemon juice. That\'s sweet stuffing."

"Mugu! That\'s how I thought of Me!"

Look, they gave it back. Lou, too. Don\'t be a \'huffy\' doya face. You guys are really similar parents and children...

But a lot nonetheless. No, they\'re all delicious though... I\'m just starting to feel the limit. I ask Arcia what I was wondering.

"I mean, what about the Coons?

"I\'m still tearing up that golem I picked up in the hangar. I called it a meal earlier, but it was a raw reply..."

Again. Those guys get obsessed with something, they neglect something else. Can\'t you change your mind?

Totally...... There\'s no way we can eat this amount alone.

Let\'s call it in.... I\'m not running away from eating, am I?

Holding a full stomach, when I went to Hanger in the hangar, three people, Dr. Babylon, Elka technician and Kuhn, sat on the ground with a four-armed golem, rose by various parts, were surrounded and looked somewhat difficult.

Once I peered over their heads, there was a big red positive octahedron of baseball at its center.

"What\'s that?

"This is the g-cube that was in this golem... I guess this Golem is moving this guy as a power source, but it\'s clearly not like Golem\'s."

"Isn\'t that Golem?

"The other parts belong to Golem. Q-crystal also used the soldier soldier."

The Doctor and the Elka technician will explain it to you, but I\'m not sure. You mean the illegally remodeled Golem?

"It\'s Golem, not Golem...... It\'s heterogeneous."

"And what\'s this? I know it works just like the G-cube, but the thing itself is a mystery. My [Analyze] But I don\'t know."

The Doctor lifts the positive octahedron to light. It\'s a red, blood-colored, transparent thing. This is a little...

I confirmed it with my eyes. [M] Hmm, I knew it.

"You shouldn\'t really touch him. There has been a slight but sinister divinity since then. I don\'t know about that, but I\'m gonna feel bad."

Listen to me, Doctor, and let go. [M] Goto and red positive octahedron fell on the floor of Hanger, the hangar.

"Evil God? Is there an Evil God involved in this Golem?

But you took down the evil gods, didn\'t you?

"Looks like there was some kind of" from "left."

"" "From"?

Dr. Babylon and the Elka technician frowned, what do you mean? I\'ve been asking you to say.

I\'m not sure either, so I\'ll let the two of you know what Arcia\'s description is. I mean squeeze cuss.

"I see. So \'from\'? Strange to say."

"Although it is a squeeze cushion, I wonder if it also has proper bean ingredients. You can\'t be alarmed."

Neat, the power of God is the power of God, if it is what God left behind. I can\'t fathom a normal person. Besides, this world is already out of God\'s hands, so we have to do something about it.

Oh, no, I mean, I\'m leaving God\'s hand, they gave it to me...

Now what can I do to manage the world......

As a freshly joining God Company Rookie, I\'d like a senior I can count on or something.

I guess you can\'t guess with Sister Hana Love or Sister Shirai... It\'s not the job of those gods to manage the world in the first place.

Then the superior god...... Is it the world god or Grandma Toke, the space-time god? Grandma Toke has been busy lately, so she doesn\'t come here much.

Besides, if you\'re busy with space-time earthquakes and our daughter, it\'s a little hard to tell.

I guess it\'s best to ask the world god Top.

Why don\'t you visit me later for a while?

"I wonder who the technologist created this golem of Tsugi Hagi, even if it\'s a sinister thing."

"I don\'t think the five biggest Jazz classes can do it... Professor Professor says he\'s in Panaches, and I don\'t think he\'s going to follow anyone because he hates the conductor Maestro..."

You\'re the top five meisters. The rest are Elka Technicians and Mario\'s old men, The Exploration Technicians. One more is a dead magician king.

"The Apostle of the Evil God is a group. In other words, it could be called the Evil Gods."

Wow, no, that. Face Kuhn\'s words unexpectedly. Aren\'t those Nettle god worshippers... being taken over by something?

No, could that be possible? The artifact of the evil god... If there are more than one evil artifact, it is also manipulated by it...

"Is it more useless to think than to have less information? Anyway, if you\'re up to something good, it\'s until you crush it."

"Hehe. That\'s your father"

"Yes, that\'s it for this story. You eat too. [M] Because Arcia\'s waiting."

Let the three of them stand and drive to the dining room. I took the rolling red positive octahedron, wrapped it in [Prison] and sealed it, and it went to [Storage].

◇ ◇ ◇

"Ugh! If that\'s supposed to be funny, I should have gone, too!

Damn, and Frey slapping the table with both hands. Stop, you\'re behaving badly.

"Is\' Apostle of the Evil God \'strong? I want to fight!

"Wow, I don\'t know if I need to fight..."

While Lynne is aggressively shaky, Erna is very passive. But in this case, I think Erna is more right.

"You guys don\'t do anything random, do you? You just have to leave this to your parents."

Else stares at Lynne and Frey, who tend to run wild. Looks like Frey figured it out, but Lynne is clearly a dissatisfied face.

"Anyway, I\'ll put this thing on temporary shelf. Else is right. Don\'t take it personally."


Lynne returns words in the sense of disapproval or something. Kuhn, Frey, Arcia and Erna also nodded small.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, let\'s take a bath and support you to bed. I\'ll go."

"" "" "" Yes "" "

Yumina\'s the pull teacher. Nice to take the kids to the bath. Our baths are big, so it\'s no problem for all of us to come in. Linze said she had trouble swimming.

Now that the children are gone, I take a seat to go to the divine realm right now. Whoa, we have to remember the souvenirs.

The world god seems to prefer Japanese sweets, so let\'s take some roasted lamb.

Opening the [gate] widens the usual cloud sea. There was a world god and another god, the One, in a quadruple of tatami only, or destroying god sitting in front of the tabletop.

"Oh, it\'s been a while."

"Hey, you look good."

They say hello to the two gods, but why am I the destroyer here? And I was full of questions. No, it\'s not stranger to be here than to be a god.

"Oh, it\'s been a while. This is for a souvenir. Dorayaki and Lamb"

"Oh, I\'m sorry. I was wondering if you\'d like to get started."

"Why, there\'s no booze."

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You came down to the ground before, and you made me drink a little. I thought it might be easier to make a scene. This one was harassed.

"What are you doing today?

"Uh, actually..."

I explained to God of the world what is happening in our world today. By defeating the Evil God, I became the administrator of that world. I\'m not conscious at all, though.

We put aside for now what people in that world think, and it turned out to be a \'god\' in one world.... although he is an apprentice.

So, what do I do with that \'God\' in this case?

"I don\'t care what you say... but you can\'t even say that there\'s an evil god involved. Well, there are two ways to make a big mess."

"Two ways?

"One gives someone a new artifact and awakens them as brave men who seek evil gods. It\'s up to you. You can just watch. [M] I would take this way if I were you. But in your case, you are the administrator of that world, but you are also the living one of that world. There\'s another way to handle it yourself."

Oh, I knew it? I just can\'t leave it to anyone else, and I have to do something in the end...

"There\'s another one, isn\'t there? Put it all together, world by world..."


"You haven\'t said anything yet."

I want you to know what God of Destruction says. Destroy the world. I hope you don\'t destroy the world with the feeling of wiping dirt with a rag.

"That world is already under your control. You can do whatever you want. Whoa, I said you can do whatever you want, but stop conquering the world or something, okay? That\'s not a public/private confusion, is it? That world is under your control, but it\'s not yours. It belongs to the people of that world. Because it\'s my job to keep an eye on the world so it doesn\'t go in the wrong direction."

I won\'t, conquer the world or something. It\'s annoying.

Originally, the gods were watchful of the world, and from time to time they said, "Oh, this sucks, huh? \'Only when you say it, give the people of the earth a hand in a miracle way. Give me a holy sword, a divine sword, a temple, and sometimes send a messenger.

In my case, it\'s a mess because I\'m on the ground.

"Well, no family of the evil gods, if I did it to you now, it would be a big deal. It may be annoying. Just be careful if you don\'t do your roots right, or your family will come out."


What\'s with the weed? Do they grow out of it or not?

"Speaking of which, don\'t you have to tell the gods who are coming to earth about this one?

Our world is the world I manage, but it also has the aspect of being the preserve of the gods.

I mean, don\'t you tell Sister Flower Love or any other gods other than my support personnel, er, the Dance God, the Rigid God, the Craft God, the Eyewear God, the Theatre God, the Puppet God, the Wandering God, the Flower God, the Nine God of the Gemstone God?

"Don\'t worry about it. They currently live as human beings, even in God, and more importantly on vacation. It\'s hard to get involved."

Well, it doesn\'t have to be any easier. Because even though it\'s hard just about the kids, I can\'t take care of them to the gods.

"Well, you don\'t care that much. It\'s nothing but remnants of it to say that evil gods are involved, and it\'s the same everywhere that post-processing is troublesome. I\'d rather clean up the trash after that than destroy the world."

No, even if it\'s with that. I know it\'s troublesome to reprocess.

"Well, there\'s no prohibition against saying this, so feel free to think about cleaning. I\'m sure you\'ll be fine, but you\'ll be in trouble later if you get into trouble and make a big mess of it. Like this guy."

"Shut up."

Is it cleaning...... Well, I know what you\'re trying to say somehow. I guess this degree for the gods is like persistent mold removal or sink scale removal. They just say it\'s a hassle.

Well, I got ink, and deal with whatever you want.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Ooh, I want to go on a warcraft crusade!

"Whoa, all of a sudden my daughter said something weird, didn\'t she?

As we were all having breakfast the next day, Lynne abruptly mentioned that.

"Warcraft Crusade? You mean you want to hunt?

"Yeah! I can\'t get a favor from the Adventurer Guild since I\'ve been here, and Brunhild doesn\'t have that much strong warcraft, so I\'m bored. That\'s why I want to go around the Great Tree Sea or Mismid!

Next to Lynne, who talks pleasantly, she looked like her mother, Lynze, was in trouble. Well, you have trouble being told in such a picnic mood.

"Oh, I want to go, too. It\'s been a long time since I\'ve fought a warcraft opponent. Your arms are blunt."

Frey greeted Lynne and raised his hand. Wow. Shouldn\'t your sister stop you?

I speak to Coon sitting nearby. [M]

"Were you so defeated by the Warcraft in the future" Muko "?

"Unlike here today, there were many giant beasts in the future, and there was often a runoff Stampede by Warcraft in other countries so that we could get to it. Sisters Lynne and Frey used to go out of the country [at the gate] with Sister Yayun..."

I see. When giant beasts appear, warcraft are driven from the mountains and woods, and they sometimes come down to the place where men live. You were hunting for it?

You did hear from guild master Lerisha that there have been a lot of crusade requests lately.

I guess it\'s caused by the increase in Warcraft, caused by the accumulation of magic buildup made by world fusion.

In this sense, the Warcraft Crusade is for the good of the world.

I turned to Lindsay, Linne\'s mother.

"What do you think?

"Based on Lynne\'s strength, I don\'t think she\'ll ever take a lag unless she\'s so much of an opponent. But there is also the fear of being pushed in numbers or injured if you are the first Warcraft opponent...... I just can\'t let you go alone."

"Then shall I follow you, too?

It was Kanna\'s "Rina" sister who showed up at the breakfast table. Sit in an empty seat and take one fruit that was served on a plate.

"If you\'re hunting, let me handle it. I\'ll teach you how to hunt any prey well."

No, that\'s you, hunting god. He\'s literally a hunting god.

Who wants to go, by the way? When asked, Lynne and Frey raised their hands. Erna hesitated to say no to Lynne\'s invitation to go with her, and Coon and Arcia seemed uninterested. No, Arcia said to bring home the meat she could eat.

And Lynne said she wanted to invite Alice too. Oh, if I didn\'t invite you, you\'d be stubborn later......

Of course, if I were to go, I would go with you. Don\'t get in trouble if they do something terrible in the other territory. This is one family service too...... what is it?

"So, what does Lynne want to hunt?


You know, dragons, dragons are your father\'s subpoena, Rugged\'s family for once. Look, I was over there eating dinner and Rugi said, "Huh? \'He looks at me in a hurry.

"But you can hunt for subdragons who can\'t communicate their intentions, or haunted dragons who break the code, right?

"You know very well..."

Sure, then there\'s no problem hunting. And a demon dragon that evolved near a warcraft.

Ask Rugi to come over here and listen to me.

\'If it\'s near the sanctuary of the Great Tree Sea, I think there are many subdragons. But if I say it with strength, I wonder if the dragon will live up to expectations.\'

"The dragon."

The demon dragon is a species branched from the dragon. Unlike subdragons, they are highly capable of fighting because they form dragon streams, but they cannot communicate their intentions. In a way that has no body or lid, does it feel like only combat power is a real dragon-like subdragon?

There are many special species, and I have also fought the poisonous dragon Hydra.

He was a troublesome one with nine necks to regenerate, whether cut or cut.

Sure, if it\'s just strength, we\'ll be able to meet Lynne\'s demands, but because there are so many tricky individuals......

Try retrieving your smartphone and searching for a demon dragon. It\'s all over the world. For now, I narrowed it down by the great tree sea, and it seemed like there were about ten of them.

"I guess around here if I were to hunt...... It\'s hardened a couple of them, and it\'s dangerous if we don\'t get rid of them early because of the proximity of tribal settlements."

I think I need to get in touch with Pam, the tribal chief of the Great Tree Sea. I don\'t care if it makes a scene. Do you want to take something as a souvenir?

When I look at Lynne, she is waiting for my reply with a face she is already willing to go. I\'d feel better if I could tell you that this doesn\'t work.

Lynne and the others will one day return to the future. I want you to make all sorts of memories with us by then. I wonder if this should be one of them.

"Well... let\'s go"


Lynne is happy to jump up. Frey was also happy to raise his hands. I wonder if hunting would be a bad idea if you\'d be so happy. I would have liked it to be a more girly hobby if I had.

The next vacation will be a demon dragon exorcism with the kids - so will it be family service, this?

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