WARNING! Tsundere President

Chapter 324 - Kiss You to Death in Public

Chapter 324: Kiss You to Death in Public

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Zhaoyang turned to look at Huo Yunting. Was this his idea again?

“Congratulations, both of you. Now, please begin! Our ten-second countdown starts now!” The emcee announced with vigour.

“Start what?” Lu Zhaoyang’s question was buried under the noise of the crowd around her.

“What are we doing?” She reluctantly turned to look at Huo Yunting again and asked.

“I don’t know either.” He was focused entirely on Lu Zhaoyang and did not hear a single word from the stage.

The emcee noticed their confusion and slowly made his way toward them. More and more cameras were turned toward them.

“This is the game session. Any couple caught on camera will have to kiss for ten seconds.” The emcee stopped right in front of them. “Are you ready?!”

The technicians behind the cameras were able to capture their expressions in great detail. On the other hand... this man and woman looked strangely familiar.

“Err, we are not a couple, so we can’t participate. Please choose someone else!”

Lu Zhaoyang waved the cameras away and tried to shift the emcee’s attention elsewhere before Huo Yunting could start talking.

“I see, you’re not a couple...” The emcee looked regretful. “We’ll have to choose someone else then. Let’s have our cameraman look around for our next round!”

Their faces finally disappeared from the screens around the concert hall. Lu Zhaoyang exhaled in relief.

Huo Yunting sighed lazily and asked, “why are you so against it?”

“Hello, this is a live broadcast. I don’t want to be receiving any phone calls accusing me of anything.” There was enough drama recently to keep her busy and she did not need another one.

“You think too much. Given your mom’s health, she’s probably gone to bed already.” Even if they were caught on camera, he had his ways to ensure that the video never left this place.

“It doesn’t matter, you *sshole!”

They continued bickering on as Su Cheng watched them from backstage. He could not help but stood up and slapped his thigh in frustration.

That was his most important trick for the night!

D*mn the emcee for giving up so easily! He should have at least made it awkward for those two!


When the game session had ended, the performances resumed onstage. No one paid them any attention.

Lu Zhaoyang was absorbed in the performance when she felt someone grabbed behind her head and turned her to the side. Her lips brushed past Huo Yunting’s cheeks.

In the next moment, her mouth was sealed by his.

Huo Yunting forced her teeth apart. Their tongues intertwined like a lover’s fight inside, but they looked like a romantic couple from outside.

Lu Zhaoyang stared wide-eyed at him. If they were caught on camera in this position, they would surely be...

You’re too daring, Huo Yunting!

The fierce kiss caught her off guard. She could only close her eyes and slowly warm up to him.

The noise around them seemed to fade into the background.

After a long while, Huo Yunting finally let her go. She heard him speak in his hoarse voice, “If it wasn’t for the crowd, I would have kissed you to death.”


Lu Zhaoyang wanted to slap him to death!

“I want to leave now!” Agreeing to come to this concert was a mistake in and of itself.


Huo Yunting pulled her up from her seat. They made their way slowly out of the concert hall.

On the way home, Lu Zhaoyang noticed that it was already late in the night. She was very tired and inadvertently fell asleep in the car.

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